![]() Anyone read facebook lately? Anyone stop reading facebook discussions because of how offensive and incendiary they quickly become? In the aftermath of the United States Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage there have been an avalanche of articles and posts on social media both for and against gay marriage. This was inevitable because people on both sides of this issue are very passionate about what they believe. What does not have to be inevitable is some of the vitriol that begins being exhibited by Christians as things begin to get heated. Whether or not the “they started it first” argument is used or not, as those redeemed by God through Jesus Christ – and – as those who are called to manifest the fruit of the Spirit – we need to learn a very valuable spiritual lesson. We need to learn how to share offensive truth less offensively. Hopefully this article will be helpful in doing so. First of all – a true confession is in order. I am a recovering offensoholic. In my past I have kind of enjoyed being sarcastic. The ability to slip in truth wrapped in little barbs of sarcasm and veiled insult is a “skill” I am wanting to unlearn as quickly as possible. God is revealing to me that more often than not these verbal darts are not very effective when sharing truths that in themselves are going to be offensive to the person hearing them. The proverb, “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar,” has sparked repentance for the way I’ve said things more than once. There are times when I finish writing a piece that I have to go through a Holy Spirit edit several times – before I have any peace in posting or sending it. The problem is that in our current situation – barbs and sarcasm will quickly turn what could be a logical, profitable conversation into an all out verbal war. After being nailed by the verbal shrapnel of several of these conversations, I want speak so that if there is a descent into ugliness, it is because of truth shared in love. There is no gain when truth is shared in an effort to win – or to score points with Christians who quickly gather to “my” side. The biblical fact is that God wins in all matters of truth. If I speak His truth with love and a genuine desire to engage in an exchange of ideas, I believe God will use it to do deeper work in people’s lives. One of the things we must understand is that our culture no longer has any clear authority by which it speaks. Just like in the book of Judges we live in a society where every person is their own authority. Judges 21:24 says, “. . . and everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” That is where we are currently. Therefore we need to grasp that everyone we speak with is an authority unto themselves. Thus when we share the Scriptures, they will not accept them as an authority. Now please understand that God’s Word was, is, and always will be truth. Whether people agree with that or not does not matter – God’s Word is still true. When you try to share this, people will be offended – and often will say things that will be offensive to you. We will be accused of being someone who does not think, someone who holds to antiquated ideas, someone who is brainwashed, or as I was recently called . . . an idiot. Are these things offensive? Yes they are. BUT – this is where we can become even more effective in what we share. Let me explain. When we are insulted, we have a choice to make. First, we should review what we’ve said to make sure that while sharing the truth, we did not descend into any kind of name-calling or inflammatory statements. Remember, our message itself is offensive to the lost. Paul spoke of the offense of the cross – and Jesus Himself told us that we would be treated like He was treated. People who are already offended with our moral point of view, and who do not know Christ, will more often than not say offensive things. Get used to it – and be ready for the temptation to say similar things back to them. Also know that if you do – the opportunity will no longer be there to influence someone. It will most likely deteriorate into stronger and stronger comments, insults, and end in a verbal barrage and a scorched-earth mental landscape. Once we determine if we said something unnecessarily offensive, we can proceed in the conversation. (By the way, if you said something you should not have said – apologize. You’d be shocked how many times this begins to disarm the conflict allowing it to move back into a conversation.) The second thing I am going to suggest may seem very hard, but it will allow you to be able to converse with the person so much better. In order to share it though I need to ask a question. Do you want to know what they think? Please re-read that question because I did not ask if you want to convert to their way of thinking – but – do you want to know what they think. What I’ve found over several conversations is that when I genuinely try to hear what they are saying and thinking, it helps me to share truth with them more effectively. Too many of the conversations I’ve read recently have made a quick trip to the most commonly used arguments against each other. I can almost predict what will be said in the first two or three rounds of statements. What I cannot predict