![]() The “mark of the beast” made it way into the news this week. Three Square Market, a Wisconsin firm that deals in cafeteria kiosks brought in a tattoo artist who helped them put microchips underneath the skin of 40 employees who volunteered to receive them. This event led to a front page article in USA Today on August 4th. The article was aimed at dispelling fears that these individuals had received the mark of the beast - mentioned in Revelation 13. For this reason it was a valuable article because certain things have to be true for someone to be receiving the mark of the beast. First, let us look at some biblical facts about this time in future prophetic history. The person called, “the beast” has to have been revealed to the world. As of yet, this has not happened. There is not yet a world leader who is galvanizing the entire planet under his evil leadership. Neither is there a world leader who has been horribly injured in the head and has miraculously recovered. There is not this world leader who has the whole earth following him and worshipping him. Nor is there a second beast that has come to be a spokesman for the first one - performing great signs and wonders - even having fire fall from heaven. This second beast has yet to call the world to make an image of the first beast who had the wound in the head from which he recovered. And finally, this second spokesman, whom Bible scholars call the false prophet, has not made a worldwide cashless system of finance - a system that doesn’t allow anyone who does not have the “mark of the beast” to buy and sell anything. All these things are in plain sight for anyone who desires to read Revelation 13. So, since these things have not happened - and since this mark is voluntary - this is not it. There is a comment made in this USA Today article from a Wheaton College professor of New Testament, Chris Vlaschos, that is very instructive for us. “I think this is more of a fulfillment of end times novels and movies than the Book of Revelation itself.” That is instructive for us in that is reminds us to be fixed on the Scriptures rather than a really cool movie or novel. One of the things that saddens me is how the whole area of Bible Prophecy has been coopted by the novel and movie writers. Their focus is too often given to the fantastic and the attention getting minutia that surrounds what is actually written in Scripture - rather than the Scriptures themselves. Take for instance the recent hysteria over “blood moons” - and now currently the same kind of religious “freaking out” about the way the stars of the heavens will be configured on September 23rd of this year. For years I’ve read and watched one claim after another made that “this is the date” because of something that has rarely ever happened. Such things make for great book and video sales - but honestly - have had little if anything to do with what is actually given to us in the Word of God. As we can see from a basic reading of Revelation 13 - these events in Wisconsin are not the beginning of the rule and reign of the beast - or of the mark of the beast which will come in that time. If we are to get anything from this story it is that there are now technologies that can insert something as small as a grain of rice under our skin which can then be used to interact with computers and other devices. This device is called an RFID - which stands for Radio Frequency Identification. This is the use of radio waves to read and capture information stored on a tag attached to an object. Even Vlaschos says that though this may not be the opening volley of the apocalypse, it may be a slippery slope. Such technology had great opposition when it first came out - but now - as seen from the 40 who receive it voluntarily - it is becoming more and more accepted by our culture. Another comment made in the article caught my attention. Three Square Market, the company involved in the story, sees these RFID chips as a way for greater convenience - and then added - “ . . . would like to see payments go cashless.” Of all the statements in the article, this was the one that grabbed me. There will be a cashless society in those last days - one in which a device maybe very similar to this will be used to restrict all buying and selling. So what do we learn from all this? First of all - I would hope that we would learn the biblical exhortation to, “ . . . not go beyond what is written.” If I want to know whether something is a sign of the coming apocalypse, I’ll check it against what is written in the Bible. To blindly accept things simply because some “end-times guru” has written another book or made another movie - is to fall into the trap of which we are warned in 2 Thessalonians. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 NASB (emphasis mine) This is a vital lesson! We are warned again and again in the Scriptures that these last days will feature many who come with statements that are not based in the truth. The ONLY WAY we will know the difference is to “receive the love of the truth.” The other admonition given to us is that we should test the spirits to make sure that they are from God. It might also be a good reminder that the book is called, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” When people talk about it - their focus should be on Him being revealed. When the topic is some cockamamie theory that requires page after page of exegetical gymnastics (and honestly they usually have little to no exegetical content at all), we should simply turn our gaze onto the Word of God - and - the One we should be awaiting - our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
