![]() Recently at the Soul Train Awards, Jamie Foxx referred to President Barak Obama as, “Our lord and savior, Barak Obama.” Granted, Foxx is a comedian and an actor, and he was basically responding to the atmosphere of the event as he said earlier, “It’s like church over here, it’s like church.” But, there is a growing body of evidence that many who follow our current president are taking things way too far – even if these things are mentioned in jest or overjoyed hyperbole. Let’s take a look at these things and see how maybe we should be a little concerned at where things are headed with our re-elected president. It would be easy to write this off as just an actor/comedian gone goofy – but unfortunately this is getting to be a trend with the President. A book entitled, “The Gospel According to Apostle Barak” makes a case for likening President Obama to both Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ. Here is a quote from the book written by Florida A&M professor Barbara Thompson. “I learned that Jesus walked the earth to create a more civilized society, Martin (Luther King) walked the earth to create a more justified society, but, Apostle Barack, the name he was called in my dreams, would walk the earth to create a more equalized society, for the middle class and working poor,” she wrote in an excerpt published by The Daily Caller. “Apostle Barack, the next young leader with a new cause, had been taken to the mountaintop and allowed to see over the other side.” Let’s put aside the fact that Jesus did not come to create a more civilized society. He came to be the savior of the world – by dying for sin’s penalty and by shedding His blood to pay that price. Thompson’s statements lift our President to uncomfortable levels – at least in the mind of Biblical-thinking Christians. What is more disturbing is that Thompson purports to write such things under the direct revelation of God – as God has revealed these things to her in dreams. Another depiction of our President that greatly concerns me is now on display as part of an art exhibit at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston, Massachusetts. The painting, done by Michael D’Antuono features President Obama with his arms outstretched as if being crucified. One might argue against this interpretation except that he is wearing a crown of thorns as well. The piece is called, “The Truth.” What is fascinating is that the showing of this piece was cancelled four years ago because of the controversy it caused. D’Antuono asserts that the piece is purely meant as a political statement – with no disrespect to people’s religion. What D’Antuono refuses to see is that it is very offensive to Christians – whether Democrat or Republican. I can only wonder why he did not represent the President as a figure of Muhammed? Maybe it is because the reaction to Islamic blasphemy is a little more pronounced than that of Christian blasphemy, which this picture is. These next things may be seen as just overzealous followers or those seeking to make money where they can. Italian artists last month created figurines representing the president and first lady in Nativity scenes. These were highly criticized by those in the Catholic church. Also during the DNC convention vendors sold products that depicted President Obama as God – one specifically of a picture of our president looking over Scripture with the title, “prophecy fulfilled.” Newsweek in its November 10, 2010 issue printed a picture on the front of the magazine of President Obama under the caption, “God of all things.” It showed the president in a position of the cosmic dance of the Hindu diety, Lord Shiva. I guess that means he crosses over multiple religions as God in all of them. Again I see such depictions as news people selling magazines – but I have to ask, was any other president ever depicted this many times as God? It is disturbing – because our president had to pose for this particular picture – so you know he had to know what the cover would say. This is where I get into my deepest concern for him in all this. In Acts 12:22 we read of another leader who began to sound much more like a god than a man in what he said and did. That man was Herod and as he spoke the people cried out in protest, “The voice of a god and not a man!” The way that God dealt with this was to have an angel of the Lord strike Herod because he did not give glory to God. Herod died immediately – found to be eaten by worms. That is how God dealt with a leader who did not give glory to Him and decided he wanted to be god. I am not saying by this that President Obama thinks he is God. He has not said anything like this – nor has he claimed to be God. But somewhat disconcerting to me is the fact that he has also yet to deny such things and inform his followers that he is neither God – nor the Messiah. Some may argue that a president does not have the time to negate every over-eggagerated reference to himself made by his supporters, and in theory I would have to agree. But when these things begin to reach a critical mass as I believe they are now doing – it would be comforting to Christians to hear such a straight forward denial. I don’t need such a denial because I’m confused on such matters. I am under no delusion, nor do I have a “thrill running up my leg” over these matters. Let me put it another way. When Islam was being blasphemed by a ridiculous “YouTube” film our president and all his associates felt the need to vehemently deny and distance themselves from it – and what it portrayed. I have to publicly wonder why they see no such need to assuage the feelings of committed Christians who are deeply offended by these public comments referring to him as our Lord and Savior. I realize that we don’t riot and throw public fits – allegedly burning down embassies and killing ambassadors and former Navy Seals, but I was hoping that this was a plus for those of us committed Christians who see such behavior as reprehensible. It would just be comforting to know that our president sees portrayals of blasphemy against Jesus (especially when it personally involves his own image) as something equally reprehensible. There is one other reason why I would like our president to do this – to publically distance himself from such blasphemous statements. It is because since the election I am trying to pray for him far more regularly. One of my prayers in the midst of this situation is that he will be wise and give glory to God. Speaking as honestly as I can, he needs to do this! God does not take blasphemy lightly, and His mercy on our president in the midst of this should not be taken as either weakness on God’s part – or acquiescence to what is going on currently. God is evidencing His amazing mercies toward our president – just as He does toward me when I sin. I only want to remind our president that there will be a day when both he and I will stand before God to give an account. In that day I can promise him that he will not regret taking the time to publically deny the blasphemies being voiced using his name and personage. When that day comes this will be the scene we both will see, Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:11-15 (NASB) There will be no doubt in either of our minds Who is God and Who is Messiah and the Christ in that moment. Currently I have no doubt Who is God and Who is Messiah right now. Mr. President . . . do you? NOTE: Please pray for our president - that is what we are commanded to do in 1 Timothy 2:1-2!
