Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of truly ridiculous statements being made – and not being challenged for the foolishness that they are. In an effort to expose these statements for what they are, I am going to institute a monthly award to be given out to those who make them. The name of my award is the “Doofus of the Month” award. It will go to the person whose statement truly exhibits all the very best (or worst, if you think about it) of doofus thinking.
The initial winner of the “Doofus of the Month” award is Richard Dawkins. Recently Dawkins was quoted in an interview with the UK Guardian as making the following statement. “Jesus was a great moral teacher and I was suggesting that somebody as intelligent as Jesus would have been an atheist if he had known what we know today.” Let’s look at why Mr. Dawkins deserves this award for his truly amazing “Doofus Thinking.” First of all, if we are going to take an honest look at Jesus, we can only do so on the basis of the teachings given to us in the Gospels. It is our original source material on Jesus Christ, what He said, and Who He is. The gospels assume – and go to great lengths to prove that Jesus is God Himself. There are numerous statements attributed to Jesus of Nazareth in which He calls Himself God. Therefore for Jesus Christ to one moment state that He is God – and in the next (at least in Dawkins' thinking) deny even the existence of God at all – would make Jesus Christ one of two things. He is either a spiritual schizophrenic, or worse, a charlatan of the highest order. This then pokes serious holes in Dawkin’s statement that Jesus was a great moral teacher. As C. S. Lewis asserted, if we take Jesus at His Words in the Gospels, we are left with one of three conclusions. Jesus Christ is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. If someone is crazy enough to call himself God when he is not - even willing to die a horrendous death on a cross for it - he is not a good moral teacher - he is nuts. So, Mr. Dawkins, Jesus has to be one of the two - He is either insane or He is Who He says He is - God. Those of us who are Christians believe that His teachings, His works (miracles), His fulfillment of prophecy, and ultimately His resurrection prove He is the latter. The second thing that truly manifests “Doofus Thinking” of the first order is Dawkin’s comments that if Jesus knew what we knew, He would be an atheist. It is hard to decide if this is more “doofus thinking,” or just arrogance reaching to new heights. Truly this man sees himself as superior in his scientific thinking than the rest of us lowly unscientific serfs. Dawkins lifts the current world as superior in knowledge to any that ever existed – and evidently sees himself as high priest of such knowledge. This is how he can utter such absolutist statements about the intelligence of Jesus – and how it was inferior to our own. How else could a great moral teacher make such gargantuan blunders in advancing belief in God – when of course the enlightened ones of our current age have made such belief obsolete with their infallible science and its discoveries. The God revealed in the Bible is represented by that revelation as omniscient (Mr. Dawkins, that means He is all-knowing). Jesus manifest that omniscience by knowing what His detractors were thinking. We learn in Philippians 2 that Jesus, being God of very God, chose to lay aside His attributes. He emptied Himself and took upon the form of a servant, being made in human form. He did so to eventually bear the sin of the world – and pay the full measure of punishment and wrath due that sin. But in no way does that mean Jesus was just too simple-minded and dumb to not realize there wasn’t a God – and He wasn’t Him. Mr Dawkins also has a problem with his reasoning - because he asserts that there is a thing such as a "great moral teacher". That assumes that there is good moral teaching - or at least a set of morals that should be embraced as better than other morals. Unfortunately for him an atheistic evolutionary view of the world militates against even the existence of morals. Classic evolutionary theory is founded upon a world that has one moral code. That code is the advancement of superior species, and the ultimate extinction of inferior ones. It is even wrong to suggest that this is moral in any way - because this advancement of superior species is totally random and happens only because life is perpetuating itself. The existence of morals assumes someone who can speak with authority as to why one behavior or choice is superior to another. In Dawkins' atheistic, evolutionary model no such authority exists. It would be more consistent for Dawkins to say that Jesus was a bigoted, authoritarian, arrogant man who had the audacity to assume his moral positions were superior to what another person considered their own truth. If Jesus were a true atheist, the first thing he would shed would be the moral assertions of his own teachings. He could hold such a moral code for himself - but to assert that others should hold it as superior to their own thoughts and desires would be the height of arrogance and religious bigotry. Only a "doofus thinker" wants to have it both ways. Mr. Dawkin’s statement defies any kind of reason in its assertion. He simply is defining himself as the ultimate authority on God. His statements lack credibility because, as one who rejects absolute truth, he himself is making absolute statements about God. In so doing he is making himself “god” in the process (well at least god over all thoughts and belief systems about God). One has to wonder if one day in the future other, far more enlightened scientists will one day state that if Mr. Dawkins knew what they knew, he would not have held his own views in such high esteem – thus making him an “A-Dawkin-ist.” Congratulations Mr. Dawkins! You are our very first "Doofus of the Month!"
