![]() DISCERNING SPIRITS, PART 2 We have been looking at how to discern spirits so that we can know whether a spirit is from God or not. In the 4th chapter of Job we hear from Eliphaz a visitation that he received from a spirit. Was this a godly encounter or an ungodly one? Can we discern anything from this encounter or not? Let’s take a look and examine this situation. "Now a word was brought to me stealthily, And my ear received a whisper of it. "Amid disquieting thoughts from the visions of the night, When deep sleep falls on men, Dread came upon me, and trembling, And made all my bones shake. Then a spirit passed by my face; The hair of my flesh bristled up. "It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance; A form was before my eyes; There was silence, then I heard a voice: 'Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker? 'He puts no trust even in His servants; And against His angels He charges error. 'How much more those who dwell in houses of clay, Whose foundation is in the dust, Who are crushed before the moth! 'Between morning and evening they are broken in pieces; Unobserved, they perish forever. 'Is not their tent-cord plucked up within them? They die, yet without wisdom.' Job 4:12-21 (NASB) First of all, before we begin, there are those who say that a person with an experience like this can claim it to be God. This person, as some claim, is not at the mercy of someone who did NOT have the experience. The experience itself, when claimed to be spiritual and from God, is enough and requires no proof on behalf of the one who had it. This view is very dangerous – and actually is NOT supported by what is said in the Scriptures. GOD HIMSELF tells us to test the spirits to see whether they are from God. Therefore a view of this as sufficient in itself is not wise. The first thing we see here in Eliphaz’s testimony is that this was a frightening, if not creepy experience. Whether he was asleep or awake is not something that we are able to discern here. But when being visited by spirits, there is validity to the experience being similar to a dream. Joseph had experiences with holy angels that communicated with him in his dreams. Also there is not sufficient evidence to state whether this was a godly or ungodly experience from Eliphaz’s emotional state during the visitation. This should remind us that how we “feel” about something can be a dangerous measure of whether it is true or not. When we examine the role of feelings in encounters with spirits or angels we learn some very important things that we need to remember to rightly discern these experiences. When you look at the testimony of the Bible on these matters – many who received both godly and ungodly messengers were terrified of them during the visit. Men like Moses, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel were all very frightened by their visitations from holy angels. They each had a sense of dread in their presence, even though for each of them the messenger was not bringing bad news to them personally. Whether an angel is holy or unholy there is an awesomeness in their appearance that can cause men to fear, even to the point of physical trembling and terror. Eliphaz’s experience is in line with these, even though it is a little more creepy and mysterious than most. One thing that we may be helpful for us to see in these visitations is that in many of the godly ones there is a sense of sinfulness that can be overwhelming to the person in them. Moses hid his face, afraid to look upon God, even in the form of a burning bush. Manoah and his wife (Samson’s parents) had a sense of dread that they were going to die due to the holiness of the angel who visited them. Isaiah was struck with his sinfulness in the presence of God and the holy angels who attended Him. Daniel fell on his face and struggled to breathe because the fear of his sins was so heavy upon him. It was only when the angel of the Lord spoke peace to him that these “holiness” terrors subsided from him. When you think about these particular visits, it seems logical that holy angels bring about a sense of God’s holiness as they appear. That kind of holiness, though only reflected by these beings, should make us feel our sinfulness acutely. So what do we learn from all of these situations concerning our feelings and properly discerning whether a spirit is from God or not? The main thing we learn is that feelings alone – even possible feelings of unworthiness and sinfulness – are not sufficient for this task. We need something more than how we feel about the situation if we are going to determine the difference between a holy or an unholy spirit that manifest’s itself to us. Hopefully we know that when it comes to our feelings – there is a possibility that we are deceived. Therefore we must be extremely careful with them – and go far deeper than just how we feel when dealing with these things. We need to go to what is being said. When we examine what is said – in light of the Scriptures – we will be able to do a far better job of knowing whether a spirit is saying what agrees with what God has revealed about Himself or not. Therefore the wise man or woman measures all things by God’s Word. Feelings can be fallible – and can be misinterpreted. We can be deceived by our feelings as well as misled because of how we respond to them. What is most important is what is written. Just remember this (and we will look far deeper into it). Jesus faced a visitation from the chief of all evil spirits. Even He did not discern this situation through His feelings. Jesus heard what was said – and three times responded by discerning and answering with the Scriptures. We will look at this further next week. Until then – discern through the Word. Hold fast to what God says – and learn to judge all things that come at you by what He says.