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![]() Where Do We Go From Here? (An 5 day Open Letter to Christians After the Election) Day 2 – God’s Sovereignty It is now November 8, 2012. It is my hope that you have come to terms with the fact that the election is over. One thing that comforts my heart is the knowledge that God is sovereign over the rulers of mankind. Therefore I can turn to Romans 13 and take comfort in what it says. Let’s take a closer look at what this passage says and find out a little more the answer to the question, “Where do we go from here?” Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Romans 13:1-4, NASB Let’s start at verse one and walk through this passage. The first things we see here is that we are to be in subjection to the governing authorities. That means that an overthrow of this current government is out of the question. God allows for governments to be overthrown, but I won’t be participating in that activity. The reason for this is found later in this passage. There is no authority except from God – and those which exist are established by God. There is the comfort of God’s sovereignty over the affairs of mankind. Therefore I can know that our current government under the leadership of President Barak Obama is what God has established for the United States for the next four years. Since we live under a constitutional republic, that means that his power is limited by the Constitution of the United States – and that he, as well as the Congress and the Judiciary, are to adhere to the governing principles of that document. Ours is not a system of absolute power – but of shared power between three branches of government. Where we go from here – is to support our government and to pray for our leaders. That is what God instructs us to do in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 when Paul writes the following under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4. NASB) Note that we embrace a “peaceable life” so that the Gospel may go forth. That is the gist of verse 4. When we look at the remainder of Romans 13:1-4, we need to recognize some things. First of all, we do not need to assume that because God allowed the establishment of President Obama for a second term in office, that God agrees with his policies or his beliefs. God allowed many rulers to come into power for His purposes. But those purposes were never for them to do evil and act contrary to His Word. We need to note that three times God says that government is established “for good,” in Romans 13. - Rulers should make us fear evil behavior – and embrace “the good” - Rulers are to praise those who “do good.” - Rulers are a minister of God for good. Often when people say God is sovereign over our government – they don’t include the context of the Scriptures. God allows governments – but holds them accountable for the good – and this good is defined by the morals put forth in Scripture. That means God allowed this government – but will hold President Obama accountable for every baby aborted by his policies. God will also hold our president (and any other one from either party) accountable for “the good” of the people. Unfortunately for him that means God will hold him accountable for advancing homosexuality, which God calls an abomination. God held the presidents of our nation who oppressed the Indians and treated them unjustly by stealing their land. He holds the presidents who allowed and advanced slavery in our nation accountable for their actions. He holds the presidents in the 50-60’s accountable for the racism they upheld and for how they oppressed the black population of our nation. The men who allowed dogs to attack black protesters in Birmingham, Alabama – and who drove them away with powerful water cannons – they were accountable to God. It might do us well to review Psalm 2 at this point. Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, "Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!" He who sits in the heavens laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury, saying, "But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain." "I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. 'Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession. 'You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.' "Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; take warning, O judges of the earth. Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him! Psalm 2:1-12 A very brief review of this Psalm is as follows. The kings and rulers, whom God allowed and established, decided to call God’s laws fetters and cords that bound them. All their raging just elicited derisive laughter from God. He reminds all the kings and rulers that God has installed His Son on the throne of the universe. Jesus is given all power to shatter the kingdoms and nations like a rod of iron would shatter earthenware plates. The end of the Psalm involves God telling the kings and judges to be discerning. They need to humble themselves and honor God’s Son – or else they will perish in the way and experience His wrath. The blessed king, ruler, and judge – is the one who takes refuge in God’s Son – Who is the ultimate ruler! Wow, what a difference a Psalm makes! Yes, God has established President Obama over our nation – but He has NOT done so for the purpose of negating the morality that is clearly presented in the Scriptures. If anything, a government is to punish those who do evil. And please remember that evil is defined by the Bible – not by what our culture calls it in the current calendar year. Now let me do my best to sum up what this means for us who wonder where do we go from here. If you remember, the first thing we are to do is to pray for our leaders. My guess is that most of us who are conservative evangelicals did not do that very much over the past 4 years. I will confess that I did it haphazardly – not with any great consistency. That will change over the next four years. My president seriously needs my prayers for wisdom. Any president does. He also needs me to pray for him to repent from his current positions on abortion and homosexuality. They are both very wrong – and will be harmful to him. He will stand before God and give an account for advancing abortion more than any president in history. He will do the same for how he has advanced the homosexual agenda. Not only will these things harm him – they will also harm our nation. My prayers MUST be motivated out of genuine concern and love for him – and genuine concern and love for our nation. THEY SHOULD NOT BE MOTIVATED BY ANGER AND BITTERNESS! If we are not praying – or our prayers are motivated by something so perverse as wanting the Republicans to win – we need to repent. God uses godly, praying people to change people – not governments. If we are not praying – there will be no change in the people of our nation – and if there is no change in the hearts of people via the Gospel – there will be no change in our nation. God has sovereignly allowed this government. He will also sovereignly hold it accountable for the power He has given them. That is something that honestly should terrify us for ANYONE who rises to power over ANY state or nation. Our place is to choose to love our leaders by praying for them. Our prayers for them should not include a political agenda of any party. They should be motivated by love – and should manifest themselves in a cry for the Gospel and a godly life to prosper no matter who is in power. Where do we go from here? We go to our knees to pray for our duly elected leaders. We go to our knees out of love for them and love for our country. We go knowing that God, who allowed them to come to power under His sovereignty – will also sovereignly hold them accountable to punish evil and advance “the good.” We do not seek to bring judgment on them – or allow bitterness to grow in our hearts against them. Listen to Paul! He ministered and lived under one of the most wicked despots of all time, Nero. We don’t hear him say anything about the government – except to give them honor where honor is due (which he always did in every illegal trial he underwent) – and to pray for them – so that the Gospel could advance no matter who is sitting on the throne. Good counsel – good biblical counsel – for those who lived in the first century – as well as the 21st as well. ![]() It is a week before our elections, and as a Christian, I’d like to address an issue that many conservative Christians face in voting in this particular cycle. That issue