Getting cash to buy bread in Weimar Germany Many really don't know what is actually happening with the current FED policy called, Qualitative Easing parts 1, 2, and now 3. We are being told that this is a stimulus for our sluggish economy. There are little more than empty promises that this will help put more money into our economy - thus making it more solvent and better for all of us. Such statements are policy statements at best, and lying propaganda statements at worst. What is slowly happening with these moves by the FED is that our money is slowly being made worthless green pieces of paper. The only inaccuracy in that statement is that this is a slow process. Unfortunately there is going to be a day very soon when we will experience a crash similar to that which was experienced by the 1920's Weimar Republic in Germany. Let me explain a little more - and hopefully also tie this to what is going to happen in these last days. The Weimar Republic was the government in Germany after WWI. Due to a number of different factors, this government was facing great financial difficulties. During WWI Germany had borrowed tremendous amounts of money. The debt of Germany had risen from 3 billion to 55 billion marks. The way the government decided to deal with this was to "monetize" the debt. To "monetize" a debt simply means to print money to pay it. The problem is that the printed money has nothing to back it and make it worth anything. The result of monetizing their debt was disastrous. Since their money was worth nothing - it created hyperinflation. The price of everything went through the ceiling. The way the German government dealt with this was to further print worthless money. By 1922-23 hyperinflation exploded and the result was skyrocketing prices for EVERYTHING! Rising prices is something that we've learned to deal with - and some say that we will see increases in prices - but that inflation will remain under control in all of our Quantitative Easing - or monetizing our debt. To give you a little better idea of the increase of prices in Germany I will offer an example. In July of 1914 you could buy a loaf of bread for 1 mark. After they monetized their debt with their own version of QE-1, prices began to soar. By July of 1922 that same loaf of bread cost 100.6 marks. But even though that kind of inflation seems outrageous, it was nothing compared to what was to come. German government officials decided in 1922 to buy some of their debt in the form of bonds from the world markets. They did this by printing a whole lot of worthless paper money. Their hope was to create a stimulus of their economy through these actions. But what happened turned German financial markets - and prices in the street into a disaster zone. A loaf of bread shot from 100.6 marks in July 1922 to 2785 marks by January 1923. But this was nothing compared to the hyperinflation that was about to be released. A year later, in July 1923 a loaf of bread would cost 194,000 marks - and by November of that same year, 1923, the cost of a loaf of bread shot to 726,000,000,000 marks. All because the nation thought they could print money to deal with their financial problems. This seems crazy when you read it, I know, but it is all in the history books and can be verified quite easily. The decision today to initiate QE-3 is a step toward a financial cliff over which it is almost beyond our power to now avoid. The FED has stated that QE-3 is an effort to buy hundreds of billions of dollars of our government's debt bonds in the open market. What are we going to use to pay for them? Money that will be printed by the FED. What backs that money? NOTHING! We are attempting to do what the Weimar Republic did from 1914-1923 - but think we can do it without any financial repercussions. Here is the truth - we cannot! This move to initiate QE-3 is simply another order to start the printing presses of the FED. We are printing money that one day won't be worth the paper it is printed upon. What is even crazier is that the Legislative branch of our government just voted to continue to fund itself at current levels for the next 6 months because very few have the guts to tell the collective United States electorate that the emperor doesn't have any financial clothes. They are more interested in being re-elected than in doing the hard work of governing responsibly. By the way this required a bi-partisan response from both Republicans and Democrats. Hardly anyone is willing to say the truth about all this - even fewer are willing to tell us we are far beyond broke. We are flying down the path of the Weimar Republic - and no one is willing to be honest about it. Now, how does all this fit in with the Biblical last day's scenario? First of all, it is a preface to a world without cash. Since pretty much every currency is going to be worthless - why have money at all. There will be moves to remove cash from society - and for the world to work only within the framework of electronic money. This move will help us toward the second thing that is being prepared in our day - biometric chips or some other device that will have all our financial, medical, and government records on them. Thus we can run the back of our hand over a scanner or stand in front of a camera and have all our finances done electronically. This paves the way for the antichrist to institute a program where he will control all spending - and will tie it to worshiping him. The third thing that will happen is that great chaos will sweep over the world in the wake of the dollar and the euro crashing and becoming utterly worthless over a short period of time. Remember what happened in the wake of the Weimar Republic's financial stupidity. A period of horrific financial depression resulted - followed by the rise of a very charismatic leader