![]() November 8th is approaching quickly - what to do - what to do!? That is the scenario that most of us face as we watch the time when we will step into a voting booth and express our right and responsibility to be patriots. The problem we also face is how to be both a patriot in the United States and also be a Christian in our conscience. To be perfectly honest with you - I am also in the throes of such a decision. I continue to pray about it - read to become better informed - and maybe - just maybe fret about it a little more than I should (Told you I was going to be honest). First of all, I need to be candid. I will not under any circumstances vote for the Democrat Party or their standard bearer Hillary Clinton. The Bible teaches us that the life in the womb does have rights. It may not have rights in the eyes of the Democrat party or in the eyes of their presidential candidate - but God’s authority is infinitely higher than theirs - and He says that the precious baby in the womb is His masterpiece. God forbid that I would do anything to strengthen the hands of those who add innocent blood through abortion to the massive amount we’ve already spilt advancing erotic freedom without responsibility. I also cannot vote for this agenda because I am not in agreement with giving the LGBT community a carte blanche to rewrite the first amendment to the Constitution so that religious freedom is stamped out via the revisionist decisions made by the Supreme Court. There are a host of other reasons that would take too long to list here, but suffice it to say that until the agenda in the Democrat party changes - I will be casting no votes for any of their candidates. Now to the much harder part of the coming election. Can I vote for a man like Donald Trump - who if he said and acted toward my wife or daughters in the manner in which he has - I wouldn’t want him to be in charge of anything - other than his own reformation of character? If I can do this - what would I be sacrificing as a believer and as someone who holds to a biblical definition of character? (all the time knowing that I don’t even measure up in some areas myself - thank God for His grace and gift of righteousness through Jesus Christ!) That is where I am having such a difficult time - even today. These are matters that I will have to continue to wrestle with for a few more weeks. Eventually I will go into a booth and vote my conscience - and hopefully support someone who will lead our country, albeit haltingly, in a somewhat better direction that it is currently being led. Each time I consider that - I am no more excited than I was before. If you began reading this hoping I would come up with some magic formula to make this easier - I’m sorry that you will be disappointed. God has begun taking me in another direction - even as I continue in the quandary over how to cast a vote that will in some way honor Him. It has always been a comfort to me to remember God’s sovereignty in this world. That sovereignty can both change the direction of a nation toward righteousness - or allow a nation that turns from Him to descend into ruin. Both are seen clearly in Scripture - especially when it refers to His people. God began putting the question into my heart, “What are we going to be doing on November 9th?” If Trump is elected, and that is a big “if” will all our problems be solved? I am so glad to see so many prayer meetings and special times of prayer being called. It is an encouraging thing to watch God’s people pray. But can I ask if we will be praying after the election? Will we have the same passion to pray - when maybe, and it is a big “maybe” Hillary Clinton may be elected president of the United States? Are our hopes so set on electing one candidate over the other that we are blind to the spiritually desolate condition of the church in the United States of America? Are we so set on protecting our Constitutional rights that we are deaf to God’s call for bus to lay down all our rights for the sake of His gospel and His kingdom? Will we be so depressed that Christians were so divided over - and let’s be honest about this - such a divisive candidate that we don’t see our need to come together over a greater need of loving one another and living to glorify God and advance His gospel - no matter what form or perversion of our government that will exists after this election? Will the upward call of God in Christ Jesus be enough to motivate us to pray as passionately after the election as the political call to win an election over the ungodly agenda of the Democrat party? I hope and pray the answer to such questions is that we will pursue God with greater passion - knowing that no government has ever been able to extinguish the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The early church and the persecuted church have shown us that regardless of those who reign in the realms of men - God still reigns over the hearts of His people. They had no political standing and yet turned the world upside down. They advanced the gospel through their willingness to lay down the lives for Jesus Christ. They advanced the work of God with no favor in the courts - no favor with the emperor - and often with great persecution from others within their society. Yet God prevailed. The one thing God is graciously allowing me to begin to see is that when it comes to His gospel and His plan and purpose - neither Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will prevail over it. God is sovereign - and His eternal purpose WILL PREVAIL. I hope you will forgive me for quoting such a long section of Scripture as I close this article - and engage in a little exegesis as well - but here we go. Paul wrote something we need to grasp - prior to a call for prayer. We might need to see it again - in light of our current circumstances. To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, 9 and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; 10 so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. 