is whether we as Christians can in good conscience vote for someone who is a Mormon. I know that this is a serious “hot-button” issue for us. Therefore to the best of my abilities I want to try to speak to it. If I were helping to choose a pastor or staff member for a church, there is no way in the world that I would ever choose a person who embraces Mormonism for that post. To be honest, neither of the main stream candidates would meet the Biblical requirements to be an equipper in a church. Governor Romney embraces the error of Mormon theology, and President Obama embraces the error of Liberation theology. The fact though, is that I am not choosing a man to lead me spiritually. I am making a choice as to who will give political leadership to our nation for the next four years. I find it unfortunate that those of us who are conservative, Bible-believing Christians do not have a choice of a candidate whose life manifests the fruit of someone who has come to faith in Jesus Christ. But if I were honest, I would have to admit it has been a very long time since either candidate of either party would measure up to such a test. So, let’s be honest and admit that we’ve not had an evangelical, Bible-believing president (or a presidential candidate from a either party) for several decades. That may offend some people – but I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb to assert such a thing. So if we are truthful with each other, we will have to admit that we’ve been making a choice to elect men who are not evangelical Christians for quite a while. It is only because this is the first time we’ve had to choose someone who doesn’t even assent to being a Christian, in the classic sense, that we are struggling with these issues now. I’ll go ahead and say it so that we don’t have to tip-toe around the issue. I believe Mormonism to be a cult according to their beliefs about Biblical authority, the person of Christ, and the issue of the nature of salvation. Therefore Governor Romney, the Republican candidate for President, is a cult member if he believes basic Mormon theology. Does that mean that we cannot vote for him for this office? I wish I could give a straight up or down statement to that question. The reason I cannot is because of what I believe to be serious issues of righteousness that have to be answered by “both” candidates. What I refer to is two primary issues that MUST be answered by Governor Romney and President Obama. These issues are abortion and how we view homosexuality in our governing laws. Let me address both issues according to what both candidates have said. President Obama supports abortion on demand for the entire 9 months of pregnancy. He has supported the view that there should be absolutely no restrictions on receiving this procedure. While serving the government in Illinois he also refused three times to support the “Born Alive” amendment which allowed medical staff to care for a baby born alive after a failed abortion. Thus if a live baby was born after a failed abortion, his choice was to let it die. This is no longer abortion – it is infanticide. The President’s signature legislation, nicknamed “Obamacare” supports government funding of abortion – and has even demanded that religious organizations cover this option in their healthcare insurance. Governor Romney’s position is what I call, kinda pro-life. I say this because he has not always had a pro-life public stance on this issue. While running for governor in 2002 Romney said he supported abortion rights. He said the following, "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose," Romney said during a debate against his Democratic opponent Shannon O'Brien. "I am not going to change our pro-choice laws in Massachusetts in any way. I am not going to make any changes which would make it more difficult for a woman to make that choice herself." During his term as governor Romney, vetoed a bill in 2005 that would expand access to emergency contraception. In an op-ed explaining his veto he wrote that he was "pro-life." "While I do not favor abortion, I will not change the state's abortion laws," Romney wrote. Six years later, amid is second presidential bid, Romney clarified his current anti-abortion stance, writing in a National Journal op-ed that he supports overturning Roe v. Wade and defunding Planned Parenthood. "If I have the opportunity to serve as our nation's next president, I commit to doing everything in my power to cultivate, promote, and support a culture of life in America," Romney wrote. With this as the backdrop for our choice, we know the following things. President Obama is and has always been pro-abortion or pro-choice, however you choose to phrase that view. Governor Romney, although pro-abortion/pro-choice in 2002, has changed his view to be pro-life after 2005. The troubling aspect to Romney’s position is that he has never acted in a way that would restrict abortion or change abortion laws while he was in a position of power to do so. But, when comparing the two, we are left with only one candidate who at least will entertain a pro-life stance. That is Governor Romney. What I believe to be the second major issue concerning “biblical righteousness” is homosexuality. What concerns me is that the current trend in the United States is for both candidates to court the homosexual vote by their statements. Both support having homosexuals openly serve in the United States military. Romney has back-tracked on this somewhat during the campaign, but has not stood firm enough for one to think he will act on the issue. President Obama stands solidly in favor not only of homosexuals serving openly in the military – but has also repeatedly supported redefining marriage to include homosexual couples. Governor Romney has consistently opposed redefining marriage in this way. With these views as the backdrop once again for our choice, we know that President Obama will support homosexual marriage. Governor Romney has consistently opposed homosexual marriage. So, in answer to the question, “Can a Christian vote for a Mormon for President.” My answer is, “Yes.” One can do so if the opposing candidate’s views on important views are wrong – and the Mormon candidate’s views are better. In that case it is my view that the Christian should support whoever has a better stand on issues. Let me engage in a gut-level honesty with you at this point. Ever since I first voted for Ronald Reagan in the 80’s I’ve not enjoyed voting as a believer. Those first two presidential elections were ones in which I boldly cast my vote for a candidate whose views were very much in agreement with my Christian beliefs. Since that time, beginning in 1988, I’ve had to hold my nose as I voted. I’ve wished for years that there was a choice of “None of the Above” which would send both parties back to the drawing board to give us a better candidate. Politics is too often about compromise – and I cannot compromise on either abortion or homosexual marriage. They are both wrong. God has grace for those who repent – just as He gave me grace for my sins. But the truth is I cannot embrace either position in a candidate. Over the years I’ve watched both parties try as hard as they can to vehemently embrace the middle. That has made voting even more complicated – and difficult. Yet, in desiring to be a good and godly citizen I’ve had to choose the candidate who is closer to what I believe to be godly views on these matters. It is my hope that God’s views of righteousness, as given by His unchanging Word, will help you as well to make an informed choice in a few days. I do not envy you in this task – but I pray that God will guide you. NOTE: I will do a follow-up article later this week entitled, “Where Are You Looking for Salvation?” This past Wednesday everyone held their breath awaiting the Supreme Court decision on the Health Care bill that has been dubbed, "Obamacare." There was a thought among conservatives that the court would strike down part or all of this law. The part most egregious to many was the so-called "mandate" for all Americans to buy health insurance. When the ruling came out there was a sigh of relief for some - and a sense of wide-eyed horror for others. I was among those horrified by the outcome because it forever fundamentally changes the relationship between the government and the citizens of the United States. It was only later, after I had turned to the Lord and sought Him in the midst of my anger and disgust that God showed me something in myself that I found even more disgusting.
