![]() David is once again running for his life. This time it is his son who is chasing him around the wilderness. As he climbs the far side of Jerusalem heading for the wilderness (and the climb is a long one), he hears whispers in his heart. There is no hope for you in God, David. Your failures have come home to roost. Yet, as we saw in part one of this study of Psalm 3, David took time to consider what was being whispered in his spirit. What a wise thing to do - to stop and meditate - think about - consider - what is being said. Selah. David takes a moment and thinks seriously about what he has started this song saying. He is singing a type of the blues - at least a country song that commiserates with his audience about how bad it is for him. But he stops singing the words though for an instrumental portion in the song. Selah means to stop and consider what you've just heard. It was usually done with an instrumental moment in the music. Ever stop in the midst of your miserable self-monologues and think about what you've just said? It is something we should do - especially when our misery wants to lead us to helplessness and despair. "Wait a minute!" we should say to ourselves. Stop and think a moment about what you've just said. "But You, Jehovah, are a shield about me. My glory, and the One Who lift my head." What a radical change from, "no help for you in God" to God being his shield, glory, and head-lifter. Amazing what comes to us when we exercise our right to shut up and listen for a few moments. Astounding what we can learn when we stop and consider the words spoken to us - and even those which we are speaking to ourselves in a rough moment. Are we listening to God - or just focusing on our inner-Eyeore? David, much more than most, had reason to be depressed. He was facing, after all, exile because his son was leading a successful rebellion and overthrow of his kingdom. Yet, stopping and thinking in the presence of God is NEVER a bad idea. Why did I just use the phrase, "stopping and thinking in the presence of God?" It is because that is what is evident in David's words. He stopped and considered things from the stand point of God. He stopped and considered what was being said about God. Is God no longer his deliverer? Is there no hope of salvation for David? Once he stops and considers these words - he doesn't turn only to what God said - but more importantly - Who God is! That is the answer to His dilemma. Who is God right now? What a great question to ask.YOU - Jehovah! That is the answer to every problem we face and every issue that comes up in our lives. YOU - Jehovah! That is ultimately where we need to turn when the world, the flesh, the devil tell us that all hope is lost. Turning to ourselves in such moments is like turning to a defaulted bank for funds. The bank is bankrupt - and has nothing. We ourselves, in ourselves, are bankrupt as well. So - our first thought should be this . . . Who are You in all this, God? That is what will help us in this and every other situation that we face. David is reminded of Who God says that He is. You are a shield about me! You are my glory! You are the lifter of my head! You answer prayer! Let's take a quick look at these answers to David's problem. You, Jehovah are a shield about me. God is a shield and refuge to us. David thinks and remembers the way that God dealt with these situations in the past. Time and time again God surrounded David in times of difficulty and trial like a giant shield. David was protected against the enemy - against Saul when he was crazy - against Goliath - against every foe he had ever faced. This dawned upon him the same way that Elisha's servant was awakened to the protection of God evidenced to him when God opened his eyes to the mountains filled with angels of fire all around him. But then again, that is one of our fundamental problems isn't it. We cannot see Him - so we tend to wonder if He is there. This is not a problem usually for us until the physical problems in our lives get in our face - and we are blinded to the unseen because of the overwhelming presence and demand of the seen. Jehovah was and is a shield to His people and His anointed. But - there are times when though seeing, we are blind to His presence. Regardless of our circumstances though - He is with us - and He is here. You, Jehovah, are my glory! Though this may seem not a huge issue at first, it is the first issue David sees in refocusing on God - and it is a primary issue for him, and for us as well. Honestly, we probably have not thought about "glory" and how important it is to have the right glory in your life. Often we freak out in life because someone is messing with our "glory." Let me explain a little more what I mean by this. Our glory is what is of utmost importance in our lives. For many people that is themselves, their stuff, their position, their power, their happiness . . . in short - they glory in themselves. When someone messes with their glory it is serious. But consider for a moment David and this issue of "glory." As a young man he walked into a situation that involved glory. Goliath stood for 40 days and defied Israel to send out anyone to fight him. Everyone except David missed that glory was being addressed. Saul and his entire army were