11 This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, 12 in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him. Paul makes it clear that our purpose is to “preach the unfathomable riches of Christ” which is the riches made available to us in His gospel. This glorious message has been being presented to our world since it began. It truly began to mean something to us at the Fall - when our sin meant separation from God - and the prospect of eternal punishment for such a foolish rebellion. This message is called the “manifold wisdom of God” which is supposed to be being made known to all “through the church.” This plan and purpose - that the gospel be proclaimed through the church is in accordance with God’s eternal purpose. LET ME PUT THIS IN ALL CAPS - NOT BECAUSE I’M MAD - BUT BECAUSE IT IS IMPORTANT. GOD’S ETERNAL PURPOSE IS THAT THE CHURCH LIVE AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE WORLD. According to Paul it is through the relationship we have with Christ Jesus our Lord - that we have boldness and a confident access to God - so that we might carry out this purpose! 13 Therefore I ask you not to lose heart at my tribulations on your behalf, for they are your glory. Paul also states. in one small sentence, the reality of his life as he lives to accomplish God’s eternal purpose of preaching the gospel to the world. He is facing tribulations - troubles - trials - hardships - beatings - all because he chooses to embrace God’s eternal purpose. He tells them, “not to lose heart” at the tribulations he is facing. Instead he says that those tribulation are for your glory! What?! Yes - it is our glory to see that living for and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ will involve tribulations. In fact Jesus Himself told us that we would be treated just like He was if we embraced true discipleship. So where does this lead us? Paul had to preach the gospel in a hostile environment - without political support - facing persecution and difficulty. Yet he spoke of boldness and confidence in the midst of it. HOW!? 14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. 20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. - Ephesians 3:8-21 Paul knew the true battle was not for a political win over society - but over the manifestation of Christ dwelling in the hearts of His people. He knew the true battle was that we all would be rooted and grounded in love for God and one another. He knew the true battle would be to know the breadth, length, height, and depth of the love for Christ. This is a love for the Father. This is a love for one another. This is a love for the lost. It is even a love for those who hate us, persecute us, and speak evil falsely of us on account of our embrace of Jesus as Lord. And this battle was so that we might be filled up to all the fullness of God Himself - as His Holy Spirit works in and through us to preach the gospel, speaking the truth in love. Paul also promised that this battle was going to be won on our knees as we trusted in the one who as able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or imagine - according to the power with which God will work in us and through us. This battle was to see God glorified in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever! Dearest precious saints of God - on November 9th our calling will be the same as it was prior to the election. It will be to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It will be to love one another as Christ has loved us. It will be to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth for the glory of God. It will be to see the glory of God shine ever brighter THROUGH His church! So - regardless of whether Trump or Clinton become president - our purpose remains an eternal one. And just as Paul has indicated through the Spirit in Ephesians - HOW MUCH MORE DOES THAT CAUSE CALL US TO PASSIONATE PRAYER! Oh pray, dear saints - pray prior to this election. But please, I beg you, please don’t think all is lost if it does not turn out as you hope and pray. Regardless of who is our president - our Lord still reigns supreme! So, therefore, let us be bold, be loving, be prayerful, and always be abounding with hope that our work in the Lord is NOT in vain! And may that work always be to take the gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere for the glory of God!
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![]() Just musing on the future . . . I am a pastor - and one who holds ultimate value in the Word of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ in my life. As such I cannot compromise how I teach God's Word to fit how my culture views what God calls sin. I also cannot adopt how many in the church are altering the message of the Gospel to fit our culture's sexual revolution. (Just a note - that revolution began in the 60's when heterosexual immorality was embraced - not just in the 2000's with the most recent downward step into homosexual marriage and its legalization last summer by the courts). This places me squarely in the sites of those who at one time said all they wanted was tolerance - but who now have made it clear that they will not tolerate God's revelation on these matters. I am writing this now because the day will come when such things cannot be spoken or written without censure, severe fines, and eventually arrest. That is where our culture is going - that is where