In just a few weeks a movie is going to be released called, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.” This prequel is supposed to be an explanation of why apes began to have human tendencies – and then supposedly evolved to have human intelligence. It also recounts to us the process whereby the apes took over earth and began to do a biological cleansing – reducing humans to the positions formerly held by the apes within the animal kingdom. Heavily influencing the movie is the idea of evolution itself with its view that animals and plants can cross the species barrier by experiencing macro-evolution.
Due to research at three different laboratories in the United Kingdom (King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University) there is now concern that a scenario like that presented in this upcoming movie might be possible. Scientists at these three labs have created more than 150 of what they are calling, “human-animal hybrid” embryos. These experimental hybrid embryos were produced in secret research over about three years. The reason for the hybrid experimentation was to find cures in them for a wide range of diseases that affect mankind presently. One commentator on this so-called medical research accused the scientists of “dabbling in the grotesque.” Three basic types of hybrids are being made in these laboratories. The first is an animal egg which is fertilized by human sperm. The second is called a “cybrid” which is a human nucleus that is implanted into an animal cell. The third is called a “chimera” which is a mixture of human cells put into animal embryos. It should be noted that no cure for any disease has come from these experiments. In fact, something that is not often stated in the media is that NO CURE for any disease has come from any testing on embryos or any harvesting of embryonic stem cells. Yet this is what is held out for us as the source of future miracle cures for diseases. It is a type of scientific blackmail that promises cures that have not materialized so that ethical and moral lines may be crossed. Scientific fact is that of the nearly 80 cures that have come from stem cell research and testing, ALL have come from ADULT STEM CELLS. None have ever come from any embryonic research – whether from pure human research of from this more grotesque mixing of species. Those who have warned about a “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” scenario are calling for much stricter rules and laws against having laboratory animals injected in ways that would seek to give them human attributes. One such rule would prohibit having human stem cells injected into the brains of . . . you guessed it, apes. The lead author of the Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Medical Research, Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, sees no need for such rules or laws – stating that the existing laws in the United Kingdom state that these embryos have to be destroyed within 14 days. I don’t know about anyone else – but the simple fact that these scientists have sought to keep their research secret – along with a fair knowledge of mankind’s ability to deceive and manipulate circumstances – makes me less than impressed with the safety and the ethics that they promise to maintain. But this brings up a larger question for those of us who study biblical prophecy. Is there any biblical reference to a hybrid human being or animal? Some might refer to the strange creatures that are mentioned in the book of Revelation – and question whether these could be the end of this grotesque mixing of species? Let’s take a look at this possibility by looking at the Scriptures. Some wonder about this passage in Revelation 6, “I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:8, NASB) They wonder if the “wild beasts of the earth” could refer to a hybrid animal? The Greek word used here for “wild beasts” is “therion.” Throughout Scripture this word is used to refer to a venomous creature like a snake of some kind. It is also used to refer to various other animals in the animal kingdom. It is also the word used here, in Revelation 9, and in Revelation 13 of strange looking beasts. The problem with calling these beasts hybrids is that the language that is used here is descriptive language – rather than a more literal statement. Here in this first passage in Revelation the wild beasts mentioned here are most likely just that – wild beasts. This means most likely that undomesticated animals would lose their fear of man – and begin killing men at a rate never before seen on earth. A second passage some might consider to be indicative of hybrid experiments is the two types of beasts mentioned in Revelation chapter 9. In Revelation 9:7-11 we have a being that has the “appearance” of locusts. But as these strange beings come up out of the earth – they are described in the following way. “The appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle; and on their heads appeared to be crowns like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. They had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots, of many horses rushing to battle. They have tails like scorpions, and stings; and in their tails is their power to hurt men for five months. They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon.” Some would point to the fact that these weird looking “locust-like” creatures have faces, “like the faces of men.” They also have hair, “like the hair of women.” Yet in spite of these things – they also are described with aspects of lions, scorpions, and horses. Is this the result of embryonic research gone horribly wrong? Again, the language in this passage is that of description – not literal statements. Terms used here that clue us into this are the word, “like,” and the phrase “the appearance of.” Another clue to us that this is a more spiritual description than a literal human/animal hybrid is the fact that these beings come out of “the bottomless pit” and are eventually identified as having the “angel of the abyss” king over them. After