What is happening in our world today? It seems that over the past several years the world around us has become much more dangerous. The recent Paris terror attacks are a reminder of the ability of our enemies to strike at the very heart of western nations. As I thought about such things recently I read in the book of 1 Kings some things we should take very seriously. We should read these things and fear God - and turn to prayer for our own hearts, the hearts of those we love, and the hearts of those who lead our country in this hour.
As many of us labor to understand what is happening to our nation, we unfortunately labor under the thought that this is a Christian nation. While this nation was founded for the most part on wise and godly principles, we need to come to grips with the reality that our nation no longer functions under those principles. Our nation moved away from God in the 1950’s and 1960’s and adopted a lax attitude toward heterosexual immorality and divorce. That was followed by the abortion decision in 1973 and the greed that began to seriously infect our land in the 1980’s and 1990’s. By the 2000’s we had left just about every godly principle there was to abandon - and had become a very godless nation. The leadership of our Republic had abandoned itself to the radical immorality and godless attitudes that had infected the airwaves for decades. What I am trying to recount for you is the fact that our nation has abandoned following and serving God - and has chosen instead to follow and serve the flesh instead. There is a biblical example of this kind of abandonment of God by a nation. It happened in the latter years of king Solomon of Israel. He is not the only example of it - but because of how God dealt with him - we need to take a closer look at the late years of his reign as king. Solomon began as a godly man - but his love of “many foreign women” brought him low. God warned of this - but Solomon chose his sensual desires over God’s Word and ways. As a result in his latter years he did not follow the Lord , but turned away from Him. He began to worship other gods as his foreign wives influenced him more and more. Note the narrative given to us in 1 Kings 11 - “For when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods; and his heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians and after Milcom the detestable idol of the Ammonites. Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and did not follow the LORD fully, as David his father had done. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable idol of Moab, on the mountain which is east of Jerusalem, and for Molech the detestable idol of the sons of Ammon. Thus also he did for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods. 1 Kings 11:4-8 (NASB) As Solomon turned away from God he was led to worship other false gods. The worship of these gods involved sexual immorality, the depreciation of marriage, and eventually homosexual acts and even the sacrificing of babies to the horrible god Molech. It was a descent that almost mirrors that of our own nation. Thus it should be no surprise that God is dealing with us much like He did with Solomon. It might be wise of us to see how God disciplined Solomon and judged his sin. “Now the LORD was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice, and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods; but he did not observe what the LORD had commanded. 1 Kings 11:9-10 (NASB) God was angry with Solomon for his actions and choices. As a result of this, God began to take the kingdom away from Solomon - and eventually all but Judah revolted against his son. But even while Solomon was alive God began to do something to him and his kingdom. He began to raise up “adversaries” against Him. Before chapter 11 is over we read that there were two different adversaries that God raised up to discipline Israel. These adversaries began fighting against Israel militarily. But they did not fight with a full war - but in ways that eerily match that of the current adversaries of the United States. The type of problems they caused were by being “marauding bands” against Israel. They would attack an unsuspecting town and wreak havoc against it - killing people and destroying homes. These were the precursors to the type of terrorist activity we see in our day. Let me be very clear with you. I believe that ISIS and Al-Qaeda are adversaries that God Himself has raised up against the United States of America. These groups have been allowed to strike us - and the rest of the West in order to be a disciplinary measure to help wake us up. What is happening in our world in regard to these two groups is that they are being allowed to be a kind of marauding band among us. It is truly a sad thing to watch - because if I am interpreting accurately what our response is - it is not good. Instead of reacting with horror and repentance toward God for our gross sins against Him and His holiness and Word, we are reacting with anger toward our enemies - and a doubling down in wickedness. We are NOT turning toward the Lord - but we are hiding our heads in the sand. We think that we are winning this battle - that this is just the JV team that we are beating. But unless we repent and return to the Lord - this is only a small portion of what is coming our way. I fear that things are only going to get worse - with attacks that have biblical proportions to them. God said