![]() In the world of music we have types of music like country, rock, alternative, blues, and rap just to name a few. We also have kinds of songs like ballads, anthems, love songs, all with their various ways of communicating what is being said. The Psalm we are looking at today has the title, “A Shiggaion of David.” This musical term refers to a reeling, weaving, or veering. What it refers to is a type of song that expressed strong emotion that shifts from place to place as the psalm moves along its path. This particular psalm is one in which David first calls for help from the Lord – and then as he weaves his way along his emotionally charged cry to God – he eventually calls for God’s judgment O LORD my God, in You I have taken refuge; save me from all those who pursue me, and deliver me, or he will tear my soul like a lion, dragging me away, while there is none to deliver. Psalm 7:1-2 David’s call for help is very real. Saul was trying to kill him – so the words referring to a lion dragging him away and tearing him limb from limb is not an exaggeration. Although David refers to having his “soul” torn. That refers to the mental anguish that often accompanies times of stress and difficulty in our lives. He speaks of being dragged away while there is none to deliver him. He is being chased down and feels as if the lion’s breath is hot on his neck as he is being hunted. His call is for God to act as he takes refuge in the Lord. He cries out for “saving” – the word here speaking interestingly of being given space. How often have we faced difficulty and trouble and felt like everything is coming in on us. We feel a moral, mental, and even physical claustrophobia, as everything seems to be tightening around us. It is in those times when God offers us relief and grace to handle things. O LORD my God, if I have done this, if there is injustice in my hands, if I have rewarded evil to my friend, or have plundered him who without cause was my adversary, let the enemy pursue my soul and overtake it; and let him trample my life down to the ground and lay my glory in the dust. Selah. Psalm 7:3-5 But David’s cry for help is for more than just deliverance from his enemies. He also recognizes that often HE is his own worst enemy. That is why he also cries for God’s grace in discerning whether or not he has acted ungodly. He is concerned that his own heart may have acted unjustly. He may have treated a friend in an evil manner – or even plundered an enemy without cause to do so. His loves his Lord enough to ask for his own judgment if he deserves it. So when some freak out at David’s call for God’s judgment on the wicked later – they need to see that he began with himself before ever turning to their actions and attitudes. Oh that we would follow his example and examine our own hearts before calling for a spotlight to be shown on our detractor’s actions. Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; lift up Yourself against the rage of my adversaries, and arouse Yourself for me; You have appointed judgment. Let the assembly of the peoples encompass You, and over them return on high. The LORD judges the peoples; vindicate me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and my integrity that is in me. O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous; for the righteous God tries the hearts and minds. My shield is with God, Who saves the upright in heart. God is a righteous judge, and a God who has indignation every day. Psalm 7:6-11 David then cries for God’s action against the ungodly. We may struggle with this because we wrongly think that this is not godly. The reason many think this is because they don’t understand the justice and righteousness of God. The term used by theologians for these parts of psalms is that they are imprecatory. What this means is that they represent God speaking through the psalmist and describing what should be done against sin. Fortunately for us God exercises mercy and forbearance far more often than He does wrath and judgment. This does not mean He is not wrathful against sin and that judgment is not just in every case. It simply means He does not manifest that wrath in the moment of the sin. That should catch your attention because God is just – and His justice HAS to be satisfied. The judgment that sin deserves is ALWAYS meted out – for if it was not, then God is not just – or His justice is a joke. It might come as a surprise to some to know that every last bit of the wrath of God has been paid in full. It ultimately came upon His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. David calls for God to come in his anger against the way his enemies rage against him. He reminds God that He has appointed judgment – and that He will judge those who are guilty and vindicate those who have remained true to Him. He calls for God to save him – but bring upon the ungodly that are coming after him true righteous judgment. There is a phrase that should arrest our attention in verse 11. David reminds God that He is a righteous Judge – as well as a God who is indignant every day. This word, “indignant” means to be enraged and it is used with another word that refers to a kind of snorting with the nostrils in fury and anger. Note here that David reveals God as One who is indignantly enraged with the wicked. Too often we take the grace of God