![]() For the past couple of years I have been inundated by a tidal wave of information and articles dealing with the fact that we are about to experience the last in a tetrad of blood moons on September 28th of this year. Let me explain a few things as I get started on this subject. First of all let me explain what a blood moon is. A blood moon occurs when there is a lunar eclipse. The moon during these events takes on a red hue - thus the name, “blood moon.” The next thing I need to explain is what a “tetrad” is. That is when in a period of 2 years a series of four blood moons take place. This is a very rare occurrence - made even more rare because these four blood moons that have been happening have all fallen on Jewish holidays since 2014. The final blood moon will happen on September 28, 2015, which also happens to be the date of Sukkoth for this year (The Feast of Booths). The other blood moons in this tetrad have taken place on Passover (April 15, 2014), Sukkoth (October 8, 2014), and on Passover (April 4, 2015). This is a very rare occurrence, happening only 9 times in the last 2000 years. But there is one more thing that is happening on the 28th of this month. On that day it will also be the day of the Shemitah. What is the Shemitah? In the Old Testament Israel was to forego planting of crops every 7 years (Leviticus 25). After 7 or these 7 year periods (49 years) there was to be a “Jubilee year” or a Shemitah of Shemitah’s. On that year every debt was cancelled - and the Jewish people would return to the land of their tribe to receive it as theirs once again. Now I know that all this may seem strange to you - but hopefully this will all make sense in just a few more sentences. What is happening on September 28th is that on the same day there will be the fourth in the tetrad of blood moons, a Jewish feast day (Sukkot), and the day when the Shemitah of Shemitah’s takes place. All this coincides on Monday, September 28th, 2015. This is the only time this will happen in the last 2000 years. Because of this strange coordination of days all falling on the same day - the world of prophecy teachers and followers has made predictions and prognostications at a fever pitch rate. Having recently read several of these sites recently I want to make a few comments about the whole “blood moon” craze that is happening among prophecy teachers and predictors. Some prophecy teachers have made some hefty predictions about what will or may happen on this coming Monday. Everything from nuclear war to the financial collapse of the United States to the invasion of Israel have been put out on the internet and in chat rooms and other venues. Now I will probably not win a prophecy guy popularity poll for saying this, but though I find all this interesting and even fascinating from a Bible scholar point of view, I am concerned that “blood moons” and the “shemitah” and “tetrads” are what are consuming us spiritually in the prophecy movement. Whether or not some spiritually significant event is going to happen on September 28th I do not know. What I DO know is that I don’t believe that God would have us focus on this kind of pseudo-biblical scholarship as a means of primary guidance for our lives. Over the years I’ve been a student of biblical prophecy, I’ve noticed that there is a sad tendency for this movement to latch on to the sensational rather than on solid exegetical study of the Scriptures. I’m not sure how many books have been released based on the latest, greatest prophecy sensationalized claim since I’ve become a believer. But I think I could probably fill an entire bookcase with them. What is sad is that all of them have fallen short of delivering on the date of the rapture - or the next big prophetic event happening on or near the date they have given. What is even sadder is that I’ve watched people get all fired up about “blood moons” or oil or the next middle east crisis, but not have a passion to study to show themselves workmen approved so that they could handle the gospel and the Word of God rightly. The usual end of all this is that fewer are interested in prophecy - not because it is a study unworthy of our attention - but far more because of the most recent crack-pot whose wild-eyed predictions went south in the end. Apart from the whole “blood moon” saga or recent days - there has been enough evidence to fill a whole room of bookshelves when it comes to what is happening in our world - and its relation to the 2nd coming of Christ. All we have to do is to study our Bibles to see that the events spoken of in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 and other places in prophecy are upon us. What I find most disturbing about our current focus is that it lacks a call to repentance and return that we desperately need in this hour of the church. All the time that we spend tracking down the history of Shemitah events, blood moon events, and tetrad events are historically interesting - but they don’t seem to be bringing the kind of deep conviction and repentance that always comes when true revival is coming from God. Where are our hearts when it comes to the sin in our own lives as well as the breath-taking sprint towards sin in our society? Where is the concern about the lack of God moving mightily to break hearts in His church in our day? Where is the call to desperate prayer that should be attached to claims that it all