Prophecy/News Update 2016 Falling Apart or Falling Together? Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! As this New Year begins I want to begin it by saying, maranatha! For those of you who are not familiar with this word, it means, “O Lord, come!” in Aramaic. It was a phrase that was used by the early church – and was used by Paul in the New Testament. The word or phrase was used to speak of a strong desire for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. I mention this because like never before I want to pray daily, maranatha! Next Sunday I will be sharing the 2016 Prophecy/News Update message. This year has been filled with events that involve Israel, and that possibly foreshadow the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. World events are definitely heating up and many, even in the secular world, are predicting that we may be on the verge of World War III. It was also a year in which the United States Supreme Court legalized homosexual marriage. This decision has set up a monumental battle between the newly fashioned erotic rights of our age with the constitutional right to religious liberty. That battle will be fought right before our eyes in the courts of our land and the court of public opinion. In light of how scary this can be – I want to begin this week with an encouraging word to the saints. Things that are going in our world can be very frightening. We are definitely watching our world become more and more volatile before our very eyes. Things in the Middle East continue to degenerate almost daily. The ongoing Syrian civil war is a flashpoint for the entire world as superpowers like Russia, China, and the United States get involved in that conflict. The rise of ISIS (The Islamic State in Iran and Syria) and the ongoing fight to remove them from large portions of Syria and Iraq are causing a destabilization of the entire region. The daily rocket fire on Israel continues (those it is a situation almost completely ignored by the mainstream news media) – as does the daily threat to Israel from Hezbollah, ISIS, Hamas, and Iran. Add to this the uptick in terrorist activity in Europe, Africa, and the United States – and we have a world that is ready to blow up in a worldwide war between various factions and nations. In the midst of all this it would be easy to want to throw your hands up and say, “The world is falling apart!” Things are also scary when it comes to the changes in our nation. The battle between religious liberty and erotic liberty is heating up every day. It is no surprise that the world system is standing firmly behind erotic liberty. What we were told was a quest for tolerance has become a very intolerant attack on the church for holding to a biblical view of sexuality and marriage. Close on the heels of the recent victories for gay marriage we watched as the next battle began concerning gender confusion. The speed at which the sexual revolution is happening is dizzying – and frightening. It is as if nothing is either sacred or stable in our culture any longer. On top of all this there is a growing racial tension in our nation as we watch police shootings being questioned and riots erupting that engulf entire cities in flames and lawlessness. In light of all that is happening around us it would be easy to say, “Our nation is falling apart!” Those with a Christian/Biblical worldview understand this differently. First of all we know that the world has been falling apart ever since the “fall.” When man chose to sin against the Lord – everything began to fall apart. The descent into chaos and destruction began in that moment – and for those who forget the narrative of Genesis – resulted in the whole earth being flooded to address the wickedness of man just 10 chapters later. Shortly after Noah and his family departed from the ark – Noah got drunk – and the whole process started all over again. Our current situation is not any more wicked than others in history – it is just that we are given vastly more information about the results of godlessness in our day. Sin has always been destructive – wars and devastation have always either been ongoing – or on the horizon as mankind continues to reject God and live according to their own sinful nature and inclinations. A Biblical understanding of the chaos that happens as a nation turns away from God is also nothing radically new. The history of nations recorded for us in Scripture makes it clear that when a nation rejects God and godly principles bad things happen. The history of Israel and Judah’s kings as recorded by the historical record as well as the prophecies spoken against them for their rejection of God is clear. Just as a nation is blessed when it submits to God – it will be under a curse when it rejects and turns from Him. Our nation is rejecting not only godly principles – but God Himself as it rebels against what the Scriptures say. When we take a few minutes to refocus our thinking with Scripture, we may come to a different realization about the current state of affairs in the world. Things have always been falling apart due to sin – but God is working so that things are falling together for the return of Christ. Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21 are accounts of Jesus’ teaching about the last days. In this teaching Jesus presents the things that will be happening before His second coming. Many of these things match events that are taking place in our time. Jesus closes this section of both gospels with the following words, “Even so, you too, when you see these things happening, recognize that He is near, right at the door.” (Mark 13:29, NASB) When you read through the previous verses to this one, you will see that what is happening in our day was foretold by our Lord Jesus. He spoke of wars and rumors of wars – earthquakes – famines – and a wholesale rejection of God by humanity. What is equally fascinating is that passages that speak of future prophetic events, which require a certain aligning of the nations against Israel, are being fulfilled before our eyes. Truly things are falling together just as God said – even as they fall apart because of mankind’s rejection of Him. The more they fight against Him – the more they are unwitting accomplices to do what He said would be done. Take courage saints, none of what has happened has taken God by surprise. All of it was foretold 2000 or more years ago. Anyone even remotely aware of what the Bible says about the last days knows that the return of our Lord Jesus Christ will be at a time when the world is falling apart. You cannot read of what the prophets foretold and imagine a world getting better and better. You cannot be familiar with the seal judgments of Revelation 6, the trumpet judgments of Revelation 8 and 9, and the bowl judgments of Revelation 16 and think that things will be at an all time best at the second coming of Christ. All the nations, all the prophetic predictions, all the things necessary to see all thing fulfilled just as God spoke – are falling together as if God were sovereign over the affairs of men (which, by the way, He is). Based on this knowledge, then, we need to live in reality concerning where the world is headed. This is not our home, saints – it is the place where God has been rejected. We await the kingdom of our God and of His Christ. And as that falls together the world itself will fall apart. But take courage dear ones of God – He has overcome the world – and by His grace and the power of His Spirit – He will grant to us the ability to be overcomers even in this difficult hour!
Recently I’ve read a number of articles about the situation surrounding the flying of the Confederate flag (actually it is the battle flag of Northern Virginia) on a public building in South Carolina. This has been an issue for years with groups who oppose it on the grounds that it represents racism – and those who support it based on their heritage. Please understand that I know that even that sentence is a gross simplification of a battle that has raged for years. While reading these articles I’ve noticed very strong feelings on both sides of the issue – and in a way where I see how both views have those sympathetic and those opposed to their rhetoric. With a sense of the fear of God, I want to weigh in on the issue from the standpoint of a pastor who is seeking to recognize the Lordship of Christ over my life – and a call to radically follow Jesus Christ. First of all I would like to address the whole concept of “flags” and what they are meant to represent. Flags are meant to be symbols to identify someone or something – and are often used to rally people together in support of what they symbolize. Because they are symbols meant to rally support they tend to engender strong feelings as we see them. I was reared by parents, and a society, that had great respect and honor toward the flag of the United States of America. I pledged allegiance to that flag every day I went to school at least through the eighth grade. I was also taught what that pledge meant. It meant that I supported the “republic for which it stands.” This meant that when I saw that flag it reminded me of the Constitution which established a Republic. It reminded me of a system of checks and balances intended to protect freedom. It also reminded me one of the greatest threats to that freedom was government itself. I was taught that any evolution of government that began to ignore those principles was going to eventually be a threat to the freedom they represented. It also reminded me that our nation openly believed in God, stood for liberty, and justice for all the people. Being a student of history I openly admit that this pledge is a goal – not a reality. The things pledged were meant to be ideals we sought to live out in our daily lives. Our history reveals that sin and selfishness have tarnished these ideals. Our treatment of Native Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans during WWII, and a host of other sins against each other are well documented. The most egregious of these sins is against the unborn. By saying this I am not trying to downplay other national sins, but one would have to admit that we have no other holocaust like the one perpetrated against unborn babies legally killed in the United States of America. That number is now