"Whoever is naive, let him turn in here," And to him who lacks understanding she says, Proverbs 9:16
We continue to look at the call of foolishness and how to discern it. So far we've primarily looked at the place where foolishness dwells - the company that she keeps, and the way that she is sitting on the spiritual sidelines calling out to those who desire to live godly lives - being a dangerous distraction to them. Today, we see what she says - we see the actual call of Folly to those who will make the mistake of listening to her. There are two things that foolishness says to us as she attempts to get us to turn our gaze from the path in front of us. The first is a simple call to come to where she is. "Whoever is naive, let him turn in here." We have seen this word "naive" (which is the Hebrew word "pethi") before. The thing that we need to see here is that the simple or naive is one who does not yet fully understand God's Word. They are deficient in seeing the world from God's perspective - and as a result their moral maturity is lacking. The call of foolishness to such a person would most likely involve a call to be open-minded to seeing things other than how God sees them. Foolishness does not usually say this outright - but the call nevertheless is for someone to listen to "another" view of morals and righteousness. Foolishness calls out to those who are lacking "understanding." The word here is "leb" and it means heart. The reason foolishness calls to such a one is because they lack a fundamental growth in their inner man. They are lacking a heart for God - and as a result - they lack a true devotion to the Lord and to what He teaches. This is why they are a prime target for the evil one. He knows that they have yet to fully embrace God's ways and God's Word - therefore they can be picked off easily by a call to be broad or open minded. This call for an open mind is one of the most dangerous things in the arsenal of the wicked one. It is not that God does not want us to think - but that He desires for us to first submit ourselves to His Lordship and His Word. The original sin in the garden was a rebellion that was centered in wanting to make up our own minds concerning the knowledge of good and evil. When Adam and Eve partook of that fruit - far more than just a new taste was in their mouths. God desired for them to partake of the tree of life and live according to the life that God would grant them in Him. But because they listened to the devil and believed his lie - they decided to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They wanted to decide for themselves what "living" was about - and it yielded to them and their posterity - death. This lie continues to this day - and is still effective among the sons of men. God has given us His Word - which shows us the way of life. It reveals to us all that we need to know to develop morally and spiritually. We can know life and life abundantly! The problem is that we hear another call - the call of foolishness. "Come on!" Folly says to us. "Have an open mind about these things." Folly would have us think that morality - righteousness - holiness is not just what God says. We should think for ourselves - determine our own right and wrong. God even knows that in the day that we determine these things for ourselves - we will be like Him knowing good and evil! But the lie kills - it killed in the past - and it will kill today. Hold fast to God's Word - and hold fast to how God defines life. Do not listen to the call of foolishness. Remember that the man is blessed who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, stand in the path of sinners, or sit in the seat of the scoffers. The man is blessed who meditates on the Word of the Lord - day and night - so that he may do all that is according to that Word. If we want to know Who to listen to in life - we should listen to God as He speaks by His Spirit through His Word. That is the way of life - and those who partake of this fruit will know life indeed.
Calling to those who pass by, Who are making their paths straight: Proverbs 9:15
So far we've seen that Folly as personified in this passage is someone we do not want to heed. Yet still foolishness calls to us every day. Here in this verse we find that Folly is calling to us. The word "call" here has the idea of inviting, summoning, or calling by name. One thing we need to grasp in life is that while we live in a fallen world, sin is going to be calling out to us. A couple of insights from this passage, though, will be very profitable for our consideration today. First of all we see that Folly is calling to those who are passing by. Thus, we see that if we listen to a call to foolish living it will be a distraction from us following the way that God has us going in our lives. Elsewhere in the book of Proverbs we are warned to keep our eyes directly ahead - focusing on the next step - focusing on the direction that we are going as we follow the Lord. Thus the best thing we can do is to stay focused on the way the lord is leading us and ignore distractions immediately. Let what the Lord is saying and doing presently in your life consume your vision - and be quick to ignore or put away other voices and other messages that try to pull you away from a singular pursuit of His ways and His paths. Second, we see that the call of Folly comes as we are "making our paths straight." This speaks of someone who is actively wanting to walk in God's ways - in holiness and righteousness. This is when we can almost expect distractions and interruptions that try to call our attention away from a life dedicated to holy and godly living. It should be no real shock to us to remember that our lives are littered with signs, with noise, with everything that is trying