There is a comet that is coming toward earth. The comet’s astronomical name is C/2010 X1 – but is more commonly called Comet Elenin. It is named after Leonid Elenin who discovered the comet on December 10, 2010. Since then we’ve watched this comet draw closer to earth. The closest it will come to earth is around 22 million miles from us (So don't worry about letting your hands get too far out into earth's atmosphere - it won't hit you). Don Yeomans of NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, states the following about Elenin. “It will have an immeasurably miniscule influence on our planet. By comparison, my subcompact automobile exerts a greater influence on the ocean's tides than comet Elenin ever will."
But, this has not kept the “prophetic” hysteria from reaching an almost fever pitch lately. There are predictions that earth will have radical disasters and problems due to this comet. Some state that the comet will reverse the poles on earth creating havoc on the planet. Others believe that we will have horrific problems because of electro-magnetic disturbances that will result from the comet passing near us. Still others believe that this comet will be the impetus of massive earthquakes that will rock the entire earth. Taking the cake are those who predict a period of three days of darkness – that will fulfill some kind of prophesy of Biblical proportions. One particular site said this is not even a comet – but a brown dwarf (Disney should check its amusement partks just to make sure they still have 7) which will radically change earth and bring on the end of time as we know it. Additional “prophecy” sites are comparing this to Hopi Indian tribe lore about the “Blue Star Katsina” or another prophecy from the Mayan calendar. Some have even wondered if this event is what will bring on the end of the world as Mayan prophecy indicates (cue the trailer from the move 2012). If you want to go even further into the realms of the conspiracy theorists who also link into this stuff – some think that a planned event from Homeland Security paints an ominous picture for us - and an attack (most likely nuclear) that is imminent on the United States. OK – that is enough of that stuff. Can kind of get your heart-rate up can’t it? Let us step back and catch our collective breath – and reason about things Scripturally – like we should. Are there going to be “signs in the heavens” surrounding eschatological events? Yes there will – but if you do your homework – they are DURING the seven-year tribulation period. Last time I looked – we have no open acknowledgment of the Antichrist being active in our day (although I’ve heard at various times that Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Barak Obama – and in one parody, Barney the Purple Dinosaur – are the Antichrist). If we have no public functioning Antichrist – we are not yet in the 7 year tribulation period. Therefore we can KNOW that the end-times sign of the asteroid/comet/brown dwarf/or Dopey the dwarf hitting the earth and causing havoc is NOT around the corner (meaning not even this year). Too often people see something in space – or in a report – and they “wig-out” and forget any kind of biblical reasoning ability. Prophecy sites, especially, go for this stuff like a moth to a flame. They like the splashy and the attention-getting stories. But this gets us into trouble – saying nothing of the way that it makes people eventually consider us among other crazy groups out there predicting everything – and seldom if ever being right about anything. Now, please understand – this thing may hit us. It may cause problems. But according to several reports that I’ve read – from people who should know what is going on . . . it is going to have about as much impact as a single mosquito hitting a supertanker as it cruises through the ocean. What is so sad is that after saying that – some in the prophecy community cry out, “But that is what the government wants us to think!” My answer for that is to roll my eyes and refocus my attention on what matters today. Love and live for Jesus – share the gospel – pray for others – love folks around me – and make disciples as if the future of the witness for Christ on this earth depends on it. All this I will do in the power that the Holy Spirit provides for me to be God’s man. Will disasters happen? The answer to that is, “Yes, they will.” They have happened before – and they will continue to happen until the rapture and the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period. Granted afterward – these disasters will pale in comparison to the judgment of God that WILL come to this planet during that time. But the fact is that problems, famines, earthquakes, floods, plagues – and ever other kind of disastrous event have happened before – and will continue to happen. This even includes our planet being hit and influenced by small asteroids and other heavenly bodies. BUT . . . before we go off half-cocked about a new asteroid or comet or supposed brown dwarf, it might behoove us to know the Scriptures. They have told us what the end-times will look like – and what events will preclude others that happen later in the narrative. So what should we do in light of Elenin – and the Blue Star – and the Mayan calendar – and, and, and, whatever is next on the “really-big-prediction-oh-my-gosh-get-ready-or-at-least-wig-out-for-a-few-days” prophecy post we see on the internet? My suggestion is that we do the following. 1. Wake up each morning and thank God for a new day. 2. Have a time where we read the Word – and talk to God (pray) 3. Somewhere in here enjoy a cup of coffee (I enjoy Shadrach’s Coffee personally) 4. Love your family, friends, and the lost ALL DAY LONG! 5. Share Jesus with someone today (They may need it – since a huge comet or brown dwarf may be killing them before supper!!) 6. Spend your life seeking first God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness 7. Enjoy supper with your family (Unless a huge comet has landed in your dining room) 8. Kiss your spouse and kids at least once that evening. 9. Go to bed – get a good night’s sleep 10. Repeat till you go home to the Lord – or a large comet strikes you (Also beware when you go to Disneyland or Disneyworld – we’ve heard reports that there are seven brown dwarfs circling around inside these amusement parks)
What do the events in 1 Kings 12 and a scheduled event for September 17th possibly have in common?