scared and depressed about this situation - but only saw it in reference to their own glory. This looked bad on them - their fighting ability - their standing and position - and honestly - their own selves - because to go out and fight this monster of a man surely meant death to whoever tried it! Stupid Goliath! He's messing with our glory! Then along came David. He heard the taunts, heard the challenge, heard the same insults and came away with a radically different view of things. How dare this uncircumcised Philistine say these things about God! Stupid Goliath! He's messing with God's glory! That is why he knew he could take Goliath. He KNEW he could take out this doofus who was messing with God's glory! He knew it because he was far more concerned with God's glory than his own. Out David waltzes on the battlefield - no armor - no sword - just a sling and five stones (one for Goliath and each of his ugly brothers too - if they dare to act against God's glory!) WOW - what an amazing faith this young man had! You, Jehovah, are my glory! That is what got David through all this. It is what will get you through your mess too! Your problems and distresses are ultimately NOT ABOUT YOU! God is working through everything He allows so that as you trust Him - look to Him - rely on Him - pray to Him - and fight by His power - you will be to the praise of His glory! Oh God! You are my glory - it is all about You! All this that I am facing - is so that men may see Your glory and what You can do! How did David radically change in these moments? He radically changed the center of this controversy from himself to God. Just a few thoughts. Who did God say that He would build an enduring kingdom through? Who had God said that He forgave when David repented of his sin of adultery, murder by proxy, and deceit? Who did God say that he would protect and keep through all his troubles? And ultimately - Whose glory was MOST affected by Absalom's rebellion, open immorality, and dishonoring of his father and his father's God? Yeah - it wasn't David's glory - it was God's glory. You, Jehovah, are the lifter of my head! The last of these three statements about God may be the most glorious. "Wait a minute," you may think. "What does 'head-lifting' have to do with being chased through the wilderness by another madman?" The answer to that question is found in the whispers that filled David's head - not by his situation in general. David heard that there was no hope for him in God. That meant that God was through with him - done - finished! He wanted nothing more to do with David. But David, in meditating on that thought, realized that this did not fit Who God had been in his life. You see, David was a mess (much like we all are as well). This was not his first rodeo, so to speak. He had failed multiple times before. His failures at times seemed to go above his head so that he feared drowning in the sea of his own transgressions and sin. As David considered his bleak past, he also considered just Who it was that he met at every turn. It was God - Who often was working even through David's sin. He met God at every failure - even though as he came upon the Lord his head was hanging low in shame and disgrace. But God was not there to cast him to the side, offering him judgment and condemnation void of any hope. God met him with grace and forgiveness - as if someone had paid the ultimate price for his sin. (Little did David know - Someone had paid it as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.) This was not a God who banished him. This was The God who "lifted his head" out of disgrace into renewed favor and grace. The golden scepter of grace in Jesus Christ had been extended, removing the death sentence he deserved in the presence of the King Who would never welcome such a sinful man. This is Who Jehovah is - the One Who lifts my head - giving me grace - giving me mercy - offering compassion. No hope for you in God? Far from it saints - but only as you remember Who God is. The answer to your dilemma - indeed to ALL your dilemmas - is found in Who God is. This God, Who maybe even unknown to you allowed these circumstances to come into your life, is not Who you think Him to be. He has not cast you off - thrown you away - or left you behind because of your sins. If He reacted to you apart from mercy - He would have consumed you at the occasion of your first sin! Your God is your shield of protection - only allowing in your life what is needed for your sanctification to be accomplished. Your God is your glory - reminding you to lay down the ridiculous thought that it is or ever was about you and what you want. Your God lifts your head - rather than crushes it due to your sin. He has laid His hand of judgment on His Son at Calvary - and now by faith you receive grace upon grace. Even in the most dire of difficulties this is Who He is. So stop making yourself the center of this situation - your comfort the center of your pursuits - and your glory the purpose of your life. This will lead only to misery in the end. Stop! Consider what you are thinking! And realize the answer is this - Who is God? The sooner we come to this conclusion - the sooner that we can experience the transformation - the same transformation David experienced in Psalm 3.
