![]() Getting cash to buy bread in Weimar Germany Many really don't know what is actually happening with the current FED policy called, Qualitative Easing parts 1, 2, and now 3. We are being told that this is a stimulus for our sluggish economy. There are little more than empty promises that this will help put more money into our economy - thus making it more solvent and better for all of us. Such statements are policy statements at best, and lying propaganda statements at worst. What is slowly happening with these moves by the FED is that our money is slowly being made worthless green pieces of paper. The only inaccuracy in that statement is that this is a slow process. Unfortunately there is going to be a day very soon when we will experience a crash similar to that which was experienced by the 1920's Weimar Republic in Germany. Let me explain a little more - and hopefully also tie this to what is going to happen in these last days. The Weimar Republic was the government in Germany after WWI. Due to a number of different factors, this government was facing great financial difficulties. During WWI Germany had borrowed tremendous amounts of money. The debt of Germany had risen from 3 billion to 55 billion marks. The way the government decided to deal with this was to "monetize" the debt. To "monetize" a debt simply means to print money to pay it. The problem is that the printed money has nothing to back it and make it worth anything. The result of monetizing their debt was disastrous. Since their money was worth nothing - it created hyperinflation. The price of everything went through the ceiling. The way the German government dealt with this was to further print worthless money. By 1922-23 hyperinflation exploded and the result was skyrocketing prices for EVERYTHING! Rising prices is something that we've learned to deal with - and some say that we will see increases in prices - but that inflation will remain under control in all of our Quantitative Easing - or monetizing our debt. To give you a little better idea of the increase of prices in Germany I will offer an example. In July of 1914 you could buy a loaf of bread for 1 mark. After they monetized their debt with their own version of QE-1, prices began to soar. By July of 1922 that same loaf of bread cost 100.6 marks. But even though that kind of inflation seems outrageous, it was nothing compared to what was to come. German government officials decided in 1922 to buy some of their debt in the form of bonds from the world markets. They did this by printing a whole lot of worthless paper money. Their hope was to create a stimulus of their economy through these actions. But what happened turned German financial markets - and prices in the street into a disaster zone. A loaf of bread shot from 100.6 marks in July 1922 to 2785 marks by January 1923. But this was nothing compared to the hyperinflation that was about to be released. A year later, in July 1923 a loaf of bread would cost 194,000 marks - and by November of that same year, 1923, the cost of a loaf of bread shot to 726,000,000,000 marks. All because the nation thought they could print money to deal with their financial problems. This seems crazy when you read it, I know, but it is all in the history books and can be verified quite easily. The decision today to initiate QE-3 is a step toward a financial cliff over which it is almost beyond our power to now avoid. The FED has stated that QE-3 is an effort to buy hundreds of billions of dollars of our government's debt bonds in the open market. What are we going to use to pay for them? Money that will be printed by the FED. What backs that money? NOTHING! We are attempting to do what the Weimar Republic did from 1914-1923 - but think we can do it without any financial repercussions. Here is the truth - we cannot! This move to initiate QE-3 is simply another order to start the printing presses of the FED. We are printing money that one day won't be worth the paper it is printed upon. What is even crazier is that the Legislative branch of our government just voted to continue to fund itself at current levels for the next 6 months because very few have the guts to tell the collective United States electorate that the emperor doesn't have any financial clothes. They are more interested in being re-elected than in doing the hard work of governing responsibly. By the way this required a bi-partisan response from both Republicans and Democrats. Hardly anyone is willing to say the truth about all this - even fewer are willing to tell us we are far beyond broke. We are flying down the path of the Weimar Republic - and no one is willing to be honest about it. Now, how does all this fit in with the Biblical last day's scenario? First of all, it is a preface to a world without cash. Since pretty much every currency is going to be worthless - why have money at all. There will be moves to remove cash from society - and for the world to work only within the framework of electronic money. This move will help us toward the second thing that is being prepared in our day - biometric chips or some other device that will have all our financial, medical, and government records on them. Thus we can run the back of our hand over a scanner or stand in front of a camera and have all our finances done electronically. This paves the way for the antichrist to institute a program where he will control all spending - and will tie it to worshiping him. The third thing that will happen is that great chaos will sweep over the world in the wake of the dollar and the euro crashing and becoming utterly worthless over a short period of time. Remember what happened in the wake of the Weimar Republic's financial stupidity. A period of horrific financial depression resulted - followed by the rise of a very charismatic leader named Adolph Hitler. When people are struggling to be able to survive - they will follow anyone - even a crazed, satanic dictator. What is about to happen worldwide due to the crash of the dollar and the euro is going to make the Weimar Republic financial disaster look like a picnic in the