Early in the week I was asked by some of the precious people I pastor what my reaction was to this ruling. Again, as stated above, my early reaction was anger and disgust. I was angry and disgusted that the Supreme Court basically allowed the existing administration to lie to the American people to get something passed - and then let the truth of the law come out only when interpreted by the courts. We were told repeatedly during the debate, however limited it was, that this was NOT A TAX! Over and over again this was asserted because, this bill would have gone down in flaming defeat if it was offered as the massive, regressive tax that it was later upheld as being. So we were told this was a "commerce" issue. As a commerce issue this was declared unconstitutional - but as a tax, it was upheld. Therefore one of the things that happened last Wednesday was that one branch of government could pass a law based on their version of the truth - while another could uphold it denying the first truth - and then making up another. Now, the fact that our government lies to us is not shocking. The fact that they have lied on this scale for the creation of a first time right to tax us for all we are worth - a little more shocking. One can only imagine the founders spinning in their graves at the way in which we are being taxed once again without representation - or at least truthful representation. After I worked my way through my initial anger and disgust, I was leveled one day while praying with a couple of brothers for revival in our churches and awakening in our land. What floored me was a verse that I believe the Holy Spirit brought to my mind. Here is the verse: "You are the salt of the earth ; but if the salt has become tasteless , how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything , except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men . (Matthew 5:13 , NASB) As I meditated on this verse, God reminded me that throughout the entire health-care debate we continued to kill 4,000 babies a day through abortion. Nothing was mentioned, even by Christian conservatives, about this issue. Nothing was mentioned about heterosexual immorality in our nation which is rampant. No one made an issue of the flood of pornography that continues unabated on our airwaves and through the internet. (Actually the legal system did make a move in this area. It removed the fines imposed for the intentional wardrobe malfunction that happened during a Superbowl broadcast. Oh, and by the way, our highest court also made it easier to use foul language during prime time television - as if God recognizes times when it is OK to use perverse language - only prohibiting it from 6-9 weeknights!) Nothing was being said about gay marriage - which we were promised would NEVER happen only years ago by our elected liars - oh, sorry - that's supposed to be elected officials (same difference in most cases). We once again bought the lie that it is, "the economy stupid" that is the issue. Let me say in the strongest way I can, "It is not the economy - it is our lack of morals" that is the problem. Let me say even stronger, "It is a tasteless, unsalty church that is the worst of our problems in America." The church has been losing its saltiness since the 1950's - when it became vogue to have an affair outside of marriage - the church did not respond by falling on her knees and crying for revival and repentance. In the 1960's we were introduced to "free love" - which is nothing more than fornication dressed up in groovy clothes - the church did not respond by falling on her knees and begging for restoration and revival. The 1970's and 80's were the me-generations - with live being lived for self and self alone. The immorality increased - and pornography began to explode with the advent of videotape - the church mulled over church growth strategies and spoke of dealing with the un-churched, rather than the ungodly. The 90's gave rise to a growing homosexual movement that became more and more radical. This was inevitable to anyone who has read Romans chapter 1. The rejection of God through heterosexual immorality inevitably leads to rampant homosexuality. Because the church was not cleaning her own house, rocked by one sexual scandal after another, she had little voice in society. One might call that a serious loss of saltiness. In the 2000's and now in the 2010's all these problems are converging as atheists are rising, God is openly mocked, and more and more oppressive laws are being passed limiting the freedom of the church. I don't know if you see it yet - but the Supreme Court ruling should not have been such a shock to us. Neither should further rulings that allow us to be trodden under foot by men. The church has not been what she should be for generations now. The result of this is that freedom has been - and will continue to go away in our land. God is not pleased over the rampant innocent blood that is being shed - the rampant sexual immorality that is being advanced - and the rampant blasphemy and mocking of His name. He is also not pleased that the church is just kind of "treading water" in the midst of this. The church is more concerned with their creature comforts and comfortable living being taken away than they are with any moral decline that is happening in our land. How do I know this? I know it because we have yet to hit our knees in pray that inconveniences us on a daily basis. My prediction is that November 5th, 2012 will make little if any difference in the moral trajectory of our nation. In all that is being argued leading up to this election - almost none of it even concerns the moral failings of our nation evidenced by heterosexual immorality, homosexuality, and abortion. They will barely even be blips on the political radar. The only difference that will happen in the Fall is that we will determine how fast we go down the toilet as a nation. Since none of the real causes are being addressed - I have little hope that they will be after the heat of the election is over. What should we do in light of the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare? Honestly . . . if we do not come to the point where we fall to our knees in repentance and brokenness over sin - nothing we do politically will really matter in the end. The church should repent - over this decision - as well as any other that comes after it. Our problems do not ultimately rest on the greatly undermined Republic in which we live. They rest on the character and godliness of the people voting those who represent it into office. Our hope lies in the mercy of God moving in our hearts to drop us to our knees. Saints of God - we have only one chance - and that is that we see a coast to coast movement of broken-hearted, sin-confessing, God-honoring prayer. Our one chance is that the church will turn from sin and turn to God - then turn to intercessory prayer. Our one hope is that there will be a heaven-sent, world-shaking revival that will so stop sin in its tracks that we will once again see the church making inroads to sin - not the other way around. Oh to see hundreds of thousands - even millions coming to Christ, throwing off their sin and embracing Jesus with all their hearts. Oh to see churches overflowing their parking lots for prayer meetings - and for meetings where seekers hear the gospel of Jesus Christ preached without apology. This is our hope - this and this alone. Bottom line - this ruling by the Supreme Court only shows me that the church continues in her faltering slouch toward saltlessness. It comes as no surprise that God is removing all protection so that the oppression of an ever-expanding government will continue to tread her underfoot. I am not shocked that a president who is acting more and more like a dictator is rising. It would not shock me if we even saw a takeover and martial law declared so that the November elections don't even happen. We are being stepped on, saints of God, and it is actually a biblical thing we are experiencing. The only way to stop the trampling is to repent, return, and fall to our knees in prayer. We have never needed the admonition of 2 Chronicles 7:14 more than we do in the shadows of this most recent decision. "If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways , then I will hear from heaven , will forgive their sin and will heal their land ." (2 Chronicles 7:14 ) I want to begin by saying that I do not relish having to write what I am about to write – but feel that we need to be warned and aware of what is possibly lurking around the corner for our nation. Please read all of this post – because there is a message of hope and encouragement at the end of it.