may be over in a matter of a few days? These are the things that concern me when I read through the most recent predictions of the prophecy experts. The prophets of the Old Testament made predictions to be sure. But their predictions were almost always side by side with a call to repentance and return to God. Their predictions (which by the way either came true - or are going to come true) were part of God calling His people to return to Him with all their hearts! OK - let’s say that we have until Monday the 28th before a world-changing event is about to take place. Don’t you think we should hear with that a call to extra-ordinary prayer, repentance, and an almost insane boldness in preaching the message of the gospel? I honestly don’t know if the 28th and the last of the tetrad of blood moons on the Shemitah of Shemitah’s is going to yield a world-changing event from God. What I do know is that my own heart needs to be revived - needs to be broken much deeper over my sin and my disobedience - needs to be much more deeply concerned about the lack of holiness, prayer, and Holy Spirit power in the church - needs to be far more concerned over the multiple millions who need to hear the gospel. And - whether the blood moon day materializes in a shocking event or not - those other things still remain. What am I going to do about them? That may be the more “life-changing” event that needs to happen! Would you join me in praying that it would? A large meteorite has recently exploded over Russia! The devastation is everwhere. Doors have been blown in – windows were shattered – and the sky was lit up by the exploding fireball from heaven. What does all this mean? Could it be a prophecy of the return of Christ? Was this meteorite predicted by the prophets of the Bible? Could it be one of the meteorite strikes promised in the prophecies of the book of Revelation? Are we possibly days or even moments away from the return of Christ?
Thus write the Prophecy nuts of our time – who use just about any excuse a flashy news item to once again tell us that the sky is falling and the coming of Christ is just around the corner. Oh, and they also introduce yet another book that they or someone else within the prophecy movement just wrote to show you the numbers, prophecies, or whatever other gimmick they turn to each time – to prove their point (and make $19.95 – plus shipping). But . . . when we dig a little deeper – and we dig into the clear meaning of Scripture rather than other non-biblical sources – we come back to sanity. At least we tend to return to a biblical view of God’s purposes and intent. We also return to a heart set on His will and purpose rather than the most recent “scare” that hit Christian TV or radio. And more than anything we hopefully return to the Bible rather than whatever book that recently hit news-stands and bookstores or whatever article was in a magazine or prophecy blog. For the next couple of days I’ll cover two events that have filled the papers and blogs with headlines mentioning the end times and even some predicting that this event is reminding us that the coming of Christ is very near. I’ll begin with the meteorite that exploded in Russia. From the articles I read about the incident they described the meteor as being about the size of a school bus. When it exploded in the sky over Russia, it was powerful enough to shatter windows – rock homes – and even destroy buildings that were closer to the center of the shock wave it produced. Videotapes were also available on the internet which showed the sky lighting up like a flash from a camera – followed by a bright white flash that pulsated to an even brighter level as the meteorite exploded in the sky. These are the facts about the event. What was amazing though was the speculation about end times that took place afterward. I read a few articles that said this was a harbinger of the end times – some even stating that additional meteors were coming which would bring greater devastation. Some went as far as to say this was an event prophesied in the Bible and the book of Revelation. Sheesh. There is a couple of events in the book of Revelation that involve something that might be describing a meteor burning when it hits the earths atmosphere. During the trumpet judgments of Revelation chapter 8 we read the following: “The first sounded, and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. 8 The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, 9 and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed. 10 The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. 11 The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.” Revelation 8:7-11 (NASB) These three judgments may – and please read the statement MAY – involve some sort of meteorite striking the earth. The first in verse 7 speaks of hail, fire, and blood falling from the skies. The hail and fire might be from a meteor striking the earth which subsequently burns up a third of the earth, trees, and all the green grass. The problem here is the blood that is mentioned. Not sure I’ve ever heard of a meteorite that did that. The second possibility is in verse 8 where something like a great mountain burning with fire fell into the sea – making a third of the sea blood – as well as killing a third of the creatures in the sea. The third event is described as a great star falling from heaven, named wormwood. This “star” falls from the heavens onto the earth, making a third of the rivers and waters bitter. Men die from drinking these