![]() What are you supposed to do when you feel you are a million miles from God? There is no sense of His presence and your situation is one where you are hurting badly. Where do you turn? The answer from Psalm 61 may surprise you when you read it today. David wrote the 61st Psalm at the inspiration of God – even though he felt like he was at the end of the earth – and God was thousands of miles away. Actually, David was not more than 50 miles from Jerusalem. The problem was that he felt like he was at the ends of the earth from God Himself. He was running from his son Absalom, who wanted to kill him and be king in his place. So the “ends of the earth” statement is more a spiritual description – or maybe an emotional one. Regardless of this David felt a world amount of distance from God. Who did David turn to at this point? He turned to God. One of the first things we need to remember when we “feel” a million miles from God is that this is how we “feel” – it is not a hard, cold fact. So the best thing to do is to tell God in prayer how we feel. That is what David did. He cried out to God and called to him – even though he felt like he was calling from the ends of the earth. If we allow emotional reasoning to keep us from God, we are going to wind up feeling even more hopeless. But, on the other hand, if we don’t own up to how we feel, I seriously doubt we will get much of anywhere with God. Let’s be honest. God is omniscient. It is not like He is clueless as to our thinking. So what we need to start with is to cry out to Him, letting Him know honestly where we are at the moment. That is what David did. “Hear my cry, O God; Give heed to my prayer. From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint . . . “ He said he felt like this when his heart was “faint.” The Hebrew word here refers to something that is covered over and around and under. David’s heart was so covered with his situation that he could not see. But even if he was at the end of the earth – he was going to call on God. His next statement is the source of many Christian songs. “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” What a beautiful prayer. He knew at the “ends of the earth” he was not going to get to God on his own. So he cries out for God to lead him. God is the rock that is higher. God was stability and strength. He was higher and infinitely more stable than David. So David asked for God to bring him to where the Rock was located. In the next several verses of Psalm 61 David begins remembering Who God is. This is not the first time he’s been in a difficult situation – and God has come through every time. He remembers that God is his refuge – his tower of strength – his shelter. So David asks for God to bring him to His “tent.” This is a reference to the tabernacle – the place in Jerusalem where God dwelt between the Cherubim on top of the Ark. God was not limited to there – but in the history of Israel – God was more than able to take care of Himself and His stuff from there. When men rebelled against God and Moses – God wiped the entire group out as fire went out from His presence and killed every one of them. When a couple of drunken priests wanted to defile the worship place of God with their drunken stupor – God struck both of them dead with fire that consumed them. The lesson learned for all time – do not mess with God in the tent! David asked to be brought there – forever! This was also the place where God’s presence dwelt – and so what David was truly asking for was to be in God’s presence forever – for he knew that was the safest place on earth – or honestly – anywhere! As David prayed . . . as David meditated on Who God is . . . his heart was no longer smothered over by his circumstances. He was no longer a slave to his feelings and emotional reasoning. This was replaced by Biblical reasoning. David stops and writes, “selah” which means basically – stop and consider what I’ve said. From this point – the entire psalm changes in perspective and in attitude. David speaks for the rest of the psalm about how God has heard him and what God is going to do. God has heard me! God has given me the inheritance of those who fear Him! These are David’s first cries of joy! What a delight to know God has heard us – especially when we formerly thought God was a million miles away. And – since we have feared God and turned to Him in the midst of wanting to give up – God is going to bless us with a wealth of blessing. At this point David begins to speak boldly of what God IS going to do! David says, “I’m going to live!” But then David begins speaking in ways that are beyond what a mere man could receive. David is speaking by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration – and at this point the Holy Spirit begins speaking of the Messiah. He will live forever. He will remain before God forever. Grace and truth will be preserved through Him. These are all blessings that will come through Jesus Christ. John said in his gospel that grace and truth would be realized through Jesus! David closes the psalm by saying he wants to praise God forever – and to live before God in obedience day by day. That is where God brings us when we turn to Him. He brings us to Himself – and to His grace. He brings us to promises that have been made in the Word of God. He brings us to His ultimate promise which is the Messiah – Jesus Himself. What a blessing. Some may wonder why God would allow us to be in such a place. But I have a bigger statement to make. God leads us to such a place! He has purposed for us to come to the point where we feel a million miles away. His purpose in it is not to damage our faith or our spiritual walk – but to enhance it. Read these words God led Paul to write about God’s work in him and his associates. ”For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction which came to us in Asia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life; indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead; who delivered us from so great a peril of death, and will deliver us, He on whom we have set our hope. And He will yet deliver us, you also joining in helping us through your prayers, so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.” 2 Corinthians 1:7-11 What is God’s purpose in allowing us to get to where David was? It is so that we will despair in our own living where we trust in ourselves and instead trust in God who raises the dead. It is so we will look to God to be the One who delivered us – who will deliver us – and who yet will deliver us! His other purpose is to not only engage in prayer the one who is dealing with the problem – but so that many persons will be engaged in prayer as well. Then as we watch God do what only God can do – we will praise God Who alone should be the One to be praised. Feeling a million miles from God? Yeah – God has you right where He wants you. Its where He had David – and look what He did in him?