for granted and represent God as a tamed, benevolent grandpa who wouldn’t hurt a flea. But please know that God is holy and righteous. Because His righteous ways are ignored – and His holiness downplayed (or honestly even mocked by many) – His wrath hangs heavy over mankind with nothing holding it back but His infinite mercies. Were He to truly loose His wrath – it would consume us quicker than a toothpick thrown into the sun itself. But before one judges David for such language and requests – note that there is an alternative. If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready. He has also prepared for Himself deadly weapons; He makes His arrows fiery shafts. Behold, he travails with wickedness, And he conceives mischief and brings forth falsehood. He has dug a pit and hollowed it out, and has fallen into the hole which he made. His mischief will return upon his own head, And his violence will descend upon his own pate. I will give thanks to the LORD according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. Psalm 7:12-17 David absolutely prays for God to judge the ungodly. But note that he also offers an alternative. There is repentance – which by the way is the wise and humble response to God’s wrath. David offers it in a warning – with God making preparation for His wrath. He also warns about the foolishness of walking in wickedness and falsehood. God will bring that evil upon the head of the one who practices it – and those who love violence will see their own lives end in a violent fashion. But remember – God has been gracious enough not to respond in instant wrath – but has made a way by having His wrath fall on His Son – while offering us forgiveness. David ends this song singing of God’s righteousness and the worthiness of His name. Such a cry for God’s help and for His judgment is something we may not see much of today – and yet this prayer is perfectly in order before God. So what can we learn from this prayer and song of David? First we learn that we can call on God in those moments when it seems like the entire world is against us as we follow Him. But we do so making sure that we actually are living for Him. The second lesson is that God is a holy God and He is indignant every day with the sin and wickedness of this perverse fallen world. That doesn’t play well in our society today – but in all honesty it is not because God is as fault in the matter. Men continue to dishonor and disobey God daily. Regardless of what society now calls acceptable – God’s stance on sin has not and will not change. What we are reminded of then is to pray for people to repent. We are reminded to pray for men to repent before God’s arrows of wrath and released in all their fury. In the end it will not be the consensus of public opinion that will be lifted up – but His name and His righteousness. This is a sobering and true reminder to hold fast to Him and His ways regardless of what the world says or does to us.
O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; Make Your way straight before me. There is nothing reliable in what they say; Their inward part is destruction itself. Their throat is an open grave; They flatter with their tongue. Hold them guilty, O God; By their own devices let them fall! In the multitude of their transgressions thrust them out, For they are rebellious against You. But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:8-12
LORD, LEAD ME! David’s first request in this next section is for God to lead him. Just as a refresher we need to remember the context of this - Absalom’s rebellion. David cried out to God for His leadership because of his foes. This was Absalom - who was the rebellious son who longed to be king. It was also Ahithophel, David’s former advisor, who joined in the rebellion with Absalom. There was also a host of others who ran to Absalom’s side in this rebellion. David’s foes were numerous - and he desperately needed God’s direction. For him it was a life and death matter. David’s cry was for God to make His way straight or smooth before him. Every decision mattered. It is this way with us too. We have an Absalom too - it is Satan, who also desires to usurp God’s rule and authority. His work is to subtly deceive us into thinking we should join his rebellion. The world is also filled with a myriad of Ahithophel’s, who seek to counsel us contrary to God’s Word. These may be anything from an actual person who wants us to walk in their way rather than God’s way. The spirit of Ahithophel is in our entertainment, our news, our music - it is everywhere. It is the spirit that wants to convince us to live for ourselves - or for the values of the world rather than those rooted in the Word of God. Believe me when I assert that we need to cry out to God daily that He lead us in His righteousness - and make His way straight so we can walk in it. We should note before moving on that David’s request is to be led in God’s righteousness - not his own self-styled direction. HARSH WORDS - FOR WHO - AND WHY? Verse 9 and 10 are a watershed moment in Scripture. They are the verse first time we have an imprecatory portion in the Psalms. If that word is new to you (imprecatory) - it refers to a call or prayer to bring down evil things or curses upon a person or group of people. There are those who are offended with these prayers - seeing