The first amendment was originally written to prevent a “state” church in the United States. Unfortunately due to a wholesale ignorance of our Constitution as well as a campaign to misinform people about the 1st Amendment – we have come to understand that the 1st Amendment was to separate church and state. What is truly fascinating though is that the way our government is acting currently there is a state church being supported by millions and millions of our tax dollars. Actually it isn’t a church – it is a lack of separation of mosque and state. Let me explain. The Obama administration has been spending millions of dollars trying to build good will with Muslims by rebuilding mosques and minarets. The State Department hides such actions under the guise of being a “cultural restoration” rather than an overt support of religion by the state. These projects have taken place in 27 different Muslim nations. The goal is to show that the United States is open to a multi-religious mindset. Yet, the use of these mosques has been anything but tolerant to the practice of Christianity in these places. While the United States was giving money to rebuild an Egyptian mosque – the very worshippers of Islam gathered to burn to the ground the St. George Church in the village of Minarab. Even though the church sought to be peaceful by removing their cross and taking down a dome in the building, it did little to stop a crazed throng of thousands of Islamic worshippers from descending on the church to burn it down. As the building burned to the ground shouts of, “Kill all the Christians,” resounded at the site. Wonder if St. George’s Church will be rebuilt with U.S. funds? A generous U.S. taxpayer donation was made to preserve the 900 year old mosque on the island of Zanzibar – off the coast of Tanzania. This gracious act was repaid as Islamic worshippers shouted, “Away with the church – we do not want infidels to spoil our community, especially our children!” This from a religious that our own State department calls, peaceful. This is nothing though when you consider what has happened in northern Nigeria where the United States taxpayer has given generously to repair and restore a 15th century minaret there. Our act of kindness was repair with gross violence since 2009. Over 288 Christian churches have been burned to the ground and 2000 Christians have been killed since then. In 2012 a particularly gruesome event in this region took place as 50 members of a Christian church were burned alive in their pastor’s home. Some would assert that this is just the fringe radical elements of Islam. But when they do this they ignore that recently Sheik Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia declared, “It is necessary to destroy all the churches of the region. And while his declaration was against churches on the Arabian Peninsula – this kind of terrorism and religious hatred is going on throughout Africa, the Mideast, and even in Asia. In the past two months Muslims in Kena have attacked 11 churches – and assaulted Christians meeting in open air meetings with grenades. This has resulted in the killing of at least three worshippers with 46 others wounded from the attacks. It is beyond comprehension that we are spending money we don’t have to convince people that we are tolerant toward their religion – when they are making it plain that no such tolerance will be shown to us – especially the Christian religion. The North Sudanese government recently bulldozed three churches and confiscated several Catholic schools saying that such buildings were no longer welcome in a country were Islamic law (Shar’ia Law) was dominant. Even in Afghanistan, where we are fighting for the freedom of the Afghani people, the last public Christian church was demolished in October of 2011. How amazingly tolerant of them! Even in countries where Christians have been forced to meet underground or in parking lots or sides of streets – they are still harassed. A mob of 600 Indonesian Muslims hurled bags of their own unine, as well as rotten eggs and ditchwater at 100 Christians whose only crime was that they were trying to attend a church service in an empty parking lot in Bekasi. One would think that such inhuman treatment and religious bigotry would be addressed by our State Department – yet they remain eerily silent. They don’t remain silent when Islam is supposedly insulted. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went on the offensive by cutting a video and buying over $70,000 of air time in muslim countries to say that the Islamic faith, “respects the fundamental dignity of human beings.” Not quite sure she gets all the dignity that is being shown to Christians in these lands. What is happening should chill us to the bone. Christians face the most strident opposition to ANY kind of hint that the state gives even a dime to a Christian organization. We have people in the liberal media almost stroke out while touting the false view of separation of church and state. Such a view or statement is not even in our constitution. Yet now we see millions of dollars being spent to restore and maintain Muslim places of worship. Evidently there is NOT a separation of church and state in our Constitution in their minds. There must just be a separation of Christianity and state, because there is wholesale support of Islam evident in at least 27 nations. While we bow to them to assure them we are tolerant of their religious practices – it seems to bother us far too little to protest the destruction of Christian churches and the violent killing of those who would worship there. Confused about all this? Me too!