to get our attention. Probably no other time in history had as many distractions as ours. This is why it is so important to learn to disregard the vast majority of them - and to disregard them altogether if they are interrupting your devotion to the Lord. The desire of Folly is to first get our attention. Then as we hear what she has to say we find not just our eyes, but our minds becoming distracted from God's Word and ways. If our attetion is successfully maintained, then our reasoning will be challenged - which can lead to sin if we continue focusing upon ahd listening to the wrong things. A wise man learns to maintain his focus and to push distractions and disturbances out of his mind. In doing this, he does much to protect himself from the pitfalls and traps set by the world, the flesh, and the devil. She sits at the doorway of her house, On a seat by the high places of the city, Proverbs 9:14
Where do we find foolishness calling to us - offering us an invitation to partake of her harmful food? We read here that she is sitting at the doorway of her house. If we remember the counsel of Psalm 1, this is not a good thing. Psalm 1 counsels us, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of the sinners, not set in the seat of scoffers." This woman, folly, is among the scorners - those who scoff at the things of God and prefer a self-directed life rather than a life directed by the Spirit and the Word. We get an idea that Folly is a lazy woman from this as well. The wise woman of Proverbs 31 is not often sitting at the doorway of her own home calling out to others - but rather is working hard for her family. Those who call to us from sedentary lifestyles are probably calling us to a life that lacks diligence and hard work. This will not end well for us if we listen. Since this passage is directed to sons by their father, we would do well to consider our own society in this. One thing that I believe is robbing us of hours of our lives is our penchant for entertainment and games. Consider the hours daily devoted to television, movies, online gaming, and gaming on consoles like Xbox and other video outlets. I've seen young men waste not just hours, but days wanting to master games. I've known of young men who have wasted the better part of their teenage and young adult years laboring to be the best and have the highest score on these games. And since they produce new ones as well as update old ones - a young man can waste 10-15 years of his life doing little more than exercising his thumbs as his mind is numbed to the real world around him. Indeed foolishness calls to us from the lazy position of staying in the doorway of her home. The second place we see Folly is on a seat by the high places of the city. This is an interesting location because it corresponds to places of false worship. God warned about worshipping in the "high places" because they thought due to the height of the place they were closer to God. The problem with the "high place" worship, is that it was usually not guided by the Old Testament Law. They would worship various deities there - and often would mix the worship of Jehovah with these false deities. Often the high place would involve a grove of trees for privacy - but these would also be used for the purpose of hiding the immorality and ungodly sexual practices that would happen there. Therefore God commanded the people to stay away from such places - and worship Him at the temple He established or the Tabernacle when the temple was not yet built. This would ensure that God's priests would be there to guide their worship so that it would be scriptural. The "high places" of this present evil age are where Folly calls to us. These places do not honor God's Word or a proper worship of Him. They are filled with false teaching and errant theology. Folly sits there and calls to us to turn from the Word and from a lifestyle of worshipping God aright. Instead we are called to embrace a far more supposedly tolerant religious and moral life. God is presented as mean and oppressive in such places. We will find later in this passage that the counsel Folly gives is dangerous because it calls us to abandon God's ways and embrace worldly ones. When we look at Folly's call we see that where this call is issued should give us pause to listen. Bad company will corrupt good morals - and often the place where such counsel is given should serve as a severe warning to us to turn away from it before it is uttered. A wise man notices where ungodly counsel congregates and tends to avoid such places - unless he or she is going to witness to them there. As the fools sit in places of laziness and ungodly doctrine offering their advice there - we should prefer to be in places where we know godly men and women meet - and where the Word of God is honored and God is worshipped in Spirit and truth! The woman of folly is boisterous, She is naive and knows nothing. Proverbs 9:13