Let me begin with what is scheduled for this coming September 17th in several cities in the United States. On this date there is an event called "The US Day o Rage." The organizers of this event are stating that it is a non-violent protest against the financial institutions of our nation - most notably Wall Street. They claim that they are "fighting a war for the soul of our nation, its people." But there are some very disturbing things about this day and this movement and its luminaries. First is the name of the event. They chose to name their event after an event which took place in Chicago in 1969. The original "Days of Rage" were provoked by a group known as the Weather Underground as they rioted and demonstrated against the "system" for four days. These protests were anything but peaceful. It is also disconcerting to know some of the things being said in conjunction with this event. The purpose for this event is to occupy Wall Street and other areas throughout the entire island of Manhattan. One of their luminaries is Wade Rathke, ACORN founder, who wrote just months ago of an "anti-banking jihad" that needs to be waged against our financial institutions. Stephen Lerner, a SEIU operative recently promised to "bring down the stock market" through a campaign of disruption. Most disturbing is the things that are being said to these protestors about the NYPD. The US Day of Rage website makes it clear that the NYPD will be viewed as the enemy. The site says, ". . . the NYPD has become a counter-intel paramilitary force" which they say prevents people from exercising their right of peaceable assembly in New York City. Considering the recent violent protests that have rocked England, one would not fault leaders in New York for being nervous and for taking proper precautionary measures. The problem is tthat this protest is scheduled also to hig Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Austin, Texas. Going back to how I started this article, how are these events and the history of 1 Kings 12 possibly related? Those of you who read these articles regularly know that I believe that God is trying to get our attention due to our rebellion against Him. As a nation we have left the godly heritage handed down to us by our forefathers. We have chosen to leave the Lord - and His way in this country. In many ways we mirror the nation of Israel as it was in 1 Kings 12. They had left the Lord - preferring their wealth and ungodly lifestyles. Therefore the Lord made it clear that there would be a problem in their country. God would not just allow, but would actually engineer a rebellion that would split the country. God promised that He would only allow Solomon's son to have Judah due to His promises to David. The rest of the nation would be given to another leader - and unfortunately would never have another godly leader again. As one can read in this chapter - God said that this revolt "was from the Lord." Personally, I am horrified that we may once again have a 1960's style revolt by groups within our nation. What is even more disturbing to me are the views of those who will participate in these protests. They support socialist and communist ideologies that will in no way help our country return to the Lord and to a responsible way of living under His Lordship. If history is any reminder to us - these protests will turn violent and will most likely give rise to more like them. It also reminds me that there is not going to be a purely political answer to our problems in the United States. Without a return to moral sanity - without a return to a biblically based morality and godliness - our nation faces very dark, violent, and disturbing days ahead. Now is the time to pray and repent - to return to the Lord with all our heart and soul and mind and strength. We need a revival on the scale of their organized protests. The only difference is where their protests want to destroy - ours are on behalf of our Savior Who desires to give life - and life abundantly. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020