In my mind’s eye I am watching a horrific scene – one that terrifies me the more I watch it. The scene is of a small child who is dancing along with mincing steps along an unguarded precipice that if stepped over will mean certain death for the child. The child, for his part, is totally unaware of what is going on around him. He is completely ignorant of what just a few steps can bring about for him and for his safety. But he is oblivious to any warning because he has chosen to turn a deaf ear to anything that is unpleasant to hear. Therefore he continues to dance, not grasping the seriousness of his situation – or the growing danger of stepping off the precipice the next time he draws near to it in his dance of joyous ignorance and bliss. This is a picture of the United States in March of 2012. We are that child who is dancing on the precipice of disaster – and yet for the most part are ignorant and oblivious of how much danger we are in at the moment. Let me address this in a number of ways. Scenario #1 – Israel, Iran, and Nuclear Hide and Go Seek. For quite a while our leaders (at least in the White House) have pretty much ignored this growing threat. Iran IS moving toward a weaponized nuclear program – and it is clear from their own press statements that they intend to use these warheads on Israel soon after getting them. We’ve danced around actually dealing with this situation to the point where Israel is going to have to act. I fully expect that some kind of response from Israel will happen before the coming election in November. When that happens – another blind dance of our leaders will be exposed. We currently have enough natural resources (and yes, I am referring to evil fossil fuels) to become energy independent. If we were to act NOW – we could stave off much of what is coming our way – but our leaders continue to stick their heads in the ground. The fact is that WHEN Israel has to defend themselves, the strait of Hormuz will be closed – war will ensue on oil tankers in the Middle Eastern waterways – and gas and oil exportation will be slowed to a bare minimum. When this happens – we will wish we could have 4-5 dollar gas prices again. Instead we will have probably 9-12 dollar gas prices for at least several months. This will send our economy into an immediate tail-spin of “great depression era” statistical proportions. We will watch inflation hit our economy to the tune of 15-20 percent almost overnight. Unfortunately, we may even have situations like the Weimar Republic had in pre-WWII Germany – where you had to pay for a cup of coffee before they made it – because the price would go up by the time they brought it to you later. Unfortunately, I also see riots coming if this happens – as gas lines will return to our society. There will also be an explosion of gas thefts and robbery at stations nationwide. We may see gas stations become something akin to Fort Knox with the security that will be required to keep them – and their customers safe. Scenario #2 – Terrorist Attack and Subsequent Cancelation of the November Elections I can imagine at this point that many of you think I should be put away – or at least relegated to the trash heap of conspiracy theory mongers. This particular scenario would involve an attack that is “allowed” by some in our government – whose authority and power is threatened by upcoming elections. I write this with more than a little fear and trembling – because saying such things can get me in a tremendous amount of trouble. Yet this is what I see in my heart – and tremble over when I know that history will not be made – but repeated if this happens. Such an attack – especially if it comes in the Fall of this year (2012) will be used to cancel our elections for the near future. We will be told that we need to establish order before an election can proceed. If you are thinking an attack of 9/11 proportions – think again. The Islamic radicals who are planning such things always seek something MORE spectacular than their last attack. This one will come close to shutting the nation down because of its intensity – and possible multiple locations. You might want to be ready for such a thing especially if the election looks like it is radically turning toward those who respect and honor our constitution. If our current president is looking like he is going to lose power – I fear that this may even be more likely. Remember that the Reichstag fire was used as a ploy to shut down government opposition in Hitler’s day – and was quite effective as an impetus for the current government of that day to strike its enemies as they scapegoated them as responsible for the fire in the first place. As we see the political discourse turning more vitriolic, we need to see that lines are being drawn – enemies are being named – and hatred is being fueled at multiple levels. What is truly frightening is how the News Networks are becoming more and more clear of who and what they want out of the upcoming elections. It is also somewhat disconcerting that conservatives and conservative news organizations are also being targeted for destruction – now by attacking their advertisers – and possibly in the future by attacking their very locations with violence and protest. If this happens, the possibility of fair and free elections will be out the window. By the time order and the opportunity of a free election come around again – much of the opposition will have been removed from the equation. Our elections will pretty much look like those of any other puppet government in the world. Scenario #3 – Riots Based on Race, Religion, and Socio-Economic Lines This scenario has its genesis in the current political climate in our country. There are things being said and being reported (or said by commentators) that are pouring gas on the fire of already strained relationships between various polarized groups in America. The rich are being pitted against the poor. People of Color and different Nationality are being pitted against each other. Certain religious views are being openly denigrated and lied about on network news shows – as well as in print. There are very specific lines that are being drawn on the basis of race, religion, sexual preference, socio-economic views and politics. These things are being exacerbated more and more by the rhetoric being used in the lead-up to this election. As this reaches a fever pitch – we may watch as election day turns into a day of rioting and rage at polling places. In the previous election – people were openly intimidated in Philadelphia by those who did not want them to vote against their chosen candidate. This time – with a greater possibility of their person being defeated – we are going to watch these intimidation tactics turn violent. Occupy Wall Street and the shenanigans of some of our Unions have already broken new ground in the erection of political, religious, and socio-economic walls that are seriously dividing us in this nation. We are dancing around the precipice of serious rioting in the streets – and even more serious violence against those who dare vote against our current administration. This will not be pretty – but it will be violent – and will be used to intimidate people into compliance with politically correct views of our day. When this happens – I also fear a backlash from those who are more conservative – if out of nothing more than years of pent-up frustration. The danger is that such reactions to existing violence will most likely be used to “outlaw” certain views as well as certain groups. The South and the mid-states of our union will be particularly hit by such reactionary anger to the prevailing tyranny. This will ultimately be to harden the lines that have tried to be drawn for many years. Again – races, religions, and classes will be turned upon each other – as they are painted as more extreme and reactionary to others. I fear that literally thousands will die in these clashes. OK, Let’s Breathe – and Listen for a Moment for Some Hope Yes . . . I know . . . either I am crazy – too reactionary – or just plain scary in what I’ve just written. But I want you to know that there is hope. What I have written, by the way, is really not too terribly different than what Old Testament prophets wrote to Israel and Judah. Please understand, though, that I do not for one minute claim to be a prophet in any way shape or form. If you must know – I write these things for a couple of reasons. First, because I am a historian. What we are seeing is nothing terribly new – it is simply a repeat of Biblical history – and the history of the past hundred or more years. Second, I am a Bible nerd. What we are seeing is not the fault of Democrats or Republicans - of Obama-care or Liberal politics. What we are experiencing is not the fault of atheists or pornographers or abortionists. Dear precious saints - these are symptoms only - they are judgments released upon us for what has happened in the church - long before the world manifested these things. What we are seeing is the inevitable consequences of a nation that once served God – turning from Him to serve other gods. When this happens – God removes His hand of blessing and begins to oppose that nation – in hope that the nation (or the church within such a nation) will repent and return to Him. Third, I am a pastor – who loves my congregation, my