For the next several days we will look at the call of the foolish. Solomon, inspired by God, gives us a fascinating look as he personifies the way that fools are called to the stupidity of following after their own lusts and the ways of this present evil time. He does this by making the call of the foolish into a person. Let's take a look at this portrait of the fool's call and seek to learn from it so that we will not be caught by her siren sounds and find our faith shipwreck on the rocks of flesh and the worldliness that it embraces. We see that our nemisis here is described as "the woman of folly." This term is less than flattering because the word folly here is the Hebrew word "kesiylut" which means foolishness or stupidity. Thus we have here a stupid, foolish woman who is going to call to us. The word kesiylut coes fro the adjective kesiyl which means "a fool." Kesiyl is a very descriptive word in that is speaks of soeont who is unable to deal with life in a successful or practical way. It is used in Proverbs 1:22,32 to describe soeone who lacks any spiritual understanding. The fool here hates knowledge - loves waywardness (in regard to God's commandments) and is utterly complacent when it comes to spiritual things and any sense of accountability to God. Ecclesiastes 2:14 speaks of one like this as being someone who walks in spiritual darkness with a haze preventing the from seeing truth or righteousness. Therefore, when we read that this woman of folly is boisterous, naive, and knows nothing, it is easy for us to agree with this assessment. Folly is boisterous. The word used here is "hamah" and it means to murmur, growl, roar, and howl. In this context we get several pictures of the one who will call us to a foolish lifestyle. They roar and howl as they live it up in their lifestyle. They see no consequences to their actions so they howl in their pleasures. I will probably sound too much like a puritan when I say this (but since I have great respect for the puritans, I would consider this a compliment) but they love their loud, rambunctious parties and revel in their wickedness. The one who loves his or her sin to the point of bathing themselves in it - is someone we should ignore. We see another picture with this word of how this one will react to righteousness and a call to a holy lifestyle. They murmur and growl at such things. We hear them complain and snarl at one who has the audacity to say that there is absolute truth - and that truth is God's Word. They hate it when the standards of God are lifted up - and even despise it more when those standards speak out against their chosen lifestyle of rebellion. We would be wise to recognize such things and keep our ears closed to the call of such people to "live it up" when the truth of their words is that they want us to "death it up" instead. Folly is naive. The word used here is "petayyut" which means to be simple or naive. It has the idea of one who really is not aware of that their actions have true implications and do impact their future. The reason for this is as was stated at the beginning of this post - they are foolish and stupid. They really don't want to be bothered with the facts of where their lifestyle is taking them. They are the proverbial ostrich with its head stuck in the sand. The problem is that as they naively pursue their ungodly, unscriptural choices, the consequences of their actions are piling up for them. They cannot escape the judgments of God - because He has set it up so that rebellion has consequences. Folly knows nothing. The statement here is about as plain as any made anywhere in Scripture. The word for know is "yada" and it is pretty much the basic word for knowledge in the Hebrew language. Folly is unable to learn, perceive, or discern. The call that is going to be issued to us - the call of the foolish - is one that is unable to discriminate between good and evil - between right and wrong. It is a deadly call because it is a spiritually ignorant call. Worse than that, it is a spiritually darkened and rebellious call. When we embrace the call of the foolish - we are embracing what is diametrically opposed to what God desires in our lives. Oh that we would learn to discern and recognize this call in all its various forms as it comes to us. This is what the writer of Hebrews says in chapter 5 verses 13-14. We read there that there are those ". . . who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. If we turn from folly's call and turn instead to wisdom's call, we will be able to grow in such discernment. That should be our worthy goal. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself, And if you scoff, you alone will bear it. Proverbs 9:12
One of the interesting aspects of wisdom is that there are what you could call "selfish" benefits for walking wisely. We all know that selfishness is not wise - so these are not actually benefits for being selfish - but there are some very real blessings for ourselves when we choose to live according to the wisdom of God rather than according to the ways of the world. It probably reads funny to many Christians that if we are wise, we are wise for ourselves. But this is not saying that our fundamental drive is to be selfish and self-centered. That would not fit at all with the previous statement that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. What it is saying is that a lifestyle that makes consistent wise choices is one that will be very beneficial to the one making them. Emphasize the "if" here - because after all that has been said in chapter 9, the "if" is the choice that we have to make. Are we going to be wise? Are we going to choose the way that is in agreement with God's ways? IF we are wise - we will be wise for ourselves - blessing us - blessing our family - blessing our friends - and blessing those around us. There is the truth in a very straight forward way. Make wise choices - it is the best thing you can do for yourself! The second half of this proverb is given as a warning. Scoff at what God says - and you alone will bear the consequences of your actions. In the end - YOU will pay for unwise decisions. We know from many other verses in Proverbs as well as the rest of the entire Bible that unwise choices will affect others. But most of all, they will affect the one making them. The word scoff here is very descriptive. It is the Hebrew word "lits" and it means to deride, to make a mockery. an to scorn. What is being scoffed at is God's wisdom and ways. The one who hears God's wisdom here is laughing at it - mocking it - and deriding it as utterly useless. He is not just