waters. Now that we have the Scriptures before us let’s take a look at the Russian meteor event. Do you have any grass alive near you? If so – this was not a meteorite event that fulfills verse 7. Was this thing the size of a mountain – and did it destroy a third of all sea life? If not – then it was not a meteorite event fulfilling verse 8. Was there a star-like event falling from heaven that subsequently turned a third of the earth’s drinking water bitter – and killed many who drank it? If not – then we are 0-3 – and we’ve accomplished a prophetic strike out! Never mind that biblically we are not allowed even one strike if someone is a biblical prophet (they should be 100% accurate on all predictions – or else we should ignore them and not be afraid of anything they prophesy). Then what was the Russian meteorite event? Well – let’s try this – it was a meteorite that came into our atmosphere – and exploded over a small area of Russia. It was scary and terrifying to those who experienced it. The Royal Astronomical Society of England states that every year we have between 18,000 to 84,000 meteorites larger than 10 grams hit the earth every year. This was a particularly large one comparatively but – was nothing compared to what will come one day as the coming of Christ draws nearer. Is it a sign that His coming is nearer? Not really – what we have that is far more reliable than this is the Scriptural admonition that we be ready for His coming at ANY MOMENT. The Bible does not tell us the exact time of date of these events that will happen. It spends far more of its time telling us that God wants us to share the gospel with men and women who desperately need forgiveness of sin – and a righteousness that will stand on the day of judgment. It is a reminder that we live in a universe that is filled with millions of pieces of space junk that floats all over – and occasionally (at least 18,000 times a year) hits our planet with varying degrees of destruction. But unless you look out your window and see devastation on a continent-wide degree – or learn of tsunamis that were started by a meteorite the size of a mountain hitting the ocean – you can be assured that no biblical event has yet occurred. Oh – once you’ve realized this – you might want to share the gospel with those around you. There are far more clear commands indicating that this is what should be dominating our time – rather than making a burning mountain out of a meteorite no bigger than a bus. ![]() Biometrics, Fingerprint Technology, and the Mark of the Beast It seems that lately when anything is mentioned about either Biometrics or fingerprint technologies, there is a knee-jerk reaction among some Christians and conservatives. The truth is that not only do these two groups oppose such things, but also many liberal rights or human rights groups oppose these things as well. So where should Biblical Christians come down on an issue like this? Is there an inherent evil in these things? Could it be that a Christian could be taking the dreaded “mark of the beast” when they participate in technologies like this? These are things we should discuss in light of the technologies that are right on our doorstep. Recently Apple bought the fingerprint technology company AthenTec. Many who watch the smartphone market are saying that it is possible that Apple will put this fingerprint technology in the iPhone 5 in order to protect uses from fraud – and to allow Apple iPhone users to use their phones to buy anything safely. Those using the Android operating system on their phones are quickly following suit in the use of such technology in their applications. Japanese officials are considering using such technology in speeding up the airline process at their international airports. Even our schools are getting in on the use of such technology to improve security and speed up transactions. Moss Bluff Elementary School wanted to use a Biometric system that measures the unique structure of blood vessels in a person’s hand to make cafeteria lines move quicker at their school. Florida schools are considering biometric scans prior to using library privileges or boarding school buses. Some Minnesota schools are already using fingerprint technology to verify parents who pick up their children from school. This technology is coming – and we need to be ready for it. The problem is that some Christian groups are saying that any use of technology of this kind constitutes accepting the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation 13:15-18. Their stance is a flat-out rejection of anything that even remotely has to do with such things. But before we reject this technology, we probably ought to take a look at this passage and seek to understand it better. And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Revelation 13:15-18) There are several things we should be aware of in connection with the infamous mark of the beast. These are things that will keep us from the kind of “knee-jerk” reactions that make people think we are nuts for even mentioning such things. It will also help us to be taken seriously when things like this come up in conversation and we realize that people are hurting their testimony by saying ignorant things when commenting on such matters. I remember times when people were wigging-out over credit cards and the magnetic strip on the back side of them. I was warned by “prophecy kooks” numerous times that even having a card like this meant I had taken the mark of the beast. Thank God I had a mentor