The “mark of the beast” made it way into the news this week. Three Square Market, a Wisconsin firm that deals in cafeteria kiosks brought in a tattoo artist who helped them put microchips underneath the skin of 40 employees who volunteered to receive them. This event led to a front page article in USA Today on August 4th. The article was aimed at dispelling fears that these individuals had received the mark of the beast - mentioned in Revelation 13. For this reason it was a valuable article because certain things have to be true for someone to be receiving the mark of the beast. First, let us look at some biblical facts about this time in future prophetic history. The person called, “the beast” has to have been revealed to the world. As of yet, this has not happened. There is not yet a world leader who is galvanizing the entire planet under his evil leadership. Neither is there a world leader who has been horribly injured in the head and has miraculously recovered. There is not this world leader who has the whole earth following him and worshipping him. Nor is there a second beast that has come to be a spokesman for the first one - performing great signs and wonders - even having fire fall from heaven. This second beast has yet to call the world to make an image of the first beast who had the wound in the head from which he recovered. And finally, this second spokesman, whom Bible scholars call the false prophet, has not made a worldwide cashless system of finance - a system that doesn’t allow anyone who does not have the “mark of the beast” to buy and sell anything. All these things are in plain sight for anyone who desires to read Revelation 13. So, since these things have not happened - and since this mark is voluntary - this is not it. There is a comment made in this USA Today article from a Wheaton College professor of New Testament, Chris Vlaschos, that is very instructive for us. “I think this is more of a fulfillment of end times novels and movies than the Book of Revelation itself.” That is instructive for us in that is reminds us to be fixed on the Scriptures rather than a really cool movie or novel. One of the things that saddens me is how the whole area of Bible Prophecy has been coopted by the novel and movie writers. Their focus is too often given to the fantastic and the attention getting minutia that surrounds what is actually written in Scripture - rather than the Scriptures themselves. Take for instance the recent hysteria over “blood moons” - and now currently the same kind of religious “freaking out” about the way the stars of the heavens will be configured on September 23rd of this year. For years I’ve read and watched one claim after another made that “this is the date” because of something that has rarely ever happened. Such things make for great book and video sales - but honestly - have had little if anything to do with what is actually given to us in the Word of God. As we can see from a basic reading of Revelation 13 - these events in Wisconsin are not the beginning of the rule and reign of the beast - or of the mark of the beast which will come in that time. If we are to get anything from this story it is that there are now technologies that can insert something as small as a grain of rice under our skin which can then be used to interact with computers and other devices. This device is called an RFID - which stands for Radio Frequency Identification. This is the use of radio waves to read and capture information stored on a tag attached to an object. Even Vlaschos says that though this may not be the opening volley of the apocalypse, it may be a slippery slope. Such technology had great opposition when it first came out - but now - as seen from the 40 who receive it voluntarily - it is becoming more and more accepted by our culture. Another comment made in the article caught my attention. Three Square Market, the company involved in the story, sees these RFID chips as a way for greater convenience - and then added - “ . . . would like to see payments go cashless.” Of all the statements in the article, this was the one that grabbed me. There will be a cashless society in those last days - one in which a device maybe very similar to this will be used to restrict all buying and selling. So what do we learn from all this? First of all - I would hope that we would learn the biblical exhortation to, “ . . . not go beyond what is written.” If I want to know whether something is a sign of the coming apocalypse, I’ll check it against what is written in the Bible. To blindly accept things simply because some “end-times guru” has written another book or made another movie - is to fall into the trap of which we are warned in 2 Thessalonians. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 NASB (emphasis mine) This is a vital lesson! We are warned again and again in the Scriptures that these last days will feature many who come with statements that are not based in the truth. The ONLY WAY we will know the difference is to “receive the love of the truth.” The other admonition given to us is that we should test the spirits to make sure that they are from God. It might also be a good reminder that the book is called, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” When people talk about it - their focus should be on Him being revealed. When the topic is some cockamamie theory that requires page after page of exegetical gymnastics (and honestly they usually have little to no exegetical content at all), we should simply turn our gaze onto the Word of God - and - the One we should be awaiting - our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
This morning I am beginning the arduous work of putting together the 2015 Prophecy News Update. This may be a difficult task, yet it is one that I actually enjoy as I look over what is to come in 2015. Just a reminder to all those who will hear this update. I do not intend to update what God has prophesied - as that is not something anyone can do. We need to be reminded of this because there are those who unfortunately think that their own statements can prophesy the future.