through His prophets that things would happen to Israel that would make their hands hang limp. They would be the kind of things that would blow the minds of the people of Israel. And I fear that our continued and amped up rebellion is only making such a future inevitable for our nation. I fear that in the days to come there is going to be a destruction that will make our earlier discipline seem like nothing in comparison. We are going to face a military defeat or a disaster on our own shores that will make our mouths hang open and our ears tingle as we hear of it. It will be greater than that which happened to us earlier on 9/11. I do not rejoice in this - but instead want to weep and wail over what is going to happen. I love this country and do not desire its destruction. I love our military and do not want to see it demolished. But if we do not repent and return to God - that is what is in our future. I don’t know of any timetable - nor is this meant to be some sort of prophetic warning. It is just a clear understanding of the Scriptures and of how God deals with those who turn from Him in rebellion. To close out this article - I want to answer a question that some of you may have. What can we do? How can we avoid this? I am not sure we can avoid it - because our sin is stacked to the heavens - and we’ve shed innocent blood on our land unlike any nation before us. But our own hope is in repentance and return to God. I truly believe with all my heart that our choices are revival or ruin. I would urge everyone to pick up some sort of study that deals with repentance and return. A good one I’ve used recently is called, “Fresh Encounter” by Henry Blackaby. But a study alone is not what we need - we need action - brokenness - true repentance - and a radical return to God. The things we are seeing and the sense of inevitability that is brooding upon our land and indeed upon the world lately is because our God and Father will not be merciful forever. There is a day of reckoning - especially for the church who should know better. May God grant us a heart broken over sin and rebellion and a shock and horror of how far we have gone individually and corporately into sin. May He graciously work in our hearts and may we see true repentance in the days ahead. It is truly our only hope in this hour.
Just recently I've finished reading through the prophets in the Old Testament. I do this at least once a year as I read through the Bible. This year, however, their voice is reverberating in my mind and heart as I look at our nation and what God is currently doing. Let me share with you what I saw this year - and how it relates to our nation, our coming election, and the difficulties and disasters which I believe are in our future. Please also let me share why God, in His sovereign providence, is allowing them.
First, I need to comment on the state of the church leading up to this coming election. As the saints of God we are to get our marching orders from heaven. Those directives come to us through the Scriptures. I fear that too many in the conservative wing of the evangelical think that their marching orders are coming from the RNC or the Tea Party. There is an errant notion that by electing Governor Romney as president and a Republican majority in the House and Senate - our problems will be on the way to being solved in this nation. Even though I believe in voting in elections and seeking for political action toward things like abortion, homosexual marriage, racism, and matters of justice and righteousness - I do not see the United States government (even if it is the hands of conservatives) doing a whole lot to advance righteousness in America. They may use such things as election issues - but I've been burned to many times over 32 years of voting by their actual ruling looking little like their stump speeches. Also, I seem to notice in Matthew 28:18-19 that Jesus did not call us to go and make Republicans of all the nations. We are called to God's will in conduct, purpose, principle, and action. That won't fly in any political arena in present day politics. And I am not willing to cede the work of the gospel to those who are offended that the Bible presents truths that show that Muslims, Mormans, Hindus, Buddhists, and anyone else who does not repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are lost and destined for God's judgment. Such things are not up for a vote. As I've read the prophets this year I've been somewhat overwhelmed with the reality that God commands us to repent and return to Him. If we do not repent - if we continue to serve other gods - gods acceptable to our culture and acceptable to our flesh - God will begin bringing difficulties upon His people. The prophets thunder with God's unrelenting call to Himself. They do not apologize that God is sovereign. They do not apologize for His moral standards. They do not apologize that God authoritatively calls men to worship and serve Him only. And they certainly do not want to make adjustments so that the Baal worshippers, the Asherah-adherants, and the worshppers of other false gods can feel more comfortable and be a part of a "big-tent." The prophets say things very offensive to a multi-cultural world - not so much to the culture - but to anything driven by a culture's embrace of false deities. But God is not focused on the "lost" in the prophets. He is focused on His people - those who should know better. He is