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It’s beginning to look a lot like . . . Shar’ia, all around the . . . Middle East! One of the developments that should be catching our eye is the number of countries who are part of the Arab Spring who are now turning into Islamist states. This should not be too shocking to us since the dominant religious view in all these states is Islam. But what should get our attention is how these countries are adopting Islamic Shar’ia law as the law of the land.
We’ve watched as countries like Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia have all had revolutions of sorts. These were hailed by our current president and even by some conservative commentators as the “Arab Spring.” This name was given to this movement (which also touched many other countries in the Middle East) because they were wrongly interpreted as a yearning for freedom, liberty, and western democracy. Yet what we are watching in the wake of this Arab Spring is a concerted movement toward Islamic states who are trading their opportunity for western style democracy for states ruled by Shar’ia Islamic Law. Anyone who has read anything about Shar’ia Law knows that it does not even slightly look like western democracy. If you want a look at what these states may become in the future, do not look to the United States – look to Iran. Iran is an Islamic state that functions under Shar’ia Law. Rather than being a movement that stimulates freedom of thought – these states will now enforce Islam as its mandatory religion. What we have seen in Islamic states is a repression of freedom of religion, a repression of freedom of thought, and a repression of freedom of expression. When Muslims convert to Christianity, they are given a death sentence. When woman are deemed to be out of line morally by their family – outrageous acts are allowed, even “honor killing.” Rather than a refreshing breath of spring – this is more like a chilling blast of winter when it comes to freedom and liberty. But probably the most disturbing thing that is coming due to the so-called Arab Spring is the destabilization of the region and its march toward war. Demonstrations in both Libya and Egypt have turned dangerously violent when it comes toward the nation of Israel. In recent months we’ve even watched as riotous crowds have invaded the Israeli Embassy in Cairo. They stormed the compound and tore down the flag of Israel in defiance. These problems are only going to increase because an Islamic state that is ruled by Shar’ia Law tends to be a state that is also antagonistic toward Israel’s presence in the Middle East. They have a very serious problem with Israel being in Jerusalem – which Islam holds as its third most holy place. In the past year we’ve watched the attitude of Turkey, which was previously a moderate Muslim nation, turn very sour toward Israel. Turkey even helped to sponsor groups that are trying to break through the blockade that Israel has put around the Palestinian territories to keep advanced military arms from being shipped to their ports. The weapons that get through in various ways are then used on Israel in rocket attacks and other incursions. It all adds up to a growing number of Arab “Spring-ed” countries that are turning more radical in their Islamic views. What are we to do about these things? First of all, we need to realize that our current administration really does not have a clue when it comes to what is going on in the Islamic world. They think that western style democracy is taking hold – when in reality – these states are going to be little more than another Iran in the region. We need to pray and ask God to give discernment to those in our government – in the State Department as well as the White House. They need to see what is happening and be willing to say that Islamic states that turn to Shar’ia Law are going to be states that desire the destruction of Israel. It might also behoove them to see that those who call Israel the little Satan – also refer to the United States as the “great Satan.” Call it a hunch – but I think that is not a positive designation – nor a friendly one. For those of us who understand the Bible, we need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We also need to be aware that there is a possibility that this current trend may be an alignment for a future prophetic event called the Gog-Magog invasion. This is a group of nations who will surround Israel – and will seek to destroy her. When they do this (you can read about it in Ezekiel 37-38) God delivers Israel by a miracle. In that miraculous deliverance, God destroys the armies – and the nations themselves with an intervention from heaven. Just for your information, the nations who are presently turning towards a more radical version of Islam and Shar’ia Law are like a who’s who of the nations listed in Ezekiel. The only nation not moving toward Islam in this group is Russia. That problem is solved quite easily as Russia has a mutual defense and military pact with several of these nations. Thus, seeing Russia led into this invasion is not a difficult thing to consider. We live in interesting and perilous times. The world is experiencing upheavals that could be the birth pangs mentioned in Scripture – that are a precursor to the seven year tribulation period and the second coming of Christ. We may not be able to stop the political forces that are at work, but we can allow their presence and their growing menace to be a reminder to us. Jesus said that we should work the works of God while it is still day – because the night is coming when no man can work. Don’t take your freedoms for granted. Use them to communicate the gospel – and to make disciples of Jesus Christ every day you can. It may soon be night – when it will be far more difficult to do those works. Several folks have asked me to weigh in on Harold Camping and his prediction that the world should have ended (or at least the rapture should have come) on October 21, 2011. The simple fact that this article is dated October 24th SHOULD BE ALL THE COMMENTARY NEEDED.