![]() Psalm 84 Verses 1-4 How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. The bird also has found a house, And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, Even Your altars, O LORD of hosts, My King and my God. How blessed are those who dwell in Your house! They are ever praising You. Selah. Question: Do you long for the courts of God - the place where He is worshipped? The psalmist remembered the place of worship - i.e. here the temple. He LONGED and YEARNED for God. His heart and flesh sang for joy to the living God! He considered those who were there blessed as they were ever praising God there! Does this describe us as we consider worship - as we consider gathering with God’s people each Sunday. Yes, I know this referred to the Temple and to worship there - but is not worship with the saints the nearest equivalent to it? Do we LONG and YEARN for those times? Do we consider those who are singing and praising God to be so very blessed? I don’t know about you as you read this - but I was rebuked and realized that this did not - and even now does not describe how I approach worship with the saints. But by God’s grace - and some serious repentance it WILL NOT be how I approach this coming Sunday with all of you as we meet to seek God. Verses 5-7 How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, In whose heart are the highways to Zion! Passing through the valley of Baca they make it a spring; The early rain also covers it with blessings. They go from strength to strength, Every one of them appears before God in Zion. Question: How do you walk out of and back into the place of worship? The psalmist speaks of how we walk out of the worship of God - and how we walk through the world as a result of it. What the psalmist is saying here is that as we walk through worship - God makes our hearts strong so He can walk through us into our world as we depart. There are “highways to Zion” in the true worshipper’s heart. The worship of God in the temple led to a heart where there was a highway to God. Zion refers to Jerusalem - the place where they went to corporately worship God - and seek Him - and know Him - and even be made right with Him when they sinned. Here is how practical this gets. The worshipper of God passes through life - here it is called the “valley of Baca.” The word “Baca” means weeping or troublesome place. What is said about it is that the one who worships God - and in whose heart a highway to Zion is laid as a result - they take the valley of trouble and weeping and turn it into a spring where the water wells up and bubbles out of the earth. Does your worship lead you to walk through your week with a highway to God in your heart. Does it lead to a highway where you can see God take even your most troublesome moments - your weeping moments - and turn them to a spring of water? Does your worship lead you to go from “strength to strength” as you walk in the world? The picture here is that of God strengthening you for the week ahead - that you may face difficulty and sorrow - even trials and troubles - but you go from event to event in God’s strengthening. That highway to Zion is there so that you can run to the Lord and receive His strength to handle these things. Is this true of you? The end of this section is that as they go from strength to strength - they eventually appear before God in Zion again. This is a picture of that HIGHWAY again - we are learning to live a life that turns to God! And - even as we walk it - we are led again and again to return to seek God afresh and anew. Is this true of us? When I looked at this - again I was reminded to repent and return to Him. That IS what I want - a worship so focused that I turn to Him for strength to strength as I walk through this world - and that I return to Zion again to worship Him all over again - because He is so good and so faithful. Verses 8-12 O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer; Give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah. Behold our shield, O God, And look upon the face of Your anointed. For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand outside. I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You! Question: Do we consider a single day with God better than a thousand anywhere else? The psalmist prays and desires God’s answer. He desires to see God’s face (know His favor). He states that a single day in the courts of God in worship and seeking and hearing Him - is better than a 1000 spent anywhere else. If the place of worship and seeking God with His people is a 1000 times better than anywhere else in the world - how do you think we would think about worship? The psalmist also considers God as the sun which shines on him - the shield which protects him - He recounts God giving him grace and glory. He contemplates the good that God has given him. His eventual thought is that God does not withhold any good thing from the ones who walk with Him uprightly. His finishing statement is that the man who trusts God - is indeed blessed. Do I walk away from worship corporately with the saints - and think - HANDS DOWN THIS IS A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE! I had to face this psalm with a good bit of red-faced