focused on calling His people to much needed repentance. What happens in a society when its Christians refuse to return and to repent? According to the prophets, God begins to remove first His blessing and later His protection from them and from their nation. If you've ever read the prophets you know that over time this can get very rough. God will allow earthquakes, disasters, and military conquest to overtake His people. Israel and Judah experienced horrific consequences for their love of foreign gods and the lifestyles that came with them. Baal and Asherah embraced a lifestyle of sexual immorality. Marriage was denigrated as first men committed heterosexual immoralities - and eventually moved on to homosexuality as well. Those who think the 1960's ushered in free love, know little about how far Israel and Judah fell in their pursuit of these false deities. The worship of Molech led many to sacrifice their babies in a firey death. Those who see such a thing as disgusting should remember the modern day Molech - Planned Parenthood - who promote the sacrifice of babies for the sake of supposed greater sexual freedom. Actually what they are getting is greater sexual bondage in the guise of immorality without consequences. Then there is the immorality that disguises itself as free trade, or socialism, or communism, or any other "ism" that takes precedent over Scriptural principles of business or government. You see, our culture is not all that different from the days of the prophets. We have just named things with a more sophisticated name - hiding the hideousness of what they truly are. We've also got better at lying about the true nature of things while ignoring Scripture - and occasionally insulting God and the way that He needs to improve His own image by becoming far more "hip" and "culturally-sensitive." The truth is, WE are Israel and Judah in the times of the prophets! WE have our modern day worship of Baal, Asherah, and Molech - along with calls for accepting the gods of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and a host of cults embraced even by political candidates of our day (oops, did I say that out loud - nope, just wrote it). But the church is different, some may assert! But my question to you is to take a long look at her and answer the question, "Is it?" Do you see a movement of repentance and return in the church today? Do you see scores of people in broken repentance and prayer meetings where they are crying out for revival? Do you see the church expanding its evangelsitic outreach the point of being persecuted by groups whose numbers are being decimated by the number of people being saved? Do you see complaints by wicked businesses Who sell porn and other ungodly products that the church and her efforts in evangelism is hurting their bottom line? God calls us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to "humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways. Read of the revivals that took place in the 1700-1800's. Read of what took place on a far wider scale in our country. Imagine what they would look like in our day - a revival driven by repentance, brokenness, and prayer. A revival with the aisles filled with repentant church members - and others being radically saved from sin. What then am I trying to say through all this? After reading the prophets . . . honestly - I'm concerned - no - I'm scared. We are about to be ushered into MORE discipline as a nation - and that discipline is meant to wake-up God's people to repentance, prayer, and brokenness. I don't want to say this - but sense the need to do so for the sake of the saints who read this. We are about to experience events that will make 9-11 look like a picnic in the park. God tried to wake us up by allowing that disaster to come upon us. We didn't wake up though. Therefore - more is coming. Far worse is coming. Do I know what that will be? No, because I am not a prophet. But I can tell you that things like a devastating earthquake come to mind. Military disasters that involve the destruction of entire armies have happened to God's people. Drought and famine are also options for God. He has soereignly allowed the destruction of entire cities - whch is terrifying in our day of bombs that can do that in a matter of moments. With our current arrogance toward money - a complete financial collapse unlike anything we've ever seen is very possible. All these things and a dozen others are possible - even probable considering our currrent lack of response to God's call to pray and seek His face. I read recently where the Mississippi river is at historic lows. If the drought we are in continues, it is possible to see the Mississippi so low that no boat traffic is allowed. That will cut off over 300 million dollars of commerce a day. That is a monthly total of 9 billion dollars of our economy stifled. The prognosticators said that would throw our natin into depression within 2 months. Kind of sobering isn't it? I can hear the comment, "Why are you writing stuff like this, pastor John?" Do you get some kind of sick thrill scaring people to death? NO! A thousand times NO! That is not my intent. My intent is to help wake up Christians to what is looming in our future. Do you really think God is going to continue to bless our nation as it is currently going? Do you really think that the church is not going to be affected by what happens in our nation? Do you really think that by