There are those who think that the current gift of prophecy can foretell the future in ways that are contrary to what is already given in Scripture. This is a false understanding of Scripture, as well as a dangerous one. Any choice that God may make concerning revealing the future to us through a prophetic utterance - is completely under the authority of what we currently have in the Scriptures. Anyone who contradicts what is given in the Word of God is a false prophet - as is anyone whose previous supposed prophetic statements have not come 100% true. Oh how we need to remember those two important things when dealing with any kind of statement concerning prophecy. What I endeavor to do each year is to take a look at what is happening in our world today, and then see how that fits into the prophetic events that God says will happen in the last days. This is difficult to do because there are differing views on how those events will unfold. That is why anyone who attempts this needs to be careful how specific they are concerning what is going to happen. Ultimately, the one thing we are certain of is that Jesus Christ will return again to judge the world. That is one thing we all can agree on concerning end times. Beyond that one pivotal truth, we need to be gracious with one another. This year's Prophecy/News Update will have the usual information about major events concerning Israel as well as the other players that Scripture indicates will be a part of the end times scenario. But this year's message will have more to do with what is happening in our own nation and how it will affect the church. This is an area that we need to be awakened to because it it going to radically affect the church in the months and years to come. The ongoing moral revolution in our nation when it comes to sexuality and now, even gender confusion, is about to have a radical affect on the church and how it operates. There are also rumblings of racial tensions as well as the battlefronts that multiculturalism will bring to the advance of the gospel in our culture. There is much that is happening news-wise that will truly change how the church will operate in our culture. There is much that will determine if the church will remain above ground in our culture as well. One last thing I want to comment upon before I close this article is the way that I desire for you to receive this year's Prophecy/News Update. Because of the nature of this information, some react in fear to what is said. Please understand that I do not mean to try to scare anyone with what is presented. The health/wealth and prosperity movement has mislead us concerning what the Bible has to say about this world and its future. The influence of the health/wealth and prosperity teaching has led many to believe that truly every day is supposed to be Friday for us. Forget that Jesus said that in this world we would have tribulation. Forget that Paul told us that if we desire to live godly in Christ Jesus we will suffer persecution. Forget that He told us that if He was rejected, we would be rejected as well. Forget all that the Scriptures tell us about a world that grows steadily worse in its wickedness and will one day be destroyed with fire. We have false teachers who promise that only good things are coming in our future. This has given rise to an entire generation of those in the church who reject the biblical teaching of the last days. They reject it because it is not positive enough for them. They reject it because it speaks of suffering - and even martyrdom for those who remain faithful to Christ in the last days. This has led to a very serious rejection of anything negative by those who hold to these heretical teachings. It has also led to a general rejection of the last days biblical narrative. The current teaching by those who teach these heresies is that because of our wonderful influence as Christians, the world will get better and better until Jesus comes back and takes over a world that we've redeemed by our corporate wonderfulness. Those who hold to this kind of teaching will embrace two things as our world moves toward its ultimate conclusion. First, they will have to utterly delude themselves as things grow steadily worse. Second, they will embrace compromise with the world as the world embraces an ever-worsening moral revolution against true biblical sexuality and morality. Unfortunately we are already seeing this as more and more abandon any biblically informed sexuality - and embrace the sexual and gender confusion of our day. Dear saints of God . . . we have the honor and the priviledge of standing and shining like stars in the midst of the morass of darkness and rebellion against God and His Word and ways. As we hold fast the Word of truth and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ - we will be as lights and beacons of hope to those who watch the world crumbling under the weight of its rebellion against God. This is not a time to fear - a time to be timid - or a time to be frightened by the things the world fears. We are to fear God and hold forth the message of His salvation to a world that more desperately needs it than ever before. May God help us to be that people - that city set on a hill - that light, not under a basket, but on the lampstand giving light to all who see it. May our hearts be given fully to knowing and loving Jesus Christ. And may our testimony be to the grace that saved us - and that can save all those who come to Him in repentance and faith! PJ Every year for the past 10-15 I’ve done what is called a “Prophecy Update” in January. Some have mistakenly thought that this meant I was going to update what God’s Word said about prophecy – and how God was going to bring things to an end on this earth. Scripture says that this is God summing up all things in Christ – which I like far better. During these updates I’ve not told people who the antichrist was – or when the rapture was going to happen – or even when the world was going to end. They have hopefully dealt with how the historical events of the past year look when placed against the statements of Scripture on the last days. The usual question I ask myself as I prepare for these messages is, “Has anything happened in the last year that seems to factor into my limited knowledge of the end-times scenario as presented in God’s Word. Some have called these messages, “How to scare a congregation to within an inch of their life in 45 minutes or less.” I would beg to differ with this – because several