![]() There are times in life when we feel that the entire world is coming apart at the seams. There are times when those who were close to us may betray us and walk away - times when nothing seems stable. David experienced those times when his son led a rebellion against Him and even sought to hunt him down and kill him. Absalom had declared himself king and the majority of Israel had been led astray to follow after him. He had fomented discontent in the hearts of the people making them think David was no longer accessible to them. David had to flee the palace and leave Jerusalem. It is interesting to note that songs come to us not just in the "good" moments of our lives, but also in times of distress. Country music and the blues do not have a corner on music written in times of trouble, difficulty, sadness, and even depression. David sang to the Lord - in good times and in bad. So what did David do when faced with very distressing times? That is what we learn in Psalm 3 as we listen to him sing this song in the midst of betrayal and dire trouble. David was facing a very real problem. Thus as he begins this troublesome song he begins by facing the problem. He did not seek to hide from it or deny that it existed. "O Lord how my adversaries have increased! Many are rising up against me! Many are saying of my soul, 'There is no deliverance for Him in God!'" The statement among these three that troubled David most was the third. No deliverance for me - not even from God? Could it be true? Could it be that this was a sign that God was finished with David? Could it be that the sins of David's past had come home to visit him for the last time? Was God saying through His providence in all this that He was casting David off - that he need not even call out to God - that the last of his deliverances was used up - and now all that remained was his pitiful demise? This is one of the most deadly things we face in times like David faced. God is through with you! There is no more deliverance for you from Him. Your sins have risen too high and this stroke of bad fortune is proof of it! There is nothing left for you - you are beyond His mercies or His grace! Oh what a pitiful and horrible place to think you have come to in life. That was the talk that surrounded David in these hours that seemed like days. The truly troubling thing to David in these moments was that he might have believed them. He had failed in the Bathsheba incident. He had blown it when he did not deal with the rape of his own relative, who happened to be Absalom's daughter. He failed to act with strength when Absalom took matters into his own hands and killed his brother, the crown prince, for his actions. Then David flip-flopped in his dealings with Absalom, banishing him - then having him return - then not seeing him - then receiving him after Joab interceded for him. It was quite a mess - and maybe that mess is what led God to allow this. Maybe there wasn't any grace or mercy left for David's failures. Those are hard moments for us too. Moments when all our failures are before us - and we begin to wonder if the whispers in our spirit are accurate. There is no deliverance for us in God. He is sick to death of us and all our multitudinous mistakes, blown moments, and failures. We know we would be sick - and indeed are sick of ourselves. Our number of Romans 7 moments mounting up even as we consider praying in our current mess. These are very dangerous moments for us. They can be moments of incredible despair - and moments when we give up hope - giving up the one thing we truly need, which is the ability to turn to God, crying out to Him for mercy and grace in our time of need. What should we do in moments like this? Where can we turn and how do we get to the point of turning? Moses was told by none other than God Himself what Jehovah's true character is. In Exodus 34 after one of Israel's greatest sins, the making and worshipping of the golden calf, God revealed Himself to Moses as He re-wrote the 10 commandments on new stone tablets. This is what God said to him. "Jehovah, Jehovah God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin . . . " What a glorious revelation of Himself God made. I must also state that in the rest of that verse God also promises to not leave the guilty unpunished. But remember this - He had not consumed Israel in His wrath and judgment. If ever there was a moment to let His wrath fly, that was it! Consume all of them in a moment! There would be no deliverance for them in God - they had sinned - they had blown it again and again through the wilderness! You have got to be kidding to even ask for mercy and grace! Yet - there it is - again - and again - and again . . . mercy . . . compassion . . . forgiveness of iniquity, transgression, sin. Moses turned to God in the worst of situations . . . and in the worst of situations God revealed Himself merciful and compassionate and forgiving. The day would come when the wrath and judgment for sin would fall. But not today. Not on David, even in this moment that reminded him of every failure and every blown opportunity. That judgment would fall . . . on a different One. God Himself - in the person of the Son - would pay the price - WOULD take the fall - the ultimate fall. But today . . . the failures of today . . . the problems, difficulties, horrors of sin's past . . . they would receive mercy - compassion - forgiveness. What a God - indeed - what an amazing God! Where are you - troubled saint of God? Has the rising tide of your past failures come to the point of attempting to drown you today? Have you struggled to keep your head above them, all the while hearing whispers in your spiritual ears that there is no deliverance for you in God this time? Oh, precious saint of God - know that even in this moment your wisest choice is to turn to God - crying out to Him in the midst of your troubles. The One Who showed that His lovingkindnesses indeed never cease is near to the broken-hearted. The One Who revealed that His marvelous compassions never fail will hear your call. Amidst the deafening whispers of the wicked one David still heard the still, small blowing of the Holy Spirit. It was that voice that reminded him that even in Israel's horrific moment of "golden calf" sinfulness and failure that God showed His glory to a broken-hearted Moses who cried out to Him. It was in that most horrible of spiritual devastations that God revealed Himself by His endless mercy and grace. Don't listen to the wicked whispers, most precious ones of God. Listen to the glorious roar of God's gentle breeze - to the precious blowing of the Holy Spirit as He speaks of the "praise of the glory of His grace" to you. It is the song that has comforted the spiritual failures of every generation since the fall of man. It is the song that continues to emanate from the very throne of God - through the blood-stained cross of Calvary. Listen, saints, listen! Can you hear it? |
Pastor John LawrencePsalms for Life . . . God moved on several people to write the Psalms. This is a book of songs and poems written by people who were seeking to be devoted to God as they walked though their lives. This is a collection of songs and poems that express the true, wonderful, and often raw emotions that we have as we journey through life with God. I hope you will be blessed and encouraged as you read. But more than that I hope that these expositions and writings will help you to seek Him in the midst of the life you live in this world. It will be at times comforting and encouraging, while at others it will be challenging and awkward. Regardless of where you find yourself on this spectrum as you read, it will be a reminder that God invites us into His presence to truly walk with Him, know Him, and at times, pour out emotions of joy, sorrow, frustration, anger, and everything else you can imagine. He not only invites you to do this - He delights in it too! Hope you enjoy your journey! Archives
January 2019