That peaceful Muslim Brotherhood is at it again – this time they are crucifying their opponents in public – including Egyptian Coptic Christians. The supposed Arab Spring is turning more into a deep winter over the past several weeks. As the Muslim Brotherhood has gained power and instituted Sharia law – there are some pretty shocking things happening in the wake of this “peaceful” law as it takes root.
Newly elected president Mohammed Morsi’s supporters have taken to crucifying their opponents publically in front of the presidential palace. Middle Eastern media confirmed that during a recent rampage by Muslim Brotherhood supporters, several were crucified, being hung naked on trees before the home of their new president. While this was going on numerous others were abused on the ground. Reports are coming in saying that extra brutality is being reserved for Christians not just because of rage – but as one official put it, “Because it is demanded by the Quran.” Center for Security Policy Senior Fellow Clare Lopez quoted from chapter and verse in the Quran to explain these actions. It was explained that this is not an aberration for Islam – it is demanded. “Crucifixion is a hadd punishment, stipulated in the Quran, Sura 5:33, and therefore an obligatory part of Shariah,” Lopez said. “It’s been a traditional punishment within Islam since the beginning. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood do not consider such activity an option – it is considered obligatory to obey Shariah Law. And Lopez added that is was for shock value to be sure. Pamela Gellar, who wrote Atlas Shrugs, who is analyst of Middle Eastern policy and culture warned Christians in Egypt that to flee from what is coming. She said, ““The Christians are in serious trouble, because the Quran in Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to wage war against them and subjugate them, and they’re also identified with the hated West and the U.S.” Geller also turned to Sura 5:33 and said the following, “These are Islamic hardliners who do everything by the Quran. The Quran says, ‘Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land.” This also does not bode well for Israel as President Morsi has abandoned any kind of thought of moderation – and as Egyptian forces continue to be completely ineffective in defensing the regions between Egypt and Israel. Israel has boosted their defenses in the south to protect against incursions by terrorists and in a show to Egypt that they intend on protecting their borders. When all this began we were lulled to sleep by a media and an administration that promised a peaceful Arab Spring that would fundamentally transform the region. We watched as our government did nothing to keep the Muslim Brotherhood from gaining ascendency in Egypt – indeed they fell over themselves to cover for this radical Muslim group as they took over, not only in Egypt – but also in Libya and now even possibly in Syria. Either our press and officials were ridiculously ignorant, or worse, complicit with handing over a large portion of the Middle East to a sworn enemy of our ally Israel. It should be no wonder that relations are strained between Israel and Washington. We’ve proven that we are not true friends to our long-time ally. What is truly shocking is the complete lack of comment by the Obama administration at the outrageous conduct of the Brotherhood by crucifying their enemies in this manner. Considering what we already know about the way Christians will be persecuted in the last days, we may need to buckle down and get ready for what will be coming as our Lord’s return draws near. It has been a while since we've looked at what is going on in Egypt. The revolution which was called, the Arab Spring, came and went and we've pretty much moved on in our news cycles. While we've been focused on other things the Muslim Brotherhood has been dominating the elections there - and it about to win the presidency. This will mean a radical muslim state will arise in Egypt - and with it very real problems in relations with Israel. Our current administratioin has welcomed the involvement of the Muslim Brotherhood, stating that it is a moderate political movement among the muslim population. Recent statements at their political rallys leading up to the presidential election suggest otherwise, though.