times I’ve gone past 45 minutes. Seriously though, I know that the information in these messages has been very rough – and often is difficult to hear. The reason for this is that my view of Biblical history is not Dominion-based – meaning that the church will make things get better and better through the gospel and our prayers – until Jesus comes back to a near perfect world. Even a basic reading of the book of Revelation should negate this view. Unfortunately, in this world, things are not going to get better and better – they are getting worse and worse. That is because of sin and mankind’s continued rebellion against God and His commands. But there is a larger issue that I want to address about the ‘scariness’ of these messages. That is the issue of what foundation we are building upon in our brief few years on this rock called earth. Matthew 7:27-28 speaks of two foundations upon which a life is built. One is a sand foundation that has no stability – which the other is called, “a rock” which will stand no matter what is thrown against it. Which foundation you are built upon is based in one major issue – are you obeying God’s Word in your life? If you are – then as the storms of this life come and beat and break upon your life – the foundation of obeying God’s Word will keep you strong and standing as the storm rages. If you are not listening to God’s Word and obeying – you will find that the sand foundations of this world cannot stand against the battering that will come with life itself. Now we come to the fulfillment of end-times prophecy. The things of this world are going to pass away. That sounds so peaceful – but when you examine how they are going to pass away – it scares you to within an inch of your life. The seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments of Revelation are horrific to read. They scared me half to death when I read them as a kid – and they pretty much shake me up even today. Here’s the well-kept secret . . . they were meant to do this! They were meant to awaken us to the transitory nature of the world we live in today. They were meant to remind us that all that we are so apt to build our lives upon as humans – is going to pass away with intense heat as they burn up in the midst of God’s wrath against sin. What will remain in the midst of all this is what is built upon obedience to God’s Word. What are those things? A life well built begins with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The foundation that will not be moved is Jesus Christ, crucified, buried, and resurrected three days later from the dead. We come to know God through the grace that was lavished upon us in the gospel. Next, is living for things that are eternal, rather than for this world and the things of this world. John tells us that the things of the world are passing away – but the one who does the will of the Father will endure forever. Therefore a life lived for stuff – is a life which will eventually end with you getting the ‘stuff-ing’ knocked out of you. Ok, that was pretty lame – but fairly accurate. We don’t live for the possessions we can gather – we live for God’s purposes and for God’s ways. That means we live first of all to know Him – which involves knowing His Word and walking in what it teaches us. Then we live for making Him known to others – by sharing the gospel – and then seeing them become disciples of Jesus Christ (which is what Jesus said were our marching orders in Matthew 28:18-20). What happens then when God’s eventual end-times plans start to come to fruition? That’s an easy one to answer – all the stuff gets destroyed. All the things that men and women live for in a worldly context gets burned up and no longer exists. Honestly – that is why I and others get so scared by this stuff – because it threatens our stuff – and makes us see that a life lived for stuff is pretty dumb. We are left seeing the sand beneath our feet start to either be blown away or eroded by the effect of the storms of life – and the ultimate storm at the end of the age. Almost every year I’ve done a “prophecy-update message” I have quoted the following verse as an encouragement to everyone who hears the message. It is from the book of 2 Peter. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Peter 3:11-18, NASB) It may be an encouragement to you to know that Peter needed to issue the same kind of admonition to the people in the first century as we need today. Everything of this world is going to be destroyed. So in light of that, we need to live far different than the people of this world. Here’s a quick list of how we should live . . . · Seeking to live holy, godly lives · We should look for and want to hasten the coming of Jesus! · Look for a new heavens and earth – where righteousness rules! · Be at peace. · Live spotless, blameless lives before God. · If God tarries in bringing Jesus – that means He is being patient. Use that time to share the gospel of Jesus with as many people as you can! · Grow in grace. · Grow in a personal, intimate knowledge of Jesus (that’s what the word knowledge implies in the Greek language). It is not enough to know ‘about’ Jesus – KNOW JESUS! · Live for God’s glory – TODAY! Personally, I know that every year as I share this I am convicted that I need a far more “rock-based” foundation than I currently stand upon. The fact that I get scared and want to hold a little tighter to my “stuff” lets me know that I’m holding on to “stuff” too much. I’m reminded that the only foundation that is going to stand through these days is the one that is rock-solid in loving, obeying, and growing in a more intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ. So I close this post with a very simple question, “So, when it comes to the foundation of your life . . . sand or rock? Your answer will make all the difference in how you respond to what God says is going to happen in these last days. (This article is taken from this year's Prophecy Update 2011 Message) For the past couple of decades we have watched as administration after administration has tried to negotiate a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. This process has been agonizing to watch because no matter what is done – peace has not been the result. But let’s take a little closer look at what this may be building toward in the future. No matter who is at the table – the Palestinian contingent seems to never feel like enough is being offered to make a lasting peace. Of course that may be because their charter has