In case it is not enough - I'll make a plain statement. Harold Camping is a false prophet who has now wrongly predicted that the world would end in 1994, on May 21st, 2011, and now on October 21st, 2011. Also let me remind you that Scripture says that NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY OR THE HOUR of Christ's coming. That includes Harold Camping or any other prophetic goober who is foolish enough to put a date on that event. Here is what Scripture says. First - it is coming soon. Second - be ready. Just yesterday we looked at Iran and their most recent terrorist plot. We wondered out loud, “What was Iran thinking,” and looked at some of the ramifications of their actions – even looking into the longer term future at what could happen as a result. Today, we are going to look at this again, yet from the angle of Iran’s worldview. This is important for us to do because unless we grasp the worldview that Iran is working from, we will tend to misjudge not just their previous actions – but we will also be caught off guard again and again as to their future ones. Unfortunately for us in the United States the current leadership, as well as the vast majority of thinkers from both sides of the aisle in Washington, are unwilling to wake up to just what this worldview is. Their unwillingness to do this has led, and will continue to lead us in directions that will leave us totally unprepared for what is coming in the days and months ahead.
What was Iran thinking when they attempted to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States? To those in Iran’s leadership, they were following a logical course of action spurred on by their worldview. Some might want to restate this as their “religious” worldview but this does not recognize that they do not dichotomize their lives into the religious and the secular like we do in the West. Their worldview is Muslim from every possible vantage point. What is driving them is the logical conclusions of Islam and the teachings of the Koran as interpreted by their religious leaders. This is what drives them religiously, politically, legally, and socially. This is exactly what led them to every action they’ve taken from their political repression of opposition movements to their pursuit of nuclear weapons to their incendiary statements about wiping Israel off the map. Iran’s spiritual leadership as well as their current political leadership believe in the classic version of Islamic eschatology (end-times doctrine). That doctrine centers around two basic things. The first is the return of the 12th Imam who is called the “Mahdi.” He is an apocalyptic figure who, according to their teachings, will come up out of a well in Iran – and will lead the Islamic world to reinstate the Caliphate. The Caliphate is the term used for a one-world government/religious system based on Islam and worldwide Shar’ia law. The Mahdi will be the supreme leader of this movement – Islam will be its religious basis – and Koranic Shar’ia law will be its political vehicle for ruling the world. Our governmental leaders desperately need to grasp this worldview and how it motivates the actions and attitudes of the current Iranian leadership. The Mahdi will come in the midst of worldwide chaos and disruption. Some might state that this is not a whole lot different than the view of the Bible. The Bible does state that in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars. The major difference in worldview between these two though is that for the Biblical Christian – we are merely watching these things happen. For the “Twelfth-er” Muslim, they sek to do all they can to encourage these disruptions and problems. They want war, political problems, and worldwide chaos. This is what will help bring the Mahdi back – it will aid in his return to set up the worldwide Islamic Caliphate. Here is where we come to what the Iranians were thinking when they did what they did recently. They were thinking that by causing disruption and even war – they will bring back the Mahdi. This is why we need to wake up and realize what we are facing. Too often our press and our political leaders tell us that Islam is a peaceful religion – that we can peacefully coexist with them in love and harmony. But the fact is, that at least with Iran’s brand of Islam (and I would argue all sects eventually), they do not want peaceful coexistence and harmony. They want Islamic domination and worldwide Shar’ia law. They want the world to be ruled by the Mahdi – and for all nations to be under the Islamic Caliphate. What we are doing now in seeking a diplomatic solution is futile. It is a repeat of the negotiations that England