is the reasoning behind them – or the hurts that a person has because of previous barbs thrown their way. If you don’t want to genuinely hear what they have to say – you won’t have any genuine ministry to offer them. But if you go deeper – even being willing to listen or read things you won’t agree with – you will be able to discern what needs to be discussed. You may even find room to offer an apology for how they’ve been dissed and dismissed. If they know you care enough to listen – they may start listening to you. Once you begin the conversation in earnest – listen for statements that reveal serious conflicts with the message of the gospel. I usually read and listen looking for their source of authority (usually themselves in the end), their view of Who God is (this usually is a hodge-podge of ideas from self, internet sites, and on some occasions actual study of the Bible), and what they see as the problem with things as they are currently. This last concept is basically what they see as sin (which is a word they will almost never use as you do) and what offers redemption or salvation from the problem (again two words they will tend to avoid). From this point I begin to engage the person with questions involving these things: 1) What or who is their authority? (Who or what has the final say in their life) 2) What determines if something or someone is good or bad? 3) What is the problem or problems in life? And then finally, 4) What is the answer or answers to these problems. As I ask questions about these things, I respond to their answers with the gospel – sharing lovingly, graciously, and usually with reference to my sin and how God saved me from the penalty for it. I make a beeline to the gospel – and seek to eventually draw things in that direction. That does not mean that I try to share the “plan of salvation” at every turn. Instead it means that I deal with issues concerning salvation such as: Who is God? What is sin? Who or what has the right to call something sinful? How can a sinful person know a holy God? How can a righteous and holy God love us without being a hypocrite about His righteousness and holiness? What did God do to pay the price He demands as the penalty for sin? These are the things I head to in the end – because they are the things that matter. But in the meantime I also try to understand where they’ve come from – and if there are serious hurts and problems in their past. When these things come up – I want to genuinely care for them, apologize when Christians have been unloving and unkind, and offer real love to them in praying for and empathizing with their offenses. The goal in all this is to truly love them and share and show them Jesus. This is not hard . . . actually, apart from God’s grace it is impossible! I cannot tell you how many times I have to stop and pray – back up – and deal with wanting to offend back because I’m offended. I thank God that He did not deal with me in this way – because I would have been consumed in wrath very early in His gracious dealings with me. We cannot back up from sharing that sin is sin. We cannot back away from being honest about what the Bible proclaims. This is not love – it is dangerously stepping away from God’s righteousness and truth simply because it may offend. We share the truth – but we do so without the verbal barbs – without referring to the most offensive examples of homosexual activism (or any activism for sinful activity). We speak the truth without name-calling (even if we’ve been called and are continuing to be called names). We choose to ask penetrating questions not just so we can probe their thinking – but hopefully so that they will probe their own thinking as we lovingly share what the Bible has to say. I go back to John chapter 4 and how Jesus addressed the Samaritan woman at the well. Let’s be honest saints – that situation was made for some serious name-calling. She was a Samartian – she was guilty of adultery – she was an outcast from her own society – she held errant spiritual views – and she was currently in a sexually immoral relationship. Wow, what a list of potential names that provides. Yet Jesus did not use a single one of them. He asked questions – made biblical statements boldly yet lovingly – and eventually through hearing and understanding her – was able to address her deepest spiritual needs. Her need, by the way, was not to be proven wrong in an argument. She needed living water. The result of that conversation was that her sin was boldly and lovingly addressed, she was drawn to admit her sin and turn to God, and finally – she became a witness to others of God’s grace as she was saved. Now that is where I want to see a conversation go in the end! Just one more comment though – as you learn to do this not everyone will be converted instantly – or possibly even at all. But the sound of loving, biblical, redemptive conversations will ring further than you think. Imagine what one would look like on facebook? We’ve all seen the ones that turn nasty – with both sides eventually walking away with verbal bloody noses. Imagine one where the believer does not descend into name-calling of any kind – but – where they endeavor to do their best sharing the truth in love. That, my precious saints, will look very different. It is also what we need to begin seeing more and more as the grace of God is expressed in love through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. So share the truth, precious redeemed ones! Share it even if it carries with it the offense of the cross – the offense of seeing ourselves as sinful and lost – the offense of being in need of God’s forgiveness – and the offense of being available only through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just DON’T do this one thing – share this wonderful message in an offensive way that adds to the offense of the cross – and does NOT reflect the love and patience of God or the fruit of His Spirit.