over 20,000,000 – which is beginning to dwarf even the holocaust in Germany. You may be wondering why I am going into all this. It is because there are enough issues out there for me to be offended with the flag of the United States of America – as well as just about any other flag that exists. Take the “Christian flag” for example. At VBS we pledge allegiance to it as a symbol of our Savior, His kingdom, our shared brotherhood in Him as we serve and love Him. But flags similar to this were flown during the Crusades, which is one of the darkest moments in Christian history. I believe the actions taken during that time were under men who were probably not even regenerate, but Christianity in general has received a serious black eye because of those sinful actions. I could be so offended by those actions that I refuse to even fly a Christian flag. How do we deal with symbols like flags? If we choose some aspect of selective outrage over the sinful moments of what they symbolize – we won’t have any flags ever. Another option is that we will spend the majority of our time debating which flag is more sinful than the other. As I read a few articles about all this (along with comments made on them) I noticed that it is almost as if we are arguing who should loathe themselves the most over which flag they support or reject. I also noticed in the comment sections that things usually move from thoughtful comments to vitriolic, angry barbs seeking to one-up each other. The first flag ever flown was not even a flag – it was a tower. That tower was an attempt to gather people under a symbol – and to foster a sense of pride in who they were. Unfortunately for them, that symbol was one that sought to bring them together out from under God. Their cry was, “ . . . let us make a name for ourselves,” as they built a tower reaching into heaven itself. God saw the power that such symbols have – as well as their ability to gather people together so that they could make much of themselves, much of their views and ideals, and much of their group. That is where the Lord confused the languages so that men could no longer gather in this way – until the end. Interesting that when they do in Revelation, they gather under a symbol so that they can rebel against God and His sovereignty. By the way, it doesn’t end well for them either in Genesis or Revelation. Flags and symbols have always been used to gather people together for a cause or an identity. It was under a Nazi flag that many of the German people gathered together to advance their nationality – and a set of ideals that led to horrific acts and eventually genocide. A majority of people sees that flag, and the swastika on it, and reacts in horror over what was done under that symbol. But before we get too exercised about those acts, remember that since 1973 our nation, not under a flag used during the Confederacy, but under the flag of the United States of America, have now killed over 20,000,00 innocent babies in the womb. Under our flag – and with the full agreement and blessing of our current government – we’ve allowed full term babies to be partially delivered and then executed in the most horrific way – and that without anesthetic. Those who do this and support it don’t even recognize a baby as 3/5 human, which is even less than our government did under ungodly laws prior to the Civil War. Mankind has done unspeakable things when gathered under a symbol of their unity in “making a name for themselves,” as they reject God and live according to their own fallen, sinful direction. As those saved by God’s grace through Jesus Christ our loyalties are always to be subject to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our first and foremost desire is not to make a name for ourselves, but rather to magnify and exalt Jesus Christ. We are to do so not under men, but under the Word of God. Anything done by men in leadership is done recognizing God’s Word as the ultimate authority in the Church. Remember, men led others into the error of the Crusades because they lifted a man (at that time the Pope) above the Scriptures, so that what he said was more authoritative than the Scriptures. We gather, not under a flag or any other symbol. We gather under Jesus Christ Himself for the glory of God and the advance of the message of the Gospel. We enter into dangerous territory when we begin to equate that with any other symbol – and begin to gather under that symbol rather than under Him. It is not wise to mix any form of national, racial, or religious pride (i.e. denominationalism) with Christ. What you come out with is a form of idolatry. Our loyalty and submission to God through Jesus Christ should infinitely dwarf any other loyalty in our lives. When it does it will lead us into a place where we will try to mix these things with Jesus – making Jesus subservient to our other loyalties. Jesus is Lord and will not be an errand boy for a nation, race, or religious group. We are to live under Him – with all our allegiance to Him – and with our ideals firmly founded upon His Word as we not only hear it, but do it as well. So, where do I stand on the controversy in South Carolina? If I were