embarrassment. But it was not something that happened that was bad - it was wonderful! I was reminded of how it should be - and what it can be if I come and approach worship with the saints before God as an amazing - wonderful - amazing thing. My hope is that with the repentance this psalm has offered me from God - I will respond - and that my view of the worship of God with His people in the church will be greatly elevated. It is my hope I will see it as a thousand times better than anything else imaginable. O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; Make Your way straight before me. There is nothing reliable in what they say; Their inward part is destruction itself. Their throat is an open grave; They flatter with their tongue. Hold them guilty, O God; By their own devices let them fall! In the multitude of their transgressions thrust them out, For they are rebellious against You. But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:8-12
LORD, LEAD ME! David’s first request in this next section is for God to lead him. Just as a refresher we need to remember the context of this - Absalom’s rebellion. David cried out to God for His leadership because of his foes. This was Absalom - who was the rebellious son who longed to be king. It was also Ahithophel, David’s former advisor, who joined in the rebellion with Absalom. There was also a host of others who ran to Absalom’s side in this rebellion. David’s foes were numerous - and he desperately needed God’s direction. For him it was a life and death matter. David’s cry was for God to make His way straight or smooth before him. Every decision mattered. It is this way with us too. We have an Absalom too - it is Satan, who also desires to usurp God’s rule and authority. His work is to subtly deceive us into thinking we should join his rebellion. The world is also filled with a myriad of Ahithophel’s, who seek to counsel us contrary to God’s Word. These may be anything from an actual person who wants us to walk in their way rather than God’s way. The spirit of Ahithophel is in our entertainment, our news, our music - it is everywhere. It is the spirit that wants to convince us to live for ourselves - or for the values of the world rather than those rooted in the Word of God. Believe me when I assert that we need to cry out to God daily that He lead us in His righteousness - and make His way straight so we can walk in it. We should note before moving on that David’s request is to be led in God’s righteousness - not his own self-styled direction. HARSH WORDS - FOR WHO - AND WHY? Verse 9 and 10 are a watershed moment in Scripture. They are the verse first time we have an imprecatory portion in the Psalms. If that word is new to you (imprecatory) - it refers to a call or prayer to bring down evil things or curses upon a person or group of people. There are those who are offended with these prayers - seeing them as an embarrassment to the Bible and to God. Nothing could be further from the truth. These prayers are representative of God’s holiness - and His steady position of wrath against all sin. It is what the wicked deserve for rebelling against God. Maybe it would be wise to remember what Absalom did shortly after becoming king. He was counseled by Ahithophel to rape all the remaining wives of David in broad daylight before the people. He also raised an army with the intent of killing David and all those with Him. David’s prayer is not so much a wish on his part - but as a mouthpiece for God - he offered a prophecy for those who continued in this rebellion. Indeed there was nothing true in what these two said. Their inner most beings were given over to destruction - wanting to kill David. Their throats were like an open grave with the smell of death and rotting corpses in it. All the time they were flattering the children of Israel - they were plotting death, destruction, and devastation to the King. But - before we get too self-righteous about things - Paul used these very words to describe our nature and what we are capable of in life. We do have an inner Absalom and Ahithophel in our flesh. Our “inward part” is destruction too because of our sin nature. The word used there speaks of a chasm of wickedness within us - and when we fall into it and live out of it as a source there is no depth to that which we are capable of thinking or doing. We can speak deathly words and even use flattery to accomplish sinful desires. David’s exact request is that they be destroyed - and that God would let them fall by their own wicked counsels. And for those who remember the history of these events, that is exactly what God did. He thwarted the counsel of Ahithophel when he listened instead to David’s friend, Hushai, who was working as a secret agent for David inside Jerusalem. Ahithophel hung himself when his ungodly counsel was rejected - and Absalom was destroyed in battle. But, before we become too critical toward David for this request we should also see that his desire was not for his own honor - but for the honor of God (they have rebelled against You!). Absalom and Ahithophel indeed had heaped up a multitude of sins as they rebelled not just against David - but against God. This reminds us that these imprecatory psalms have