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This morning I was enjoying a cup of coffee and some time with the Lord in His Word. I was in the book of Lamentations in my daily Bible reading. This book is the sad, broken-hearted song of Jeremiah as he considers the wreckage brought on by the rebellion of God's people and their unwillingness to repent. God sent Jeremiah, as well as other prophets, to warn His people to repent and return, and yet they continued in their ways. No one truly took to heart that what Jeremiah was saying would actually come to pass. In the end the destruction God had promised overtook His people. What we see in Lamentations is the heart of God, broken over the destruction that had to come upon His people to bring them back to Himself. You see, He is committed to our best. Our best is that we turn from futile, sinful ways and return to Him with all our hearts. His preference is that we would hear His Word, be convicted by it and repent. But, when we will not listen to Him or His prophets, a process begins. At first the judgments are smaller (and mercifully so - were He to act in full accord with His wrath we would be instantly consumed) but in time they will become more and more devastating. If we do not turn - they will intensify until we do repent. Our stubbornness can result in judgments that would destroy an entire nation and people. Such is the love of God for us - and His commitment to His purposes being fulfilled in our lives. To leave us in our sin without discipline would be to act unlovingly and contrary to His nature.
There are two reasons I write such things. The first is simply to help us grasp the Scriptures - the revelation of God to us - and the call from God to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. That is consistent in the Scriptures - and it is something we should study and know in order to know our Father better and love Him more. When I came upon these verses this morning they made me tremble. The verses I read grabbed my attention - and honestly - made me fear God and what is surely coming upon our nation. This may be coming sooner rather than later. Let me begin by sharing the verses - then explaining them a little further - then offering an admonition to all of us in light of them. "The kings of the earth did not believe, nor did any inhabitants of the world, that the adversary and the enemy could enter the gates of Jerusalem. Because of the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests, who have shed in her midst the blood of the righteous; they wandered blind in the streets; they were defiled with blood so that no one could touch their garments. Depart! Unclean! they cried of themselves. Depart, depart, do not touch! So they fled and wandered; men among the nations said, "They shall not continue to dwell with us." The presence of the LORD has scattered them, He will not continue to regard them . . . " Lamentations 4:12-16 First, they speak of a FALSE SECURITY. The kings and inhabitants of the world saw Israel and Jerusalem as a strong people militarily. No one thought that they could "enter the gates of Jerusalem." The gates and walls of a city represented the defense of that city. When the city was strong no enemy could break down those defenses. This is how the United States has been viewed for decades. We were among a couple of super powers since the 1950's - and became the lone super power after the fall of the Soviet Union. At the close of the 1980's we stood stronger than any nation on earth. BUT . . . such power did not make us grateful - it made us proud. We did not seek God with greater passion - but departed from Him - embracing more and more the sins that eventually destroy nations. Greed abounded in the late 80's and through most of the 90's. Sexual sin has contiued without pause as we embraced the sexual immorality that began in the 1960's with little or no public outcry. We did nothing to a president who openly forsook his marriage vows and had sex in the White House with one of the interns who worked there. What began as a movement to stop same sex marriage - with overwhelming voting victories in every state - has deteriorated into a nation who is about to embrace this practice nationwide. Abortion still kills close to a million babies a year - and racism continues to rise up as cities are embroiled in controversy. In the midst of all this - we have grown to be a people who no longer understand that, "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it." We think our powerful military is the key to security, not grasping