park. QE-3 is going to result in financial disaster. The worthless paper money that will be pumped into our system is going to do nothing except further depress it in the end. Prices will one day begin to explode - first by 10% all the way to 100% over a few years. The real disaster will come quickly as that horrific 100% increase will be eclipsed by 1000%, 100,000%, and even 1,000,000,000% increases in prices throughout our economy. IT IS COMING! The only way that we can avert it is to face up to the foolishness of what we are doing currently. That will radically affect the elections this Fall - not toward a Republican or Democratic leanings. It will require us to elect HONEST politicians who will tell us the truth - in all of its ugly overtones - and in all of its horrible consequences. But, to be honest, I don't see that happening. What I see is eminent financial disaster - followed by a descent into chaos and anarchy. Why? Because have not nor will we learn from the history of the Weimar Republic. But I truly see that what awaits us in this difficult repeat of history is something far more sinister than Adolph Hitler. The one who will rise to power over the rubble of world economic disaster (and most likely a major attack on Israel - see Ezekiel 37-38) will fulfill much prophecy in doing so. But, do not fear, little flock, for this has all been prophesied previously. Yes, things will get very difficult - and the world will face a 7 year period unlike anything it has ever seen or ever will see. But you, saints of God, lift up your heads - for in the midst of the chaos, destruction - your redemption draws near!
For those watching the news lately, Syria has been at the forefront of the international headlines. This is because the recent spread of Arab uprisings against their current dictators has come to that nation. The current administration of President Assad is under attack by militants in that nation and has led to several very tense moments.
Early on this seemed to be just another uprising that would be crushed by an Arab dictator. But soon things began to spin out of control for President Assad. His government and the military used brutal tactics early in this conflict and raised the ire of many in the international community. Several massacres took place and soon nations which hoped this would go away had to begin speaking out on the matter. As the pressure mounted - so did the brutality and force of the Assad regime. This only led to further problems internationally. The United Nations did its usual song and dance routine - speaking out against the brutality - but utterly failing to do anything substantial about it. Security Council motions were blocked by both the Chinese and the Russian governments as they used their veto power on the Council to hold off on any real action. Things got worse this past week when rebels struck in Damascus and killed the Security force Chief for the Assad military. This was only the beginning of bad news as later in the week various outpost areas were overrun by rebel forces. This was looking more and more like a full scale civil war. The most troubling news came just days ago when the Assad regime said that they would not use their chemical and biological weapons - unless threatened by an outside power. Many believe this was more than a veiled threat against any nation that would interfere in this internal civil war. The saber-rattling has continued with even the Obama administration in the United States issuing strong warnings to Assad and his military against any use of chemical weapons. But how does this current mess in the middle east affect the next prophetic fulfillment? That is because of a passage of Scripture in the book of Isaiah. There we read this prophecy in chapter 17 of Isaiah's prophecy. "The oracle concerning Damascus. "Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city And will become a fallen ruin." (Isaiah 17:1 , NASB) It may be news to you (as ancient Syrian history is to most of us) that there has never been a time when Damascus was removed from being a city and was instead a fallen ruin. As a result of this we know that there has yet to be a fulfillment of this prophecy. We come now to the current situation in Syria. Many believe that this event in Damascus will happen before the seven year tribulation period. This would make a path for the armies of the north (of which we read in Ezekiel 37-38 - The Gog/Magog Invasion) to march into Israel without the problem of a nation's sovereignty being affected. Some also are concerned that Israel will be the nation to strike and destroy this city. If this happens, it will be huge because Syria is an active ally of Russia and China - and their anger would be raised if a strike of some kind from Israel destroyed this city. We might want to keep an eye on this situation in the news. It may be a precursor or even like a starter's pistol for the events of the last days to heat up in this region. Things could move very quickly if Syrian weapons of mass destruction are used in this conflict. May we continue to be alert and awake - praying for God to move in the hearts of His people - and also praying that He would use us in these last days to make peace the one way that cannot be thwarted. That is that we make peace through the gospel of Jesus Christ. This past Wednesday everyone held their breath awaiting the Supreme Court decision on the Health Care bill that has been dubbed, "Obamacare." There was a thought among conservatives that the court would strike down part or all of this law. The part most egregious to many was the so-called "mandate" for all Americans to buy health insurance. When the ruling came out there was a sigh of relief for some - and a sense of wide-eyed horror for others. I was among those horrified by the outcome because it forever fundamentally changes the relationship between the government and the citizens of the United States. It was only later, after I had turned to the Lord and sought Him in the midst of my anger and disgust that God showed me something in myself that I found even more disgusting.