maintaining a positive confession in the midst of such spiritual squallor that we will be delivered? God is going to continue allowing greater and greater disasters and troubles to come upon us until we repent, drop to our knees, and begin to cry out in desperate prayer for revival in the church and spiritual awakening in our land! This is not going to magically get better - neither is it going to be averted by electing a Morman as president and a group of Tea Party conservatives to the Congress - who have NO INTENT on addressing the moral and spiritual rot of the church and our country. We are currently as blind as Israel and Judah during the times of the prophets. The same situations and the same false prophets of health, wealth, prosperity, and "nothing bad is going to happen to us" exist today. The political leaders (kings in those days) who made a difference made it by leading the nation to repentance and a whole-hearted return to God. Such a leader who would start doing this in our day - would most likely be impeached for such actions. I want to begin by saying that I do not relish having to write what I am about to write – but feel that we need to be warned and aware of what is possibly lurking around the corner for our nation. Please read all of this post – because there is a message of hope and encouragement at the end of it.
In my mind’s eye I am watching a horrific scene – one that terrifies me the more I watch it. The scene is of a small child who is dancing along with mincing steps along an unguarded precipice that if stepped over will mean certain death for the child. The child, for his part, is totally unaware of what is going on around him. He is completely ignorant of what just a few steps can bring about for him and for his safety. But he is oblivious to any warning because he has chosen to turn a deaf ear to anything that is unpleasant to hear. Therefore he continues to dance, not grasping the seriousness of his situation – or the growing danger of stepping off the precipice the next time he draws near to it in his dance of joyous ignorance and bliss. This is a picture of the United States in March of 2012. We are that child who is dancing on the precipice of disaster – and yet for the most part are ignorant and oblivious of how much danger we are in at the moment. Let me address this in a number of ways. Scenario #1 – Israel, Iran, and Nuclear Hide and Go Seek. For quite a while our leaders (at least in the White House) have pretty much ignored this growing threat. Iran IS moving toward a weaponized nuclear program – and it is clear from their own press statements that they intend to use these warheads on Israel soon after getting them. We’ve danced around actually dealing with this situation to the point where Israel is going to have to act. I fully expect that some kind of response from Israel will happen before the coming election in November. When that happens – another blind dance of our leaders will be exposed. We currently have enough natural resources (and yes, I am referring to evil fossil fuels) to become energy independent. If we were to act NOW – we could stave off much of what is coming our way – but our leaders continue to stick their heads in the ground. The fact is that WHEN Israel has to defend themselves, the strait of Hormuz will be closed – war will ensue on oil tankers in the Middle Eastern waterways – and gas and oil exportation will be slowed to a bare minimum. When this happens – we will wish we could have 4-5 dollar gas prices again. Instead we will have probably 9-12 dollar gas prices for at least several months. This will send our economy into an immediate tail-spin of “great depression era” statistical proportions. We will watch inflation hit our economy to the tune of 15-20 percent almost overnight. Unfortunately, we may even have situations like the Weimar Republic had in pre-WWII Germany – where you had to pay for a cup of coffee before they made it – because the price would go up by the time they brought it to you later. Unfortunately, I also see riots coming if this happens – as gas lines will return to our society. There will also be an explosion of gas thefts and robbery at stations nationwide. We may see gas stations become something akin to Fort Knox with the security that will be required to keep them – and their customers safe. Scenario #2 – Terrorist Attack and Subsequent Cancelation of the November Elections I can imagine at this point that many of you think I should be put away – or at least relegated to the trash heap of conspiracy theory mongers. This particular scenario would involve an attack that is “allowed” by some in our government – whose authority and power is threatened by upcoming elections. I write this with more than a little fear and trembling – because saying such things can get me in a tremendous amount of trouble. Yet this is what I see in my heart – and tremble over when I know that history will not be made – but repeated if this happens. Such an attack – especially if it comes in the Fall of this year (2012) will be used to cancel our elections for the near future. We will be told that we need to establish order before an election can proceed. If you are thinking an attack of 9/11 proportions – think again. The Islamic radicals who are planning such things always seek something MORE spectacular than their last attack. This one will come close to shutting the nation down because of its intensity – and possible multiple locations. You might want to be ready for such a thing especially if the election looks like it is radically turning toward those who respect and honor our constitution. If our current president is looking like he is going to lose power – I fear that this may even be more likely. Remember that the Reichstag fire was used as a ploy to shut down government opposition in Hitler’s day – and was quite effective as an impetus for the current government of that day to strike its enemies as they scapegoated them as responsible for the fire in the first place. As we see the political discourse turning more vitriolic, we need to see that lines are being drawn – enemies are being named – and hatred is being fueled at multiple levels. What is truly frightening is how the News Networks are becoming more and more clear of who and what they want out of the upcoming elections. It is also somewhat disconcerting that conservatives and conservative news organizations are also being targeted for destruction – now by attacking their advertisers – and possibly in the future by attacking their very locations with violence and protest. If this happens, the possibility of fair and free elections will be out the window. By the time order and the opportunity of a free election come around again – much of the opposition will have been removed from the equation. Our elections will pretty much look like those of any other puppet government in the world. Scenario #3 – Riots Based on Race, Religion, and Socio-Economic Lines This scenario has its genesis in the current political climate in our country. There are things being said and being reported (or said by commentators) that are pouring gas on the fire of already strained relationships between various polarized groups in America. The rich are being pitted against the poor. People of Color and different Nationality are being pitted against each other. Certain religious views are being openly denigrated and lied about on network news shows – as well as in print. There are very specific lines that are being drawn on the basis of race, religion, sexual preference, socio-economic views and politics. These things are being exacerbated more and more by the rhetoric being used in the lead-up to this election. As this reaches a fever pitch – we may watch as election day turns into a day of rioting and rage at polling places. In the previous election – people were openly intimidated in Philadelphia by those who did not want them to vote against their chosen candidate. This time – with a greater possibility of their person being defeated – we are going to watch these intimidation tactics turn violent. Occupy Wall Street and the shenanigans of some of our Unions have already broken new ground in the erection of political, religious, and socio-economic walls that are seriously dividing us in this nation. We are dancing around the precipice of serious rioting in the streets – and even more serious violence against those who dare vote against our current administration. This will not be pretty – but it will be violent – and will be used to intimidate people into compliance with politically correct views of our day. When this happens – I also fear a backlash from those who are more conservative – if out of nothing more than years of pent-up frustration. The danger is that such reactions to existing violence will most likely be used to “outlaw” certain views as well as certain groups. The South and the mid-states of our union will be particularly hit by such reactionary anger to the prevailing tyranny. This will ultimately be to harden the lines that have tried to be drawn for many years. Again – races, religions, and classes will be turned upon each other – as they are painted as more extreme and reactionary to others. I fear that literally thousands will die in these clashes. OK, Let’s Breathe – and Listen for a Moment for Some Hope Yes . . . I know . . . either I am crazy – too reactionary – or just plain scary in what I’ve just written. But I want you to know that there is hope. What I have written, by the way, is really not too terribly different than what Old Testament prophets wrote to Israel and Judah. Please understand, though, that I do not for one minute claim to be a prophet in any way shape or form. If you must know – I write these things for a couple of reasons. First, because I am a historian. What we are seeing is nothing terribly new – it is simply a repeat of Biblical history – and the history of the past hundred or more years. Second, I am a Bible nerd. What we are seeing is not the fault of Democrats or Republicans - of Obama-care or Liberal politics. What we are experiencing is not the fault of atheists or pornographers or abortionists. Dear precious saints - these are symptoms only - they are judgments released upon us for what has happened in the church - long before the world manifested these things. What we are seeing is the inevitable consequences of a nation that once served God – turning from Him to serve other gods. When this happens – God removes His hand of blessing and begins to oppose that nation – in hope that the nation (or the church within such a nation) will repent and return to Him. Third, I am a pastor – who loves my congregation, my city, and my nation – and wants to see it return to God in nation-shaking revival – so – that these things DON’T happen in our future. I know that God is angry with our