NON-DEMONINATIONAL - This means we do not function within the structure of any denomination. We are not Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc, and yet we welcome and fellowship with all these groups.
EVANGELICAL - This means we believe all people are sinners in need of salvation. The salvation people need is only offered through the person and work of Jesus Christ.
SCRIPTURE-BASED - This means we adhere to the Bible as the sole authority in all matters of life. We seek to teach the Scriptures and to live and function in the church according to them.
HOLY SPIRIT LED - This means we are open to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He leads the church in all areas. We believe that a Christian must be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to live a godly life and to minister effectively. Therefore, we seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to follow His leading at all times.
FAMILY FRIENDLY - This means we seek to build strong families. We hope to encourage godly, loving, servant leadership from our fathers. We also seek to have a church schedule that does not overburden families so that they can have a strong home life.
MISSION-MINDED - This means we seek to be actively involved in reaching out to our world to minister to people. We do this through evangelism, social ministry, and the support of missions, both at home and overseas.
DISCPLE-MAKING - This means we are intentional in our desire to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this through life-on-life discipleship groups. These groups seek to help believers grow in their relationship with God. They also are designed to make laborers whose life purpose is to work with men and women to see them become disciples of Jesus Christ.
EVANGELICAL - This means we believe all people are sinners in need of salvation. The salvation people need is only offered through the person and work of Jesus Christ.
SCRIPTURE-BASED - This means we adhere to the Bible as the sole authority in all matters of life. We seek to teach the Scriptures and to live and function in the church according to them.
HOLY SPIRIT LED - This means we are open to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He leads the church in all areas. We believe that a Christian must be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to live a godly life and to minister effectively. Therefore, we seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to follow His leading at all times.
FAMILY FRIENDLY - This means we seek to build strong families. We hope to encourage godly, loving, servant leadership from our fathers. We also seek to have a church schedule that does not overburden families so that they can have a strong home life.
MISSION-MINDED - This means we seek to be actively involved in reaching out to our world to minister to people. We do this through evangelism, social ministry, and the support of missions, both at home and overseas.
DISCPLE-MAKING - This means we are intentional in our desire to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this through life-on-life discipleship groups. These groups seek to help believers grow in their relationship with God. They also are designed to make laborers whose life purpose is to work with men and women to see them become disciples of Jesus Christ.
The purpose of Calvary Chapel is to make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded. We believe that the Bible describes 5 marks of a disciple:
1) A disciple is passionately devoted to Jesus Christ.
2) A disciple is daily seeking God’s face and walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
3) A disciple is thinking and living biblically.
4) A disciple is selflessly loving others.
5) A disciple is boldly testifying of Jesus Christ.
As a church we pray, teach, and live our lives in hope that we will display these 5 marks of a disciple, and will encourage others to do the same for the glory of God.
1) A disciple is passionately devoted to Jesus Christ.
2) A disciple is daily seeking God’s face and walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
3) A disciple is thinking and living biblically.
4) A disciple is selflessly loving others.
5) A disciple is boldly testifying of Jesus Christ.
As a church we pray, teach, and live our lives in hope that we will display these 5 marks of a disciple, and will encourage others to do the same for the glory of God.
What we DO at Calvary Chapel is very simple. We are devoted to three things. We call these three things the “Three Devotions of a Disciple of Jesus Christ.”
We are devoted to worshipping God. Jesus said, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) We are devoted to seeing God’s people equipped to worship God, not only on Sunday morning, but seven days a week.
We are devoted to seeing God’s people be spiritually nurtured. The early church . . . devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. (taken from Acts 2:42) We are devoted to seeing people study God's Word, experience meaningful fellowship with other believers, share the Lord's Supper, and pray. We try to structure all we do to accomplish these four things.
We are devoted to service to others in Jesus’ name. This means serving each other in the church, serving our community through good works, and serving those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by sharing the message of the gospel boldly.
We are devoted to worshipping God. Jesus said, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) We are devoted to seeing God’s people equipped to worship God, not only on Sunday morning, but seven days a week.
We are devoted to seeing God’s people be spiritually nurtured. The early church . . . devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. (taken from Acts 2:42) We are devoted to seeing people study God's Word, experience meaningful fellowship with other believers, share the Lord's Supper, and pray. We try to structure all we do to accomplish these four things.
We are devoted to service to others in Jesus’ name. This means serving each other in the church, serving our community through good works, and serving those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by sharing the message of the gospel boldly.