Just yesterday we looked at Iran and their most recent terrorist plot. We wondered out loud, “What was Iran thinking,” and looked at some of the ramifications of their actions – even looking into the longer term future at what could happen as a result. Today, we are going to look at this again, yet from the angle of Iran’s worldview. This is important for us to do because unless we grasp the worldview that Iran is working from, we will tend to misjudge not just their previous actions – but we will also be caught off guard again and again as to their future ones. Unfortunately for us in the United States the current leadership, as well as the vast majority of thinkers from both sides of the aisle in Washington, are unwilling to wake up to just what this worldview is. Their unwillingness to do this has led, and will continue to lead us in directions that will leave us totally unprepared for what is coming in the days and months ahead.
What was Iran thinking when they attempted to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States? To those in Iran’s leadership, they were following a logical course of action spurred on by their worldview. Some might want to restate this as their “religious” worldview but this does not recognize that they do not dichotomize their lives into the religious and the secular like we do in the West. Their worldview is Muslim from every possible vantage point. What is driving them is the logical conclusions of Islam and the teachings of the Koran as interpreted by their religious leaders. This is what drives them religiously, politically, legally, and socially. This is exactly what led them to every action they’ve taken from their political repression of opposition movements to their pursuit of nuclear weapons to their incendiary statements about wiping Israel off the map. Iran’s spiritual leadership as well as their current political leadership believe in the classic version of Islamic eschatology (end-times doctrine). That doctrine centers around two basic things. The first is the return of the 12th Imam who is called the “Mahdi.” He is an apocalyptic figure who, according to their teachings, will come up out of a well in Iran – and will lead the Islamic world to reinstate the Caliphate. The Caliphate is the term used for a one-world government/religious system based on Islam and worldwide Shar’ia law. The Mahdi will be the supreme leader of this movement – Islam will be its religious basis – and Koranic Shar’ia law will be its political vehicle for ruling the world. Our governmental leaders desperately need to grasp this worldview and how it motivates the actions and attitudes of the current Iranian leadership. The Mahdi will come in the midst of worldwide chaos and disruption. Some might state that this is not a whole lot different than the view of the Bible. The Bible does state that in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars. The major difference in worldview between these two though is that for the Biblical Christian – we are merely watching these things happen. For the “Twelfth-er” Muslim, they sek to do all they can to encourage these disruptions and problems. They want war, political problems, and worldwide chaos. This is what will help bring the Mahdi back – it will aid in his return to set up the worldwide Islamic Caliphate. Here is where we come to what the Iranians were thinking when they did what they did recently. They were thinking that by causing disruption and even war – they will bring back the Mahdi. This is why we need to wake up and realize what we are facing. Too often our press and our political leaders tell us that Islam is a peaceful religion – that we can peacefully coexist with them in love and harmony. But the fact is, that at least with Iran’s brand of Islam (and I would argue all sects eventually), they do not want peaceful coexistence and harmony. They want Islamic domination and worldwide Shar’ia law. They want the world to be ruled by the Mahdi – and for all nations to be under the Islamic Caliphate. What we are doing now in seeking a diplomatic solution is futile. It is a repeat of the negotiations that England and France sought to have with Hitler. There is no negotiating with those who seek worldwide domination and rule. Chamberlain would have been better off to have met with Hitler’s Germany and let them know that if they continued to aggressively seek European domination – they would face stiff opposition and eventually war. Hitler did not listen to appeasement. He saw it as weakness – and sought to exploit it to his advantage. The Iranians see our penchant for “sanctions” and our constant appeal to the U.N. for their wonderful intervention (please read this as sarcasm – actually more like rampant sarcasm) as weakness. They exploit our useless efforts to rein them in – and see it as a gift of more time to plant additional operatives whose goal is the destruction of the “great Satan.” One would think that the reality of that name alone would wake us up. But our response is to retract in Freudian political horror – and blame ourselves for their actions, attitudes, and worldview. What should we do? How should we act in this situation? Politically, we need to elect those to office who are not beholden to the view that Islam is a peaceful, cooperative worldview with our own. Some would blame president Obama for the current state of affairs, but to do so would be to ignore at least 6 years of appeasement under the Bush administration. We have a “State Department” problem. Those who are responsible for our foreign policy think that we can win over the Islamic world by gradually abandoning our evil western ways – oh, and also by also gradually abandoning our support for our faithful ally