named Adolph Hitler. When people are struggling to be able to survive - they will follow anyone - even a crazed, satanic dictator. What is about to happen worldwide due to the crash of the dollar and the euro is going to make the Weimar Republic financial disaster look like a picnic in the park. QE-3 is going to result in financial disaster. The worthless paper money that will be pumped into our system is going to do nothing except further depress it in the end. Prices will one day begin to explode - first by 10% all the way to 100% over a few years. The real disaster will come quickly as that horrific 100% increase will be eclipsed by 1000%, 100,000%, and even 1,000,000,000% increases in prices throughout our economy. IT IS COMING! The only way that we can avert it is to face up to the foolishness of what we are doing currently. That will radically affect the elections this Fall - not toward a Republican or Democratic leanings. It will require us to elect HONEST politicians who will tell us the truth - in all of its ugly overtones - and in all of its horrible consequences. But, to be honest, I don't see that happening. What I see is eminent financial disaster - followed by a descent into chaos and anarchy. Why? Because have not nor will we learn from the history of the Weimar Republic. But I truly see that what awaits us in this difficult repeat of history is something far more sinister than Adolph Hitler. The one who will rise to power over the rubble of world economic disaster (and most likely a major attack on Israel - see Ezekiel 37-38) will fulfill much prophecy in doing so. But, do not fear, little flock, for this has all been prophesied previously. Yes, things will get very difficult - and the world will face a 7 year period unlike anything it has ever seen or ever will see. But you, saints of God, lift up your heads - for in the midst of the chaos, destruction - your redemption draws near!
Today is May 15th - and it is the day that Greece is scheduled to make a payment on its debt to the European Union. That payment is in excess of $300,000,000. If the payment is not made - there will be a default (again) on the Greek debt. Now you may be saying, "What has default on Greek debt have to do with me?" Well, it has a lot to do with the huge set of dominoes that are set up in the financial world - and the way that they will begin to fall in the very near future.
The European Continent has been living on borrowed time for decades now. They have consistently elected a series of leaders who hold a political view called, Socialism. This view says that government can run the business sector of a society better than the private business owners can. Socialism views a governmental elite as the ones who should be determining who the winners and losers are in the business world. As a result, these governments set up fiscally confiscatory tax systems that make sure that the rich and the business owners "pay their fair share" of taxes to the government. This winds up being a tax burden so great that the businesses close or move somewhere they can get out from under the oppressive tax burden placed on them by the current government of the nation where they are seeking to do business. France, who recently elected a president who is an open Socialist, is getting ready to raise the tax burden on the rich to 75% of their income. Thus the French government thinks it should rightfully receive 3/4 of every dollar earned by the rich - and that the rich should be thrilled that their "fair share" leaves them only a quarter out of every dollar they earn by their sweat and toil. As you can imagine - the rich are not happy with having 3/4 of their earnings taken from them and redistributed to the rest of society as government burearocrats see fit. Thus they either leave - or shut down their business and begin being one of those doled out to - rather than doled out from. Thus the problem of Europe . . . no one wants to be the dole-er, because it is far more profitable to be the dole-ee. No businesses and no rich people mean no taxes. No taxes means no way to pay out to the dole-ees except by going into debt. Going further and further into debt means insolvency - and that, dear friends, means your government goes belly-up. Oh, by the way, this also means all the dole-ees don't get their dole any longer. Oh, and one last thing . . . this means that the dole-ees will begin to riot and burn everything to the ground. Thus we come to Greece and the deadline they face today. What is looming is the default of the first European socialist nation in the set up of the national domino set. Waiting in the background are the following nations who are just a little further up the road from Greece because they are following the same bankrupt Socialist policies that resulted in Greece's national bankruptcy. That list is as follows: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain, France, England, and last but not least - the United States of America. You see, we've been dipping into the well of Socialism with our current president's multiple stimulus plans, multiple promises to everyone that they will get more unemployment benefits, multiple forays into class warfare by demonizing the rich and business owners, and mountains of debt that are being piled up . . . on the backs of our children and grandchildren. What you are seeing in Greece - WILL BE WHAT IS COMING IN OUR FUTURE! Watch and see the devastation and the chaos that results from these policies. God blesses HARD WORK! If we are unwilling to do HARD WORK, God promises that poverty will come in like an armed man - and confiscate all that we have. There are those who are predicting war in Europe in time - civil war in Greece as factions begin to line up offering the other side as the scapegoat for their