that God has shattered great military powers again and again throughout history. Security - true security is found only in the blessing of God upon a nation or people. As I read Lamentations I trembled because I could see in my mind's eye a day coming upon the United States. It is a day that will cause all of knees to shake. It will be a day where we feel an emptiness in the pits of our stomachs - as we react in shock and horror to what has happened. It will be a day of defeat - of shocking defeat - and horror as the gates of the United States fall and our wall is breached. Please understand that I do not like this. I am a patriot who loves this nation - warts and all. But to reject the Word on what God does to nations who depart from Him as horribly as ours has - is only to hide my head in the sand like a fool. As I read more though, the reason why such horrific tragedy happens made me tremble even more. Second, these verses speak of FALSE PROPHETS AND PRIESTS. One of the safe guards that God has for any nation is His prophets and priests. In the United States this would be the pastor's of this nation. They are there to see the truth - and warn God's people about the devastating effects when they choose sin. The prophets are present there to warn. Their fundamental purpose is not to tell everyone that they were awesome and that only good things were coming to them. In fact there are multiple passages that warn against the false prophets of health, wealth, and prosperity. A nation filled with such false prophets was usually a nation about to fall. These false prophets will steer clear of actually warning a sinful people of the consequences of sinning against God. They will ignore sin and, in so doing, fill the streets with blood as they ignore what will come upon those who ignore God and walk in rebellion and disobedience. When God brings His judgment on that nation, He will single out these false prophets as both prophet, priest, and people fall together. I won't take a great deal of time on this point. Suffice it to say that our airwaves and pulpits are filled with those who promise continued prosperity. They do so not even mentioning the sins of the church and the sins of our nation. It is almost as if they think God does not see our sin. Some even denigrate anyone who speaks openly of sin in biblical terms. We also read that these false prophets have the "blood of the righteous" on them. You see, there will come a time soon when these false prophets and priests will join the wicked as they seek to silence those who embrace God's righteousness - even to the point of violence. But God promises that eventually judgment will come upon these false prophets and priests. The pastor's who refuse to stand on biblical righteousness - will fall - and will fall with the very followers who fund their message to the masses. What are we to do in a situation like ours? Precious saints of God - we need to do what has been done by others before us who feared God. First, we need to look to our own hearts. Turn to God, seek His face, repent, and cry out to Him in humble prayer. The spiritual pollution that dominates our day - has risen even the point of flooding into the church. Begin with you - as I began with me this morning. Once we have cleansed the temple of our own hearts, cry out that God would then do corporately what he has done individually. Pray for the purifying and cleansing of His church. Peter instructs us that judgment begins at the house of God - it begins with His people returning to Him. When we have done that - join with others to pray for our nation. Begin by praying for those around you - family, friends, coworkers, associates - anyone who is in your sphere of influence. Pray for your neighborhood, then your city, then your state, and eventually our nation! Pray for mercy - and pray for revival and spiritual awakening in our city, state, and land. I know that I've said this in the past - but this morning's warning from the Scriptures was sobering. It also had an urgency to it. I would like to tell you that God's patience will last a long time. But even though He is long-suffering, we should know that our nation's turn from Him and His ways has been going on for a long time. The last time we had a major revival was probably in the late 1800's. We are a people who do not seek God intensely. The trend has been away from two week long revival meetings (common in the 1940-s and 50's) and even away from week long ones (common in the 1960's and 70's). The trend moved to only a weekend of meetings - and now even that is a rarity. We prefer a conference where a self-help topic is discussed. Talk of repentance and revival is no longer in vogue in the church. Please understand that I am not hawking for extended meetings or some future revival meetings. What I would much prefer is an extended time of prayer meetings - followed by a genuine revival. I know that this has been a tough read. I don't take any joy in having to say these things - and yet I know that to not say them would be far worse for us. It is my prayer that first by example and then by precept God will grant me mercy to lead us in this. May we be a people who turn to Him, cry out to Him, humble ourselves, and receive His gracious mercy. Ours is an interesting generation. With the direction of recent events in our society it is evident that there is a new “right” that is being invented by the courts which at the same time is eroding a right that was recognized by our forefathers as fundamental to a people who desire to be governed well.
