![]() There is such comfort in the Christian worldview in the fact that we know a relationship with God. Every worldview has a reason for being held. The Biblical explanation for most other worldviews is simply that they do not want a god in their life unless they can control this god. The idea of a God other than they are - wholly separate and sovereign is terrifying. Yet this is what the Christian view has - a holy God who is sovereign and separate from us - who does not need us - and who is the ultimate authority. The world looks at this and cringes - thinking Him to be an evil despot who will not let them live as they choose in their sin. But for the one who knows Him - it is the ultimate comfort. David expresses this - but does so in verse 3 and 4 in a way that balances Who God is in a very healthy way. David's boast in this song is that all others should know that God sets apart the godly man for Himself. This does not sound like some far off despot who does not care. By His grace God saves us and sanctifies us so that we are godly. And the godly man - this is the one God wants for Himself. He desires fellowship with such a man - and draws him close. What the world misses so often in their quest for some kind of love is what God made man for in the beginning. How was it in the beginning? Man walked with God in the garden talking with Him and fellowshipping with Him. God gave man dominion over the paradise - even spending a day naming the animals together with him. God taught him lessons about how it was not good for him to be alone. Then God provided a mate for Adam - and brought Eve to him - blowing his mind and filling his heart with love previously only experienced in the Trinity. What a joy - until sin entered the picture. But wonder of wonders, this God Who had to punish them and send them out of the garden, clothed them with skins from animals sacrificed for them. God Himself would later become that sacrifice - even as His Son had been from the foundation of the world the lamb slain for sin. Why? God was going to make man godly again - and set Him apart for Himself redemptively. What an amazing thing - and what a wonderful thing. He sets apart the godly man for Himself. The sons of men may mock, but the godly man knows and walks with God. This relationship happens as God hears when we pray. Oh the joy of these precious words - Jehovah hears when I pray. What a gracious condescension happens every time He bends His ear low to hear the prayers of His people. What an invitation above all other invitation is ours as He calls us to speak to Him. What is the comfort to the believer? What is the joy of the Christian worldview? It is that God calls us to Himself and hears us when we pray. That is true when we simply enjoy sweet fellowship with Him - but it is also true when we are overwhelmed with trouble and cry out to Him. It is true when we praise Him with joy, yet is equally true when our eyes fill with tears of sorrow and pain and our voice is barely heard over our weeping. It is true when we speak with Him confidently, yet is also true when we are confused and don't know our way - calling to Him with our last ounce of hope. Comfort of all comforts that God hears us when we pray - this is the ultimate comfort for the believer. So how is it with us? What do our actions reveal about our worldview. For you see a worldview is not merely a set of ideas shared only in deep philosophical and theological conversations. It is best represented by how we live. Do you find your greatest comfort in God's great love for you? Do you boast of how you speak with Him daily - even every hour - in prayer as you place all before Him? Is it God who walks with you through life - and Who hears you as you talk with Him about anything and everything? Oh the peace we often forfeit - oh what painful toil we bear - all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. It is not just lyrics in a song. It is a worldview - a Psalm 4 worldview that was sung long before any hymnal was every put together. One might even say that it was in the original hymnal - written by David - inspired by God. Dear saints, it is not just a song. It is an invitation . . . because God has made you - godly man and godly woman - for Himself.
Pastor John LawrencePsalms for Life . . . God moved on several people to write the Psalms. This is a book of songs and poems written by people who were seeking to be devoted to God as they walked though their lives. This is a collection of songs and poems that express the true, wonderful, and often raw emotions that we have as we journey through life with God. I hope you will be blessed and encouraged as you read. But more than that I hope that these expositions and writings will help you to seek Him in the midst of the life you live in this world. It will be at times comforting and encouraging, while at others it will be challenging and awkward. Regardless of where you find yourself on this spectrum as you read, it will be a reminder that God invites us into His presence to truly walk with Him, know Him, and at times, pour out emotions of joy, sorrow, frustration, anger, and everything else you can imagine. He not only invites you to do this - He delights in it too! Hope you enjoy your journey! Archives
January 2019