city, and my nation – and wants to see it return to God in nation-shaking revival – so – that these things DON’T happen in our future. I know that God is angry with our nation for how we have turned away from Him – from His Word – from His gospel – and from His warnings. I also know that our God is also MERCIFUL – and if we repent, return, pray, humble ourselves, and cry out for Him to restore our land – He has been faithful to do this – not just in Biblical times – but in something called the first and second great awakening – and the prayer revival of the mid 1850’s! Is there hope for us? YES! Please read such things I have written prior to this point as a warning from a loving – yet holy God who desires for us to repent of our pride, our immoralities, and our sinful rebellion against His Word – and return to a life of fearing and honoring and obeying Him. What can we do therefore to avert such things as these? Well, first off – I cannot guarantee that these things can be averted completely. You must remember that we’ve murdered over 40 million innocent babies through abortion. You must remember that we’ve chosen sexual immorality first with the sexual revolution against God in the 60’s with rampant heterosexual immorality – and then in the 80’s to the present with homosexual immorality as well as a host of other perversions that involve pornography, child sexual abuse, and every kind of perversion imaginable as we’ve thrown God’s Word to the side – not only in the world – but far too often even in the church. Our hope is in falling to our knees – in repentance and restoration to God – and then in heart-felt intercession for God to move first in revival in the church – and then second, in spiritual awakening of the lost to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from their sin and the wrath of God that rightfully falls upon unrepentant sinners in the day of judgment. My concern, if there is a primary one, is that too few see the desperation of our days – and are unwilling to give themselves to extra-ordinary prayer. This is NOT the time for a few words of perfunctory prayer – it is the time for us to don the proverbial sack-cloth and ashes – and cry out to God with weeping between the porch and the altar of God! If we will not turn to Him this way – I see little or no hope for our situation. I will vote in primaries and even in the general election if allowed – but these are not the answer for our current situation. Even if conservatives win in a landslide – that will NOT be the remedy. We MUST return to God, crying out for mercy – confessing our sins and the sins of our fathers – calling for God to rescue us – and committing to live afresh under His sovereign Lordship. That is the ONLY ANSWER for where we are and what is coming. May He have mercy upon us – may He sovereignly pour out His Spirit upon us – and may we be granted the most wonderful gift called “broken-hearted repentance” as we call upon the ONLY ONE WHO CAN DELIVER US IN THIS HOUR – OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! Government – Our New God and Savior ( A Commentary on the Controversy Between the Government and the Catholic Church over Contraceptives and Abortifacient Drugs)
Recently a huge controversy erupted over a decision by the Obama Administration to command religious organizations like the Catholic church and their sister organizations to provide birth control and some abortifacients in all their insurance coverage. Such a decree from on high is completely against the long-held religious doctrine of the Catholic church. Also it flies in the face of many evangelical churches whose established teaching sees abortifacient drugs as abortion. This would be little more than a government imposed type of “Abortion on Command.” There are two reasons why the recent Obama administration decree to the religious community is so odious. The first reason is the way that it egregiously disregards the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The actions of the government trample upon the “free exercise” of religious principle in this case. What the Obama administration has done is use Obama-care and the unconstitutional powers is gives them to tell the church where it will and will not stand on issues of conscience. This is just a foretaste of what is coming from the behemoth 2700 page Obama-care bill. Truly we are slowly learning what Nancy Pelosi meant when she told us we would have to pass the bill in order to find out what is in it. Now we are learning to our growing horror that it contains multiple violations of the very principles contained in our founding document. Who would have thought that the very right of freedom of religion would be crushed by a health care bill. The fact we are slowly beginning to see is that this bill gives government the power to tell the religious community what they will believe and what they will practice. Thus the new religion of the United States, socialism, will be forced on all of us by the out of control Obama administration. The second objection is how this decree has unconstitutionally made the government the “lord” of commerce by being able to tell insurance companies that they MUST offer contraception and other birth control and abortifacients to women free of charge. This action breaches the public trust by allowing unelected officials in the Health and Human Services agency to tell companies to give away services with no recourse for their expenses in doing so. What else will our government tell us to give away at full charge to us – but no charge to the recipients? This is nothing more than a “Robin-hood” form of the government taking from one and choosing who it will give it to in the end. Again the political, and now apparently religious, views of Socialism are being made the official doctrine and law of our country. This won’t last because any economy based on Socialism will, as Margaret Thatcher so wisely said, eventually run out of other people’s money. This was trumpeted as a compromise, but the truth is that it is an end run around their former decision. Someone will have to pay for these things. The illusion of free contraceptives and abortifacients will be countered by the higher premiums that these organizations will pay for their policies. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone will have to pay. Oh, by the way, that someone is those of us in the church community, who find forced compliance on these matters truly disgusting. There is no room to compromise on this, especially when the compromise offered is an insult to any thinking person’s intelligence. I fully support those in the Catholic community, as well as anyone in the religious community, when they call for a full repeal of these degrees of our new “King George” that go against everything our forefathers fought and died for when they broke away from England. At risk is far more than just an open political battle with our current administration. Honestly, at risk is the freedom to hold ANY view that goes against our current administration’s enforced public conscience. How long do you think it will be before other matters of conscience come under fire? Slowly we are being introduced to the new doctrinal views of our government. These views do not allow for religious conscientious objectors – only for those who bow at the altar of government as our new god and savior. God speaks of the blessing of those who live godly lives. In a contrast He also speaks of the lawless - and never does so in any kind of glowing terms. Therefore we should realize that there is a blessing to a land that abides by its laws - and a potential disaster looming for those who ignore the rule of law. What we are facing more and more is a president who refuses and even flaunts the fact that he is not going to abide by the law of the land. In the last 3 years President Obama has trampled the Constitution again and again. He has a blatant disregard for our founding document - acting as if he is a law unto himself. This does not bode well for our nation - and if he is not confronted soon - for our future freedom.