Recently, there has been a growing legal trend that supports a new so-called “right” in our nation. That right is Erotic liberty. Erotic liberty is the right to not only choose whatever sexuality you desire, but to have that erotic choice affirmed and celebrated by the rest of society. When your newly formed “erotic rights” are infringed upon – even by those who hold a differing view of your actions due to their religious liberty – erotic liberty trumps religious liberty and even freedom of speech. This is quickly becoming the case as regards first the new right of homosexual marriage – and if the current trajectory continues – it will be the case in regard to any form of erotic liberty. The most high profile cases of this are the baker that was put out of business by his refusal to make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple who were married, and now a Fire and Rescue Chief in Atlanta who was fired because of his religious views on homosexuality and homosexual marriage. But a basic search of this topic on the internet will turn up a whole host of court cases and disciplinary actions taken against those who hold to a biblical view of sexuality. This may sound inflammatory, but there is a greater emphasis on suppressing the religious liberty of bible-believing Christians on this issue, than there is on radical Islam and terrorism in our nation. Let me make my case by illustrating that there are no nationwide calls by our president and others to be careful about intolerance toward Christians when it comes to their views about marriage. Counter to that, the Governor of Virginia is so concerned about the new wrong view of marriage (that wrong-minded view is now considered to be the view that marriage is between a man and a woman only) that he is seeking legal action making the words husband and wife removed from all Virginia government documents and replacing it with the word “spouse” instead. God-forbid that we would refer to marriage partners as husband and wife. Thus, while our elected officials loathe referring to militant terrorists as “radical Islamic terrorists,” they have no problem calling those who hold the view that marriage is only between a man and a woman bigots, homophobes, and civil rights violators. They refuse to refer to the insurgent group in the Middle East as ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) but rather choose a name that does not identify their religious affiliation as Islamic. That would be encouraging prejudice. They decry (and they should) any kind of action against Islamic places of worship – or even businesses associated with Middle Eastern proprietor. But when it comes to a man who is a Christian who says that he cannot celebrate a gay marriage by making a cake, it is all out war until the man is run out of business. Thus we see the rise of Erotic Liberty as a fundamental right. Whatever your sexual orientation – others MUST celebrate your choice as right and good. This will be enforced by both societal pressure as well as a growing governmental legality. The sexual revolution that began in the 1950’s and 1960’s with the denigration of marriage through the re-defining of fornication as living together and no-fault divorce, is now reaching it fruition with gay marriage and the denigration of gender as something determined by your biology. We now see a young lady moving to New Jersey so that she can marry her father. Bathrooms being re-thought, no longer according to biological gender, but rather according to whatever gender someone considers themselves to be that day. We watch communities and school systems struggle with whether they can have boys and girls playing sports exclusively on the basis or biological gender. We struggle with whether it is proper for religious institutions to be able to hire leaders who agree with their now “wrongly-held” views of marriage and sexuality. This is the trumping of religious liberty with erotic liberty. Where do we go to find some source of stability in this time of revolution? It seems to hold to a bible-based view of sexuality is dangerous in our day. So what are we to do if we hold to the Bible as God’s revelation of Himself and His views on all matters on which it comments? That is the burning question that is waiting to be answered for those of us in the evangelical, bible-believing community today. It is also the question I will seek to answer in the next installment of this series of articles. ![]() What is happening in the realm of Christian music lately? There is a growing number of those who have been in the Christian music circles who are coming out as being gay. There is also a growing trend among others to come out in support of gay marriage. But possibly the most disturbing of these trends is that more and more of these individuals are not only commenting on these decisions, but are making some very bold “theological” statements about God – and how God views this sexual choice. So what is