There is a run-off for the presidential position that will be held on June 16 and 17 between the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mohammed Mursi and Egypt’s former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq. Shafiq is a former Air Force general who was the last prime minister before the revolution that overthrew the Mubarak regime in Egypt. What is shocking is the rhetoric that is being used by a prominent Eyptian Muslim cleric at presidential campaign rallys. The following statements were aired by an Egyptian TV channel. The Muslim cleric, Safwat Hagazy said this on Tuesday of last week, “Our capital shall not be Cairo, Mecca or Medina. It shall be Jerusalem with God’s will. Our chants shall be: ‘millions of martyrs will march towards Jerusalem.” After the video was posted on YouTube it immediately went viral in the country with almost 62,000 views by Thursday of that week. Hegazy went on to say, “The United States of the Arabs will be restored on the hands of that man [Mursi] and his supporters. The capital of the [Muslim] Caliphate will be Jerusalem with God’s will,” as the crowds cheered, waving the Egyptian flags along with the flags of the Islamist Hamas group, which rules the Gaza Strip. “Tomorrow Mursi will liberate Gaza,” the crowds chanted. “Yes, we will either pray in Jerusalem or we will be martyred there,” Hegazy said. Some, who would say that this does not mean that Mursi supports such statements should know that Mursi attended this event along with the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohammed Badei and members of the Brotherhoods political freedom wing called the Freedom and Justice Party (FPJ). What this does for a biblical end-times scenario is huge. For decades Egypt has been at peace with Israel and has helped to promote a more peaceful Middle East. If Mursi is elected on June 16-17, this peaceful ally will no longer exist. Instead there will be to the direct south of Israel a staunch radical Islamic regime who's stated political promise in an election is to conquer Jerusalem as capital of their desired Islamic Caliphate. The Caliphate is seen as a worldwide Islamic rule over all mankind. To state in an open and televised political speech that your group will send millions of martyrs into Israel for the purpose of capturing Jerusalem is an ominous warning to us. Peace is not coming to the Middle East with the supposed Arab Spring. Our president, who has been no friend of Israel during his first term, has kept his head in the sand on this matter. He has encouraged this change in Egypt - even stating that the Muslim Brotherhood is a peaceful, moderate political movement that will bring stability and peace to the region. If this speech is any proof of what is to come, we should not hold our breath waiting for peace in the Middle East between Israel and her Arab neighbors. But then again that idea is ridiculous to those of us who actually read our Bibles and have the Scriptures taught to us, instead of listening to the rantings of an apostate pastor who screams that God should damn America. Get ready saints . . . it is going to be a wild summer - and 2013 portends to be a year like no other in regards to what may happen in the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. It’s beginning to look a lot like . . . Shar’ia, all around the . . . Middle East! One of the developments that should be catching our eye is the number of countries who are part of the Arab Spring who are now turning into Islamist states. This should not be too shocking to us since the dominant religious view in all these states is Islam. But what should get our attention is how these countries are adopting Islamic Shar’ia law as the law of the land.
We’ve watched as countries like Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia have all had revolutions of sorts. These were hailed by our current president and even by some conservative commentators as the “Arab Spring.” This name was given to this movement (which also touched many other countries in the Middle East) because they were wrongly interpreted as a yearning for freedom, liberty, and western democracy. Yet what we are watching in the wake of this Arab Spring is a concerted movement toward Islamic states who are trading their opportunity for western style democracy for states ruled by Shar’ia Islamic Law. Anyone who has read anything about Shar’ia Law knows that it does not even slightly look like western democracy. If you want a look at what these states may become in the future, do not look to the United States – look to Iran. Iran is an Islamic state that functions under Shar’ia Law. Rather than being a movement that stimulates freedom of thought – these states will now enforce Islam as its mandatory religion. What we have seen in Islamic states is a repression of freedom of religion, a repression of freedom of thought, and a repression of freedom of expression. When Muslims convert to Christianity, they are given a death sentence. When woman are deemed to be out of line morally by their family – outrageous acts are allowed, even “honor killing.” Rather than a refreshing breath of spring – this is more like a chilling blast of winter when it comes to freedom and liberty. But probably the most disturbing thing that is coming due to the so-called Arab Spring is the destabilization of the region and its march toward war. Demonstrations in both Libya and Egypt have turned dangerously violent when it comes toward the nation of Israel. In recent months we’ve even watched as riotous crowds have invaded the Israeli Embassy in Cairo. They stormed the compound and tore down the flag of Israel in defiance. These problems are only going to increase because an Islamic state that is ruled by Shar’ia Law tends to be a state that is also antagonistic toward Israel’s presence in the Middle East. They have a very serious problem with Israel being in Jerusalem – which Islam holds as its third most holy place. In the past year we’ve watched the attitude of Turkey, which was previously a moderate Muslim nation, turn very sour toward Israel. Turkey even helped to sponsor groups that are trying to break through the blockade that Israel has put around the Palestinian territories to keep advanced military arms from being shipped to their ports. The weapons that get through in various ways are then used on Israel in rocket attacks and other