Whether we are referencing the federal government forcing people to buy health insurance or the most recent appointment of government officials without the consent of the Senate, this president thinks he can do whatever he wants. So far, because we have a Congress without the backbone to oppose him and bring him to court for his offences - he can. Our recourse in these matters is to call the president's bluff and force a Constitutional crisis. That crisis would involve the courts determining if the president has acted outside the laws of our land. What is sad is that even the most casual perusal of the Constitution should lead to the conclusion that our president is out of control. But no one has the guts to call his bluff. They probably fear being called a partisan or even worse a racist - as that is often the way that this administration deals those who oppose it. But I care little what race a man is or what party he is from - either we have a governing document by which we determine law, or our president can make up whatever laws he chooses. Consider that our president began his term in office by appointing a host of so-called czars that were never received the advice and consent of Congress. Consider that they still rule on matters without any congressional oversight. Consider that recently the Congress itself violated the Constitution by making it legal for American citizens to be arrested and held without charges indefinitely. Consider that our government can now use the Armed Forces against its own people. Consider that there is an FCC law working its way through the system that will allow an unelected official to remove any website from the internet he or she wants. The attacks against our free speech are staggering - and too often the one recourse we have, the Supreme Court, will either not hear the cases brought up or will completely ignore our Constitution in its rulings. We are sliding down a slippery slope at a speed that very soon will not be able to be stopped. You might ask why this matters to someone who is writing a "prophecy/news update." It is because I believe we are watching Scripture fulfilled with this situation. My concern is both patriotic as well as spiritual. As a patriot I find it glaringly arrogant that the Constitution, our governing document is being treated like little more than toilet paper by a man who put his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. If he fulfilled this oath, he would need to resign the presidency immediately - because he, more than any other elected official is denigrating it horrifically each day he continues this unconstitutional path upon which he is currently governing. I use the word "governing" lightly - because he acts more and more like a dictator than a president every day. My concern spiritually has been that God is using this president as a form of discipline and judgement upon our nation. Jesus said that if the salt has lost its savor - it is good for nothing any longer except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. The church has departed from God in the United States. For decades we have been watching the spiritual fervor and evangelistic zeal of God's people and God's shepherds subside. We have watched as the moral underpinnings of the church have come loose. We are now a nation that has the unfortunate responsibility of over 40,000,000 deaths by abortion upon us. The blood of these children, as well as the 4000 plus additional ones put to death each and every day cries out for God's judgment. We seem to no longer address the issue of heterosexual immorality and drunkenness that run rampant in our land. Our college campuses turn into drunken orgies on the weekends - and many are so addicted to alcohol that by the time they finish college they are drinking almost every day to cope. Homosexuality is arguably no longer considered a vice, but is trumpeted as a viable, acceptable alternative lifestyle. All this continues to grow in our land - while the lethargy of the churches is palpable. What do we expect God to do in a situation like ours? Do we expect Him to bless America? President Barak Obama is an instrument in the hand of God to judge our land - and he is doing his job by ignoring our Constitution and doing whatever he wants. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ . . . I do not write these words out of anger and recrimination against our president, but I write them as a warning to us all. I could as easily bring charges against 8 years of the presidency of George W. Bush - because he did little or nothing to stand against the tsunami of immorality that has crashed against our shores with ever-increasing ferocity. We've listened to the lie that this is about the economy - but the truth is that unless we repent and return to the Lord - our economy is the least of our problems. Let me finish by answering my own question, "Dude, where's my Constitution?" Our governing document has gone the way of God's Law in our land. We have decided that we cannot tolerate the 10 commandments any longer in America. Long before that decision was codified, our nation was trampling on it by their moral decay. Yet we would be amiss if we did not lay a certain amount of responsibility at the foot of the church in America. We've lost our moral fortitude. We've lost our boldness to speak. We've tolerated prophetic charlatans in our pulpits who preach, "Peace, Peace!" when there is no peace. One of our most prolific preachers refuses to speak of sin - and focuses mostly on how we can be rich and healthy and have our best life now. In a word - we've lost our savor. We are not salty with the gospel or the truth - and now we are being systematically being thrown out and trampled under the foot of a growing dictatorship. That is how it has always happened historically - and that is how it is happening today. Oh, that we would awake out of our slumber and realize that November 3, 2012 is not the day of our potential deliverance. It will matter little who is elected in November if we do not do much before then to repent, fall to our knees, and cry for God's mercy on our MORAL FAILURE. The trampling of the Law of God is always followed by the historic trampling of the rule of law in a nation. That, dear saints, is usually followed by the systematic destruction of the visibility of the true church . . . and then . . . the complete discarding of any governing document and the rise of a dictator who rules by his own tyranny. [AFTERTHOUGHT . . . May God restore us and make His face to shine upon us! May God grant us broken repentance and return to Him and to the joy of seeking His face and walking in His ways! May our greatest concern in the days ahead be His glory rather than our comfort within a decaying political system. May we act with the same kind of passion in our prayers for revival in the church that we do with the positioning of ourselves to attain political victory this coming Fall.] There is a test that is happening today that should deeply concern every single citizen of the United States. The concern should not be because of the stated purpose of the test. The concern should be the power grab that it represents – and worse – the power that now is in the hands of an unelected official who serves at the behest of the president of the United States.
The first amendment to the United States Constitution states that there is the freedom of speech and of the press. That is a right that should not be infringed upon by our government. But a test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on November 9th at 1:00 CST will give federal authorities a power that has never existed before in our country. On this day there will be the first ever test of the EAS on a national level. For three minutes this test will allow the Director of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Authority) to effectively shut down all television, radio, cable television, satellite radio and television and wireline video broadcasters. Why is this viewed as such a serious thing? This is being done to make sure that in an emergency one message can be sent to people about what the emergency is. Why all the fuss? What this means is that the authority to seize control of all television and civilian communication has been taken by the executive branch of the United States government and handed to a government agency. The problem is that for the first time in history – the government can absolutely control information and speech in our country. They can do so with a simple flip of a switch. Today the switch will only be activated for a 3 minute test. But that power should never be put into the hands of any one branch of government – without serious precautions and limits to their ability to use it. There should be very serious laws governing the use of this – and even more serious penalties should it ever be misused for ANY purpose outside of a BRIEF alert of the populace. What many are concerned about here is the ability of a partisan entity (of any party or group in existence now or in the future) to suddenly CONTROL the flow of information to the American people. If anyone decided to misuse this power they could have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over all the information the people of the United States received – with no way to rebut false information. The power it gives the presidency was NEVER meant to be wielded except in the most extreme of circumstances. Our founders would be terrified to know that a political entity of any kind, party, or distinction could do this. They would know that such power is what ultimately destroys a nation – not helps it. Just yesterday we looked at Iran and their most recent terrorist plot. We wondered out loud, “What was Iran thinking,” and looked at some of the ramifications of their actions – even looking into the longer term future at what could happen as a result. Today, we are going to look at this again, yet from the angle of Iran’s worldview. This is important for us to do because unless we grasp the worldview that Iran is working from, we will tend to misjudge not just their previous actions – but we will also be caught off guard again and again as to their future ones. Unfortunately for us in the United States the current leadership, as well as the vast majority of thinkers from both sides of the aisle in Washington, are unwilling to wake up to just what this worldview is. Their unwillingness to do this has led, and will continue to lead us in directions that will leave us totally unprepared for what is coming in the days and months ahead.