who taught me to look to the Scriptures themselves and not get caught up in the goofiness that often surrounds too much of what passes for serious discussions of biblical prophecy. Let’s note several things that will help us identify the mark of the beast. First, we need to see the context of all this - Revelation 13:11-13 says, “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men.” Before we freak out about biometrics or fingerprint technology, we might want to check the news. Because to my knowledge – nothing like what we see in these three verses has happened yet. I know of no character who has wielded worldwide authority – and who has received a fatal wound that has been healed. I know of no one who has afterward constructed an image (Greek “ikon” – meaning a physical representation of something – i.e. a statue of sorts – except this statue has some serious stuff it can do – that even Disney animatronics has yet to crack). This authority figure called the “Beast” is not currently forcing people to worship this “statue” doing “great signs” and even making fire fall from heaven. If that is the case – and I believe it is – then these current technologies do not involve receiving the mark of the beast. They may be precursors to technologies that will be used for this purpose – but honestly – we don’t even know that yet for sure. Let’s look at more here. This shady character, the Beast, has yet to make a statue speak – or have it kill those who will not worship him. (Greek, “proskuneo” which means to bow or prostrate oneself before another, i.e. worship) I will note that this “mark” is forced upon people and that it is received on their right hand (which I find very hateful to left-handed people –methinks the Beast needs some sensitivity training toward the left-handed – at least that is what our current society might think) or on their forehead. I also am not aware of any move to restrict ALL buying and selling to this method. If these things are not happening – or more correctly – have not yet happened – then the “mark of the beast” in its biblical form is not yet among us. Then what do we make of all these goings on among us? Well honestly, it is the march of technological progress. It also may be how technology is moving toward a time when the “mark of the beast” is going to be applied to those who worship Satan and his representatives – i.e. the Beast and his buddies in Scripture. Other than this – it is just technology on its ever progressive march on our world. Of course many of you non credit card holding people may reject this – since I am a current credit card holding dupe who is merely working for the man – or Satan – or the illuminati – or some other boogie-man that is popular at the current time. I mean, I do have a MasterCard – even though Jesus is my only Master and Lord. I do have a Visa – even though Jesus is my only true visa that will allow me to enter heaven’s gates. I don’t think I have a Discover card – even though I’ve discovered the glory of God in the gospel. I definitely don’t have an American Express – and I’m glad, because there are no corny ways to refer to that spiritually. For those of you who seem to enjoy freaking out about these matters . . . I am sorry to have to say things that make it harder to blow a gasket about such things. I do encourage you to do more serious study on such things from a purely biblical perspective. It would help us shed some of the “crazy-people” labels that are put on us when we talk about anything concerning biblical prophecy. We do need to remember that it is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ,” not the Revelation of the most recent goofy theory used to scare the snot out of people and sell prophecy books and web sites. Oh, one last thing . . . I am truly sorry for those who are itching to make some serious money on their next “mark of the beast” book, but this is the biblical take on this subject. But I do hope to help a biblically minded person learn to reject anything that does not have the “mark of the Scriptures” on anyone’s supposed take on the “mark of the beast.” Jesus is coming . . . soon. But, that does not mean we should freak out and not be balanced in how we live each and every day. I want to write something today to make sure that in all the talk of prophecy and the things that are coming upon the world in our day – and honestly – tomorrow and the next one two if God allows – do not depress and completely wig you out.
WHAT DO WE DO? Anyone who studies prophecy knows that the scenarios that are coming upon our world are not pleasant ones. Just a casual reading of the book of Revelation, as well as other prophetic books like Ezekiel, Daniel, and Isaiah, do not yield of view of the future that is rosy and happy for everyone on the earth. There are very difficult things written in these books – and they paint a future where the coming of Christ is attended by a world that is coming apart at the seams. It also paints a picture for us of God bringing His judgment upon this world – and that is anything but pleasant. Having said this – and it is the truth – I also realize there is an extreme that we want to avoid in all this. That extreme is to live in fear and in a sense of inevitability that freezes us in inactivity. We figure that since everything is going to burn anyway – why should we do anything? Man, since all this is coming upon us – why should we even care enough to do much of anything? One group in Scripture took this view and even quit working to wait for