incursions. It all adds up to a growing number of Arab “Spring-ed” countries that are turning more radical in their Islamic views. What are we to do about these things? First of all, we need to realize that our current administration really does not have a clue when it comes to what is going on in the Islamic world. They think that western style democracy is taking hold – when in reality – these states are going to be little more than another Iran in the region. We need to pray and ask God to give discernment to those in our government – in the State Department as well as the White House. They need to see what is happening and be willing to say that Islamic states that turn to Shar’ia Law are going to be states that desire the destruction of Israel. It might also behoove them to see that those who call Israel the little Satan – also refer to the United States as the “great Satan.” Call it a hunch – but I think that is not a positive designation – nor a friendly one. For those of us who understand the Bible, we need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We also need to be aware that there is a possibility that this current trend may be an alignment for a future prophetic event called the Gog-Magog invasion. This is a group of nations who will surround Israel – and will seek to destroy her. When they do this (you can read about it in Ezekiel 37-38) God delivers Israel by a miracle. In that miraculous deliverance, God destroys the armies – and the nations themselves with an intervention from heaven. Just for your information, the nations who are presently turning towards a more radical version of Islam and Shar’ia Law are like a who’s who of the nations listed in Ezekiel. The only nation not moving toward Islam in this group is Russia. That problem is solved quite easily as Russia has a mutual defense and military pact with several of these nations. Thus, seeing Russia led into this invasion is not a difficult thing to consider. We live in interesting and perilous times. The world is experiencing upheavals that could be the birth pangs mentioned in Scripture – that are a precursor to the seven year tribulation period and the second coming of Christ. We may not be able to stop the political forces that are at work, but we can allow their presence and their growing menace to be a reminder to us. Jesus said that we should work the works of God while it is still day – because the night is coming when no man can work. Don’t take your freedoms for granted. Use them to communicate the gospel – and to make disciples of Jesus Christ every day you can. It may soon be night – when it will be far more difficult to do those works. Recently, we’ve seen a rise of movements in Egypt, Libya, and several other countries in the Middle East where moderate Muslim governments are being overthrown by public protests. It is interesting to me that whereas our government supported the overthrow of these moderate Muslim leaders – they have said little or nothing about protesters who are seeking to deal with oppression from radical Muslim leaders like Ahmadinajad in Iran or Assad in Syria. This is because this is not about freedom. It is about a movement to destabilize the governments of the world – and hopefully bring about revolutions that will put even more radical leaders into power.
In Egypt and Libya, countries where their revolutionaries are worthy of full support, we are watching as far more radical governments are coming into power. Even though these two countries were governed by little more than thugs – they were at least the devil we knew. What is rising up in both of these countries now is the Muslim Brotherhood – a group dedicated to the destruction of Israel. They also desire Shar’ia law to be put into place – and – desire a worldwide Muslim Caliphate – where a radical Muslim cleric will rise to power. This will not result in freedom in these countries. It will result in an even more oppressive regime who will use radical Muslim religious views to bring their people under control. We will not see women have greater freedom, but rather greater repression and violence used against them if they will not submit to the Shar’ia law that is put into place as the law of the land. Yet we are seeing all this called, “The Arab Spring” by those in our government who are foolish enough to be taken in by poor understanding (we hope) of what is going on in the Middle East. Let us now turn to the streets of New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. Since mid-September there has been a movement to protest against Wall Street and the financial institutions of our country. Due to pitiful news coverage which looks more like promotion of these events – we do not fully grasp the intent of those who are doing this. The purpose behind all this is not to have peaceful protests – but to hopefully begin what they want to be a radical revolution in our nation. Whether we accept it or not – this is part of their stated goals – at least if we believe the words that they are saying at these rallys. They are hoping that these protests grow in size – as well as grow in disturbance to our financial system. The leaders of these protests subscribe to writings that encourage them to first cause problems and violence – for the purpose of enabling those in power presently to quell them and seize power in an absolutist fashion. Their hope is that in the end – just like in Cairo – they will see a rise of protest so great that it will overthrow our current FORM of government. They are hoping in the end to watch President Obama have to respond by seizing power – and preventing the elections next Fall. I know that I am writing some very radical things – but I want to relate this to Biblical prophecy – as this blog seeks to do with everything written here. As a patriot and a red-blooded American – I hate what is happening to my nation. In many ways we are reaping what we have sown – having pursued a national course of promiscuity, ungodliness, and anti-life policies (by this I mean abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia toward the elderly and infirmed prior to and at birth). God is allowing what we see today to bring discipline on His church – and hopefully to get us on our knees praying for revival and spiritual awakening in our land. But there is also another reason this “may” be happening. My eschatology (theological view of