nation for how we have turned away from Him – from His Word – from His gospel – and from His warnings. I also know that our God is also MERCIFUL – and if we repent, return, pray, humble ourselves, and cry out for Him to restore our land – He has been faithful to do this – not just in Biblical times – but in something called the first and second great awakening – and the prayer revival of the mid 1850’s! Is there hope for us? YES! Please read such things I have written prior to this point as a warning from a loving – yet holy God who desires for us to repent of our pride, our immoralities, and our sinful rebellion against His Word – and return to a life of fearing and honoring and obeying Him. What can we do therefore to avert such things as these? Well, first off – I cannot guarantee that these things can be averted completely. You must remember that we’ve murdered over 40 million innocent babies through abortion. You must remember that we’ve chosen sexual immorality first with the sexual revolution against God in the 60’s with rampant heterosexual immorality – and then in the 80’s to the present with homosexual immorality as well as a host of other perversions that involve pornography, child sexual abuse, and every kind of perversion imaginable as we’ve thrown God’s Word to the side – not only in the world – but far too often even in the church. Our hope is in falling to our knees – in repentance and restoration to God – and then in heart-felt intercession for God to move first in revival in the church – and then second, in spiritual awakening of the lost to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from their sin and the wrath of God that rightfully falls upon unrepentant sinners in the day of judgment. My concern, if there is a primary one, is that too few see the desperation of our days – and are unwilling to give themselves to extra-ordinary prayer. This is NOT the time for a few words of perfunctory prayer – it is the time for us to don the proverbial sack-cloth and ashes – and cry out to God with weeping between the porch and the altar of God! If we will not turn to Him this way – I see little or no hope for our situation. I will vote in primaries and even in the general election if allowed – but these are not the answer for our current situation. Even if conservatives win in a landslide – that will NOT be the remedy. We MUST return to God, crying out for mercy – confessing our sins and the sins of our fathers – calling for God to rescue us – and committing to live afresh under His sovereign Lordship. That is the ONLY ANSWER for where we are and what is coming. May He have mercy upon us – may He sovereignly pour out His Spirit upon us – and may we be granted the most wonderful gift called “broken-hearted repentance” as we call upon the ONLY ONE WHO CAN DELIVER US IN THIS HOUR – OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! I awoke this morning to the same news many of you did, that the enemy of our nation, Osama Bin Laden, has been killed by our armed forces. Just like all of you this news made me proud of our armed forces and those in our Intelligence Community who worked so hard to find and dispose of this mass murderer. I am grateful that this man is no longer out there plotting new and more horrific terrorist actions that seek to destroy innocent citizens. Now he is facing the judgment of God—not in the presence of 72 virgins, but in hell where all those who do not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will face their eternal demise. I do not delight in this end for him – for I wish that he had come to Christ and had been saved as a result of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Now let me share something that may not paint so rosy a picture. I share this only because I have a bad feeling that all this will blind us to what is really going on—and was the whole reason for Bin Laden’s rise to prominence as an adversary of the United States. Many, in light of the recent events of Osama Bin Laden’s death, have viewed this as a tremendous victory for the United States. I even heard one commentator call this a sign that the United States is not on the decline. If that is how the majority of people in our nation see this, as a sign that we are now on the rise, they really don’t get why Bin Laden ever came on the scene in the first place. To help you understand where I am coming from I will take you to a section of Scripture that will help illumine us to God’s purposes in all this. In First Kings chapter 11 we read of how Solomon’s heart turned from the Lord. Solomon married many foreign women who in turn led his heart from following the Lord. He began worshipping other gods because of the influence of these women (something God warned of in the book of Deuteronomy). As a result of Solomon’s sin—we read the following in verse14. “Then the LORD raised up an adversary to Solomon, Hadad the Edomite; he was of the royal line in Edom.” It is wise for us to see that due to the sin of God’s people—GOD raised up this adversary. It was in fulfillment of God’s promise to discipline His people if they turned away from Him. Before we leave this chapter of Scripture it would behoove us to also look at verses 23-25 as well, “God also raised up another adversary to him, Rezon the son of Eliada, who had fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah. He gathered men to himself and became leader of a marauding band, after David