to argue that on the basis of making a name for myself, it would involve multiple things like a desire not to offend my precious bothers in Christ who are black, the first amendment right of free speech, a desire not to be identified as supporting slavery or racism, my southern heritage given me by my parents, an offense against those who used such symbols as a rallying cry to oppose civil rights, a desire to have nothing that would cause people to be offended with the gospel I preach (except the gospel itself) and a host of other thoughts that would argue back and forth – even in my own head. But - my desire is to make much of Jesus Christ. I want to glorify God as I seek to live out my faith in Jesus Christ – and proclaim the gospel as the only remedy for sin. Because of this I may listen – and even have strong feelings rise within me as I do. But I choose to turn the conversation to things that will make much of Jesus. I do this because my loyalty is not to a flag used by the Confederacy, by the United States, or even to the one used by the church. All of these flags and symbols have opportunity for offense – and to give unquestioned allegiance to them will lead to idolatry in the end. One of the facts of life since Genesis 3 and the fall is that you cannot live your life without offending someone - eventually. I don’t want to offend people – but if I do – may it be because of my identification with Jesus Christ and the gospel – not because of what flag I do or do not want flown over a government building in South Carolina. NOTE: The real issue in South Carolina is that a precious group of our brethren in Christ, who are black, were attacked and killed inside their church by one man who is by his own statements a racist. Maybe our focus should be more on comforting them in their loss, rather than turning this into a political issue where their pain is beginning to be forgotten. In Christ we are not Jew, Greek, barbarian, slave, free, black, white, or any other way of “making a name for ourselves.” Christ is all and is in all. He took ALL of us with our previous nametags, whatever they are, and made us into one new man in Him. If you want to know what will truly solve racism, it is the gospel and the transformation of our lives when we come to know Jesus Christ and find our true identity in Him. I want to begin by saying that I do not relish having to write what I am about to write – but feel that we need to be warned and aware of what is possibly lurking around the corner for our nation. Please read all of this post – because there is a message of hope and encouragement at the end of it.
In my mind’s eye I am watching a horrific scene – one that terrifies me the more I watch it. The scene is of a small child who is dancing along with mincing steps along an unguarded precipice that if stepped over will mean certain death for the child. The child, for his part, is totally unaware of what is going on around him. He is completely ignorant of what just a few steps can bring about for him and for his safety. But he is oblivious to any warning because he has chosen to turn a deaf ear to anything that is unpleasant to hear. Therefore he continues to dance, not grasping the seriousness of his situation – or the growing danger of stepping off the precipice the next time he draws near to it in his dance of joyous ignorance and bliss. This is a picture of the United States in March of 2012. We are that child who is dancing on the precipice of disaster – and yet for the most part are ignorant and oblivious of how much danger we are in at the moment. Let me address this in a number of ways. Scenario #1 – Israel, Iran, and Nuclear Hide and Go Seek. For quite a while our leaders (at least in the White House) have pretty much ignored this growing threat. Iran IS moving toward a weaponized nuclear program – and it is clear from their own press statements that they intend to use these warheads on Israel soon after getting them. We’ve danced around actually dealing with this situation to the point where Israel is going to have to act. I fully expect that some kind of response from Israel will happen before the coming election in November. When that happens – another blind dance of our leaders will be exposed. We currently have enough natural resources (and yes, I am referring to evil fossil fuels) to become energy independent. If we were to act NOW – we could stave off much of what is coming our way – but our leaders continue to stick their heads in the ground. The fact is that WHEN Israel has to defend themselves, the strait of Hormuz will be closed – war will ensue on oil tankers in the Middle Eastern waterways – and gas and oil exportation will be slowed to a bare minimum. When this happens – we will wish we could have 4-5 dollar gas prices again. Instead we will have probably 9-12 dollar gas prices for at least several months. This will send our economy into an immediate tail-spin of “great depression era” statistical proportions. We will watch inflation hit our economy to the tune of 15-20 percent almost overnight. Unfortunately, we may even have situations like the Weimar Republic had in pre-WWII Germany – where