happening here? Why has it become more and more acceptable to the Christian music industry for these people not just to come out about their sexual choices – but also to begin airing their thoughts and views as acceptable? It is almost becoming a common event for someone in the Christian music industry to affirm homosexuality openly. Vicky Beeching, the author of the song “Glory to God,” is the most recent to admit to this choice in her life. One slight difference with Beeching is that she has studied theology at Oxford. Beeching, who left the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) scene to become a television commentator, made the following comment about how she views God and the homosexual lifestyle. “I feel certain God loves me just the way I am, and I have a huge sense of calling to communicate that to young people.” This is the most disturbing aspect of this move within the industry. There is a growing acceptance of homosexuality and homosexual marriage – not in the world – but within what should be an industry that embraces evangelical biblical doctrine. As an example of this kind of thinking you only have to turn to comments made by the former editor of Contemporary Christian Music magazine, Matthew Paul Turner, who said the following about his support of gay marriage when asked why he voted against Tennessee’s marriage amendment. He made it clear that he did not believe that homosexual behavior was sinful. He said he might be wrong but in his own words said, “I'd much rather be wrong and pursue grace and open acceptance than right and be arrogant and cruel.” First of all please understand that I do not hate homosexuals. My heart goes out to them and desires for them to be saved and drawn out of this sinful lifestyle. Also understand when I say this, I say it knowing that God called me out of heterosexual immorality when I was saved. It is not that I consider myself or my views superior to theirs. I needed to be rescued from my sin, just as I am stating they need to be rescued from theirs. So I do not come from an angle that says, “Your wrong and I’m right.” I come from saying, “My behavior was wrong and God rescued me – your choice is wrong too and God wants to rescue you too! The reason I, or anyone for that matter, can say this is because the Scriptures teach that homosexuality and heterosexual immorality is sin. And here is where I have my core concern for the Christian Music industry. My core concern is that too often, the Christian music industry is far more interested about “music” than it is about “Christianity.” It is far too much about our experience than it is about the Word of God. This has been the case for several decades now. The unfortunate reality that we are seeing today is simply the fruit of an activity done more and more out from under the Lordship of Christ and the authority of Scripture. Early in the rise of Christian music this was not the case. The early years of Christian music was dominated by people who wanted to sing about God, about His Word (often singing His Word), and about how God had saved them. It was all about music that spoke often of God – openly of God – and radically about loving and serving Him. Now much of our Christian music could be about God – or – it could be about your girlfriend. Too often we find little focus on God and far too much focus on us – or honestly, on how God makes much of us. You might be wondering how all this fits into the current trends in the Christian Music Industry today? Here is where the problem lies – in the lack of a strong theological background in those making and producing it. Go back a few hundred years and look at those writing much of what we sang in the hymns. You will find among them people with very strong theological backgrounds. You will also find among them people who wrote songs to be sung in times of corporate worship than in a performance or concert. They also made much less money for what they did – therefore for many of them – theirs was a labor of love. Today, there is big money in the Christian Music industry. Their percentage in the music market is rising substantially. Thus entities like Word Music and others have far more “music industry people” than they do “church-loving, theology-driven song writers.” The difference you see is pretty amazing when it comes to God-centered, God-focused lyrics. It truly matters when people are passionate about their relationship with Jesus Christ. It truly matters when people are taught the Scriptures and taught so that they grasp sound doctrine. Where is the Christian music industry? I would submit to you that even though they can effect “some” change through their music, the real issue has much more to do with where the church is today. When the church is no longer living in radical obedience to God and His Word, this will eventually be reflected in its music. When the church is no longer standing fast in sound theology, it will be reflected in its theology in music, or the lack thereof). When the church is no longer standing for clear biblical morality, it will be reflected in those who minister (or in too many cases perform) through music. What we have here is not a problem primarily with the Christian music industry but with how the church’s heart is