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May God bless you this week and grant you wisdom in order that you may test every spirit to make sure that they are from God. Recently I began reading the book of Job again in my times alone with God. While reading I came across a passage that has always puzzled me a little. It is in Job 4 where Eliphaz, one of Job's friends, relates a story to Job about a time when a spirit came to him and spoke to him. Eliphaz shares with Job what the spirit said to him, assuming that it is truth. The passage is a little spooky because the way the spirit came to Eliphaz was shrowded in mystery and caused him to react in a great deal of fear. Eventually I will share the entire passage in this series of articles, but suffice it now to say that a question came up in my mind that disturbed me greatly.
Here is the question. How do you know whether a visit from a spirit is of God or not? I've heard testimonies from people who have been visited by what they believe to be a spirit or an angel. Are we to simply believe any message that we receive when it comes shrouded in mystery and in some sort of spiritual experience? What does the Bible have to say about such things? Is there any way that we can determine whether a message is from God - or are we at the mercy of any message that comes through any kind of spirit-clad messenger? That is what I want to answer from a look at the Scriptures for the next several weeks. Why would anyone want to explore a topic like this? There are actually a couple of good reasons I can offer - and maybe one that is relative to me personally. Let's look first at the Biblical reasons to examine this. The Bible actually speaks to this issue - and offers a warning to us in more than one place. In 1 John 4:1 we read the following admonition, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1, NASB) Whether we believe it in our modern, scientific culture or not, the Word of God says that there are spirits that are operative in our world. I find the rise of paranormal movies and shows in our culture interesting. It used to be that such activity was just movies using camera tricks to make things look spooky, but now the craze is to actually film paranormal (read spirit here) activity. The fact that the movie, "Paranormal Activity" has had 3 sequels, and that there are multiple television shows where they are seeking out this kind of spirit activity, should tell us that this is something we should address with Scripture. What might surprise some is that there are several passages that warn us about this kind of activity. Here we have John telling us to test the spirits to make sure that they are from God. That opens the door to the existence and activity of evil spirits whose desire is to lie to and deceive us. Paul chimes in as well on this matter in Galatians 1:8 with a statement about the gospel: "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!" It might be wise at this point to remind ourselves that the Bible teaches us that there are spirit-beings called angels. These were originally created holy - but a third of them fell when Satan rebelled against God. That alone is a good reason to test the spirits - and make sure that any kind of communication from a spirit is from God. Just to round out our reasons to test any spirit is the fact that there are multiple experiences recorded in the Bible where spirits communicate with people. Paul cast a demon out of a woman who was a fortuneteller and who was annoying him as he sought to proclaim the gospel. King Saul was tortured by an evil spirit after he rebelled against God - and eventually believed a spirit that said it was Samuel the prophet. Seven sons of a Jewish priest named Sceva were beaten badly by a man possessed by a spirit and sent out of a home naked and bleeding. On the positive side of things, Joseph was led by God through a spirit to escape Herod's murderous plot to kill the baby Jesus. Another spirit woke Peter up and escorted him out of a high security Jerusalem jail. So you can see that this is not just an issue of rejecting all spirit messengers. There can be visits from spirits (angels) that are positive as well as negative. Our problem is knowing how to discern the difference between the two. Thus we return to the visit to Eliphaz. His visit was enshrouded in mystery and involved counsel which he took as from God - and then offered to Job. How can we know if this was godly or ungodly counsel? How can we know whether this was a good visit from a spirit whose origin was holy - or a visit from an evil spirit designed to deceive him and all who would receive his counsel? The one thing we must not do is have a knee-jerk reaction to these things in either direction. Some consider any visit by a spirit an honor. If you have an incident to report to others involving something like a spirit or an angel - it must be good. This is not a wise response to such things. Remember that Paul told us in Corinthians that Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light - and that his minions (the other fallen angels) will masquerade as messengers of good. It is also unwise to throw out all experiences with spirits as weird and demonic. The Bible does record that such things take place. There are those who are visited by spirits from God. It is not the norm for Him to do so - because He normally speaks through Scripture as the Holy Spirit teaches us and leads us through the Word of God. But - there can be leadership that is from Him - that is given by an angel or a spirit from God. So, join me over the next several weeks as we examine this in the Scriptures. I hope by the time we are finished that you will have adequate tools from the Word to be able to do what God desires for us to do - which is - to test the spirits to see whether they are from God. Such wisdom is good for us in our day as the exaltation of the paranormal continues. It will be a blessing to be able to definitively say whether a spirit is from God or not. These next several articles are long. They come from a series of things I wrote to a frustrated brother who sought help in an email relationship with me. He does not attend Calvary Chapel, yet his struggle is mirrored in the lives of so many who know the Lord, and yet who fight with sin in their lives. This fight will last all our days - but for many of us it gets very intense when we have an area of our lives where sin just seems to dominate us. Our struggle parallels that of Paul - but for those who want to move on to victory, we need to make the trek from identifying with Romans 7 to experiencing Romans 8. That is what these articles try to do. It is my hope that they are helpful to all those who wrestle with sin in an honest effort to be conformed to our Lord Jesus Christ.