our nation is going - and that is what I am viewing at present in my mind's eye. I am neither a prophet nor a son of a prophet. But I am a student of history - both secular and biblical. Therefore here is what I see as I muse on the future. We are already living in a day when they will not put up with sound doctrine - but will gather to themselves teachers according to their own lusts. This will grow steadily worse - to the point where sexual immorality (especially "living together" and homosexuality) will rarely be mentioned. It will all be about love and tolerance and acceptance. There will be little mention of sin and how God points out exactly what sin is - and how He responds to it. Judgment will be a dirty word. In many ways the apostate church will be a tool in the hand of the enemy to attack the remnant on these matters. The statement will be something like this. "We need reasonable churches - not ones that dogmatically judge everyone according to 'their interpretation' of what the Bible means." This will be a rallying cry to shut down free speech not only in the public sector - but even within the walls of church itself. There will be a growing list of laws that hem in Biblical believers so that they cannot express their views in public. Those that do will find themselves facing the wrath of a legal system that no longer protects religious freedom when it comes to holding Biblical beliefs dealing with sin. There will be fines, re-education, and for those who continue to resist arrests. Businesses will be forced to conform to a "way of doing business" that is inclusive, except for how they treat biblical believers. Churches will be facing several changes that will soon be coming to us via the courts. There will be challenges to freedom of religion as the state forces itself into situations where the need for "thought conformity" is necessary. This will lead to first the church being told it can only preach within its walls - that internet access can be denied on the basis of hate speech (i.e. saying heterosexual and homosexual sin is wrong, gender is something assigned by God at birth). The air waves will slowly be shut down to churches as well, based on these same things. There will also be challenges to the tax exempt status of churches and gifts to them. Eventually tax exempt status and tax deductions for gifts will be either restricted (to government accepted churches) or done away with all together. The state will hold title to all benevolent giving - which will be based on their accepted guidelines (which will be politically motivated and doled out as reward for conformity to the state agenda). Eventually the psychiatric community will join the state in condemning outright those who hold to sexual immorality being sin. This will be seen as a mental disorder - making the way for some to be institutionalized for their beliefs. Pastor's sermons will become subject to law suits - if they are deemed by the state courts to contain the new definitions of hate speech. This will lead to bankruptcy for some churches - while others will accept court rulings to either fire their pastor or face serious fines and government backlash. Pastors who preach such things will be sent off to prison for "speech violations" or for re-education in some sort of internment camp. Many godly men will be detained, arrested, and will disappear in these situations. The true church will go underground in America. Facing these things - facing the loss of their leader(s) - facing the loss of their facilities - and facing the specter of losing their freedom - many will show their true colors and become apostate. They will either flock to government sanctioned churches - or will leave the things of God altogether. The church will shrink back to a size that matches those who are truly born again. It will seem sad and discouraging - but it will be a much godlier church - given to intercessory prayer - and willing to suffer for Christ any cost. There will be a brokenness that will prevail with the true remnant - and will lead to churches underground who glorify God in all they do. Many will risk gave danger to witness to others of the gospel - but oh what a glorious church it will be! Some may think I've lost my mind saying such things. Others may criticize for this sounding so defeatist. But I would only remind them that what I've described here is what has happened in the communist countries of the Soviet Union (now Russia), China, countries behind the former Iron and Bamboo curtain, and now is happening slowly in Europe and Canada. These countries are further down the road to Socialism than we are presently - but we seem to be gaining steam (Ominously so with the candidacy and success of Bernie Sanders at present). This actually is not any kind of prophecy - it is a history lesson. It is one that is NOT being taught to our children, because we've forgotten what sacrifices were made on our behalf to fight Communism and Socialism. As far as "negativism" or "defeatist" rhetoric - I can only answer that any true rallying cry needs to first swallow a cup full of realism first. I am about to issue a rallying cry - but it is one that will most likely be rejected - as it was throughout history - both biblical and secular. Church awake! These are not days in which we should falter or get lost in the midst of what is going on around us. These are days much like those Paul spoke of when he said this in Romans 13:11-14, "And this do, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." (NASB77) Repent and return to Jesus Christ precious saints. The day is late - very late in our nation. The stakes are enormously high in an hour in which we must prepare our hearts to be "strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might." This should not shock us that the world hates us - because it hated Him and still does. It is a day to remember the height from which we have fallen, repent, and do the first works again. Works of seeking God's face - confession of sin - submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ - humbling ourselves and praying - and seeing our first love restored so that there is nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING more precious to us than the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood so violence is to be repudiated in our cause. We are to return to a white hot love for Jesus - a white hot love for one another in the church. We are to return to holiness, mortification of sin (our own), and a selfless, self-giving, gospel-centered, gospel-proclaiming life lived for the glory of God in all things. Saints - I am in the same place as all of you. Such things shake me and cause me to tremble. May it be that we tremble in fear of God and not in fear of man. May it be that our trembling and fear bring us back to Him - back to seeking, loving, and knowing Him as the greatest of all things in our lives. I dearly love all of you and only hope to be found, along with you, faithful to Him in this hour. May God have mercy on the church in the United States. - PJ - ![]() Recently I’ve read a number of articles about the situation surrounding the flying of the Confederate flag (actually it is the battle flag of Northern Virginia) on a public building in South Carolina. This has been an issue for years with groups who oppose it on the grounds that it represents racism – and those who support it based on their heritage. Please understand that I know that even that sentence is a gross simplification of a battle that has raged for years. While reading these articles I’ve noticed very strong feelings on both sides of the issue – and in a way where I see how both views have those sympathetic and those opposed to their rhetoric. With a sense of the fear of God, I want to weigh in on the issue from the standpoint of a pastor who is seeking to recognize the Lordship of Christ over my life – and a call to radically follow Jesus Christ. First of all I would like to address the whole concept of “flags” and what they are meant to represent. Flags are meant to be symbols to identify someone or something – and are often used to rally people together in support of what they symbolize. Because they are symbols meant to rally support they tend to engender strong feelings as we see them. I was reared by parents, and a society, that had great respect and honor toward the flag of the United States of America. I pledged allegiance to that flag every day I went to school at least through the eighth grade. I was also taught what that pledge meant. It meant that I supported the “republic for which it stands.” This meant that when I saw that flag it reminded me of the Constitution which established a Republic. It reminded me of a system of checks and balances intended to protect freedom. It also reminded me one of the greatest threats to that freedom was government itself. I was taught that any evolution of government that began to ignore those principles was going to eventually be a threat to the freedom they represented. It also reminded me that our nation openly believed in God, stood for liberty, and justice for all the people. Being a student of history I openly admit that this pledge is a goal – not a reality. The things pledged were meant to be ideals we sought to live out in our daily lives. Our history reveals that sin and selfishness have tarnished these ideals. Our treatment of Native Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans during WWII, and a host of other sins against each other are well documented. The most egregious of these sins is against the unborn. By saying this I am not trying to downplay other national sins, but one would have to admit that we have no other holocaust like the one perpetrated against unborn babies legally killed in the United States of America. That number is now over 20,000,000 – which is beginning to dwarf even the holocaust in Germany. You may be wondering why I am going into all this. It is because there are enough issues out there for me to be offended with the flag of the United States of America – as well as just about any other flag that exists. Take the “Christian flag” for example. At VBS we pledge allegiance to it as a symbol of our Savior, His kingdom, our shared brotherhood in Him as we serve and love Him. But flags similar to this were flown during the Crusades, which is one of the darkest moments in Christian history. I believe the actions taken during that time were under men who were probably not even regenerate, but Christianity in general has received a serious black eye because of those sinful actions. I could be so offended by those actions that I refuse to even fly a Christian flag. How do we deal with symbols like flags? If we choose some aspect of selective outrage over the sinful moments of what they symbolize – we won’t have any flags ever. Another option is that we will spend the majority of our time debating which flag is more sinful than the other. As I read a few articles about all this (along with comments made on them) I noticed that it is almost as if we are arguing who should loathe themselves the most over which flag they support or reject. I also noticed in the comment sections that things usually move from thoughtful comments to vitriolic, angry barbs seeking to one-up each other. The first flag ever flown was not even a flag – it was a tower. That tower was an attempt to gather people under a symbol – and to foster a sense of pride in who they were. Unfortunately for them, that symbol was one that sought to bring them together out from under God. Their cry was, “ . . . let us make a name for ourselves,” as they built a tower reaching into heaven itself. God saw the power that such symbols have – as well as their ability to gather people together so that they could make much of themselves, much of their views and ideals, and much of their group. That is where the Lord confused the languages so that men could no longer gather in this way – until the end. Interesting that when they do in Revelation, they gather under a symbol so that they can rebel against God and His sovereignty. By the way, it doesn’t end well for them either in Genesis or Revelation. Flags and symbols have always been used to gather people together for a cause or an identity. It was under a Nazi flag that many of the German people gathered together to advance their nationality – and a set of ideals that led to horrific acts and eventually genocide. A majority of people sees that flag, and the swastika on it, and reacts in horror over what was done under that symbol. But before we get too exercised about those acts, remember that since 1973 our nation, not under a flag used during the Confederacy, but under the flag of the United States of America, have now killed over 20,000,00 innocent babies in the womb. Under our flag – and with the full agreement and blessing of our current government – we’ve allowed full term babies to be partially delivered and then executed in the most horrific way – and that without anesthetic. Those who do this and support it don’t even recognize a baby as 3/5 human, which is even less than our government did under ungodly laws prior to the Civil War. Mankind has done unspeakable things when gathered under a symbol of their unity in “making a name for themselves,” as they reject God and live according to their own fallen, sinful direction. As those saved by God’s grace through Jesus Christ our loyalties are always to be subject to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our first and foremost desire is not to make a name for ourselves, but rather to magnify and exalt Jesus Christ. We are to do so not under men, but under the Word of God. Anything done by men in leadership is done recognizing God’s Word as the ultimate authority in the Church. Remember, men led others into the error of the Crusades because they lifted a man (at that time the Pope) above the Scriptures, so that what he said was more authoritative than the Scriptures. We gather, not under a flag or any other symbol. We gather under Jesus Christ Himself for the glory of God and the advance of the message of the Gospel. We enter into dangerous territory when we begin to equate that with any other symbol – and begin to gather under that symbol rather than under Him. It is not wise to mix any form of national, racial, or religious pride (i.e. denominationalism) with Christ. What you come out with is a form of idolatry. Our loyalty and submission to God through Jesus Christ should infinitely dwarf any other loyalty in our lives. When it does it will lead us into a place where we will try to mix these things with Jesus – making Jesus subservient to our other loyalties. Jesus is Lord and will not be an errand boy for a nation, race, or religious group. We are to live under Him – with all our allegiance to Him – and with our ideals firmly founded upon His Word as we not only hear it, but do it as well. So, where do I stand on the controversy in South Carolina? If I were to argue that on the basis of making a name for myself, it would involve multiple things like a desire not to offend my precious bothers in Christ who are black, the first amendment right of free speech, a desire not to be identified as supporting slavery or racism, my southern heritage given me by my parents, an offense against those who used such symbols as a rallying cry to oppose civil rights, a desire to have nothing that would cause people to be offended with the gospel I preach (except the gospel itself) and a host of other thoughts that would argue back and forth – even in my own head. But - my desire is to make much of Jesus Christ. I want to glorify God as I seek to live out my faith in Jesus Christ – and proclaim the gospel as the only remedy for sin. Because of this I may listen – and even have strong feelings rise within me as I do. But I choose to turn the conversation to things that will make much of Jesus. I do this because my loyalty is not to a flag used by the Confederacy, by the United States, or even to the one used by the church. All of these flags and symbols have opportunity for offense – and to give unquestioned allegiance to them will lead to idolatry in the end. One of the facts of life since Genesis 3 and the fall is that you cannot live your life without offending someone - eventually. I don’t want to offend people – but if I do – may it be because of my identification with Jesus Christ and the gospel – not because of what flag I do or do not want flown over a government building in South Carolina. NOTE: The real issue in South Carolina is that a precious group of our brethren in Christ, who are black, were attacked and killed inside their church by one man who is by his own statements a racist. Maybe our focus should be more on comforting them in their loss, rather than turning this into a political issue where their pain is beginning to be forgotten. In Christ we are not Jew, Greek, barbarian, slave, free, black, white, or any other way of “making a name for ourselves.” Christ is all and is in all. He took ALL of us with our previous nametags, whatever they are, and made us into one new man in Him. If you want to know what will truly solve racism, it is the gospel and the transformation of our lives when we come to know Jesus Christ and find our true identity in Him. Sitting here in my office a couple of days after the most recent election, please forgive me if I do not share the same sense of uphoria about our current situation. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad that conservatives have been elected to Washington - and that the voice of our nation has resounded in the halls of power. But if I could, I'd like to comment on a few things that were not on the ballot on November 2nd.