the coming of the Lord. God rebuked them for this. SIFTING TRUTH FROM HUMAN PREDICTION So, what do we do about knowledge of the coming of the Lord? First of all – we need to draw a distinction between Biblical knowledge about the coming of the Lord – and what we do when we look at current events to see if there is any correlation between those events and the ones we see now. The biblical account is inerrant – our extrapolations of what is going on now . . . ARE NOT! When I say this I absolutely include anything I’ve said as well. What often creates our “freak-out” moments is not the biblical narrative – but the somewhat overconfident assertions of the prophecy groups as to what WILL be next. That is why I am loathe to make specific predictions – unless they are couched in language that clearly draws a distinction between Scripture and my personal conjecture about it. Therefore we need to be careful in how we react to anything beyond Scripture – because where we are promised grace to live out what the Word says – grace is not promised about your favorite prophecy guy’s comments – especially if they yield a lot of worry on your part. Take human words with a grain of salt – divine ones with several thousand salt shakers full of salt. Therefore before freaking out – determine one thing. Was this a biblical passage – or one written and spoken by a mere man? BIBLICAL ADMONITION There are biblical admonitions concerning the coming of the Lord. Since this article is about such things – I thought it would be good to put them in here and comment on them briefly. So, here we go . . . our first one is from 2 Peter 3:11-14, which does speak of all things being destroyed by fire in the midst of the judgment of the Lord. Fortunately, Peter also offers us a plan of action, and does so under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, 2 Peter 3:11-14 Here is what we learn from Peter. Let me list them in numerical order so we can see them easier. 1. Look for and hasten the day of God. First, we are to want Jesus to return! That is important. Focus not on all the destruction – but on the coming of Jesus Himself! This is a GOOD thing! 2. Be at peace! Wow, there is something you wouldn’t think of seeing here. But our peace is based upon the fact that we KNOW these things. Thus our peace is also based upon us NOT living for the same things the world does. If we do – we won’t have peace. We will worry about our stuff! If we live for Christ and for the things of God – we will honestly lose NOTHING even though all this happens. 3. Spotless and blameless – Peter asks the question, “What sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?” We are to be spotless and blameless – in other words – we are to be holy people – striving to honor and to please God. If anything, the coming of Christ should drive us to a desire to live for God and for His godly ways with even greater joy and purpose. Again, this means that we will not freak out (will be at peace) but that this peace is based on living for what is to come – for holiness and godliness – for being spotless and blameless in His sight – not for the ungodly things of this life and the things the world chases after. If we are sinning and not living for Jesus – we will probably freak out over the coming of Christ – because, let’s face it, WE ARE NOT READY! NEXT . . . NOT CAUGHT OFF GUARD! Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation. For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him. Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Paul writes here about these things as well. His perspective is that of us KNOWING that Jesus will come like a thief in the night for His church. So, in light of this, let’s see what his counsel is for us. 1. Don’t buy the “peace and safety routine.” Paul warns us that there will be many who give a message like this. Everything is OK – there is no need to be concerned – there will be peace and safety for all of us. These prophecy freaks are always talking about the end of the world. We should NOT buy this peace and safety two-step. We should know that if we do not know and follow Jesus – we are not at peace or safe! 2. Be Alert and Sober! We are warned that many won’t be ready. They will be completely caught off guard by these things – and they will be drunk on the spirit of this world. There is a reference here to the way people of the world party at night – get drunk at night – and are spiritually asleep. We need to be alert to the Word – to God – and to what is happening around us. This is NOT so we can freak out – but so that we can be ready and at peace. This is also so that we can be filled with the Spirit of God – filled with the Word – and filled with a desire for God and His glory – not the spirit of the world. 3. We will not see wrath – but salvation! How incredibly important it is that we get this! As we live for God and for His kingdom and glory – we are proving by our actions that we are participants in the grace of God. Therefore . . . we are not here to see the wrath of God – we are here to see salvation! Too many wonder if they will be swept away by the judgments – and consumed by the wrath of God. NO THEY WILL NOT! They will obtain salvation – because God is at work in them. They are freed by the blood of Jesus – and are never going to see the wrath of God. 4. Encourage one another – What we need is encouragement to live for Christ in these last days. The world is going to get worse – going to get more ungodly – going to get more wicked. Therefore we are going to need each other. We need encouragement to live for what matters and live our lives for God’s will and God’s purposes. Don’t freak out . . . find a brother and sister and take time to encourage them – pray for them – build them up – and help them! BE GODLY! For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. Titus 2:11-14 Well, here is a shocker. After hearing these things twice – we come to our third major passage and what do we see . . . the same thing! 