For we know that the Law is spiritual; but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. For that which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. But if I do the very thing I do not wish to do, I agree with the Law, confessing that it is good. So now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin which indwells me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the wishing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. For the good that I wish, I do not do; but I practice the very evil that I do not wish. But if I am doing the very thing I do not wish, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wishes to do good. For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin. Romans 7:14-25 Now, as to the remedy for what you are facing. You might want to seek that out by reading what comes after Paul's statement about his struggle/battle with sin. He sees here that this has to come, "through Jesus Christ our Lord!" But there is more to this - but it is in chapter 8 of Romans. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so; and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. And if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you. So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh-- for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, " Abba! Father!" Romans 8:1-15 There is so much here in chapter 8 . . . let me take the next couple of days and break it down into small, daily, bite-size pieces for you. Hope this helps! Lesson #1 - It's the Spirit Who sets you free - Who grants you power to overcome. Note that Paul says that it is the "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" that sets us free from the law of sin and death. The "law of sin and death" is the old way (never did work) of making and keeping rules. You have rules about sexual sin - rules about what you look at - rules about the computer - rules about self-gratification - rules, rules, rules. The problem is that the Law never set any man free from sin. In fact, Paul tells us earlier in Romans that the Law was given to show us we could never keep the Law - due to sin in our hearts. Soooo . . . we also won't be set free by just "obeying laws and rules." What we need is a different power than ourselves. Our flesh will not submit to God's Law - EVER! So Paul lets us know that we no longer live by the "law of sin and death." We live by a new law - the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. We live by a different "life" than the one we used to have. Thanks be to God - He gave us life in Jesus Christ. The life He gave us? Christ's own life - which can overcome sin every time! What we need to develop is a willingness to run to God and to His Spirit in our battles. You may be able to stop a thought initially - even make it go away temporarily - but you cannot put it to death. It WILL come back later and bug you, annoy you, and torture your thinking until you give way to it. Ever try to get a song out of your head - or stop thinking about something by TRYING to stop thinking about it. Yeah - doesn't work does it. Neither does fighting sin by trying to stop sinning and thinking about the temptation to sin. What we need is MORE POWER! We need a different kind of life. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus - is that we turn to Him, to His power, to His life, to think about Him. This is so different - because our thoughts are no longer about the sin - but about Christ Himself. The Scriptures say this about this battle, "But we all, with unveiled faces, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being changed into that same image, from glory to glory - even as unto the image of the Lord." What you look at is truly what you will become. We are no longer looking at sin - but now, by the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus - we are looking at Him - at Jesus - and we are being changed into His glory, by His glory, for His glory! Let me ask you a kind of dumb question. How many times did Jesus lose a battle with sin - hmmmm - NEVER! So as we turn to Him and His life - we look to that life in us as the power to overcome. Suddenly it is no longer just us trying to stop sinning - it is the power of the Spirit working in us doing this. That is why later Paul says this, "but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live." How are we putting to death the deeds of our body? BY THE SPIRIT! Here is a little homework for tonight. Take some time to pray - talking to God - and honestly - apologizing to the Holy Spirit (Who by the way IS God - third person of the Trinity). Apologize and confess as sin your actions (sin) that have been for grieving Him. Apologize for putting out His fire with your sin - and trying to do His work in your strength. Once you've confessed your sin - ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His power - so that by His power (rather than yours) you can fight sin. By the way, when you think of the filling of the Holy Spirit - don't think of it as something filling you up. The Holy Spirit is a person - not a thing. Consider His filling - He fills you with His influence and a filling up your life with fellowship! We speak of spending time with someone - and say at times, "My whole day was filled with time spent with my friend, wife, kids, etc." We are filled with their presence - with what they say - with great memories - with wisdom as they talk to us - with love as they selflessly give themselves to serve and bless us. It is the same way as we are being "filled with the Holy Spirit." Be filled with His presence - with what He says - with great memories of time spent talking with Him and being taught by Him - with wisdom as He