you had to pay for a cup of coffee before they made it – because the price would go up by the time they brought it to you later. Unfortunately, I also see riots coming if this happens – as gas lines will return to our society. There will also be an explosion of gas thefts and robbery at stations nationwide. We may see gas stations become something akin to Fort Knox with the security that will be required to keep them – and their customers safe. Scenario #2 – Terrorist Attack and Subsequent Cancelation of the November Elections I can imagine at this point that many of you think I should be put away – or at least relegated to the trash heap of conspiracy theory mongers. This particular scenario would involve an attack that is “allowed” by some in our government – whose authority and power is threatened by upcoming elections. I write this with more than a little fear and trembling – because saying such things can get me in a tremendous amount of trouble. Yet this is what I see in my heart – and tremble over when I know that history will not be made – but repeated if this happens. Such an attack – especially if it comes in the Fall of this year (2012) will be used to cancel our elections for the near future. We will be told that we need to establish order before an election can proceed. If you are thinking an attack of 9/11 proportions – think again. The Islamic radicals who are planning such things always seek something MORE spectacular than their last attack. This one will come close to shutting the nation down because of its intensity – and possible multiple locations. You might want to be ready for such a thing especially if the election looks like it is radically turning toward those who respect and honor our constitution. If our current president is looking like he is going to lose power – I fear that this may even be more likely. Remember that the Reichstag fire was used as a ploy to shut down government opposition in Hitler’s day – and was quite effective as an impetus for the current government of that day to strike its enemies as they scapegoated them as responsible for the fire in the first place. As we see the political discourse turning more vitriolic, we need to see that lines are being drawn – enemies are being named – and hatred is being fueled at multiple levels. What is truly frightening is how the News Networks are becoming more and more clear of who and what they want out of the upcoming elections. It is also somewhat disconcerting that conservatives and conservative news organizations are also being targeted for destruction – now by attacking their advertisers – and possibly in the future by attacking their very locations with violence and protest. If this happens, the possibility of fair and free elections will be out the window. By the time order and the opportunity of a free election come around again – much of the opposition will have been removed from the equation. Our elections will pretty much look like those of any other puppet government in the world. Scenario #3 – Riots Based on Race, Religion, and Socio-Economic Lines This scenario has its genesis in the current political climate in our country. There are things being said and being reported (or said by commentators) that are pouring gas on the fire of already strained relationships between various polarized groups in America. The rich are being pitted against the poor. People of Color and different Nationality are being pitted against each other. Certain religious views are being openly denigrated and lied about on network news shows – as well as in print. There are very specific lines that are being drawn on the basis of race, religion, sexual preference, socio-economic views and politics. These things are being exacerbated more and more by the rhetoric being used in the lead-up to this election. As this reaches a fever pitch – we may watch as election day turns into a day of rioting and rage at polling places. In the previous election – people were openly intimidated in Philadelphia by those who did not want them to vote against their chosen candidate. This time – with a greater possibility of their person being defeated – we are going to watch these intimidation tactics turn violent. Occupy Wall Street and the shenanigans of some of our Unions have already broken new ground in the erection of political, religious, and socio-economic walls that are seriously dividing us in this nation. We are dancing around the precipice of serious rioting in the streets – and even more serious violence against those who dare vote against our current administration. This will not be pretty – but it will be violent – and will be used to intimidate people into compliance with politically correct views of our day. When this happens – I also fear a backlash from those who are more conservative – if out of nothing more than years of pent-up frustration. The danger is that such reactions to existing violence will most likely be used to “outlaw” certain views as well as certain groups. The South and the mid-states of our union will be particularly hit by such reactionary anger to the prevailing tyranny. This will ultimately be to harden the lines that