Government – Our New God and Savior ( A Commentary on the Controversy Between the Government and the Catholic Church over Contraceptives and Abortifacient Drugs)
Recently a huge controversy erupted over a decision by the Obama Administration to command religious organizations like the Catholic church and their sister organizations to provide birth control and some abortifacients in all their insurance coverage. Such a decree from on high is completely against the long-held religious doctrine of the Catholic church. Also it flies in the face of many evangelical churches whose established teaching sees abortifacient drugs as abortion. This would be little more than a government imposed type of “Abortion on Command.” There are two reasons why the recent Obama administration decree to the religious community is so odious. The first reason is the way that it egregiously disregards the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The actions of the government trample upon the “free exercise” of religious principle in this case. What the Obama administration has done is use Obama-care and the unconstitutional powers is gives them to tell the church where it will and will not stand on issues of conscience. This is just a foretaste of what is coming from the behemoth 2700 page Obama-care bill. Truly we are slowly learning what Nancy Pelosi meant when she told us we would have to pass the bill in order to find out what is in it. Now we are learning to our growing horror that it contains multiple violations of the very principles contained in our founding document. Who would have thought that the very right of freedom of religion would be crushed by a health care bill. The fact we are slowly beginning to see is that this bill gives government the power to tell the religious community what they will believe and what they will practice. Thus the new religion of the United States, socialism, will be forced on all of us by the out of control Obama administration. The second objection is how this decree has unconstitutionally made the government the “lord” of commerce by being able to tell insurance companies that they MUST offer contraception and other birth control and abortifacients to women free of charge. This action breaches the public trust by allowing unelected officials in the Health and Human Services agency to tell companies to give away services with no recourse for their expenses in doing so. What else will our government tell us to give away at full charge to us – but no charge to the recipients? This is nothing more than a “Robin-hood” form of the government taking from one and choosing who it will give it to in the end. Again the political, and now apparently religious, views of Socialism are being made the official doctrine and law of our country. This won’t last because any economy based on Socialism will, as Margaret Thatcher so wisely said, eventually run out of other people’s money. This was trumpeted as a compromise, but the truth is that it is an end run around their former decision. Someone will have to pay for these things. The illusion of free contraceptives and abortifacients will be countered by the higher premiums that these organizations will pay for their policies. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone will have to pay. Oh, by the way, that someone is those of us in the church community, who find forced compliance on these matters truly disgusting. There is no room to compromise on this, especially when the compromise offered is an insult to any thinking person’s intelligence. I fully support those in the Catholic community, as well as anyone in the religious community, when they call for a full repeal of these degrees of our new “King George” that go against everything our forefathers fought and died for when they broke away from England. At risk is far more than just an open political battle with our current administration. Honestly, at risk is the freedom to hold ANY view that goes against our current administration’s enforced public conscience. How long do you think it will be before other matters of conscience come under fire? Slowly we are being introduced to the new doctrinal views of our government. These views do not allow for religious conscientious objectors – only for those who bow at the altar of government as our new god and savior.
In a somewhat bizarre turn of events, an explosion that is widely considered to be the work of Israeli intelligence has yielded information that makes Iran much more of a threat than we previously thought.
Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister, Moshe Yaalon, disclosed that a large blast about 30 miles outside of Tehran last November was responsible for destroying a missile factory. This was not news to many, but what was news is that there is credible evidence now that this factory was in the process of making a new missile system with a range of 6000 miles, which is capable of targeting the United States with a Nuclear tipped missile. Previously, Iran only had missile systems capable of hitting targets 1500 miles away. This endangered Israel and parts of Europe, but fell far short of reaching the United States. There is also other disturbing information about Iran’s nuclear capabilities according to a Debka File report. Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Major General Aviv Kochavi reported on February 2nd that currently Iran has 100 kilos of 20-pc enriched uranium, which is enough to make four or five nukes. This information runs counter to U.S. intelligence estimates. A recent report by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated that a nuclear threat from Iran is very unlikely and that they were much farther from having a nuclear weapon. His concern was from attacks on U.S. soil through terrorist strikes – even as high as at the presidential level. This was due to the intelligence gained from the foiled attack on the Saudi Arabian ambassador last year. Considering the pitiful intelligence that caught us off guard regarding the North Korean nuclear program, we would do better to trust the Israeli reports than many of our own. But what does all this mean in the prophetic world? This will not be Armageddon. But it can be the event that triggers the Gog-Magog war that happens in Ezekiel 37-38. That battle involves an astounding number of nations that have pledged to support and be in alliance with Iran in case of an Israeli pre-emptive strike. One scenario that could work out is that after Israel strikes to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, these nations, which are a who’s who of the Gog-Magog coalition, will rise up and take their place in an attack on Israel from the North. On that we will have to wait and see. But one thing that is for certain is this . . . no longer is Iran just a threat to the little Satan (their name for Israel). With this information we clearly see that the big Satan (their name for the United States) is now clearly at risk as well. |
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July 2020