teaches you the Word - with love as He selflessly gives you the things of God and serves you and blesses you. DUDE - SPEND AN HOUR - A WHOLE DAY - A WHOLE WEEKEND TURNING TO HIM AND GETTING FILLED UP WITH ALL HE WANTS TO DO AND SAY TO YOU! This is just step one - we will look at more over the next couple of weeks. For today - get better acquainted with the Spirit - and do some serious damage control in your relationship with Him. Oh, how He wants to grant you power to fight sin - but in order to do that - you've got to stop thinking you can fight it on your own. Here is one other thing to do . . . next time you have a temptation to sin - turn to God the Holy Spirit - and fight it WITH HIM! Ask Him for power to fight - ask Him to teach you what to do - ask Him for the tools to PUT SIN TO DEATH - not just make it go away for a while - or until morning. This will transform your battles with sin - from something you do to something He does within you. This will make the battle more than just "not thinking or doing sin" to "turning to Him, seeing Him, knowing Him, and in the end being transformed to be just like Him by His power and might that powerfully works within you. What kind of men are we? That was the question I had to ask myself after reading a couple of things today. The first was a quote by John Stuart Mill. He wrote the following about war,
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degrading state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." - John Stuart Mill - When I read this I honestly wondered about myself. In light of what we face as a nation, can I say that I am not guilty of a certain "moral and patriotic decay" that shies away from the war for the very soul of our nation at present? There is a battle for the soul of the United States and it rages every day. Some would have us move toward being a nation that is based upon a philosophy of Socialism where the state becomes the caretaker of all within it. We are walking in that direction and fast destroying the once great nation given to us by God and our forefathers. It is said that Socialism only works until the government runs out of other people's money to spend. That is quickly coming upon us each day that we do not rise up to the moral, social, political, and spiritual battles that surround us. Let me better define the war of which I speak. It is my hope that it will never descend into a war of weapons where the outcome is dependent upon which army destroys the other. But at present it is a war of ideas. A war that is fought with words and actions based upon those ideas. There is a greatly decayed moral state in America that must be addressed if we are going to survive as a nation. Nations fall not because of conquerors who fight from without - but because of moral decay and destruction within. We must first stand against the moral decay that is rotting us from the inside out. That means fighting the battles that rage in our flesh. It means once again valuing honesty, integrity, honor, hard work, faithfulness, and a host of other character traits which are far more often mocked by our godless society than glorified. It also means recapturing our homes as the primary place where education takes place. It is in the home where morals and godly character must be taught. More than this it is where moral character must be displayed by fathers. Such an endeavor will mean that we have to fight and war against some things. I will list several here. Please understand that we can either realize war is what MUST take place against these things - or we will lose. We can either fight in this war - or remain one of Mill's miserable creatures who live only for their own safety, security, and comfort. If we do, we will have to rely on other, more godly and principled men to maintain our freedom. My concern is that there are not many such men left in this hour - possible not enough to stem the tide of moral decay and political tyranny. First, we must fight and war against our own pacivity men! It is the easiest thing to start out days at the mercy of the clock. What I mean by this is that we get up so late that we do not have time to get quiet and meet with God. We must awaken early enough to spend time with Him - both in reading God's Word and in praying for ourselves, our family, and our nation. This is where is HAS to start. Men, we need to war against the moral decay in ourselves. If we do not, we will have nothing of substance to give in the war that rages all around us. Second, we must war for our marriages and our homes. I ask a simple question men. What is the state of your relationship with your wife? Do you cherish her? Do you nourish her with the Word? Are we patterning for our children and those around us a delight in God's institution of marriage? One of the most blighting scourges that is rotting our nation from within in the state of marriage and family in our land. We can either decry it and weep on the devastated landscape around us - or - we can begin to labor to restore the ancient foundations by loving our wives and loving our children. And that being said, what is the state of your role as "father?" Do YOU inspire your children with your lifestyle - and with your regular teaching. If we do not want a "nanny-state" we must then take on the rearing of our children and not leave it to the state and to the educational system. Do you speak to your children of the morals they should embrace? Even more - do you yourself display them to your children? Third, we must fight and war against the rule and reign of entertainment in our lives. I have nothing against entertainment - unless our devotion to it outstrips our devotion to God, our family, God's church, and our