reflected in it. The Christian Music industry is simply reflecting where the church is in our day. The reason we are seeing the CMI (Christian Music Industry) struggle with moral issues is because the church itself is struggling as well. The church is struggling with these issues because it no longer lives with the Lordship of Jesus Christ as its rudder. This leads to a church that does not submit itself to Scripture as the absolute authority in faith and practice (which includes moral stances upon the Scriptures, rather than on the prevailing culture). There is a problem – but that problem in not in the CMI at its core. The problem is where the church is in our day – in desperate need of a revival of biblical Christianity. If you have read of the ongoing downgrade of biblical Christianity in the CMI – then step back and take a breath before calling down fire upon them for what is happening. There is a root to all this, and I honestly believe that it is the lack of biblical Christianity in the church. This root system will point us to a loss of our first love for Christ. It will point us to an abandonment of the Scriptures as authoritative and instructive to every aspect of our lives and culture. It will point us to the general malaise of apathy and hard-heartedness toward God’s Word, and indeed, toward God Himself. Saints, I realize that I sound like a broken record on this, but what we need is true revival where we address our own hearts first. If there were true revival where our hearts turned back to God – these issues would eventually be addressed because of the change happening in our lives as a result. May God do this work in us – so that what affects the church most is not music icons in search of fame and fortune – but men and women who love God with all their hearts, live according to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives, and submit to the moral, theological, and practical rule of Scripture in all that they do. ![]() These were originally shared on Facebook - and there were requests to re-publish them on the church website. Post #1 - Thought a lot since yesterday and the drama surrounding marriage. There is a storm coming (actually, already is here). There is going to be a battle between who will have "civil rights" when this is done. That is because the Bible has always held homosexual activity to be sin - and will not change regardless of how people voted on Prop 8 in California vote or what the Supreme Court decides. Therefore if homosexuality is considered a civil right, then the Biblical view of homosexuality will be deemed illegal - in free speech rights - in the hiring of church personnel - and eventually in what is taught legally in churches. Those who think this is extreme need to remember that when abortion was first argued in the early 1970's wise people said it would one day be available up to the moment of birth and for things like sex selection - and they were considered extreme. After a comment from a friend in my hometown about how my children would react if they were homosexuals - and that they probably would not come to me - but suffer shame and misery silently - this post was made. Post #2 - Just to let you know, although it was not homosexuality, I've had times with my children where they were walking in some pretty serious sin (from a biblical standpoint). Rather than wait for them to come to me - my sweet wife and I lovingly, yet firmly and boldly approached them. We did so making sure or several things . . . First, that they knew we had sinned in the past (my past involved actually hating Christians and Christianity - and a great deal of sexual immorality). Second, we assured them that although we were crushed and disappointed with their current choices - we would NEVER stop loving them. We assured them that there was nothing they would ever do that would make us reject them as persons - or as our children. Our problem was with choices they were making outside of God's will. Third - we took the time to sit down with them and share the Scriptures - specifically what they were doing that was outside of God's will. We did so unapologetically and with boldness (our confidence arising from God's Word - not from any pseudo-religious standing we thought we might have as parents or me as a pastor). Afterward, we assured them of two things - we would continue to side with God's Word on the moral issue - and second that we loved them very much. Post #3 - My original post was about the political ramifications of the current debate. I have known several people who chose a homosexual lifestyle - have loved them - shared with them - and continue to affirm my love for them personally. God does not approve of their homosexuality - even as He did not approve of my fornication before I came to Christ (and He wouldn't approve of it now either!) There are consequences for a nation when they choose to codify a sinful choice as legal. BUT - as a pastor and disciple of Jesus Christ - my responsibility is to love the person who is sinning, tell them the truth, and let them know that as a fellow sinner - I found grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ. God gave it to me when I responded to the conviction of the Holy Spirit (Who used Scripture to show me my