end times) sees a time where God is going to pour out astounding judgments on this world system. This is called the “Great Tribulation” and according to passages from Daniel and Revelation will last 7 years. During that period a ruler will rise up who will bring peace to the Middle East between Israel and her Muslim neighbors. This ruler will also be able to bring about a one-world governmental, financial, and religious system as well. He will rule over a 10 nation confederation centered in Europe. He will also eventually bring about a cashless society where a mark will be given whereby people can buy and sell things economically (which lately looks like it may involve a computer chip implanted in either the hand or the forehead). Lastly, he will also eventually require the world to worship him as god. Having read this you may think, “How does all this fit with our current situation?” The things I mentioned above have come from a study of the book of Revelation. But in order for them to happen – the world will have to move from states that embrace their own sovereignty – to a world that cries out for a world leader. The United States has been a very real problem for this development for years. We are a freedom loving people – or at least used to be. We are a people that used to know these things – and would oppose anything that looked like a one-world governmental system. But now, we are watching our own government turn into a socialist experiment. We are watching our freedoms disappear left and right (far more by the left – but often the right is too complicit – at least at the congressional and party level). It seems little can be done to stem the tide. Please realize that I am going to fight these things personally – because I believe freedom is worth fighting for (although not through violent means). BUT – as God moves all things toward His ultimate purpose and plan – we are going to watch a growing cancer throughout the world. This cancer is going to take two forms. The first cancer we will see growing is that of Radical Islam. This cancer will grow because it is the most fertile ground for those who hate Israel and want to see her wiped off the face of the earth. The so-called Arab Spring is more like a moderate winter. The more we watch the “supported” movements rise – the more we will see radicals who hate Israel come to power. In the end – the Biblical narrative where Israel stands alone against enemies who surround her – will come to pass through this first cancer – Radical Islam. The second cancer we will see grow is that of Western Socialism/Collectivism. Europe is falling apart financially faster than the United States. The people of Europe are ready to cede power to anyone who can deliver them from their fast-coming destruction. Sounds like fertile ground for a one-world ruler doesn’t it? The United States is unfortunately following in Europe’s footsteps with increasing speed. If there were to be radical protests and violence that required our current president to rise up and declare marshal law – it would play right into the kind of socialist/collectivist worldview he has put forth for the past 2-3 years. The United States could then easily join a “United States of the World” group and surrender our sovereignty to one who would rise up and be joyfully embraced as the “new” savior of our world! What I fear though is that the devastation of the United States will be far worse that some think. Prophecy does not even recognize a super-power like state in the West. My prediction is that when such events happen – the result will be a severely weakened state that will fall quickly to second or even third world status. The rise of this “new” savior of our world – is synonymous with what the Bible describes as the rise of the Antichrist. He will rule over all of Europe – and will be heralded as a world-saver! He will also eventually set up a cashless financial system – and require all to worship him and the image he sets up for all to worship. What are we to do in such a situation? Actually, I would ask that you consider listening to a message entitled, “Prophetic Inevitability and Personal Responsibility.” This message will help you grasp what to do in light of prophecy that WILL be fulfilled – while not just standing around and allowing evil to prevail in the meantime. God calls us to seek His face – His kingdom and His righteousness no matter what the political situation under which we live. He calls us to love others – even those who hate us – and to share the gospel so that they might be saved. God calls us to pray – to stand in the gap and oppose evil by calling out to Him – and for Him to move upon His people. Too often what Americans want – is a never-ending American state no matter how vile our morals become. We would like to maintain our comfort and our current lifestyle – even if we are not humbling ourselves, praying, seeking His face, and turning from our wicked ways. This is happening SO THAT WE WILL REPENT AND RETURN TO GOD! This is happening SO THAT WE WILL HUMBLE OURSELVES AND PRAY! This is happening SO THAT WE WILL REALIZE THAT THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME! This is happening SO THAT WE WILL JOYEOUSLY AWAIT AND EVEN CRY OUT FOR OUR LORD’S RETURN! I do not desire – nor want to hasten the demise of my beloved country. BUT – if push comes to shove Biblically – this is NOT my country. I am looking for a city whose architect and builder is God Himself. Therefore as I continue to love this country and seek its peace – I will also live in the reality that apart from a widespread revival and spiritual awakening in our land we are headed for very rough and difficult times. And one of the benefits of seeing things this way has been a renewed call to prayer – and a renewed passion in looking to the heavens and crying out, “Maranatha!” Come Lord Jesus! The north-African region has been a hotbed of controversy for the past year. We’ve watched as first Egypt, and now Libya have gone through popular uprisings of the people to overthrow their current dictators in favor of . . . well that is yet to be decided hasn’t it. Our president boasts that these events of the “Arab Spring” as he calls it, will result in greater freedom and peace for the entire region. Yet as time moves on – it seems that his predictions – as well as his actions are going to bring anything but peace in this region.