this is stated, this king is further identified with names that are normally given to Satan – or which refer to him. Thus these are most likely not the result of human embryonic engineering gone bad – but are demonic beings instead. Later in Revelation chapter 9 we read of horses that have the heads of lions and tails which have multi-headed serpents on them. This description though also includes a statement that their mouths have fire, smoke, and brimstone coming from them. Thus if this is some kind of sickening hybrid – it has attributes which no other animal on earth currently has. This more than likely is a first century description of some kind of machine used – which has the ability to shoot fire from it. Once again this is a “vision” as well as the word “like” used in it. The final two beasts that might be some kind of human/animal hybrid are those described for us in Revelation 13. If these are hybrids – they are definitely hybrids of multiple animals. Yet the language used here is very reminiscent of that used in Daniel. The beasts described there represented kingdoms – and how those kingdoms acted when they ruled on earth. These two beasts seem to be a combination of all these beings – with their worst attributes being put forward. Thus we have here the representatives of Satan during the tribulation period – described in how they act and what kind of “rule” they exert on earth. Although tantalizing to our imaginations, the idea of a “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” scenario is very, unlikely. It may make for great movie-making, but it would involve poor biblical exegesis at best. What we do have here though is an eventuality of the lie of evolution manifesting itself in the most grotesque of ways. The lie of evolution is that we can cross the barriers of species – and have some kind of hybrid that brings us something far better than God’s original creation. This involves man being smarter than God, who created this world with species barriers irrevocably in place. Mankind, though, in its rebellion against God continues to dabble in the grotesque, hoping to make a hybrid man/animal that can once and for all disprove that a Creator God has ever existed. Good luck professors . . . because your work, which may create a kind of sick curiosity in mankind at first, will never manifest itself in anything truly helpful to mankind. And for those of you who fear that one day apes may rise and take over the earth – subjugating man to a mere animal role – you should read your Bible with greater care. Man will continue to be the supreme manifestation of God’s creation. Yet while man will never be removed from the position of the most glorious of His creatures, the fact will still remain that something is seriously wrong with mankind. He was made to directly reflect the glory of God in a way no animal can – yet he continues to sin and live as a rebel to God’s ultimate purposes. Maybe a better title for a movie would be, “Rise of the Planet of the Fools,” which would chronicle for us the horror of a creature made to fellowship with God – who rejects Him and instead worships himself. Then again maybe our theaters are not quite ready for the scariest movie of all.
Now this will be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth. It will come about in that day that a great panic from the LORD will fall on them; and they will seize one another's hand, and the hand of one will be lifted against the hand of another. Judah also will fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered, gold and silver and garments in great abundance. So also like this plague will be the plague on the horse, the mule, the camel, the donkey and all the cattle that will be in those camps. Zechariah 14:12-15
While reading through the Bible this year, I recently came upon this passage in Zechariah fourteen – a passage that brings to mind images that are horrific – but that also calls to mind a modern weapon that can actually cause the very thing that God speaks of in this passage. The weapon of which we speak is called the “neutron bomb.” Neutron bombs act on the part of an atom called the neutron. A neutron is a basic component of every atom. In general, for every atom to be a stable element it must have a proton (a positively charged particle) an electron (a negatively charged particle) and a neutron (a neutrally charged element – with no electrical charge whatsoever). Neutrons are a critical building block of every material thing in our entire universe. When these neutrons are clinging to protons in the nucleus of an atom, they are vital to the existence of matter itself. When they are freed from this relationship with a proton, they cause a very deadly form of radiation – in fact it is lethal. The first atomic bombs involved the splitting apart of “heavy atomic nuclei.” When this happens there is a tremendous release of power – thus the massive mushroom-clouded type of explosion results. This was the type of bomb released on Japan at the close of the second world war. The second generation of nuclear bomb is called the “thermonuclear bomb.” This involves a process where hydrogen isotopes are fused together to form even heavier atoms – which when split release almost unbelievable amounts of energy. That is why we are very careful and loathe to release one of these bombs today. The explosion and effect of a thermonuclear bomb makes the first generation of nuclear bombs look like a mere firecracker. When we consider the massive destruction at Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a firecracker, we tremble at the destruction one of these second generation bombs could cause. The Neutron bomb is a third generation nuclear device. This bomb is similar to the thermonuclear bomb except that a blanket of heavy U-238 isotopes is removed from it. What this does to the bomb is make it release only a massive number of neutrons combined with gamma radiation at its detonation. When this bomb blows the release of the neutrons are lethal to humans and any other animal life around it. If