them as an embarrassment to the Bible and to God. Nothing could be further from the truth. These prayers are representative of God’s holiness - and His steady position of wrath against all sin. It is what the wicked deserve for rebelling against God. Maybe it would be wise to remember what Absalom did shortly after becoming king. He was counseled by Ahithophel to rape all the remaining wives of David in broad daylight before the people. He also raised an army with the intent of killing David and all those with Him. David’s prayer is not so much a wish on his part - but as a mouthpiece for God - he offered a prophecy for those who continued in this rebellion. Indeed there was nothing true in what these two said. Their inner most beings were given over to destruction - wanting to kill David. Their throats were like an open grave with the smell of death and rotting corpses in it. All the time they were flattering the children of Israel - they were plotting death, destruction, and devastation to the King. But - before we get too self-righteous about things - Paul used these very words to describe our nature and what we are capable of in life. We do have an inner Absalom and Ahithophel in our flesh. Our “inward part” is destruction too because of our sin nature. The word used there speaks of a chasm of wickedness within us - and when we fall into it and live out of it as a source there is no depth to that which we are capable of thinking or doing. We can speak deathly words and even use flattery to accomplish sinful desires. David’s exact request is that they be destroyed - and that God would let them fall by their own wicked counsels. And for those who remember the history of these events, that is exactly what God did. He thwarted the counsel of Ahithophel when he listened instead to David’s friend, Hushai, who was working as a secret agent for David inside Jerusalem. Ahithophel hung himself when his ungodly counsel was rejected - and Absalom was destroyed in battle. But, before we become too critical toward David for this request we should also see that his desire was not for his own honor - but for the honor of God (they have rebelled against You!). Absalom and Ahithophel indeed had heaped up a multitude of sins as they rebelled not just against David - but against God. This reminds us that these imprecatory psalms have as their basis the honor and glory of God - not any personal vendetta of a man or men. PROMISES AND PRAISE David finishes this song with a call to be glad, sing for joy, and be exult over God’s gracious defense and favor. When we trust in the Lord - coming to Him in prayer for our needs and our protection - God delights in bringing that protection into our lives. It is a good thing to trust the Lord and to love His name and honor in life. It may not bring the less bumpy road to us - but even in our trials and troubles we will see Him work mightily and have reason to praise Him much! Three things here are told us concerning how God will work to answer our prayers. First we find refuge in Him. The word refuge means to rest in the shade of a tree. The word was also used as a picture describing how baby birds would find refuge under the wings of their mother. God protects and gives us a refuge in Him in our darkest and most difficult moments. Second, when we embrace God’s righteousness in our troubles - God will bless us. The word blesses in this passage speaks of someone giving a greeting that promises friendliness and camaraderie - and here it says that God is the One greeting us in this way. What a joy to know that He comes to us in such trying times with a friendly greeting that promises blessing, fellowship, deliverance, hope, strength - and everything you can imagine coming from a close friendship with God in those moments! Third, God promises that He will encircle us with His favor (read grace here!) like a huge shield. The shield referred to here was one that was over twice the size as a normal shield. It was used by the warrior to kneel down behind and be covered by its protection. God is that way with us - and how we should love the imagery used here. God is that shield to us - but only as we kneel in prayer and take our refuge in Him. So there we have our primer in prayer from David. It begins with a cry for God’s presence - an audience with Him in prayer. It begins with a heartfelt and sincere desire to connect with Him and wait for His answer and deliverance. It then moves into a time where we request God’s leadership and guidance, knowing that not only our outward enemies are evil - but also our inward tendencies when we look to ourselves rather than Him for that guidance. Finally, we see that it ends with a turn to God’s promises for comfort, encouragement, and endurance. We take our refuge not in our own abilities to deliver ourselves - but in our God and His promise to bless those who turn to Him in righteousness and godly dependence. Oh, to learn these lessons again and again as we pray and seek His face. Indeed we would find our God infinitely able to handle any problem, trial, or trouble we face - and - we would go from concerned cry to praise for protection and provision. And through it all we would learn that intimacy with our Father in heaven is at the core of every answer we receive. ![]() Here is a great part of a Psalm that is very