Early in the week I was asked by some of the precious people I pastor what my reaction was to this ruling. Again, as stated above, my early reaction was anger and disgust. I was angry and disgusted that the Supreme Court basically allowed the existing administration to lie to the American people to get something passed - and then let the truth of the law come out only when interpreted by the courts. We were told repeatedly during the debate, however limited it was, that this was NOT A TAX! Over and over again this was asserted because, this bill would have gone down in flaming defeat if it was offered as the massive, regressive tax that it was later upheld as being. So we were told this was a "commerce" issue. As a commerce issue this was declared unconstitutional - but as a tax, it was upheld. Therefore one of the things that happened last Wednesday was that one branch of government could pass a law based on their version of the truth - while another could uphold it denying the first truth - and then making up another. Now, the fact that our government lies to us is not shocking. The fact that they have lied on this scale for the creation of a first time right to tax us for all we are worth - a little more shocking. One can only imagine the founders spinning in their graves at the way in which we are being taxed once again without representation - or at least truthful representation. After I worked my way through my initial anger and disgust, I was leveled one day while praying with a couple of brothers for revival in our churches and awakening in our land. What floored me was a verse that I believe the Holy Spirit brought to my mind. Here is the verse: "You are the salt of the earth ; but if the salt has become tasteless , how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything , except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men . (Matthew 5:13 , NASB) As I meditated on this verse, God reminded me that throughout the entire health-care debate we continued to kill 4,000 babies a day through abortion. Nothing was mentioned, even by Christian conservatives, about this issue. Nothing was mentioned about heterosexual immorality in our nation which is rampant. No one made an issue of the flood of pornography that continues unabated on our airwaves and through the internet. (Actually the legal system did make a move in this area. It removed the fines imposed for the intentional wardrobe malfunction that happened during a Superbowl broadcast. Oh, and by the way, our highest court also made it easier to use foul language during prime time television - as if God recognizes times when it is OK to use perverse language - only prohibiting it from 6-9 weeknights!) Nothing was being said about gay marriage - which we were promised would NEVER happen only years ago by our elected liars - oh, sorry - that's supposed to be elected officials (same difference in most cases). We once again bought the lie that it is, "the economy stupid" that is the issue. Let me say in the strongest way I can, "It is not the economy - it is our lack of morals" that is the problem. Let me say even stronger, "It is a tasteless, unsalty church that is the worst of our problems in America." The church has been losing its saltiness since the 1950's - when it became vogue to have an affair outside of marriage - the church did not respond by falling on her knees and crying for revival and repentance. In the 1960's we were introduced to "free love" - which is nothing more than fornication dressed up in groovy clothes - the church did not respond by falling on her knees and begging for restoration and revival. The 1970's and 80's were the me-generations - with live being lived for self and self alone. The immorality increased - and pornography began to explode with the advent of videotape - the church mulled over church growth strategies and spoke of dealing with the un-churched, rather than the ungodly. The 90's gave rise to a growing homosexual movement that became more and more radical. This was inevitable to anyone who has read Romans chapter 1. The rejection of God through heterosexual immorality inevitably leads to rampant homosexuality. Because the church was not cleaning her own house, rocked by one sexual scandal after another, she had little voice in society. One might call that a serious loss of saltiness. In the 2000's and now in the 2010's all these problems are converging as atheists are rising, God is openly mocked, and more and more oppressive laws are being passed limiting the freedom of the church. I don't know if you see it yet - but the Supreme Court ruling should not have been such a shock to us. Neither should further rulings that allow us to be trodden under foot by men. The church has not been what she should be for generations now. The result of this is that freedom has been - and will continue to go away in our land. God is not pleased over the rampant innocent blood that is being shed - the rampant sexual immorality that is being advanced - and the rampant blasphemy and mocking of His name. He is also not pleased that the church is just kind of "treading water" in the midst of this. The church is more concerned with their creature comforts and comfortable living being taken away than they are with any moral decline that is happening in our land. How do I know this? I know it because we have yet to hit our knees in pray that inconveniences us on a daily basis. My prediction is that November 5th, 2012 will make little if any difference in the moral trajectory of our