problems. If you think we are beyond such things - think again. Our president is using class warfare as one of his greatest political strategies as he campaigns for re-election. If you think that prior shenanigans of the "Occupy Wall-Street" gangs were wild before - get ready for what they will do as the election grows closer. And those will be child's play compared to what they will do when the Government spicket is turned off when we run out of money. Riots in the streets will become normal in the larger cities of our nation - because our elected officials have encouraged these Socialist/Communist/Anarchist gatherings. So what does all this have to do with the Biblical scenario of the end-times? I believe it is part of the degeneration of our world as it rejects God and His Word. This rejection is what gave rise to Socialism. As I said earlier, God blesses hard work, ingenuity, and self-reliance - not government dependence. We've rejected God's ways and more and more turn to ones that put one man - or a group of men in charge of all things. We learn to look to our "government-savior" as the one who will look after us and take care of us from cradle to grave. We learn to see him as the one we turn to - rather than to God's principles and wise counsel. We want our government-savior to deliver us - and care for us - and provide for us. We would even consider making this one "ruler" and "banker" of the world. We might even consider worshipping him as god one day - as we all gather around his statue and participate in his one world religious system, one world government, and cashless economic system. The dominoes are set - and ready to fall. Most likely Greece will be first - and just like in every massive domino set up we've ever seen - this one will take on a life of its own once they all begin to fall. It is once again that time of year . . . when the leaves are falling from the trees . . . when it is getting colder . . . and when I begin in earnest to study for what will be the Prophecy Update message(s) for 2012. This is going to be a year unlike any I've ever seen before. The reason for this is because there is more worldwide unrest and upheaval than in any I've known in my lifetime. Soooo . . . I thought I'd give a little preview of where I'm going in regard to my early studies and reading.
First, there is the financial upheaval that is going on everywhere in the world. The uncontrolled spending that has dominated the western world is coming to a close. The experiment with various aspects of Socialism is coming home to roost. Our governing officials are running out of other people's money to spend - and that is making for some very interesting developments now - and even more fascinating ones that are coming possibly as early as next year. What I want to explore though, is how these events may be working toward scenarios put forth for us in the prophecy writings of the Bible. Second, there is the Arab Spring. We have watched Egypt and Libya go through revolutions that have removed dictators. We are watching Syria presently on the verge of revolution. There is rampant unrest throughout the Middle East in the "street." Who is going to fill the vacuum left by the departure of these leaders and their regimes? Will it be an Arab Spring that will follow - or - something far more sinister resembling an Arab "dark ages" instead? Third, there is the specter of a nuclear Iran - and what Israel is going to do about that development. This one may happen before January 1st. There are several reports from intelligence gathering groups that point to an Israeli strike that will take out Iran's nuclear capabilities. What will this lead to in the future? Could this event be the "starting line" for a series of events that could lead to the Gog-Magog invasion of Ezekiel 38-39? Could this even be a convergence of events that could be when the rapture of the church takes place? Fourth, there is Israel. Since the 7 year tribulation period involves God's work with Israel, it is always helpful to see what kind of developments are taking place among God's chosen people. There is always a great deal that swirls around this little nation. We will look at recent developments in the peace process - in the threats that continue to surround Israel - and the way that anti-semitism in on the rise in our nation and around the world. Fifth, there are the Occupy Wall-Street protesters and the unrest that is growing in our own nation. What is all this protesting about - and where could it lead us? Along with this area of study I am going to address how these events play into America's role in the last days. Where is the United States in all that is going to happen? What can we expect as the day of our Lord's return draws ever nearer? Finally, I will also be looking into developments concerning hot-button issues like, "Who is the Antichrist?" "What about the mark of the beast?" "What is happening that might factor into the various judgments (Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl) that are going to happen?" All these may have had some kind of development that bears scrutiny as to how they may happen in the future. I would appreciate your prayers as I dive into the deep-end of these studies. This usually involves reading 100's of pages of information - various updates in the financial realm, the political realm, the military realm, and the spiritual realm. I need God's wisdom to discern truth from error - and fact from hype. As always I want the Scriptures to dominate how I look at things. Honestly, I'm excited about this year because of all the developments going on in the world. But I am also concerned that I not get caught up in any false hype or misinterpretation of the events that are happening today. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020