What was Iran thinking when they attempted to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States? To those in Iran’s leadership, they were following a logical course of action spurred on by their worldview. Some might want to restate this as their “religious” worldview but this does not recognize that they do not dichotomize their lives into the religious and the secular like we do in the West. Their worldview is Muslim from every possible vantage point. What is driving them is the logical conclusions of Islam and the teachings of the Koran as interpreted by their religious leaders. This is what drives them religiously, politically, legally, and socially. This is exactly what led them to every action they’ve taken from their political repression of opposition movements to their pursuit of nuclear weapons to their incendiary statements about wiping Israel off the map. Iran’s spiritual leadership as well as their current political leadership believe in the classic version of Islamic eschatology (end-times doctrine). That doctrine centers around two basic things. The first is the return of the 12th Imam who is called the “Mahdi.” He is an apocalyptic figure who, according to their teachings, will come up out of a well in Iran – and will lead the Islamic world to reinstate the Caliphate. The Caliphate is the term used for a one-world government/religious system based on Islam and worldwide Shar’ia law. The Mahdi will be the supreme leader of this movement – Islam will be its religious basis – and Koranic Shar’ia law will be its political vehicle for ruling the world. Our governmental leaders desperately need to grasp this worldview and how it motivates the actions and attitudes of the current Iranian leadership. The Mahdi will come in the midst of worldwide chaos and disruption. Some might state that this is not a whole lot different than the view of the Bible. The Bible does state that in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars. The major difference in worldview between these two though is that for the Biblical Christian – we are merely watching these things happen. For the “Twelfth-er” Muslim, they sek to do all they can to encourage these disruptions and problems. They want war, political problems, and worldwide chaos. This is what will help bring the Mahdi back – it will aid in his return to set up the worldwide Islamic Caliphate. Here is where we come to what the Iranians were thinking when they did what they did recently. They were thinking that by causing disruption and even war – they will bring back the Mahdi. This is why we need to wake up and realize what we are facing. Too often our press and our political leaders tell us that Islam is a peaceful religion – that we can peacefully coexist with them in love and harmony. But the fact is, that at least with Iran’s brand of Islam (and I would argue all sects eventually), they do not want peaceful coexistence and harmony. They want Islamic domination and worldwide Shar’ia law. They want the world to be ruled by the Mahdi – and for all nations to be under the Islamic Caliphate. What we are doing now in seeking a diplomatic solution is futile. It is a repeat of the negotiations that England and France sought to have with Hitler. There is no negotiating with those who seek worldwide domination and rule. Chamberlain would have been better off to have met with Hitler’s Germany and let them know that if they continued to aggressively seek European domination – they would face stiff opposition and eventually war. Hitler did not listen to appeasement. He saw it as weakness – and sought to exploit it to his advantage. The Iranians see our penchant for “sanctions” and our constant appeal to the U.N. for their wonderful intervention (please read this as sarcasm – actually more like rampant sarcasm) as weakness. They exploit our useless efforts to rein them in – and see it as a gift of more time to plant additional operatives whose goal is the destruction of the “great Satan.” One would think that the reality of that name alone would wake us up. But our response is to retract in Freudian political horror – and blame ourselves for their actions, attitudes, and worldview. What should we do? How should we act in this situation? Politically, we need to elect those to office who are not beholden to the view that Islam is a peaceful, cooperative worldview with our own. Some would blame president Obama for the current state of affairs, but to do so would be to ignore at least 6 years of appeasement under the Bush administration. We have a “State Department” problem. Those who are responsible for our foreign policy think that we can win over the Islamic world by gradually abandoning our evil western ways – oh, and also by also gradually abandoning our support for our faithful ally Israel. They are fools for thinking this. This is not a PR problem – it is a worldview problem. Therefore, IF we are to reverse the trends that currently make us weak and vulnerable to future attacks, we are going to have to accurately define and deal with Islamic designs for the world. That will involve a much more aggressive stance toward Iran – and any other Islamic state that threatens our nation – and our way of life. This is the political solution to our problem. Now, having stated this, I have the unpleasant task of informing you that most likely this will not happen until the next couple of attacks have taken place. The other unfortunate truth is that most likely the next major attack will make the Twin Towers attack look like child’s play. In light of this I remind myself that the kingdom of God is not of this world. Therefore as a patriot, I hate this development – but as a Christian, I realize that my faith is not based on what governmental system rules the country in which I live. There is a far greater responsibility that I have in light of all these things. That responsibility is as a Christian. My responsibility is to live for the glory of God by continuing to do the will of God. That means that regardless of the threat to my country, I am to love my enemies and pray for them. I am not to fear or hate Muslims, but love them and seek for every opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Therefore as the world continues to move toward the confrontation of the Islamic worldview and the view of the Western world – I am to preach Jesus no matter what the cost. In the end, my concern is not ultimately what the Iranians are thinking as they act politically. My concern is to affect their thinking and worldview by preaching that there is salvation in no other name except Jesus Christ. My ultimate task does not change with the winds of political fortune. The authority from which my task has been commanded will never be overthrown by the schemes and political actions of mankind. God was seated upon His throne before mankind ever existed – and He will continue to be seated on his throne long after the last political schemes of mankind have ended. Remember this and know that whatever Iran was thinking, it will not ultimately affect God’s will and purpose from being accomplished. All things will be summed up in Jesus Christ. Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL confess that JESUS IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER! May these two facts give you hope and confidence to live for Jesus in the midst of our chaotic world. What is the world is going on with Iran? Over the past week we've learned that the Iranian KUDS forces (which is the equivalent of our special forces) were involved in a plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States. Allegedly, the plot involved working with Mexican drug cartels in an effort to hire professional assassins to carry out the plot. As more and more details of this plot become known, it is clear that the Iranian government was involved in this effort.
This is a radical move on the part of the Iranian government - even a game-changing event. It has led to several things that are happening presently in our own government reaction to this attempt on the Saudi Arabian Ambassador. The first is that the Obama administration is seeking what they call, "crippling" sanctions against the Iranian government. The problem with this action is that it will require countries like China and Russia to comply as well. Since we do not do any business with Iran, our ability to directly affect their economy is fairly limited. The second action, which is not receiving hardly any attention involves Israel and the sale of 55 advanced bunker-busting bombs to their military. This was something that was allowed by the Obama Administration. To give a little insight on this action, the Bush Administration was asked to do the same thing - and did not do it. It was viewed as too controversial a decision, and one that would come back to haunt them if Israel used these weapons to destroy Iran's nuclear program. What does all this mean for our world. It actually means a great deal. One of the things Israel absolutely had to have to deal with Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons was bunker-busting bombs. Now that they have them - an attack on Iran's nuclear infrastructure is far more possible. This would cause a huge disruption of the delivery of oil throughout the world. Those who understand the ramifications of this say it might cause the cost of oil to surge to 6-8 dollars a gallon - or more. This would send an already fragile world economy over the edge into full scale collapse. Such a collapse would put our world into financial chaos. It would be a perfect scenario for a world leader to rise to help solve such an issue - not to mention to lead the world toward a one-world currency or system that would be easily be transformed to a cashless economy. There is also the problem of military reprisals for Israel taking out Iran's nuclear weapons program. If such an attack were to take place, there is a good possibility that the world would be set on fire. Russia, Syria, and Turkey all have mutual defense pacts with Iran. If Israel were to attack Iran - what would these countries do? It could easily cause the region to erupt with protests - and eventually a military action against Israel from nations throughout the region. That would fit the view of the Gog-Magog conflict of Ezekiel 37-38 being an event which happens before the rapture of the church and the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period of the book of Revelation. The situation with Iran is fluid at the moment. Much of what I've written today has yet to happen. We do not know what sanctions will be put on Iran. We do not know how effective they will be. We do not know how Iran is going to react to such things. We do not know how the rest of the Middle East will react to Iran's actions. But the one thing we do know is that Israel now has the ability to penetrate the bunkers which hide much of Iran's nuclear facilities. The question will be what Israel will do with them? The other thing we also know is that these events have done nothing to lessen the political pressures that are rising in the Middle East. We will need to stay tuned to learn what will happen. But in the mean time we also need to stay on our knees and continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, because these events have made that peace that much more difficult. |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020