nation. In all that is being argued leading up to this election - almost none of it even concerns the moral failings of our nation evidenced by heterosexual immorality, homosexuality, and abortion. They will barely even be blips on the political radar. The only difference that will happen in the Fall is that we will determine how fast we go down the toilet as a nation. Since none of the real causes are being addressed - I have little hope that they will be after the heat of the election is over. What should we do in light of the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare? Honestly . . . if we do not come to the point where we fall to our knees in repentance and brokenness over sin - nothing we do politically will really matter in the end. The church should repent - over this decision - as well as any other that comes after it. Our problems do not ultimately rest on the greatly undermined Republic in which we live. They rest on the character and godliness of the people voting those who represent it into office. Our hope lies in the mercy of God moving in our hearts to drop us to our knees. Saints of God - we have only one chance - and that is that we see a coast to coast movement of broken-hearted, sin-confessing, God-honoring prayer. Our one chance is that the church will turn from sin and turn to God - then turn to intercessory prayer. Our one hope is that there will be a heaven-sent, world-shaking revival that will so stop sin in its tracks that we will once again see the church making inroads to sin - not the other way around. Oh to see hundreds of thousands - even millions coming to Christ, throwing off their sin and embracing Jesus with all their hearts. Oh to see churches overflowing their parking lots for prayer meetings - and for meetings where seekers hear the gospel of Jesus Christ preached without apology. This is our hope - this and this alone. Bottom line - this ruling by the Supreme Court only shows me that the church continues in her faltering slouch toward saltlessness. It comes as no surprise that God is removing all protection so that the oppression of an ever-expanding government will continue to tread her underfoot. I am not shocked that a president who is acting more and more like a dictator is rising. It would not shock me if we even saw a takeover and martial law declared so that the November elections don't even happen. We are being stepped on, saints of God, and it is actually a biblical thing we are experiencing. The only way to stop the trampling is to repent, return, and fall to our knees in prayer. We have never needed the admonition of 2 Chronicles 7:14 more than we do in the shadows of this most recent decision. "If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways , then I will hear from heaven , will forgive their sin and will heal their land ." (2 Chronicles 7:14 ) God speaks of the blessing of those who live godly lives. In a contrast He also speaks of the lawless - and never does so in any kind of glowing terms. Therefore we should realize that there is a blessing to a land that abides by its laws - and a potential disaster looming for those who ignore the rule of law. What we are facing more and more is a president who refuses and even flaunts the fact that he is not going to abide by the law of the land. In the last 3 years President Obama has trampled the Constitution again and again. He has a blatant disregard for our founding document - acting as if he is a law unto himself. This does not bode well for our nation - and if he is not confronted soon - for our future freedom.
Whether we are referencing the federal government forcing people to buy health insurance or the most recent appointment of government officials without the consent of the Senate, this president thinks he can do whatever he wants. So far, because we have a Congress without the backbone to oppose him and bring him to court for his offences - he can. Our recourse in these matters is to call the president's bluff and force a Constitutional crisis. That crisis would involve the courts determining if the president has acted outside the laws of our land. What is sad is that even the most casual perusal of the Constitution should lead to the conclusion that our president is out of control. But no one has the guts to call his bluff. They probably fear being called a partisan or even worse a racist - as that is often the way that this administration deals those who oppose it. But I care little what race a man is or what party he is from - either we have a governing document by which we determine law, or our president can make up whatever laws he chooses. Consider that our president began his term in office by appointing a host of so-called czars that were never received the advice and consent of Congress. Consider that they still rule on matters without any congressional oversight. Consider that recently the Congress itself violated the Constitution by making it legal for American citizens to be arrested and held without charges indefinitely. Consider that our government can now use the Armed Forces against its own people. Consider that there is an FCC law working its way through the system that will allow an unelected official to remove any website from the internet he or she wants. The attacks against our free speech are staggering - and too often the one recourse we have, the Supreme Court, will either not hear the cases brought up or will completely ignore our Constitution in its rulings. We are sliding down a slippery slope at a speed that