have tried to be drawn for many years. Again – races, religions, and classes will be turned upon each other – as they are painted as more extreme and reactionary to others. I fear that literally thousands will die in these clashes. OK, Let’s Breathe – and Listen for a Moment for Some Hope Yes . . . I know . . . either I am crazy – too reactionary – or just plain scary in what I’ve just written. But I want you to know that there is hope. What I have written, by the way, is really not too terribly different than what Old Testament prophets wrote to Israel and Judah. Please understand, though, that I do not for one minute claim to be a prophet in any way shape or form. If you must know – I write these things for a couple of reasons. First, because I am a historian. What we are seeing is nothing terribly new – it is simply a repeat of Biblical history – and the history of the past hundred or more years. Second, I am a Bible nerd. What we are seeing is not the fault of Democrats or Republicans - of Obama-care or Liberal politics. What we are experiencing is not the fault of atheists or pornographers or abortionists. Dear precious saints - these are symptoms only - they are judgments released upon us for what has happened in the church - long before the world manifested these things. What we are seeing is the inevitable consequences of a nation that once served God – turning from Him to serve other gods. When this happens – God removes His hand of blessing and begins to oppose that nation – in hope that the nation (or the church within such a nation) will repent and return to Him. Third, I am a pastor – who loves my congregation, my city, and my nation – and wants to see it return to God in nation-shaking revival – so – that these things DON’T happen in our future. I know that God is angry with our nation for how we have turned away from Him – from His Word – from His gospel – and from His warnings. I also know that our God is also MERCIFUL – and if we repent, return, pray, humble ourselves, and cry out for Him to restore our land – He has been faithful to do this – not just in Biblical times – but in something called the first and second great awakening – and the prayer revival of the mid 1850’s! Is there hope for us? YES! Please read such things I have written prior to this point as a warning from a loving – yet holy God who desires for us to repent of our pride, our immoralities, and our sinful rebellion against His Word – and return to a life of fearing and honoring and obeying Him. What can we do therefore to avert such things as these? Well, first off – I cannot guarantee that these things can be averted completely. You must remember that we’ve murdered over 40 million innocent babies through abortion. You must remember that we’ve chosen sexual immorality first with the sexual revolution against God in the 60’s with rampant heterosexual immorality – and then in the 80’s to the present with homosexual immorality as well as a host of other perversions that involve pornography, child sexual abuse, and every kind of perversion imaginable as we’ve thrown God’s Word to the side – not only in the world – but far too often even in the church. Our hope is in falling to our knees – in repentance and restoration to God – and then in heart-felt intercession for God to move first in revival in the church – and then second, in spiritual awakening of the lost to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from their sin and the wrath of God that rightfully falls upon unrepentant sinners in the day of judgment. My concern, if there is a primary one, is that too few see the desperation of our days – and are unwilling to give themselves to extra-ordinary prayer. This is NOT the time for a few words of perfunctory prayer – it is the time for us to don the proverbial sack-cloth and ashes – and cry out to God with weeping between the porch and the altar of God! If we will not turn to Him this way – I see little or no hope for our situation. I will vote in primaries and even in the general election if allowed – but these are not the answer for our current situation. Even if conservatives win in a landslide – that will NOT be the remedy. We MUST return to God, crying out for mercy – confessing our sins and the sins of our fathers – calling for God to rescue us – and committing to live afresh under His sovereign Lordship. That is the ONLY ANSWER for where we are and what is coming. May He have mercy upon us – may He sovereignly pour out His Spirit upon us – and may we be granted the most wonderful gift called “broken-hearted repentance” as we call upon the ONLY ONE WHO CAN DELIVER US IN THIS HOUR – OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! |
What is the Prophecy/News Update?At Calvary Chapel of Jonesboro, we believe that history is moving toward fulfilling God's plans and purposes. In an effort to help us be prepared for His appearing - and also to chronicle news items you just won't see in the national media - this page is devoted to sharing those items and their possible significance to Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend.
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July 2020