country. Too often we sit and decay simply by allowing the entertainment industry to speak to us - then for us in our homes. Think of their values men. Think of what you've seen and heard on television and in movies. Then realize that they not only reflect the moral decline in our nation - the urge it to continue to new heights. Lastly, are you warring for godly leaders in our land. I find it disturbing that over and over again we are told that morals in a man do not matter when it comes to electing our officials. A man can stand and say that he wants to lead our nation - indeed take an oath to do so - when he has not even honored his oath and covenant to his wife! Such men should be questioned much about these things. I understand that we all need God's grace - but do we not have men among us willing to run - who have not cheated on their wives . . . while being an elected official of our land. The Democrats defend President Clinton while he commits adultery in the White House - and the Republicans now defend Newt Gingrich while he does the same in the position of Speaker of the House. We must fight for principled men to lead us. If neither party is willing to put up such men should we not so war against them with our words, our financial contributions, and our direct involvement until such men are put forward? We will not see change - godly, moral, principled change - until we demand it. Men, I know this has been a long article - and I also know that many of us suffer from moral as well as family and patriotic failures of our past. But there truly will not be change until we passionately seek it. May we not be the pathetic, overindulged, and unwilling miserable creatures that John Stuart Mill described above. May we instead be the men who are willing to war against the culture - war against our own self-indulgence - and war for the reviving our our own hearts, marriages, families, churches, and nation. There are some things worth dying for in life. So I ask once again, "What kind of men are we?" I wanted to take a one week break in the midst of this series of articles to ask a simple question. That question is this, "Are you fighting?" That may seem like an interesting question to ask - but it is very applicable to the battle of being a godly man. Let me quote a pamphlet with that same title, Are You Fighting? which was written by J. C. Ryle.
"There are thousands of men and women who go to churches and chapels every Sunday and call themselves Christians . . . but you never see any 'fight' about their religion! Of spiritual strife, and exertion, and conflict, and self-denial, and watching, and warring they know literally nothing at all. Such Christianity may satisfy man, and those who say anything against it may be thought very hard and uncharitable; but it certainly is not the Christianity of the Bible. It is not the religion which the Lord Jesus founded, and His apostles preached. True Christianity is a 'fight.'" As we've walked through Psalm 101 we've seen some pretty strong language used. One might even say that this language is the language of conflict - of battle - of war. My answer to this is simple - IT IS! Our fight is perennially one against the flesh, the world, and the devil. These three are our main enemies - and if we are not engaged in a fight with them - we are most likely enslaved by them. One thing the Bible promises to us is that these enemies will not be idle. They are constantly looking for ways to make inroads in our lives. They want to set up beach heads that will serve as launching pads for further incursions into our lives morally and spiritually. What I am trying to say is that if we are not having any "fight" in our religion - we are losing a battle of which we not even aware. Raging all around us currently is a war currently for the souls of the men of our nation. The main front of that battle is for the menl of the church. But even that front has multiple avenues where we are being attacked. Let me mention a few (and please know that in no way is this seeking to be an exhaustive list). #1 - Guys . . . are you fighting with your eyes? I know this is a battle that seems to rage everywhere you go. From the grocery store where they put immoral magazines right at the checkout lines (and no I am not referring to Playboy, but to the women's magazines and tabloids in saying this - anyone want to argue with me biblically on this point?) to the television, to movies, to the way that women dress in our society, the battle is raging. But guys, we need to fight with our eyes - by turning them away from lust. Jesus put it this way, "if you right eye makes you stumble - rip it out and throw it from you." That sounds like a fight to me? But are we fighting? May God grant us grace to battle the lust of the eyes daily. I know that it is tough - and that at times we grow weak - but we cannot give in to the immorality of the world - the lust of our own flesh - or the lure of the devil in this. We need to FIGHT! #2 - Guys . . . are you fighting with your mind? This is closely related to the first - but it is important. What is filling your mind? The world will offer you a smorgesboard of things to fill your mind - and none of them will draw you closer to Christ - or encourage you to walk in His ways. Our flesh will rise up and fight getting into the Word - but do it anyway. With younger men this battle rages through the world of games - both on game consoles and on the internet. The amount of time that is wasted by our young men in this pursuits is monumental. Hours upon hours are spend filling our minds with worthless quests into an electronic world that provides escape from the real world. The frightening part of all this is that these escapes