refusing it - he is making fun of it. This one will, in the end, bear the consequences of his own actions and attitudes. The term bear here gives a picture of someone who is putting a load on themselves. As they reject God's Word - they are just adding to the burden of their sin - and the burden of their ungodly lifestyle. They alone will have to carry the load they are adding to with their mocking. This is even more telling in light of Jesus' own invitation to come to Him and rest - for He promises to make our load easy and our burden light. Those who resist and mock Him will have as a consequence the increased burden of their sin and rebellion - and they alone will have to carry it. We have a choice every day in Christ. We have a choice to learn from and benefit due to God's wisdom. We can be wise with a wisdom from God - and experience the beneifts of it ourselves. It requires a choice to fear God - distrust self and this world's wisdom. But in the end its blessings far outweigh its liabilities. The other choice is to mock and deride God's wisdom - choosing instead the wisdom of this present world and of our own thinking. The end of that way will be carried by the one who scoffs. Oh, and one other thing to remember. There is a way that seems right unto a man, but that way ends in death. For by me your days will be multiplied, And years of life will be added to you. Proverbs 9:11
I receive health food, supplement, and exercise information on a regular basis. I do this because I realize that there are benefits to eating and doing the right things for my physical body. But there are those in the health-conscious world who think that this alone is how to have a long, healthy, happy life. They are sadly mistaken. Here in Proverbs 9 we have wisdom personified telling us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - and that the knowledge of the Holy One is the way to live with understanding in this world. Immediately after that statement wisdom then tells us that He is the One who can add to our days and give us a long, happy life. It is wisdom that mattters - and God is the One who can give it to us. While I do agree that certain health-conscious choices will lengthen our days - none of the sage advice of the health guru's has anything on the revelation of God in the Scripture. When you look at the Old Testament laws concerning food and cleanliness, you realize that within that system that is nearly 4000 years old is the best way to stay healthy and free from disease. It is really shocking to some when they realize this. I mean, these folks didn't even have hand sanitizer! God's Word goes far beyond just physical well-being though. It moves into the area of spiritual well-being. That involves far more than just sitting on a floor chanting and centering yourself in . . . yourself. It involves being in a right relationship with God. It is moving all your temporary, momentary physical health toward what God intended for you in the first place - to know, serve, and love Him. If we are not doing this - it really doesn't matter how many "pain-free" and "vital" years we live on this earth. Things WILL go badly for us the moment we die. So, may God give us wisdom to follow Him . . . in what is best for us physically, and what is best for us spiritually. That is the way to a long, healthy, wonderful life here on earth - and a life after your days here are ended - that will last throughout all eternity. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you. Proverbs 9:8
Wisdom manifests itself in how we receive reproof. Here we see two people who experience reproof or correction. How they respond to that reproof has everything to do with whether they are a fool or whether they are wise. First we see a person who is called a scoffer. The word "scoffer" means one who boasts, scorns, mocks, or derides another. The reason that the scoffer does this is to express utter contempt of the person or comment that has been made to him. The context for the scoffers utter contempt is that of having someone reprove him. When he faces correction he reacts with complete disdain for the one who has offered the correction. To emphasize his disgust for the person who has tried to offer correction or constructive criticism, we read that this scoffer will hate them. There are those who bristle immediately to any correction or reproof offered to them. This indicates that they are indeed a fool. To say that one does not need any correction is to say that one is perfect. It is indeed a sad thing to watch someone who thinks in their own mind that they are the manifestation of perfection itself. They are above criticism - because everything they do and everything they say is without flaw. First of all this is the highest form of arrogance and pride. We all make mistakes and have flaws. When someone offers us correction - whether constructive or not - it is an opportunity for us to embrace humility and see ourselves improve. Second, when we reject correction, we are saying that we ourselves are the judge of what is right and wrong. The fool rejects any evaluation of himself - and chooses his own horrifically flawed and prejudiced view of himself as truth. That is the only way he or she can be deceived enough to think that they are above criticism. Finally, the fool who rejects correction is actually rejecting love. It is love that often motivates people to correct us. That is the motivation of loving parents and others who only desire us to succeed and prosper. It is the motivation of God who desires us to be a partaker of His righteousness. But the fool who rejects all this - rejects the very ones who love him the most. The wise man loves the one who reproves him. He understands that someone who is reproving him is not against