1. Deny Ungodliness and Worldly Desires – The grace of God instructs us to stay away from sin, wickedness, and worldliness. Not that this shocks any of us – but we need to see that God is calling out a people for Himself. Want to not freak out about these things – then live for the Lord with everything that is in you! 2. Be Godly - The positive of this is to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age. Stay away from wickedness – be godly! That is how to have hope and excitement and joy over the coming of the Lord – rather than wigging out about it. The more we live in fellowship with Jesus – the more we will want that to be permanent! 3. Look for It – Actually, look for Him! – We are to look for Him! This is called the “Blessed appearing” and the “coming of the glory of the Lord!” It would do us well to rename all this. Yes it is called the “Great Tribulation” – but that is for those who do not know the Lord. For us it is called a blessed event! It is called seeing God’s glory! That is seriously cool! It is how we ought to view things. Jesus is coming – whoo-hoo! That should be our response. As He draws closer – he is making us a people for His own possession. He is not looking at this date as the date He will smack us upside the head for our failures! He is coming for the people He is working to make a people for Himself. As we grow in Him – to love and know Him better – we will want Him now – and will thrill at the thought that we will be with Him forever! So how do we live in light of Christ’s coming? I am going to risk saying a few things in conclusion – but I think they will bless you! - First – live for Christ – DAILY. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness – and all else will be provided as needed. Just live for Jesus today. Take the time to be with Jesus daily. Then go out each day and live as He directs through His Spirit and His Word! I don’t know about anyone else reading this article – but this is plenty to keep me busy every day. - Second – Live as God Leads. Someone asked me about planning for the future. Sure, go ahead and plan – and prepare for a future – just do it at God’s leading and with biblical discretion. The Word speaks of caring for your family – of leaving an inheritance to your children’s children. But the Word also warns against being a fool like the rich farmer – who hoarded all that he had for himself – thinking that his life consisted of his riches. Be wise – be led by God – and be living for the glory of God in all that you plan. - Lastly – live joyfully. In Philippians (which Paul wrote from a Roman jail – with his own possible execution hanging over his head daily) Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord, again I say rejoice!” Wow, what a strange thing to say – unless you are living for Jesus daily – and the most exciting thing you could imagine is getting to see Him soon! If your knowledge of “end times” stuff is leading you to freak out and worry – you don’t know as you should know. If your knowledge of “end-times” stuff leads you to feel miserable and filled with apprehension – you don’t know as you should know. These things were not written to depress us and make us feel overwhelmed with anxiety. They were written – wait for it – for our comfort and encouragement! If you are not comforted and encouraged by the coming of Christ – you do not know as you ought to know. God wants us to be encouraged – blessed – strengthened – build up – always abounding in the work of the Lord. He desires for us to be convicted of sin so that we will repent and know joy again. He desires for us to learn to walk with Him and to live for eternal things! If we are not living this way – and loving His Son with all that is within us – “end-times” stuff will tend to wig us out – worry us – cause us to say, “woe is me” instead of “what a wonderful Savior!” May God deliver us from the study of the return of Christ which only” freaks us out” – and lead us into a study of such things that will instead enhance our “fellowship with Jesus” and our “fondness of His presence and soon appearance!” There is a comet that is coming toward earth. The comet’s astronomical name is C/2010 X1 – but is more commonly called Comet Elenin. It is named after Leonid Elenin who discovered the comet on December 10, 2010. Since then we’ve watched this comet draw closer to earth. The closest it will come to earth is around 22 million miles from us (So don't worry about letting your hands get too far out into earth's atmosphere - it won't hit you). Don Yeomans of NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, states the following about Elenin. “It will have an immeasurably miniscule influence on our planet. By comparison, my subcompact automobile exerts a greater influence on the ocean's tides than comet Elenin ever will."