very soon will not be able to be stopped. You might ask why this matters to someone who is writing a "prophecy/news update." It is because I believe we are watching Scripture fulfilled with this situation. My concern is both patriotic as well as spiritual. As a patriot I find it glaringly arrogant that the Constitution, our governing document is being treated like little more than toilet paper by a man who put his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. If he fulfilled this oath, he would need to resign the presidency immediately - because he, more than any other elected official is denigrating it horrifically each day he continues this unconstitutional path upon which he is currently governing. I use the word "governing" lightly - because he acts more and more like a dictator than a president every day. My concern spiritually has been that God is using this president as a form of discipline and judgement upon our nation. Jesus said that if the salt has lost its savor - it is good for nothing any longer except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. The church has departed from God in the United States. For decades we have been watching the spiritual fervor and evangelistic zeal of God's people and God's shepherds subside. We have watched as the moral underpinnings of the church have come loose. We are now a nation that has the unfortunate responsibility of over 40,000,000 deaths by abortion upon us. The blood of these children, as well as the 4000 plus additional ones put to death each and every day cries out for God's judgment. We seem to no longer address the issue of heterosexual immorality and drunkenness that run rampant in our land. Our college campuses turn into drunken orgies on the weekends - and many are so addicted to alcohol that by the time they finish college they are drinking almost every day to cope. Homosexuality is arguably no longer considered a vice, but is trumpeted as a viable, acceptable alternative lifestyle. All this continues to grow in our land - while the lethargy of the churches is palpable. What do we expect God to do in a situation like ours? Do we expect Him to bless America? President Barak Obama is an instrument in the hand of God to judge our land - and he is doing his job by ignoring our Constitution and doing whatever he wants. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ . . . I do not write these words out of anger and recrimination against our president, but I write them as a warning to us all. I could as easily bring charges against 8 years of the presidency of George W. Bush - because he did little or nothing to stand against the tsunami of immorality that has crashed against our shores with ever-increasing ferocity. We've listened to the lie that this is about the economy - but the truth is that unless we repent and return to the Lord - our economy is the least of our problems. Let me finish by answering my own question, "Dude, where's my Constitution?" Our governing document has gone the way of God's Law in our land. We have decided that we cannot tolerate the 10 commandments any longer in America. Long before that decision was codified, our nation was trampling on it by their moral decay. Yet we would be amiss if we did not lay a certain amount of responsibility at the foot of the church in America. We've lost our moral fortitude. We've lost our boldness to speak. We've tolerated prophetic charlatans in our pulpits who preach, "Peace, Peace!" when there is no peace. One of our most prolific preachers refuses to speak of sin - and focuses mostly on how we can be rich and healthy and have our best life now. In a word - we've lost our savor. We are not salty with the gospel or the truth - and now we are being systematically being thrown out and trampled under the foot of a growing dictatorship. That is how it has always happened historically - and that is how it is happening today. Oh, that we would awake out of our slumber and realize that November 3, 2012 is not the day of our potential deliverance. It will matter little who is elected in November if we do not do much before then to repent, fall to our knees, and cry for God's mercy on our MORAL FAILURE. The trampling of the Law of God is always followed by the historic trampling of the rule of law in a nation. That, dear saints, is usually followed by the systematic destruction of the visibility of the true church . . . and then . . . the complete discarding of any governing document and the rise of a dictator who rules by his own tyranny. [AFTERTHOUGHT . . . May God restore us and make His face to shine upon us! May God grant us broken repentance and return to Him and to the joy of seeking His face and walking in His ways! May our greatest concern in the days ahead be His glory rather than our comfort within a decaying political system. May we act with the same kind of passion in our prayers for revival in the church that we do with the positioning of ourselves to attain political victory this coming Fall.] The north-African region has been a hotbed of controversy for the past year. We’ve watched as first Egypt, and now Libya have gone through popular uprisings of the people to overthrow their current dictators in favor of . . . well that is yet to be decided hasn’t it. Our president boasts that these events of the “Arab Spring” as he calls it, will result in greater freedom and peace for the entire region. Yet as time moves on – it seems that his predictions – as well as his actions are going to bring anything but peace in this region.