within it the call to destroy the state of Israel. Kinda hard to make peace when your founding document militates against it. The major thing Israel desires if they allow statehood for their avowed neighboring enemy is that it is a secure peace. What they mean by that is that if a Palestinian state is formed – it needs to be a state that rejects terrorism and that guarantees the safety of their neighbors, the Jews, across their border. This too may be difficult to discuss and agree to seeing that missiles, both military and human (suicide bombers) seem to keep coming over the border to the detriment (read destruction and death) of their Israeli neighbors. It is almost as if this call for peace and statehood – is really not the end game for the Palestinian Authority. Maybe that is where we should start in all this? The Palestinian Authority may not be winning their statehood outright at the negotiating table, but they are winning it in the court of public opinion. The worldwide press, with only a very few exceptions, has signed on with the Palestinian Authority. Their story is gaining ground daily in the world court of opinion. This is not due to any “right-ness” of their cause – but more due to the one-sided presentation of this conflict – and the terms that are being used to describe it. Terms like “occupation” and “oppression” do not help the cause of Israel even as missiles are lobbed daily onto their sovereign soil. The death of one Palestinian protester is trumpeted, while the deaths of dozens of Israel’s citizens in a bus or restaurant bombing are shrugged off – or worse justified by Israel’s detractors. The end game here may be coming this spring – as the Palestinian Authority has hinted openly at the probability of declaring themselves a state unilaterally. They will do this without any kind of agreement from Israel. With other states saying that they will support such a move and recognize this Palestinian state, this idea is gaining traction by the day. States such as Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Cuba, Chile, Columbia, China, and North Korea have said that they will recognize this state if this happens. The EU is discussing responding favorably as well. And although the Congress has voted unanimously to advise our president NOT to do this – there is talk at the White House of recognizing this state as well. What we have here is frustrating to those of us who love Israel – and who believe that their security will be threatened by such a move. If this does happen the state that will be declared will not have boundaries that are agreed to by Israel. The Palestinian state will most likely claim the West bank (can you say Judah) as their territory, and East Jerusalem as their capitol city (can you say “there is a war coming soon”). These are things Israel most likely will vehemently reject. So what is happening here? I believe that we are continuing to move to the point where all nations (the United States unfortunately among them) will reject Israel. If a unilateral Palestinian state is declared – it will have widespread world support. If a war ensues where Israel is forced to protect itself from a state that claims territory from it that they have not agreed to giving that state, the world will turn against Israel for it. That war will be a slaughter for the Palestinians – unless they unite with other terrorist factions like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran (possibly Syria too – who would like to reclaim the Golan Heights in all this mess) come to their aid. Whatever happens – you can bet that it will help to solidify worldwide condemnation on Israel before it is over. So, we are looking at a situation where the prophetic stage will further be set for all nations to be turning on Israel. The sad biblical fact is though, that such a situation WILL turn out badly for the nations that touch Israel. God has promised to protect Israel, not because they are godly, but simply because they are His chosen people. This will not end well for those nations – but then again – when has that ever stopped them before? Today is the day that I begin to study for the prophecy update. It usually takes about a month to prepare for the teaching on the first Sunday of the new year. This year should prove to be very interesting. I find myself not only drawn to thoughts of how prophecy may be coming together with the events of this past year - but also with a question that many have asked over the years. That question is where the United States of America fits into the scenarios of the Bible concerning the return of Christ.
Some have endeavored to "find" scripture passages that would support the United States being a player in the end times scenario - but in all honesty - I do not concur. The passages people pull out of Scripture are just that - passages usually pulled out of context. The fact is that over 18 years of studying and preparing for these prophecy updates - I've yet to see one clear reference to the United States anywhere in the prophetic scenario. What I do see is a focus on Israel, on a revived Roman empire which most likely will involve a European superstate, and on what seems to be references that fit China being a player in the very last day's scenario. These nation-states are not too difficult to discern from the texts we have - but as for any kind of reference to America - that would involve some pretty serious theological and textual gymnastics. I say all this to point out that this year, I want to spend a little time dealing with that very question as to whether the United States is anywhere in the prophetic record. We will also investigate what that may possibly mean to us - and what is happening to our nation under the three most recent administrations that have governed the U.S. - with an emphasis on what has happened over the past 2 years. Once again, I truly look forward to this time of intense study - and the opporutnity that this precious fellowship affords to me to be able to present this material every year. I realize that to some this is the annual "scare the living daylights out of the saints" message. But please know that my heart is never just to freak people out - but rather prepare our hearts for the eventual return of our Lord. He is coming - and part of the reality of that fact is knowing that your hope should not be in this world and the things of this world. Until then, may God bless you . . . and Maranatha! pJ |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020