as their basis the honor and glory of God - not any personal vendetta of a man or men. PROMISES AND PRAISE David finishes this song with a call to be glad, sing for joy, and be exult over God’s gracious defense and favor. When we trust in the Lord - coming to Him in prayer for our needs and our protection - God delights in bringing that protection into our lives. It is a good thing to trust the Lord and to love His name and honor in life. It may not bring the less bumpy road to us - but even in our trials and troubles we will see Him work mightily and have reason to praise Him much! Three things here are told us concerning how God will work to answer our prayers. First we find refuge in Him. The word refuge means to rest in the shade of a tree. The word was also used as a picture describing how baby birds would find refuge under the wings of their mother. God protects and gives us a refuge in Him in our darkest and most difficult moments. Second, when we embrace God’s righteousness in our troubles - God will bless us. The word blesses in this passage speaks of someone giving a greeting that promises friendliness and camaraderie - and here it says that God is the One greeting us in this way. What a joy to know that He comes to us in such trying times with a friendly greeting that promises blessing, fellowship, deliverance, hope, strength - and everything you can imagine coming from a close friendship with God in those moments! Third, God promises that He will encircle us with His favor (read grace here!) like a huge shield. The shield referred to here was one that was over twice the size as a normal shield. It was used by the warrior to kneel down behind and be covered by its protection. God is that way with us - and how we should love the imagery used here. God is that shield to us - but only as we kneel in prayer and take our refuge in Him. So there we have our primer in prayer from David. It begins with a cry for God’s presence - an audience with Him in prayer. It begins with a heartfelt and sincere desire to connect with Him and wait for His answer and deliverance. It then moves into a time where we request God’s leadership and guidance, knowing that not only our outward enemies are evil - but also our inward tendencies when we look to ourselves rather than Him for that guidance. Finally, we see that it ends with a turn to God’s promises for comfort, encouragement, and endurance. We take our refuge not in our own abilities to deliver ourselves - but in our God and His promise to bless those who turn to Him in righteousness and godly dependence. Oh, to learn these lessons again and again as we pray and seek His face. Indeed we would find our God infinitely able to handle any problem, trial, or trouble we face - and - we would go from concerned cry to praise for protection and provision. And through it all we would learn that intimacy with our Father in heaven is at the core of every answer we receive. Psalm 5:4-7 For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; No evil dwells with You. 5 The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all who do iniquity. 6 You destroy those who speak falsehood; The LORD abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit. 7 But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You.
Prayer is communication with God. That is what David is teaching us in Psalm 5. There are times when you talk with God about your requests and what you need. But there are other times when God is communicating to you - even in what you pray. That is what is happening in this second part of David’s song about prayer and seeking God. David walks through a process of reminiscing about God. He reminds himself Who God is as He is seeking Him. What a good reminder this is to all of us as we come into the presence of God. We need to be reminded of Who God is - so that prayer does not become a one-way street where we don’t quite remember who exactly we are talking to as we pray. Another term for this is process is reverence. We need to revere God - honoring Him - respecting Him - even fearing Him as we approach Him to pray. David speaks of 7 different things he knows about God. His reminder of God’s character could be described as praise to God. God Takes No Pleasure in Wickedness David is basically reminded that God is holy. He does not take pleasure in wickedness. The word David uses for wickedness basically means someone who is lawless and a criminal. Those who disobey God and His word - who fight against His will being established in the world are lawless criminals - and God takes no pleasure in their behavior. There is a thought that may shock us a little. Disobedience to God is not just a crime against Sunday School lessons - it is a crime against the God of the universe Who should be obeyed. No Evil Dwells with God Evil is the word “ra” which is the basic word for evil in Hebrew. Thus we see the lawless criminal is evil in God’s sight. Evil is a word we don’t use that much any longer - because to many it is offensive. You can ask someone if they have sinned or are a sinner, and many will agree with you that they are a sinner or have sinned. But ask someone if they are evil - and they will take exception with being described by that