Egypt was supposed to become a wonderful democracy after the political overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, their former dictator. Please understand that I am not a Mubarak fan – he was a brutal dictator. But as we’ve learned over the years often in matters of foreign affairs, the devil we know is often better than the devil we do not know. Such seems to be the case with Egypt. What seems to be rising out of the ashes of the Mubarak regime is a fragile alliance between the military and the Muslim Brotherhood. This second group has proven to be a radical Islamic group who desire Islamic law to rule Egypt. They also are a group who does not favor peace with Israel. All this took a new turn as a series of events recently have caused Israeli Egyptian relations to reach their lowest point in almost 30 years. The Sinai Peninsula has been the site of a series of attacks by Gaza-based militants which resulted in the deaths of eight Israelis. When Israel retaliated against these terrorists, three Egyptians with their defense forces were killed. This resulted in demonstrations in the streets in Egypt – and even an unprecedented call for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador there. One demonstrator climbed up and ripped down the Israeli flag from their embassy in Egypt. Currently negotiators and envoys from several nations are seeking to defuse the situation. There has also been a rare Israeli government apology for the deaths of the Egyptians. What this situation is revealing is that the former government of Hosni Mubarak, which desired more peaceful relations with Israel, is being replaced with a far more anti-Israeli government that reflects the position of the Muslim Brotherhood. Times are changing in the Islamic world. This is also true in Libya as well. The Obama administration has entered into military actions with that state in the hope that their dictator, Khadaffi, may be overthrown. But once again, what is in the wake of this overthrow is a government that will be far more agreeable to the demands of the Muslim street. As with the situation in Egypt, the Muslim street’s views are better represented by the Muslim Brotherhood than by more moderate Muslims (if there are any when it comes to Israel). What does all this mean to us who believe that the Last Days of the Bible are going to come to pass just as God has promised? It means that there are ominous developments that point to a group of nations eerily similar to that of Ezekiel 38:1-6 are arising in this region – all of which are becoming more and more anti-Israel in their political views. Egypt is listed in this group, along with Libya as well. Added to this group is the ancient location of Ethiopia. The geography of this place better fits the nation of Northern Sudan which is another radical Islamic state. When you add Turkey to this group – things start getting a little wild, since Turkey has elected a far more radical Islamic government, which has become far less friendly with Israel over the past 2-3 years. The other nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 include the “- stan” nations of the Russian Steppe region – Khazakstan, Tagikistan, etc. These are joined with Iran, whose hatred for Israel is unmatched by any other nation on earth presently. The final piece of this puzzle is Russia, which now has strengthened its ties with these nations who will one day come together to attack Israel from the north. Our president thinks that what has happened in Egypt and Libya is a good thing. He hopes for new governments in these two states (and Syria is not too far behind them either) where their former dictator is replaced with pro-western democracies that will bring a new era of peace to the Middle East. That is not happening currently, but instead these nations are being more and more radicalized. This means that we are facing a serious crisis in the region. One that will most likely lead to a war that will engulf the entire region. This is not a “good thing” – but rather a “God thing.” God is setting up this region along previously prophesied lines – for an event He has told us WILL come prior to the start of the 7 year Great Tribulation period. As we watch these nations further radicalized in their views toward Israel, we can know that whether things are as imminent as we think or not – the alignment of nations is very similar to that of the Biblical narrative. Is this just the luck of the draw – or the unseen hand of God getting things ready for the return of Christ? It should be no shock to those of you who know me that I strongly believe it is the latter of these two things. Stay ready saints – and keep yourself in the love of God and the preparation of your heart for His imminent return. But then again – this should not be done because of the nightly news – but because of the command of Scripture. Events surrounding our military actions in Libya are being viewed with a collective yawn in many parts of our country. Yet what has happened and the way that it was done send shivers down the spines of those who realize that protections that our constitution are supposed to give us - and the way that it is not being followed. Yet for me, the danger here has been a long time coming - and has very little to do with our constitution.