and France sought to have with Hitler. There is no negotiating with those who seek worldwide domination and rule. Chamberlain would have been better off to have met with Hitler’s Germany and let them know that if they continued to aggressively seek European domination – they would face stiff opposition and eventually war. Hitler did not listen to appeasement. He saw it as weakness – and sought to exploit it to his advantage. The Iranians see our penchant for “sanctions” and our constant appeal to the U.N. for their wonderful intervention (please read this as sarcasm – actually more like rampant sarcasm) as weakness. They exploit our useless efforts to rein them in – and see it as a gift of more time to plant additional operatives whose goal is the destruction of the “great Satan.” One would think that the reality of that name alone would wake us up. But our response is to retract in Freudian political horror – and blame ourselves for their actions, attitudes, and worldview. What should we do? How should we act in this situation? Politically, we need to elect those to office who are not beholden to the view that Islam is a peaceful, cooperative worldview with our own. Some would blame president Obama for the current state of affairs, but to do so would be to ignore at least 6 years of appeasement under the Bush administration. We have a “State Department” problem. Those who are responsible for our foreign policy think that we can win over the Islamic world by gradually abandoning our evil western ways – oh, and also by also gradually abandoning our support for our faithful ally Israel. They are fools for thinking this. This is not a PR problem – it is a worldview problem. Therefore, IF we are to reverse the trends that currently make us weak and vulnerable to future attacks, we are going to have to accurately define and deal with Islamic designs for the world. That will involve a much more aggressive stance toward Iran – and any other Islamic state that threatens our nation – and our way of life. This is the political solution to our problem. Now, having stated this, I have the unpleasant task of informing you that most likely this will not happen until the next couple of attacks have taken place. The other unfortunate truth is that most likely the next major attack will make the Twin Towers attack look like child’s play. In light of this I remind myself that the kingdom of God is not of this world. Therefore as a patriot, I hate this development – but as a Christian, I realize that my faith is not based on what governmental system rules the country in which I live. There is a far greater responsibility that I have in light of all these things. That responsibility is as a Christian. My responsibility is to live for the glory of God by continuing to do the will of God. That means that regardless of the threat to my country, I am to love my enemies and pray for them. I am not to fear or hate Muslims, but love them and seek for every opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Therefore as the world continues to move toward the confrontation of the Islamic worldview and the view of the Western world – I am to preach Jesus no matter what the cost. In the end, my concern is not ultimately what the Iranians are thinking as they act politically. My concern is to affect their thinking and worldview by preaching that there is salvation in no other name except Jesus Christ. My ultimate task does not change with the winds of political fortune. The authority from which my task has been commanded will never be overthrown by the schemes and political actions of mankind. God was seated upon His throne before mankind ever existed – and He will continue to be seated on his throne long after the last political schemes of mankind have ended. Remember this and know that whatever Iran was thinking, it will not ultimately affect God’s will and purpose from being accomplished. All things will be summed up in Jesus Christ. Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that JESUS IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER! May these two facts give you hope and confidence to live for Jesus in the midst of our chaotic world. What is the world is going on with Iran? Over the past week we've learned that the Iranian KUDS forces (which is the equivalent of our special forces) were involved in a plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States. Allegedly, the plot involved working with Mexican drug cartels in an effort to hire professional assassins to carry out the plot. As more and more details of this plot become known, it is clear that the Iranian government was involved in this effort.