Egypt was supposed to become a wonderful democracy after the political overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, their former dictator. Please understand that I am not a Mubarak fan – he was a brutal dictator. But as we’ve learned over the years often in matters of foreign affairs, the devil we know is often better than the devil we do not know. Such seems to be the case with Egypt. What seems to be rising out of the ashes of the Mubarak regime is a fragile alliance between the military and the Muslim Brotherhood. This second group has proven to be a radical Islamic group who desire Islamic law to rule Egypt. They also are a group who does not favor peace with Israel. All this took a new turn as a series of events recently have caused Israeli Egyptian relations to reach their lowest point in almost 30 years. The Sinai Peninsula has been the site of a series of attacks by Gaza-based militants which resulted in the deaths of eight Israelis. When Israel retaliated against these terrorists, three Egyptians with their defense forces were killed. This resulted in demonstrations in the streets in Egypt – and even an unprecedented call for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador there. One demonstrator climbed up and ripped down the Israeli flag from their embassy in Egypt. Currently negotiators and envoys from several nations are seeking to defuse the situation. There has also been a rare Israeli government apology for the deaths of the Egyptians. What this situation is revealing is that the former government of Hosni Mubarak, which desired more peaceful relations with Israel, is being replaced with a far more anti-Israeli government that reflects the position of the Muslim Brotherhood. Times are changing in the Islamic world. This is also true in Libya as well. The Obama administration has entered into military actions with that state in the hope that their dictator, Khadaffi, may be overthrown. But once again, what is in the wake of this overthrow is a government that will be far more agreeable to the demands of the Muslim street. As with the situation in Egypt, the Muslim street’s views are better represented by the Muslim Brotherhood than by more moderate Muslims (if there are any when it comes to Israel). What does all this mean to us who believe that the Last Days of the Bible are going to come to pass just as God has promised? It means that there are ominous developments that point to a group of nations eerily similar to that of Ezekiel 38:1-6 are arising in this region – all of which are becoming more and more anti-Israel in their political views. Egypt is listed in this group, along with Libya as well. Added to this group is the ancient location of Ethiopia. The geography of this place better fits the nation of Northern Sudan which is another radical Islamic state. When you add Turkey to this group – things start getting a little wild, since Turkey has elected a far more radical Islamic government, which has become far less friendly with Israel over the past 2-3 years. The other nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 include the “- stan” nations of the Russian Steppe region – Khazakstan, Tagikistan, etc. These are joined with Iran, whose hatred for Israel is unmatched by any other nation on earth presently. The final piece of this puzzle is Russia, which now has strengthened its ties with these nations who will one day come together to attack Israel from the north. Our president thinks that what has happened in Egypt and Libya is a good thing. He hopes for new governments in these two states (and Syria is not too far behind them either) where their former dictator is replaced with pro-western democracies that will bring a new era of peace to the Middle East. That is not happening currently, but instead these nations are being more and more radicalized. This means that we are facing a serious crisis in the region. One that will most likely lead to a war that will engulf the entire region. This is not a “good thing” – but rather a “God thing.” God is setting up this region along previously prophesied lines – for an event He has told us WILL come prior to the start of the 7 year Great Tribulation period. As we watch these nations further radicalized in their views toward Israel, we can know that whether things are as imminent as we think or not – the alignment of nations is very similar to that of the Biblical narrative. Is this just the luck of the draw – or the unseen hand of God getting things ready for the return of Christ? It should be no shock to those of you who know me that I strongly believe it is the latter of these two things. Stay ready saints – and keep yourself in the love of God and the preparation of your heart for His imminent return. But then again – this should not be done because of the nightly news – but because of the command of Scripture. For the past several days we've watched on television as the country of Egypt has erupted with violence and protests against the existing dictatorship with Hosni Mubarak at its head. There should be no illusion that Mubarak is a democracy advocate - he is not. He is a brutal dictator whose actions have time and again suppressed freedom for the masses in his country. That being said, the United States and others in the region see him as the lesser of two evils when it comes to our foreign policy in the region. He is the typical Middle-eastern leader who speaks one thing to our leaders and the west - while making it clear that he will allow the "Arab-street" to voice their vitriolic hatred of Israel and the United States without much opposition.