A brief word of explanation is in order. Recent events in Libya have drawn the attention of our government. It is no shock to anyone conversant with history to know that the president of Libya is an insane thug who rules by the unjust use of power, torture, and intimidation of his people. It is just that recent events have drawn our attention to the mental unstability of Khadafi. Those events involved his people rising up and challenging his authority. As things quickly turned toxic in his nation he began to do greater and greater injustices to his people - and eventually he began using his air-force to bomb his enemies into submission. At that point the UN decided to jump into the fray - being urged by Europe to do something. What is not truthfully being reported to us is that Europe gets a large amount of their oil and gasoline from Libya - but for now we will leave that hot potatoe alone. To make a long story significantly shorter - the UN authorized a no-fly zone to be put into place. Sound military strategy and theory mandated that in doing this Libya's air defense capability be destroyed - as well as aspects of their air-force as well. This steamed ahead - and resulted in our country using its military to strike with its air-force to start the operation. Here is where things get sticky consitutionally. What the constitution requires for us to act militarily is a declaration of war. This is to be done by the Congress - who then turns the operations of the war itself over to the presidency - who then prosecutes the war toward victory. Over the past couple of decades this whole aspect of our constitutional process has gotten foggy to say the least. More and more we have chosen to have Congress approve military action short of a declaration of war. But, even in these situations, we at least followed aspects of the Constitution having Congress involved in the decision making process. But, this time, under our current administration, this process was completely ignored - and the president authorized an action on his own. He did so on his own authority - and apart from any true submission to the ruling documents of our country. Again, as I said at the beginning of this article, outside of a few statements, our country has used the ends (a crazy dictator killing his own people) to justify the means (our president ignoring the law and acting on his own). But this action - along with countless others bode very ominous things for our country. Let me explain. Jesus made a very interesting and ominous comment in the Sermon on the Mount. He said, that if the salt has lost its savor - it is good for nothing any longer, except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men." Throughout the history of the world this has happened again and agian as nations that began with Christian principles and ways, turned from them. In each and every situation what happened was that a godless ruler arose and pretty much crushed the church as a dictatorship developed in that country. Now some reading this may not be putting two and two together, so let me make this far more plain to you. We currently do not have any political party that is willing to truly put moral issues at the forefront of its platform. Some might protest saying that the Republicans have a platform opposing abortion. This is true, but I do not think anyone is under the delusion that they truly have acted to DO something about it. In addition to this I have watched with a broken heart as this country (and both parties) have done nothing about the growing homosexual agenda. Homosexual marriage is gaining ground every year - as our elected officials have done little more than posture for votes about the issue. In the TRUE picture of our nation it is NOT the economy stupid - it is our morals - and our penchant to ignore and overlook the call of Scripture to be a godly nation that matters. Some decry the foolish decisions being made in the highest levels of our government. They wonder why decisions are being promoted that in effect are weakening and destroying our nation. Yet, none of these things are all that strange to me any longer. They are not strange because I am watching the evangelical movement in the United States leave God. They have decided that the moral issues of our day are global warming, social justice, and painting Israel as an evil state that is hurting the Palestinians. They do this while we continue to exterminate 4000 babies a day - and call what God considers an abomination - not so bad. The "Ominous" truth that I see on our horizon is that of Matthew chapter 5:13 where Jesus says, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. We've lost our saltiness and have become as tasteless as the world around us. We no longer speak with any biblical relevence to our society - because we are fear speaking the things said in the Bible. Therefore we will continue to watch our governing officials make no sense whatsoever. They will continue to weaken our nation. They will continue to ignore the Constitution and rule on their own authority. In fact, one day, unless we repent and return to God with all our hearts, I believe we will watch as our Constitutional Republic goes down in flames and is replaced by a dictatorship or an Oligarchy of the few. In that day - in light of how unpopular true biblical Christianity is becoming, we will then watch the systematic persecution of the church in America. I know that to some this may sound borderline crazy - but the more I study the Scriptures - the more I see it rising on the horizon of our own historical context. How can we stop this from happening? First of all, I am not sure we can - nor am I convinced that God may not be engineering such a thing in His providence. The issue is if it is too late for us to truly "turn our nation around." But the real question here is not whether we can salvage our nation - but whether we are going to salvage our testimony in the midst of it. That is the real question to answer here. The church needs to repent - you and I need to repent. We need to return to Biblical Christianity - that puts the gospel and the glory and honor of God first and foremost in our lives. That would be a start. Then we need to turn from our sin and boldly preach and live the gospel of Jesus Christ. This may actually speed up the persecution in our nation. If we begin boldly proclaiming the gospel - people may become very offended with it. But that is not really the issue is it. THE issue for us is whether we are going to hold fast to the truth - preach it - live it - and if necessary - die for it. When the church begins living this way - it will return to its true roots. And those roots are not set in the protection of any one nation or people - but are firmly set in working for a kingdom that is not of this world. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020