#1 - Jesus is Lord . . . Please do not mistake the vote Tuesday as a vote for the gospel of Jesus Christ and a statement that we've once again embraced the faith of our fathers. I fear that much of the vote was due to the economic distress people are experiencing or due to the out of control spending that is happening in Washington for the past 50 years. There are some who are concerned about constitutional liberties being infringed as well. But . . . even though these are good things in the temporal world of today, the truth is that for the most part the gospel of Jesus Christ is rejected in our nation currently. I'm not saying this to rain upon anyone's parade. I am saying it because we need to keep the main thing the main thing. We've been called to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of our nation. The first century church did not see its role being to bring political freedom to the Roman empire. The took their marching orders from Matthew 28:18-19. They knew they were to make disciples of all the nations, identifying them with Jesus through baptism and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded them. My concern today is that too many Christians will see our struggle as a political one - and not enough of them will realize that whether we have an abundance of freedom or none at all - our duty will not change. We are to share Jesus Christ with the lost - and work with those who come to repentance so that they become disciples who live out that same duty as well. 2. Godliness . . . In some ways this might have been a part of decision making among the electorate. There were some candidates who ran on a strong pro-life, pro-marriage stance. They opposed abortion and were not for legalizing homosexual marriage. I am grateful for those who are going to Washington to defend life and biblical marriage. But, I am under no delusion that godliness received a resounding "yes" vote in this or any of our recent election cycles. We've allowed ourselves to be gradually moved from biblical ground on moral issues. At present we are trying to stop homosexual marriage from being declared legal. The problem though is not gay marriage - but a moral decay that has been going on since the late 1950's. Homosexuality is a "death-throes" issue. Biblically, we should be grieving over heterosexual immmorality. Sexuality is clearly defined in the Bible as relations between one woman and one man - for life. That almost isn't an issue any longer - not just in the world, but even in the church. We are steadily being incrementally moved away from biblically based morality. If the result of this election is that we set the moral bar afresh at gay marriage - deciding to make that our stand - we've lost far worse than we can ever win. Our stand has to be on biblical morality - whether that is popular or not. We cannot allow the world of politics to frame that debate. 3. The Kingdom of God . . . Jesus made it very clear that His kingdom is not of this world. Although I strongly believe that I should speak out in the political context on moral issues and the wisdom of what we are doing financially as a nation, my hope is not in these things. When the mid-term elections came about the way they did, I was glad. But in no way do I think that my future rests on the policies that are going to be set in Washington. They will do what they do - which too often involves compromises with which I'm very uncomfortable - but my direction comes from another kingdom. That kingdom is not of this world. History will continue to move toward the return of Christ. The world will continue to grow more and more ungodly in the run up to the coming of the antichrist. Israel will be more and more isolated - with even the United States turning against her in the end. The church is to stand in the midst of all this and faithfully proclaim that there is a kingdom to come - the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. The decisions of that kingdom will stand forever - and are not, nor have they ever been subject to the political activities of men and women here on earth. That kingdom was not put into power in this last election - it has always been in power - and will always be in power. May God give us wisdom and grace to know these things - and to base our choices and lifestyles upon them. May we see and realize that this was truth before these elections - and will be truth long after all earthly elections cease. Am I glad at the results of the mid-term elections in 2010? Yes, for the most part I am - but regardless of whether I won or lost in my votes - this election mattered very little in my choices previous to it - or subsequently after it. Those choices were set in motion a long time ago when God graciously drew me to Himself and granted me repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. From that moment forward, I've been saved - and from that point a path has been laid out for me - to walk with and glorify Jesus Christ regardless of what administration or regime is in power. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020