This is a radical move on the part of the Iranian government - even a game-changing event. It has led to several things that are happening presently in our own government reaction to this attempt on the Saudi Arabian Ambassador. The first is that the Obama administration is seeking what they call, "crippling" sanctions against the Iranian government. The problem with this action is that it will require countries like China and Russia to comply as well. Since we do not do any business with Iran, our ability to directly affect their economy is fairly limited. The second action, which is not receiving hardly any attention involves Israel and the sale of 55 advanced bunker-busting bombs to their military. This was something that was allowed by the Obama Administration. To give a little insight on this action, the Bush Administration was asked to do the same thing - and did not do it. It was viewed as too controversial a decision, and one that would come back to haunt them if Israel used these weapons to destroy Iran's nuclear program. What does all this mean for our world. It actually means a great deal. One of the things Israel absolutely had to have to deal with Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons was bunker-busting bombs. Now that they have them - an attack on Iran's nuclear infrastructure is far more possible. This would cause a huge disruption of the delivery of oil throughout the world. Those who understand the ramifications of this say it might cause the cost of oil to surge to 6-8 dollars a gallon - or more. This would send an already fragile world economy over the edge into full scale collapse. Such a collapse would put our world into financial chaos. It would be a perfect scenario for a world leader to rise to help solve such an issue - not to mention to lead the world toward a one-world currency or system that would be easily be transformed to a cashless economy. There is also the problem of military reprisals for Israel taking out Iran's nuclear weapons program. If such an attack were to take place, there is a good possibility that the world would be set on fire. Russia, Syria, and Turkey all have mutual defense pacts with Iran. If Israel were to attack Iran - what would these countries do? It could easily cause the region to erupt with protests - and eventually a military action against Israel from nations throughout the region. That would fit the view of the Gog-Magog conflict of Ezekiel 37-38 being an event which happens before the rapture of the church and the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period of the book of Revelation. The situation with Iran is fluid at the moment. Much of what I've written today has yet to happen. We do not know what sanctions will be put on Iran. We do not know how effective they will be. We do not know how Iran is going to react to such things. We do not know how the rest of the Middle East will react to Iran's actions. But the one thing we do know is that Israel now has the ability to penetrate the bunkers which hide much of Iran's nuclear facilities. The question will be what Israel will do with them? The other thing we also know is that these events have done nothing to lessen the political pressures that are rising in the Middle East. We will need to stay tuned to learn what will happen. But in the mean time we also need to stay on our knees and continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, because these events have made that peace that much more difficult. Recently, we’ve seen a rise of movements in Egypt, Libya, and several other countries in the Middle East where moderate Muslim governments are being overthrown by public protests. It is interesting to me that whereas our government supported the overthrow of these moderate Muslim leaders – they have said little or nothing about protesters who are seeking to deal with oppression from radical Muslim leaders like Ahmadinajad in Iran or Assad in Syria. This is because this is not about freedom. It is about a movement to destabilize the governments of the world – and hopefully bring about revolutions that will put even more radical leaders into power.
In Egypt and Libya, countries where their revolutionaries are worthy of full support, we are watching as far more radical governments are coming into power. Even though these two countries were governed by little more than thugs – they were at least the devil we knew. What is rising up in both of these countries now is the Muslim Brotherhood – a group dedicated to the destruction of Israel. They also desire Shar’ia law to be put into place – and – desire a worldwide Muslim Caliphate – where a radical Muslim cleric will rise to power. This will not result in freedom in these countries. It will result in an even more oppressive regime who will use radical Muslim religious views to bring their people under control. We will not see women have greater freedom, but rather greater repression and violence used against them if they will not submit to the Shar’ia law that is put into place as the law of the land. Yet we are seeing all this called, “The Arab Spring” by those in our government who are foolish enough to be taken in by poor understanding (we hope) of what is going on in the Middle East. Let us now turn to the streets of New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. Since mid-September there has been a movement to protest against Wall Street and the financial institutions of our country. Due to pitiful news coverage which looks more like promotion of these events – we do not fully grasp the intent of those who are doing this. The purpose behind all this is not to have peaceful protests – but to hopefully begin what they want to be a radical revolution in our nation. Whether we accept it or not – this is part of their stated goals – at least if we believe the words that they are saying at these rallys. They are hoping that these protests grow in size – as well as grow in disturbance to our financial system. The leaders of these protests subscribe to writings that encourage them to first cause problems and violence – for the purpose of enabling those in power presently to quell them and seize power in an absolutist fashion. Their hope is that in the end – just like in Cairo – they will see a rise of protest so great that it will overthrow our current FORM of government. They are hoping in the end to watch President Obama have to respond by seizing power – and preventing the elections next Fall. I know that I am writing some very radical things – but I want to relate this to Biblical prophecy – as this blog seeks to do with everything written here. As a patriot and a red-blooded American – I hate what is happening to my nation. In many ways we are reaping what we have sown – having pursued a national course of promiscuity, ungodliness, and anti-life policies (by this I mean abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia toward the elderly and infirmed prior to and at birth). God is allowing what we see today to bring discipline on His church – and hopefully to get us on our knees praying for revival and spiritual awakening in our land. But there is also another reason this “may” be happening. My eschatology (theological view of end times) sees a time where God is going to pour out astounding judgments on this world system. This is called the “Great Tribulation” and according to passages from Daniel and Revelation will last 7 years. During that period a ruler will rise up who will bring peace to the Middle East between Israel and her Muslim neighbors. This ruler will also be able to bring about a one-world governmental, financial, and religious system as well. He will rule over a 10 nation confederation centered in Europe. He will also eventually bring about a cashless society where a mark will be given whereby people can buy and sell things economically (which lately looks like it may involve a computer chip implanted in either the hand or the forehead). Lastly, he will also eventually require the world to worship him as god. Having read this you may think, “How does all this fit with our current situation?” The things I mentioned above have come from a study of the book of Revelation. But in order for them to happen – the world will have to move from states that embrace their own sovereignty – to a world that cries out for a world leader. The United States has been a very real problem for this development for years. We are a freedom loving people – or at least used to be. We are a people that used to know these things – and would oppose anything that looked like a one-world governmental system. But now, we are watching our own government turn into a socialist experiment. We are watching our freedoms disappear left and right (far more by the left – but often the right is too complicit – at least at the congressional and party level). It seems little can be done to stem the tide. Please realize that I am going to fight these things personally – because I believe freedom is worth fighting for (although not through violent means). BUT – as God moves all things toward His ultimate purpose and plan – we are going to watch a growing cancer throughout the world. This cancer is going to take two forms. The first cancer we will see growing is that of Radical Islam. This cancer will grow because it is the most fertile ground for those who hate Israel and want to see her wiped off the face of the earth. The so-called Arab Spring is more like a moderate winter. The more we watch the “supported” movements rise – the more we will see radicals who hate Israel come to power. In the end – the Biblical narrative where Israel stands alone against enemies who surround her – will come to pass through this first cancer – Radical Islam. The second cancer we will see grow is that of Western Socialism/Collectivism. Europe is falling apart financially faster than the United States. The people of Europe are ready to cede power to anyone who can deliver them from their fast-coming destruction. Sounds like fertile ground for a one-world ruler doesn’t it? The United States is unfortunately following in Europe’s footsteps with increasing speed. If there were to be radical protests and violence that required our current president to rise up and declare marshal law – it would play right into the kind of socialist/collectivist worldview he has put forth for the past 2-3 years. The United States could then easily join a “United States of the World” group and surrender our sovereignty to one who would rise up and be joyfully embraced as the “new” savior of our world! What I fear though is that the devastation of the United States will be far worse that some think. Prophecy does not even recognize a super-power like state in the West. My prediction is that when such events happen – the result will be a severely weakened state that will fall quickly to second or even third world status. The rise of this “new” savior of our world – is synonymous with what the Bible describes as the rise of the Antichrist. He will rule over all of Europe – and will be heralded as a world-saver! He will also eventually set up a cashless financial system – and require all to worship him and the image he sets up for all to worship. What are we to do in such a situation? Actually, I would ask that you consider listening to a message entitled, “Prophetic Inevitability and Personal Responsibility.” This message will help you grasp what to do in light of prophecy that WILL be fulfilled – while not just standing around and allowing evil to prevail in the meantime. God calls us to seek His face – His kingdom and His righteousness no matter what the political situation under which we live. He calls us to love others – even those who hate us – and to share the gospel so that they might be saved. God calls us to pray – to stand in the gap and oppose evil by calling out to Him – and for Him to move upon His people. Too often what Americans want – is a never-ending American state no matter how vile our morals become. We would like to maintain our comfort and our current lifestyle – even if we are not humbling ourselves, praying, seeking His face, and turning from our wicked ways. This is happening SO THAT WE WILL REPENT AND RETURN TO GOD! This is happening SO THAT WE WILL HUMBLE OURSELVES AND PRAY! This is happening SO THAT WE WILL REALIZE THAT THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME! This is happening SO THAT WE WILL JOYEOUSLY AWAIT AND EVEN CRY OUT FOR OUR LORD’S RETURN! I do not desire – nor want to hasten the demise of my beloved country. BUT – if push comes to shove Biblically – this is NOT my country. I am looking for a city whose architect and builder is God Himself. Therefore as I continue to love this country and seek its peace – I will also live in the reality that apart from a widespread revival and spiritual awakening in our land we are headed for very rough and difficult times. And one of the benefits of seeing things this way has been a renewed call to prayer – and a renewed passion in looking to the heavens and crying out, “Maranatha!” Come Lord Jesus! |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020