Word. Yet to set ourselves in a contrary way than God’s way IS evil. And God said that evil will not receive any kind of hospitality from Him. that is what the word “dwells” means here. It speaks of hospitality - one who is received graciously and who is treated well as they stay with another. God will show NO hospitality or gracious treatment towards evil. Boastful, Foolish People will not Stand Before God David is praying in the midst of the situation with Absalom, who was a foolish, self-centered, proud, boastful man. Here was a conceited, handsome man who had charm and charisma - but who thought that by these he could claim the throne. He was a foolish young man and thought far too highly of himself. Such a self-boaster would be odious in God’s eyes. God hates pride. If we come to Him in prayer with a boastful, self-serving attitude, we can know that we won’t stand in His presence either. God Hates Those Who do Iniquity Not many people realize that God said that He hates things - but He does. The short of it is that God hates sin. The word iniquity speaks of those who chase after empty, meaningless, vain things. God hates it when mankind spends their lives chasing after emptiness and meaninglessness. God calls us to a meaningful life lived for His glory and honor. It might help us to remind ourselves as we seek God’s face - that He has a purpose for our lives - and that His purpose is NOT that we spend our days running after meaninglessness and frivolity. God Isn’t Too Keen on Falsehood Two things are said about those speaking and living in deceit. First off God will destroy them. The word David uses is “abad” which can mean a literal destruction or that God takes what someone does and reduces it to disorder and futility. The second thing God says is that he abhors the man who gives himself to bloodshed and deceit. The word abhor is “ta’ab” and it means to find something utterly abhorrent, detestable, or an abomination. Once again - God is speaking in terms we may think are objectionable for Him to use - and yet He feels that strongly about sin - violence (i.e. bloodshed) and deceit. At this point we might be thinking to ourselves that it is going to be impossible to come into the presence of God to pray. Apart from Jesus Christ - it actually is. The things David describes makes this fairly clear to us. We could become despondent about this whole matter of prayer if it were not for how David finishes this section. Grace and Reverence David’s final statement before he turns to requests is one that should bring a flood of relief to those of us who are sinners and who do evil (which is all of us). There is a way to come before God and be welcome and accepted. It is by the lovingkindness of God. That word “lovingkindness” is precious to us because it means “covenant love.” It is the closest word in the Old Testament to the New Testament word “grace.” It is worth noting that David says it is by “abundant lovingkindness” that he enters God’s house. This is something we MUST remember as we come to pray. The primer on prayer tells us that God is holy. God hates and abhors sin. God despises the very things of which we are guilty - and even promises destruction to those who do them. Therefore we can NEVER step into His presence based on our own works or our own supposed goodness. We would be consumed much like Nadab and Abihu if we come before Him in any way that does not plead for His grace on our behalf. Jesus made the way for us - and it is only and always through Him we will find our entrance to the place of prayer. But, when we come in the name of Jesus, knowing it is His blood that speaks for our sin - and His righteousness that makes us acceptable to God - we are WELCOME! We CAN come into the presence of the Lord - we CAN pray - we CAN know He will receive us graciously. What a glorious reminder! I’ve heard people say we should preach the gospel to ourselves daily. Often I do that as I come into the presence of God to pray. I do it because I feel like I might not be accepted - I might not be welcome - my sins may be too horrible for God to see me that day - or to want to even talk to me. But the truth is that by God’s abundant grace I can enter and I can pray. |
Pastor John LawrencePsalms for Life . . . God moved on several people to write the Psalms. This is a book of songs and poems written by people who were seeking to be devoted to God as they walked though their lives. This is a collection of songs and poems that express the true, wonderful, and often raw emotions that we have as we journey through life with God. I hope you will be blessed and encouraged as you read. But more than that I hope that these expositions and writings will help you to seek Him in the midst of the life you live in this world. It will be at times comforting and encouraging, while at others it will be challenging and awkward. Regardless of where you find yourself on this spectrum as you read, it will be a reminder that God invites us into His presence to truly walk with Him, know Him, and at times, pour out emotions of joy, sorrow, frustration, anger, and everything else you can imagine. He not only invites you to do this - He delights in it too! Hope you enjoy your journey! Archives
January 2019