But, this has not kept the “prophetic” hysteria from reaching an almost fever pitch lately. There are predictions that earth will have radical disasters and problems due to this comet. Some state that the comet will reverse the poles on earth creating havoc on the planet. Others believe that we will have horrific problems because of electro-magnetic disturbances that will result from the comet passing near us. Still others believe that this comet will be the impetus of massive earthquakes that will rock the entire earth. Taking the cake are those who predict a period of three days of darkness – that will fulfill some kind of prophesy of Biblical proportions. One particular site said this is not even a comet – but a brown dwarf (Disney should check its amusement partks just to make sure they still have 7) which will radically change earth and bring on the end of time as we know it. Additional “prophecy” sites are comparing this to Hopi Indian tribe lore about the “Blue Star Katsina” or another prophecy from the Mayan calendar. Some have even wondered if this event is what will bring on the end of the world as Mayan prophecy indicates (cue the trailer from the move 2012). If you want to go even further into the realms of the conspiracy theorists who also link into this stuff – some think that a planned event from Homeland Security paints an ominous picture for us - and an attack (most likely nuclear) that is imminent on the United States. OK – that is enough of that stuff. Can kind of get your heart-rate up can’t it? Let us step back and catch our collective breath – and reason about things Scripturally – like we should. Are there going to be “signs in the heavens” surrounding eschatological events? Yes there will – but if you do your homework – they are DURING the seven-year tribulation period. Last time I looked – we have no open acknowledgment of the Antichrist being active in our day (although I’ve heard at various times that Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Barak Obama – and in one parody, Barney the Purple Dinosaur – are the Antichrist). If we have no public functioning Antichrist – we are not yet in the 7 year tribulation period. Therefore we can KNOW that the end-times sign of the asteroid/comet/brown dwarf/or Dopey the dwarf hitting the earth and causing havoc is NOT around the corner (meaning not even this year). Too often people see something in space – or in a report – and they “wig-out” and forget any kind of biblical reasoning ability. Prophecy sites, especially, go for this stuff like a moth to a flame. They like the splashy and the attention-getting stories. But this gets us into trouble – saying nothing of the way that it makes people eventually consider us among other crazy groups out there predicting everything – and seldom if ever being right about anything. Now, please understand – this thing may hit us. It may cause problems. But according to several reports that I’ve read – from people who should know what is going on . . . it is going to have about as much impact as a single mosquito hitting a supertanker as it cruises through the ocean. What is so sad is that after saying that – some in the prophecy community cry out, “But that is what the government wants us to think!” My answer for that is to roll my eyes and refocus my attention on what matters today. Love and live for Jesus – share the gospel – pray for others – love folks around me – and make disciples as if the future of the witness for Christ on this earth depends on it. All this I will do in the power that the Holy Spirit provides for me to be God’s man. Will disasters happen? The answer to that is, “Yes, they will.” They have happened before – and they will continue to happen until the rapture and the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period. Granted afterward – these disasters will pale in comparison to the judgment of God that WILL come to this planet during that time. But the fact is that problems, famines, earthquakes, floods, plagues – and ever other kind of disastrous event have happened before – and will continue to happen. This even includes our planet being hit and influenced by small asteroids and other heavenly bodies. BUT . . . before we go off half-cocked about a new asteroid or comet or supposed brown dwarf, it might behoove us to know the Scriptures. They have told us what the end-times will look like – and what events will preclude others that happen later in the narrative. So what should we do in light of Elenin – and the Blue Star – and the Mayan calendar – and, and, and, whatever is next on the “really-big-prediction-oh-my-gosh-get-ready-or-at-least-wig-out-for-a-few-days” prophecy post we see on the internet? My suggestion is that we do the following. 1. Wake up each morning and thank God for a new day. 2. Have a time where we read the Word – and talk to God (pray) 3. Somewhere in here enjoy a cup of coffee (I enjoy Shadrach’s Coffee personally) 4. Love your family, friends, and the lost ALL DAY LONG! 5. Share Jesus with someone today (They may need it – since a huge comet or brown dwarf may be killing them before supper!!) 6. Spend your life seeking first God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness 7. Enjoy supper with your family (Unless a huge comet has landed in your dining room) 8. Kiss your spouse and kids at least once that evening. 9. Go to bed – get a good night’s sleep 10. Repeat till you go home to the Lord – or a large comet strikes you (Also beware when you go to Disneyland or Disneyworld – we’ve heard reports that there are seven brown dwarfs circling around inside these amusement parks) |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to ![]() Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020