sin) in repentance from my heterosexual immorality (as well as breaking His Law multitudes of times in ways that blew my mind). They can receive the same grace from God as well. The one thing they will have to do, though, is see their choice (homosexuality is a choice - not a DNA driven lifestyle) as sin and be willing to respond in repentance as they turn from it, and faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to pay for their sin and be right with God. Post #4 - Still thinking about the homosexual marriage debate . . . As Biblical Christians we have an interesting number of roles to live out in regard to these days. First and foremost we have our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That we walk out loving and knowing Him - and do so with humility - always grasping that He first loved us and drew us to Himself due to His immeasurable mercy and grace. Second, we have a dual responsibility to our world which means we will walk a fine line in regard to how the world works. The first of these dual responsibilities is to proclaim the gospel of God's grace in Jesus Christ! That means that we cannot allow the political or social discourse to become so toxic that we are rejected because of our political beliefs alone. The first offense in our lives needs to be the offense of the cross and the gospel. If people are offended with us - it is because we love them enough to tell them of their condition - their true condition of falling short of the glory of God. Here is where we have to be careful that our political discourse does not make it seem like certain sins are "more sinful" that others. Sin is sin - and it all separates us from God - and requires of us repentance and faith in Jesus Christ to be forgiven and to receive Christ's righteousness as a gift so we can stand before God. In regard to sin - I am no different than the homosexual - for we both have sinned against God and we both need pure, unadulterated grace that only comes in the gospel. This ALWAYS has to be our first message to the world. BUT, we also have a second role that comes into focus in times like these - and that is a prophetic one. Especially in a democratic republic like ours - we play a part in our governing process. Therefore when our nation begins to turn from its godly heritage (which is has been going on for probably 60-70 years now - I am not one to say that this is the big issue - we've made choices for many years now - racism and inequality for blacks from the end of the Civil War until the Civil Rights movement of the early 1960's, the free love movement of the 1960's which popularized heterosexual immorality i.e. sex outside of monogamous, heterosexual marriage, abortion in the 1970's, the love of money in the 80's and 90's, and now homosexuality from the 80's to the present) - again, when our nation turns from its godly heritage and wants to codify as law what God calls sin, it is our responsibility to prophetically speak God's Word to our society - not that we predict the future or write new Scripture (which is unscriptural) - but we speak the morality that is in the Bible - boldly and unapologetically to our society. We lovingly, yet strongly state where we are going - and where it will lead. We do so hopefully knowing that it is most likely the case that we will be rejected - mocked - and called any number of names. Yet we do this for God's glory - and for love of the people in the world - and never for any kind of vindictiveness. We remember where WE came from - and that we needed grace and truth to come to Christ too. Finally - we do this for God's glory - knowing that Jesus made it clear that His Kingdom is not of this world. There is a strong possiblity that we will be misrepresented, cursed, spoken evil of - and maybe even arrested and put to death eventually for our stand with God's Word - and with the gospel of Jesus Christ. If I remember rightly - our Founder and Savior was cursed, mocked, arrested and eventually crucified for speaking the truth (wonder what week that happened in history? - oh, yeah, this week!) Just one last admonition for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Hold fast to the Word of God - to the testimony of Jesus Christ - to the gospel of God's salvation - and when you do have to speak prophetically to the culture - SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE! Tough to do - I know - but when we do have to speak prophetically to our culture and our government - we do not want to do so in such a way that will disqualify us from sharing the more important message of the gospel later! (Yeah - just looked at the length of this - and I am a preacher - HA! - and a long-winded one at that!) Love all of you - and especially those I have the honor of ministering to weekly at Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro! |
Biblical ArticlesMost of these articles are taken from the Calvary Courier, a weekly newsletter that is sent to the folks who attend Calvary Chapel Jonesboro. Due to the response to these articles, we've decided to print some of them which proved to be very helpful to God's people at the fellowship. ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend. Thank you!
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