you are within the radius of a neutron bomb you will be killed almost instantly. If you are within the blast radius what will happen to you is eerily similar to what Zechariah describes in chapter 14 of his prophecy. Any kind of flesh is destroyed by a kind of melting process as all the atoms are destroyed within it. Thus Zechariah’s description of something that rots flesh, eyes, and the tongue are often compared to what happens at the detonation of a neutron bomb. The reason the military would choose one of these bombs is because they are considered to be much “cleaner” than conventional nuclear bombs. A neutron bomb blast will only kill living things. This will leave all the weapons and buildings in the area pretty much intact. If a nation were attacked by a huge army – as Israel will be attacked in the last days – the bomb will kill all the troops, but will leave all their armor and weaponry undamaged. The other important difference is that a neutron bomb will leave no radioactive fallout behind after its detonation. Unlike the first two generations of nuclear weapons, a person is safe walking in the area of the bomb blast immediately after the explosion. Even soldiers who are dug in many feet below the earth will not escape the results of a neutron bomb blast. What is fascinating is that currently only the United States, Israel, and possibly China have this kind of weaponry. That is interesting to the student of prophecy because if attacked by a huge army, Israel may choose to release such a weapon. It would effectively destroy their enemies without causing a massive ecological event that would poison the region for decades. The question though for us is whether God is going to use something like this in the Gog-Magog invasion that is coming – or whether the deliverance in this scenario is simply going to be a plague that comes from the hand of God. To be honest with you I do not have a clue which it will be, since God has worked in both ways in the past testimony of Scripture. At times His judgment and wrath fall through an army that is divinely empowered for victory. At other times He acts apart from any human involvement and brings His power to bear directly on those who oppose Him. What I get from all this is that it is foolish to stand against the apple of God’s eye – the nation of Israel. Scripture very clearly indicates that the nation of Israel will be a major focus in the last days. It also indicates that in the end, all nations will turn against Him and against His people. Yet God will use even this to accomplish His ultimate purposes and plans. Those plans have nothing to do with world domination – and everything to do with bringing salvation to the people of His own choosing. They may have rejected their Messiah at His first coming – but eventually God is going to bring Israel to Himself with the events of these last days. As I read Zechariah fourteen and realized that for the first time in history a human weapon has the capability of doing what is said here – I had another sense that we are indeed living in the last days. May such a realization cause me – and saints, cause all of us to look up, for indeed our redemption is drawing near! I’m on vacation presently – but as I’ve taken the time to keep up with the news I’ve had a sense of destiny in the things that I am reading. Let me explain by making reference to the book of Revelation and the things we see happen in that amazing prophecy of last things.
In the book of Revelation we see some astounding things happening in the world prior to the return of Jesus Christ. Among them is a world leader who arises promising peace, but delivers something far different. We see war on a scale possibly unknown to mankind. We see horrific events involving famine and plague that seem almost out of the realm of possibility. We see a world system of finance that no longer involves a currency or currencies of the nations of the world. All these things seem so far fetched that many have written off Revelation as either a book that is to be interpreted non-literally – or as the rantings of a crazed prophet or worse. Yet, as I read the news I cannot help but watch the stage being set for the return of Jesus Christ. We are watching our own nation on the edge of a financial Armageddon – not because of the debt ceiling debacle in Congress, but because we have $14.2 trillion in debt and actually think that more borrowing is not a bad thing for us. Because of our position in the world as the largest consumer nation, if we fall the world is coming with us. There is such an inter-connectedness in economies in our world today that a failure in the United States will bring down the world with it. But the debt crisis is not just in the United States alone. European countries who have embraced the lies of socialism are coming to their own day of reckoning as their ability to handle a debt explosion are coming upon them. Not only is the U.S. economy going to implode, but Europe’s as well – and they may get there first. Consider the implications of all this. Two of the world’s largest economies are going to implode. With that we will see a collapse of the U. S. farming community as well – because without financial backing, the system we’ve maintained for our farming will fall apart as well. That will bring a lack of food the likes of which the world has not seen in modern times. With it will also come the looming specter of famine as one of the largest producers of food in the world suddenly will be struggling with feeding themselves as economics prevents the growing of food. This coming economic Armageddon will also affect the nation that has done more to promote world health than any other on the planet. That work will come to a grinding halt as the companies that have pioneered much of the innovation and advance of medicine also implode. Medicines that have been readily available will soon find shortages popping up all over the world. With this kind of financial meltdown will also come the inevitable showdowns between nations who are now facing dire