Prophecy Update
Living in Expectation of Christ's Coming
Living in Purity in Light of Christ's Coming
How to Evangelize in Light of Christ's Coming
Raising Up Faithful Men
"Living Daily with a love for the Lord and a passion for His purpose and glory!"
Men Under Construction!
Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro's Men's Ministry is called, "Raising Up Faithful Men." Our purpose statement for this ministry is, "Living daily with a love for the Lord and a passion for His purpose and glory!"
We accomplish this purpose by calling men to a life of discipleship. We believe that Jesus calls men to follow Him. His goal in our following Him is to make us fellow laborers in the work of God. That work includes our own daily growth in Christ, sharing the gospel with other men in an effort to see them receive Christ, and working with men to see them accept the responsibility to be godly churchmen and to raise up others who will be laborers as well.
We meet every Thursday morning at 6:00 a.m. in a Men's D-group. In these groups we study God's Word together as well as hold one another accountable to the following . . .
- Meet daily with the Lord in our quiet time.
- Memorize Scripture.
- Grow in a relationship with Christ.
- Maintain biblical purity either in preparation for marriage or in our existing marriages.
- Mentor other men - hoping that in time they will be able to mentor others!
Currently, we have two Men's D-groups meeting.
- Thursday mornings at 6:00 a.m. - studying in the "Discipleship Series 1 - The Gospel"
Struggling with Pornography, Sexual Sin, or Drugs?