Israel. They are fools for thinking this. This is not a PR problem – it is a worldview problem. Therefore, IF we are to reverse the trends that currently make us weak and vulnerable to future attacks, we are going to have to accurately define and deal with Islamic designs for the world. That will involve a much more aggressive stance toward Iran – and any other Islamic state that threatens our nation – and our way of life. This is the political solution to our problem. Now, having stated this, I have the unpleasant task of informing you that most likely this will not happen until the next couple of attacks have taken place. The other unfortunate truth is that most likely the next major attack will make the Twin Towers attack look like child’s play. In light of this I remind myself that the kingdom of God is not of this world. Therefore as a patriot, I hate this development – but as a Christian, I realize that my faith is not based on what governmental system rules the country in which I live. There is a far greater responsibility that I have in light of all these things. That responsibility is as a Christian. My responsibility is to live for the glory of God by continuing to do the will of God. That means that regardless of the threat to my country, I am to love my enemies and pray for them. I am not to fear or hate Muslims, but love them and seek for every opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Therefore as the world continues to move toward the confrontation of the Islamic worldview and the view of the Western world – I am to preach Jesus no matter what the cost. In the end, my concern is not ultimately what the Iranians are thinking as they act politically. My concern is to affect their thinking and worldview by preaching that there is salvation in no other name except Jesus Christ. My ultimate task does not change with the winds of political fortune. The authority from which my task has been commanded will never be overthrown by the schemes and political actions of mankind. God was seated upon His throne before mankind ever existed – and He will continue to be seated on his throne long after the last political schemes of mankind have ended. Remember this and know that whatever Iran was thinking, it will not ultimately affect God’s will and purpose from being accomplished. All things will be summed up in Jesus Christ. Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that JESUS IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER! May these two facts give you hope and confidence to live for Jesus in the midst of our chaotic world.
What kind of “peace” is Iran seeking in our world today – and for that matter – is the peace for which they strive one that is peace – or is it what the Bible refers to when those says, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace?”
This is a question we should ask when we learn that Iran has been conducting secret tests of missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads throughout the countries of the Middle East. William Hague, the British Foreign Secretary has announced that Iran has conducted secret tests of missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads in breach of U.N. resolutions. He has said the following: "Iran has also been carrying out covert ballistic missile tests and rocket launches, including testing missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in contravention of UN resolution 1929." This really should not shock us – unless we are among those who falsely believe that Islam is a religion of peace. We should be wise to the way that the term, “Religion of peace” is used by Islam – and just what it truly represents – which is peace, when there is no peace. Iran is interested in spreading the “peace of Islam” all over the world – yet too many in the west take that phrase with far too literal a meaning – which we should understand that the “peace of Islam” is only for those who submit to the law of Islam. Those who reject and oppose Sha’ria Law are not promised peace . . . they are promised a holy war instead. This is how we can hear one word out of President Ahmadinejad’s mouth concerning peace – while out of the other side of his mouth he spews hatred toward Israel and the United States. This is how he can say one thing to the American and English-speaking press – while saying quite another to his own people. The peace of Islam is based on the coming arrival of their “messiah” the Mahdi. He will come in the last days according to their views, and set up what they call a worldwide Caliphate. The worldwide Caliphate will be a rule and reign of the Mahdi that will establish Islam as the one worldwide religion by force. There is no tolerance of other religious views in this Caliphate – Allah is God and Islam is the only allowed religion. Those who dare believe otherwise will face dire consequences. Some may cry, “Foul!” at such a description of things – yet what do we see in countries where Sha’ria law is the law of the land? Is there open tolerance of Christianity? Are they kind to other religious views and persuasions? They are outlawed. Yet in spite of what we actually SEE and KNOW to be happening we too often parrot the statement that Islam is a religion of peace. What we are learning all too slowly is that if there is a peace in Islam – it is the peace of Islam – which is anything but peace to anyone who holds a differing view of things than they do. This is how they can speak of peace out of one side of their mouths – and be making every kind of incendiary kind of statement preparing for war out of the other side. Oh, that we might have discernment to see the difference – and act accordingly. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020