choices as the shortages grow. Historically this has led to war between nations – because contrary to biblical truth – wars are primarily not engaged in because of political differences. James tells us that the reason for wars is because we want and we cannot have – so we argue and fight on a local level – but on a geo-political scale such arguments become wars. Now add to this the growing problem of an Islamic radicalism that is wanting world domination and you have a recipe for a worldwide conflagration that is coming soon to a planet near you. Some will read this and commence hand-wringing as they try to figure out how to stop it. But the fact is that you will not be able to stop these kind of events when Christ’s return is imminent. When I look at the things that are happening now – I see two things. First I see that when a world sows to the wind, they will reap the whirlwind. Our world has been in rebellion against God since Adam’s fall in the garden. This rebellion seems to be reaching a critical mass in our day. The godlessness in our world only knows one other context historically and biblically – and that is the days prior to Noah and the first destruction of the earth by water. Just as the pre-flood world had to face the consequences for their sin and rebellion, so does ours – and that host of consequences seems to be knocking at our door. The second thing I see is possibly an engineering of all this as God is sovereignly working in our world. Please understand I do not see God as the author of such sin and wickedness. He is not responsible for the sin and rebellion – yet He is still sovereignly working through it toward the ultimate end of His eternal purposes. That eternal purpose has as its goal the summing up of all things in Christ Jesus – the ultimate punishment of the wicked – the ultimate reward of the righteous – and then the penultimate reign of His Son for all eternity. So where does that leave us – you know, the ones who are still on this planet as these things hurtle toward their horrific conclusion? It leaves us where we have always been – redeemed ones of Jesus Christ who have a task before us. That task is to continue making disciples of all the nations – preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth – and preparing our own hearts for the return of our glorious Lord and Savior. The days and years will continue to be piled upon the past – until He comes and our salvation is completed as we are glorified in heaven. But no matter whether this end comes in days or years – or decades – or centuries – our task is the same as our brethren right after the ascension of Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Preach Jesus – live Jesus – lead others to Jesus – disciple them for Jesus – and love Jesus until the end . . . whether it is an end as we die on this earth – or one where we greet Him in the clouds in a glorious reunion as He comes again! What kind of “peace” is Iran seeking in our world today – and for that matter – is the peace for which they strive one that is peace – or is it what the Bible refers to when those says, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace?”
This is a question we should ask when we learn that Iran has been conducting secret tests of missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads throughout the countries of the Middle East. William Hague, the British Foreign Secretary has announced that Iran has conducted secret tests of missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads in breach of U.N. resolutions. He has said the following: "Iran has also been carrying out covert ballistic missile tests and rocket launches, including testing missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in contravention of UN resolution 1929." This really should not shock us – unless we are among those who falsely believe that Islam is a religion of peace. We should be wise to the way that the term, “Religion of peace” is used by Islam – and just what it truly represents – which is peace, when there is no peace. Iran is interested in spreading the “peace of Islam” all over the world – yet too many in the west take that phrase with far too literal a meaning – which we should understand that the “peace of Islam” is only for those who submit to the law of Islam. Those who reject and oppose Sha’ria Law are not promised peace . . . they are promised a holy war instead. This is how we can hear one word out of President Ahmadinejad’s mouth concerning peace – while out of the other side of his mouth he spews hatred toward Israel and the United States. This is how he can say one thing to the American and English-speaking press – while saying quite another to his own people. The peace of Islam is based on the coming arrival of their “messiah” the Mahdi. He will come in the last days according to their views, and set up what they call a worldwide Caliphate. The worldwide Caliphate will be a rule and reign of the Mahdi that will establish Islam as the one worldwide religion by force. There is no tolerance of other religious views in this Caliphate – Allah is God and Islam is the only allowed religion. Those who dare believe otherwise will face dire consequences. Some may cry, “Foul!” at such a description of things – yet what do we see in countries where Sha’ria law is the law of the land? Is there open tolerance of Christianity? Are they kind to other religious views and persuasions? They are outlawed. Yet in spite of what we actually SEE and KNOW to be happening we too often parrot the statement that Islam is a religion of peace. What we are learning all too slowly is that if there is a peace in Islam – it is the peace of Islam – which is anything but peace to anyone who holds a differing view of things than they do. This is how they can speak of peace out of one side of their mouths – and be making every kind of incendiary kind of statement preparing for war out of the other side. Oh, that we might have discernment to see the difference – and act accordingly. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020