instructive to those who are angry. It is even more instructive if your anger is against either elected officials – or even officials like a pastor, elders, or deacons in a church. Bet I got your attention with that statement, didn’t I. Psalm 4 is part of a unit with Psalm 3 – and both of these songs arose out of David being betrayed by his son Absalom. Just a short review of this is in order. After David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then killed her husband through a horrific military mismanagement on purpose – God said that David would face some serious consequences for his actions. The first of those came as his son Amon fell in lust with his half sister (whose brother was Absalom). He then connived so as to get her into his house – raped her – and then threw her out wanting nothing to do with her after his crime. Tamar, the half sister who was raped, was devastated and lived a desolate life in her bother’s household. Amon was not punished – and his half brother Absalom fumed with rage at what he had done. Absalom would have his day of vengeance at a feast he threw for all David’s sons. At a high point in the festivities he arose and had Amon killed. He then withdrew into a self-imposed exile. Through a series of events Absalom was restored to the kingdom, but David would not see him personally. That led to Absalom being bitter at his father – which also led to him stealing the hearts of the people of Israel by saying that David wasn’t caring for them as he should (something Absalom felt just about every day due to their very sticky situation). In time a conspiracy grew to the point where it was clear Absalom was going to declare himself king (and probably his first act would be to kill David and those who supported him). Just for the record – this was a bona-fide mess in every way. There was enough sin to go around for just about everyone in this situation. But – it did not merit rebelling against the king God established – and then seeking to kill him. Just an aside here for our benefit is in order. We live at a time when men are furious with whatever president we have – regardless of which party he comes from in the political world. The press keeps us enraged so that our anger is always brewing beneath the surface. One can easily see where this may one day end in a coup and a rebellion to overthrow just about anyone who is in office. In light of our equally sticky situation in this day – it would be wise for us to consider the admonition given in this “Mad-as-all-Get-out” song. Tremble and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed and be still. Selah Offer the sacrifices of righteousness And trust in the LORD. Many are saying, “Who will show us any good?” Lift up the light of Your countenance on us O LORD! You have put gladness in my heart, More than when their grain and new wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep. For you alone, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety. Psalm 4:4-8 David began this song by crying out to God for help in his distress. He wanted God more than anything in this distressing situation – which was good. When we face distressing situations it would behoove us to remember that God is better than anything, anyone, or any position that is available now – or – even will be available. David was king – deposed at the moment – but he was not crying out for a return to power. He was crying out for more of God in the midst of this mess. That is a sure sign that God is working in your mess – when you want Him more than you want relief from your problems. Many of the Jewish scholars say that by this time David was across the river and was in a relatively safe place. People were gathering to him in larger numbers – and he was no longer in grave danger of losing his life any minute. God was turning things – and eventually Absalom’s rebellion would be put down – and the young man Absalom would be killed. It is in this sense of God turning things that this part of the song was written. Go Ahead – Be Angry . . . But Tremble in verse 4 means to tremble with anger – and later this verse is quoted in Ephesians 4:26 as “Be angry and do not sin.” It is one thing to be angry about the sin and failings of others – but it is quite another to allow that anger to turn into bitterness, gossip, discontent, and arrogance. That is where Absalom went and it led him into murderous revenge, rebellion, gossip and lies, and even raping 10 of David’s concubines in public (the very sin he despised in Amon). When we don’t deal with our sin, as God would have us to deal with it – we wind up eventually sinning in similar ways ourselves. When it comes to anger – be very careful what you describe as “righteous anger.” If your anger leads you to other sins – it isn’t righteous. Oh what wise counsel is given to us when David says our response should at least include time lying still meditating on our beds. I’ve noticed in my own life when I get angry that if I do not consciously do something to calm down – my anger will only escalate. Telling others about my anger leads to things like gossip, rebellious statements toward authority, judgmental statements toward authority, and arrogant statements about 99% of the time. It is better to shut down the anger – and lay down to take some time to meditate on matters. The word for meditate means to “speak within your own heart.” When we do this – and combine it with being still before God – it does wonders for our “mad-as-all-get-out” moments. David offers another wise piece of advice. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness. The phrase can also be translated, “Offer righteous sacrifices.” Cling to God’s righteousness – but also cling to the way the Righteous One shows mercy to those who offend it as well. A righteous sacrifice could also mean dealing with our own sin – even as we are so keenly aware of the sin of others in that moment. Remember that we prefer God to show mercy – when we are the ones being stupid and sinful. We might want to offer that same mercy to others in the midst of their mess too. Go Ahead - Be Cynical . . . But What is fascinating at this point is that what others are saying it brought into this equation. They are saying, “Who will show us ANY good!” (Emphasis mine) There is a tendency in moments like this to see the human sinfulness of these situations and want to throw up your hands in frustration. Is there any good out there? Can anyone make any sense of the mess between Absalom and David? By the time it is over the whole situation is like a three-dimensional puzzle that is beyond solving! With the prospect of no good at all – some become cynical and throw up their hands saying that there is no hope. There is no justice. There is no answer. Therefore we can’t even begin to come up with what is right. Therefore we either quit – or we just look after ourselves and give up on the rest of humanity. David’s answer is priceless! Lift up the light of Your countenance on us O LORD! The human factor alone will lead us every time to hopelessness – because mankind is hopelessly bound in sin and selfishness. That is why we need to lift our gaze off of man – and put it on God. I’m losing all faith – until – I cry for God Himself to lift up the light of His face upon me. That is where hope – and more specifically redemption – is found. They are in HIM! When we look into the light of His face – the things of earth grow strangely dim – and we learn wisdom and what makes for true righteousness, justice, and change. Wisdom is to fear Him. Righteousness is His gift to us in Jesus Christ. Justice is what He did at Calvary, taking the sin of the world upon His Son and paying it in full. Jesus bore the penalty for all the sin of mankind. It is all answered in Him – but remember – only in Him. David further reminds us that gladness comes from Him by His merciful grace to us. There is a gladness that abounds through Him – and that can beat any earthly possession or desire. Finally we see that we can lie down in peace and sleep – undeterred by the failings of men – by the foibles of politics – and by the frustrations of human leaders. God is the One who will give us such peace. We can even sleep peacefully. Imagine David – only a day or two out of being exiled from his kingdom. Imagine that he is only hours from fearing for his life – as he crossed a flowing river and scrambled up a mountainside to shelter. Yet now – after calling on the LORD – he is sleeping peacefully. HOW!? He took the situation and left it in the presence of God. He prayed – and possibly even sang to the God who promised to protect and keep him. This is truly amazing. So what do we do when we are in a “Mad-as-all-get-out” moment singing a blues song about how ticked off we are at another person – another politician – another spiritual leader who we learned has clay feet? For starters – we don’t give anger a wide berth in our lives. We narrow it to God’s righteousness – and temper it with God’s mercy (even as we remember more than a few times when God withheld wrath and showed mercy. Then we take time to talk to ourselves in a peaceful, meditative moment with the Lord. Then we ignore the naysayers who want to fill our minds with hopelessness – with cynicism – and with recrimination against those who have failed us. Instead, we fix our eyes on the Lord Himself. We find what is good and holy in a fixed gaze upon Him. Then we remember that what is best is He Himself and what He provides. And we surrender to God taking us out of our “mad-as-all-get-out moment and introducing us to His view of things where even as sin abounds – mercy abounds as well. |
Pastor John LawrencePsalms for Life . . . God moved on several people to write the Psalms. This is a book of songs and poems written by people who were seeking to be devoted to God as they walked though their lives. This is a collection of songs and poems that express the true, wonderful, and often raw emotions that we have as we journey through life with God. I hope you will be blessed and encouraged as you read. But more than that I hope that these expositions and writings will help you to seek Him in the midst of the life you live in this world. It will be at times comforting and encouraging, while at others it will be challenging and awkward. Regardless of where you find yourself on this spectrum as you read, it will be a reminder that God invites us into His presence to truly walk with Him, know Him, and at times, pour out emotions of joy, sorrow, frustration, anger, and everything else you can imagine. He not only invites you to do this - He delights in it too! Hope you enjoy your journey! Archives
January 2019