slew them of Zobah; and they went to Damascus and stayed there, and reigned in Damascus. So he was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon, along with the evil that Hadad did; and he abhorred Israel and reigned over Aram.” Solomon and Israel had a problem on their hands. It seems that two people, Hadad and Rezon, were causing serious problems for Israel. When I read of Rezon’s actions, I see an eerie parallel to what we are experiencing today. Rezon had a “marauding band” of men who did evil in Israel similar to the evil that Hadad was doing. One might even see them as an ancient counterpart to the terrorists that are causing so much trouble today. Yet the part of this passage that causes me the most discomfort is the statement that God was the One Who raised up these two, might we go as far to say, terrorists. His reasons for doing so were that Solomon and Israel had turned from Him and turned to other Gods. They had turned to Ashtoreth and her sexually immoral worship. They had turned to Baal and the sexual immorality that attended his rituals. They had turned to Molech who required his followers to offer up their infant children as part of their worship. Because of these things God began to discipline Solomon and Israel. They did not listen – but continued in their ways – and the result was Israel’s demise. If, during that time, either Hadad or Rezon had been caught and killed, Israel would have rejoiced. They may have even broken into spontaneous choruses of “God bless Israel” on their streets and in the subways. Yet in spite of their adversary being brought to justice, they would have missed the whole point of God’s purpose in raising up such an adversary in the first place. God did not raise up these men to help Israel become more patriotic – he raised them up to wake up Israel and bring her to repentance. He wanted Israel to notice that they were no longer protected by God. This was because Israel had lost favor with God – DUE TO HER SIN. If these “terrorists” were killed – God would only raise up new ones because His purpose in all this was to bring Israel to repentance. No repentance and return to God – no end to the adversaries that would be raised up to get her attention. Now, let me take what has been said to this point and apply it to our current situation. What I am about to say will upset many. Let me state here that I am a patriot – and that I bleed red, white, and blue. But we need to face facts today – biblical facts. Our greatest enemy is not – nor has it ever been Osama Bin Laden. What is destroying the United States is not a terrorist or any group of terrorists. What is destroying our nation is the sin which we have embraced. We have turned from the Lord and turned to our own set of false gods. We have worshipped materialism, power, money, and sex in America. Since we have called ourselves a “Christian nation” (which I believe is accurate due to how our forefathers founded this country), we need to realize that all Bin Laden was to us was a manifestation of God’s discipline and call for us to repent and return to Him. Yes, Bin Laden is dead – but God can raise up a thousand more just like him to continue our discipline. The truth is that there are already thousands of other Radical Islamic terrorists who want nothing more than to destroy our nation and our way of life. But our problem is not Radical Islam either. It is our sin – it is our immorality – it is the murder of the innocents that we call abortion on demand – it is our embrace of homosexuality – it is the lack of God’s power, prayer, and passion for the gospel in His church. I am going to be bold enough to say that God did not allow Osama Bin Laden’s discovery and subsequent destruction so that we could sing patriotic songs and think that we’re back on the rise as a nation. My guess is that this will become clear in the next 6-12 months. During that time I fear that terrorism will rise and new attacks will happen on American soil. I fear that our financial system will continue to deteriorate if not collapse altogether. I fear that things like famine and plague may strike our nation in ways that we’ve never seen before. If we think that this has happened so that we can rejoice and celebrate without repentance and brokenness, without tearful confession of sin, without calls to prayer for revival in the church and awakening among the lost, we are doomed. This has happened to show brief mercy in the midst of God’s discipline. That discipline will continue if God’s desired purpose of repentance and return are not embraced in the church and in our nation. I will end this article by asking a question. With this event have we seen repentance among God’s people today? With this event have we experienced a greater conviction that our nation is on the wrong track morally and spiritually? With this event have we watched a turn from worshipping the gods of our culture, sexual immorality, homosexuality, and abortion to name a few, and a turn instead to the God of the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ as His message to the whole world? If we are not watching these things happen, I would strongly suggest that what we will watch is God, raising up an even more formidable adversary to continue His discipline until we do repent? May God bless America . . . with a repentant, broken, praying church who has returned to Him with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020