him, but for him. This word reprove means to argue and convince, and was used to speak of those who would "prove" something. We need to see this word in this way because "proving" something was done by submitting it to the heat of a crucible - for the purpose of refining it. This was done only for one of two reasons. You proved something either to make it more valuable - or to make it stronger. The scoffer sees reproof as an attack - or as inaccurate information being used to hurt him. The wise man sees the reproof as something positive. He is being refined so that impurities are removed from his life. He is being refined so that weaknesses are taken out. He is being refined to be even more valuable in the Lord's work. He is being refined to be more valuable to God's kingdom and people. The reproof is making him stronger - better - richer. As he receives the reproof this way - the correction does its work - and he is blessed as a result. It is not fun or pleasant to be reproved or corrected. If it was - everyone would want it all the time in their lives. The fool looks at reproof only through eyes that see the negative. He is too focused on his own comfort and his own ego being protected at all costs. The wise man looks beyond the possible unpleasantness of the moment. He sees the value of refining and the blessing of having potentially harmful things removed from this character. He knows the benefit of this experience will far outweigh its problems and difficulties. If we want to be wise, we too will begin to love those who reprove us and help us to become more Christlike - and of greater use to our Master. "Come, eat of my food And drink of the wine I have mixed. Forsake your folly and live, And proceed in the way of understanding." Proverbs 9:5-6
God places a feast of wisdom before us in this verse. We read of how wisdom has worked hard to place a wonderful table before us with God's sumptuous fare upon it. The invitation is very simple, "Come eat of my food and drink of the wine I have mixed." This kind of spread is not something that took place in the home. What is being spoken of here is the preparation of a feast. Each day we awake, God has that kind of feast awaiting us. There is an open invitation given to us to come and partake of that feast. The feast offered to us has conditions on it though. And if we will not meet the conditions, we will not enjoy what God has prepared. To partake of wisdom, we must forsake folly. That is what God says to us in this passage. Forsake your folly and live. To forsake something means to leave it behind and have nothing more to do with it. When we forsake folly - we are leaving behind the foolish ways of this present world and choosing instead to eat what God puts before us. Note here that when we forsake folly we will live. The foolishness that men embrace is a foolishness that has far more dire consequences that we think. It is a foolishness that will not listen to God or embrace what He says. It is a foolishness that makes us think we are just fine like we are - in need of no great change. It is a foolishness that does not see the dangers of sin and selfishness and proceeds from sin to sin day after day. Stay like this and you will find yourself in hell for all eterntiy. That is why wisdom calls to us to forsake such folly and live. We are also told that we need to proceed in the way of understanding. We leave folly and also embrace the way - the road - the path - the lifestyle of understanding. The word for understanding means not just to understand something - but also to comprehend it, to be able to discern the right action and then walk in it. We proceed in the "way" of understanding. This points us to a path and a lifestyle. This is not just a one time choice, but something we do over and over again. God leads us and teaches us and we add it to the other things He has taught us in the past. As He does this - a lifestyle - a highway is laid out before us. That is how God wants to lead us. He wants to show us those ways over time until walking in His way becomes like walking in a highway. We don't have to be concerned about tight turns - because we are on a highway that is wide and spacious. That only comes about as we forsake win and stupidity and embrace God's ways from our heart! There is a feast awaiting us every single day we live. But it is a feast that is found by the man who forsakes sin - and who embraces truth. He walks in this way - with many failings and with many sins. But as he does so - he begins walking in a broader and broader path uutil he sees things clearer than ever - and until choices which may have been difficult at first become successively easier. May God grant us that kind of meal - that results in that kind of maturity each and every day we live. "Come eat of my food, and drink of the wine I have mixed." Proverbs 9:5
There is a feast that God is wanting to serve to us every day. It is a feast that the Holy Spirit has prepared for us and one we are daily invited to partake. The question that honestly needs to be answered is whether we are going to sit at God's table each day and enjoy it? The invitation is very clear and pointed in this passage. Come eat of my food. It is interesting to read of how often God prepares a table for us in Scripture. In Psalm 23 He prepares it in the presence of our enemies. In the gospel Jesus speaks of how He will come and dine with us and invites us to dine with Him. The Old Testament feasts were times when the Lord had Israel come to worship - yet this was centered around a time of feasting with one another from the bounty of the very sacrifices He had them bring. Finally we read that in heaven we are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Here in Proverbs the Lord is telling us that