are from reality - and from the real issues of manhood that should be wrestled with at this age. To bring this up, I realize, is to possibly alienate myself from a whole younger generation. But unless someone says something - we are going to either delay an entire generation from becoming real men - or - lose them altogether. We need to fight for our minds. #3 - Guys . . . are you fighting for your morals? Here is a third area where we are being destroyed by the world, devil , and the flesh. I am speaking about pornography and gratifying our flesh. Recently I went to a sight that helps men get free from these things - and saw that they have had over 320,000 clients come to their site for help. According to their reasoning - this represents about 1 in 10 of the men in the church who struggle with these sins. If that is accurate - we have a problem in our country. There is reason to believe that somewhere in the rage of 3 million men, IN THE CHURCH, have these problems. I am not saying this to make you feel condemned, but rather to call all of us to action. If we are not free - we need to be - as soon as possible. Once we get free - we need to continue to FIGHT - not just for ourselves - but for our brothers in Christ as well. #4 - Guys . . . are you fighting for your integrity? This goes beyond the battle in our minds - to the battle for our daily actions in our jobs, our homes, our churches, and anywhere else we walk. This is the fight to take what we learn from the Word and make it a part of our lifestyles. Here is the reason why so much is falling apart in our society - a lack of integrity. Every scandal at its core happened because someone somewhere did not maintain their integrity. When you multiply that times over 350 million Americans - you are going to have serious problems. Are you willing to fight for integrity - even when your competitor does not? Are you and I willing to trust the Lord to prosper and keep us afloat - even if we do not cut corners and "cook the books" for our benefit? The worst crisis we face as a nation is not financial. Our worst problems are not healthcare, jobs, or security. Our key crisis is one of integrity. Without men of integrity our nation will not continue to stand. Will you be one of the first to embrace God's call to integrity - and fight for it even though many other men around you will not? These are just four areas where the battle rages - or should be raging. What is sad is that many shun the fight. They just want a comfortable life - one without difficulties or the struggles it takes to "fight the good fight of faith" the Bible presents to us. But as long as we remain on a fallen earth - filled with fallen people - who do fallen things - and who promote fallen lifestyles - there is going to be a fight. So hear me brothers as I seek to encourage you today! Brothers in Christ . . . we are called to be MEN OF GOD! We are called out of this present darkness into His glorious light to embrace the conflict that WILL begin the moment we are saved. We are not perfect - but we are in the process where God is perfecting us! We are not sinless - but oh how we are called to both hate and battle sin in our lives. We are called to put on the armor of God - daily putting each piece on so that we can stand - and after we have fought to the last ounce of strength which God provides - to keep on standing! We cannot afford to quit! We cannot afford to be lazy and undisciplined! We fight for our families! We fight for our children - esepecially our sons, who are watching and begging us to be men they can follow! We fight for the church - the bride of our Lord - the pillar of truth - and the manifestation of God's grace - and the place where the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ should shine forth the brightest! But in this hour, my blessed brothers, we are fighting for our lives! The devil and his world system feel they are on the brink of victory. They flex their muscles through the media and government thinking that they will win the day. We face onslaught after onslaught - attack after attack - and battle after battle. They fight us personally in our minds - relationally in our homes and churches - and morally in our national discourse. But like those who have stood in what seemed like impossible battles - we stand. Like the 300 Spartans who stood alone against the invaders who landed on their shores - we stand against hordes of those who fight against our God and against His Word. But know this, brothers, we will stand. We will stand upon the Word of God that has faced countless attacks and yet stands firm as the revelation of God. We will stand upon the grace of God in the gospel that has won millions upon millions in every generation - under every form of government - in every trial - and under every type of oppression. Finally, we will stand with our Lord Jesus Christ - Who has vanquished sin, death, and hell by His cross. Who has stood strong against the attack of every false prophet, every false philosophy, every false religion, and every falsehood the devil has thrown at Him. We will stand in Him knowing that He has won the victory - not just at the end of the age - but He has won the victory in every generation. Now is not the time for us to faint. Now is the time for us to FIGHT! |
Biblical ArticlesMost of these articles are taken from the Calvary Courier, a weekly newsletter that is sent to the folks who attend Calvary Chapel Jonesboro. Due to the response to these articles, we've decided to print some of them which proved to be very helpful to God's people at the fellowship. ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend. Thank you!
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