It is interesting to watch this uprising because in some ways it reminds those of us who know history of the Iranian Revolution. The people are taking to the streets in larger numbers over the past couple of days. These crowds are not just gathering in the capitol, but in various places all over Egypt. This protest also sports a cast of characters that, although not as strident and powerful as the Iranian ayatollahs, are nonetheless fairly radical in their Islamic orientation and philosophy. So the question arises for us as we watch this situation develop, is this going to be another Iranian Revolution? There are very clear differences in Egypt that will probably not make this Iranian Revolution, take 2. First of all, according to several articles written by those watching these things from an Islamic vantage point, the protesters are rising up far more due to economic reasons, than religious ones. The Mubarak regime is having similar problems with their economy that the rest of the world is experiencing. Their problem is that many are so poor already that the only step downward is total destitution. So for them, there is nothing left to do except riot and protest. Another difference is that there does not seem to be an overall leadership led by powerful religious figure-heads presently. Mohammaed ElBaradei, the former head of the UN Atomic Energy Agency seems to be wanting to step us as a possible leader. He has returned to Egypt to participate in the protests with the hope that he will receive support and be able to possibly head up an attempt to change the government. We need to remember him as the one who did his dead-level best to tell the world that Iran did not have a nuclear weapons program - while they were establishing one in full sight of every western nation in the world. He also is not a man we should consider as pro-western. Another group who has supported the protests it the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamic group who, although they have not struck recently with terrorist activity, is still a very radical Islamic group in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood seeks to transform Egypt into an Islamic regime that they hope will stand at the forefront of the global jihad. They have grown closer in recent years to Iran, Hamax, and Hizbullah - actually having their attorneys represent their terrorists who were arrested in Egypt in 2009 for plotting to bring down the current regime with a series of spectacular attacks. What does all this mean though for the prophetic picture painted for us in the Scriptures. I believe the destabilization of Egypt would move a peace deal forward much more rapidly. Unlike the terrorist groups that currently surround Israel, Egypt has a very, very powerful military presence that can threaten Israel on a whole different level. The Mubarak regime who continued the peace deal initiated under Sadat - has benefited from purchases of U.S. military materials. They have an air force that boasts 300 F-16's, their army is outfitted with the M1A1 tank similar to ours, the largest navy in the region, an army twice the size of the IDF, and an air defense system that would cause the Israeli air force serious problems that would hamper their effectiveness greatly. If the government were to fall into the hands of ElBaradai and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, there would be a radical Islamic group with this kind of military power at their disposal. Israel would be far more motivated to sign some kind of regional peace deal than ever before. This might play directly into the hands of a worldwide leader, who would come on the scene promising peace in a region so plagued with problems. As I watch, though, I see some serious problems with this happening without things getting far worse. The military is still solidly behind Mubarak - and are starting to crack down with increasing severity. All we can do is continue to look at what is happening - and hope that this nation does not fall into radical Islamic control like Iran did. If that does happen, the region will be further destabilized (if that is possible). Although this does not bode well for our current peacefulness and security - it may be another piece of the puzzle falling into place for the coming peace treaty between the Antichrist and Israel. I would counsel us to watch and pray - as Scripture tells us to do. Oh, and I would also advise us to take advantage of every opportunity to live for and share Christ with those around us. Who knows - we may not have as much time as we think to do so. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020