when we need His wisdom the most in our lives the Spirit of God has a feast of it awaiting those who will seek it. To often our problem is thy we do not want it. We do not accept or acknowledge His invitation to dine with Him. We speak of our need of strength and wisdom and yet we do not admit to Him that these needs can only be met when partaking from His table and eating what He provides. God also speaks here of how He has "mixed His wine" for us as well. Mixed wine was something not done for just anyone. This was done by adding spices to wine to make it taste better. It was not the usual practice to do this, but was done when company came or for special occasions. Think about this for a moment, especially in light of the context in this passage. According to what we read here, God is offering wisdom when we need it most. At the true points of decision in our lives He is seen mixing a special batch of wine (often a picture of the Word of God or of a special work of His Spirit). He knows exactly what we need from the Word and from His Spirit and He puts it together just for us - just as we need it. The question hangs in the air once again, "will we partake of what He has for us? Think about this again. When we need it the most God has prepared a gourmet meal of food and drink that will give us the very wisdom that we need. It is waiting only one thing. It awaits our acknowledgement of need and of spiritual hunger, and our acceptance of His invitation. To turn down this offer is the very highest of stupidity and foolishness. I think we might be shocked to see how many wonderful meals of wisdom and instruction we have left on the table uneaten. Blind to the feast that awaits us we trudge on in our own strength and our own horribly fallible wisdom wondering where God is when we need Him, or worse, not even recognizing him at all. May God give us grace - give us a spiritual appetite - give us a hunger for Him in every situation to where we would come to His table utterly famished for what He has prepared. May that hunger spur us on to eat well at His table, feasting upon wisdom and knowing the way in which we are to walk. May all this lead to a walk with Him where we know the right way, know the right path, know the right choice and walk in it to the very glory of God. When it comes to eating at His table all I can say is Bon appetit! "Whoever is naive, let him turn in here!" To him who lacks understanding she says, "Come, eat of my food And drink of the wine I have mixed. Proverbs 9:4-5
Wisdom is calling to us every day through the work of the Spirit of God. That is the theme of what God is saying to us in Proverbs chapter 9. The actual call of wisdom begins here in verse four. It is a good thing for us to hear this call - because embedded within this call is also the qualifications we need to grasp to be one who hears and receives the wisdom that God wants to give to us. The call of wisdom is to those who are naive. These are the open-minded and naive. They are not open-minded in the way we speak of it - as someone who is open to all things - and investigating a number of different things. This naive is actually a fool. He is simple-minded and because of this - easily led astray. Wisdom is calling to this simple-minded person to turn in where wisdom is offering her counsel. "Turn in here!" is her call to the simple ones. She is wanting us to turn away from our simple-minded ways - ways dominated by worldly and fleshly thinking - and turn in to where she is offering her wisdom to us. Want wisdom? Then you need to be aware that you lack it. You need to be aware of the natural tendency of lost men and women to be led astray by the world and by their own sinful tendencies. Wisdom also calls to us as those who lack understanding. This is not something lost people enjoy admitting. Actually, it is not something anyone enjoys admitting. But for those who will agree with the Lord that we lack wisdom and understanding - that we lack the wisdom to make basic decisions in life - the Holy Spirit is longing to enroll them in the classes where He teaches wisdom. Next we see that wisdom is not preparing a "dressing down" for not being wise, but a feast for the simple-minded. Too often we think that admission of the fact that we lack wisdom will result in being rebuked and humiliated by God. Nothing is further from the truth. What we read here is that God is preparing a banquet for us - a banquet of wisdom and understanding. Food is being prepared - wine is being mixed - and a feast of all that God has for us is set awaiting our presence at God's table. Are you willing to come and eat? There are multiple invitations from the Lord for those who are thirsty as well as those who are hungry. God is awaiting in His banquet hall of wisdom to bring wonderful blessing to us. All we need do is admit our ignorance of His ways - and to sit and be fed a sumptuous fare of God's wise and wonderful counsel. Listen. Hear God's call to you each and every day. Hear God's invitation to receive wisdom for the decisions that you have to make every day. There is a feast awaiting you if you will only open your heart to receive all that you need. |
Proverb a DayEach day, we'll take a look at a verse from the chapter of Proverbs for the day. Our hope is to gain wisdom each day - and from that wisdom - to have understanding to make godly decisions in the throes of everyday life. Thank you for visiting our website! Everything on this site is offered for free. If, however, you would like to make a donation to help pay for its continued presence on the internet, you can do that by clicking here. The only thing we ask is that you give first to the local church you attend. Thank you!
August 2018
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